Chapter 4

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Two weeks later

I walked through the town, watching everyone repairing their houses. SIGHT was gone, thanks to Lone and her dragons. Right as SIGHT and his army broke through the acid wall, they had arrived, torching the enemy with dragon fire. Unfortunately, their leader escaped with the last scraps of his nation. Now, the people of Titan's Veil were able to spread out across our kingdom and build towns, castles, and cities to live in. We were slowly recruiting new members to replace the ones we last in battle. A small group of builders were making a market in the center of our capital, Blaze Harbor, for people to trade and sell resources. Jack was brainstorming a currency, and Cited and Scimitar were off constructing their own cities in their god weapon's land. Meanwhile, Dom and a large number of players mined day and night, determined to eventually equip us all in at least mithril plate. Lone and I were about to go on adventure to obtain each of the unique eyes of ender, so that only we could go to the end, in which lies the elusive Vault Blade. One of the most powerful swords on the server, the Vault Blade could control all end mobs, create end portals, and power a forge that can create ender steel. Ender steel can create some of the best armor and tools in the game. Each official nation has a unique eye of ender, so we already had two; my nation's and hers. They were the giant eye and the desert eye.

A nation's eye is in a vault inside the castle of the nation's capital city, so we wouldn't need a huge army to storm the castle-we would only need a small infiltration team. So we headed over to SIGHT's nation. The capital was situated inside a huge cave, so we mined in through a wall, silently took out the guards, and I used a disintegration spell to melt the lock on the safe. We had obtained the rouge eye, and now we had to escape with it. By now, the dead guards had been found, and  a squad sent to our location. I hid in the shadows, waited, and pounced.

They didn't have time to call for help. Lone had somehow hung onto the ceiling, and she jumped down when I attacked. No one could withstand her Capital Weapon, the Sword of Wrath, for long. They dropped like flies, and soon enough, we were standing in a room full of bodies. I pulled the rogue eye out of my pocket. "One down, nine to go." I told Lone as we crawled back through our entrance tunnel. "Next stop: Wolf Valley."

The home of FoamyAnemone350, Wolf Valley was a western-themed bandit town where anarchy was common, theft was an everyday event, and raids where regularly staged on neighboring kingdoms. The heat was oppressive, but Lone didn't mind–she was from the desert. It was horrible for me, though, because I was used to cold climates. Even my special ozyliner didn't help. Finally, I figured out how to momentarily freeze myself with the Arctic Glaive.

After a couple hours of walking, Lone and I came into sight of the bandit town. Unfortunately, this wasn't going to be as easy as infiltrating SIGHT's nation. Someone spotted us right off the bat and started chucking homemade bombs at us. They had also recorded the sound of an end portal opening on their phone, which I knew because they played it at full volume to warn that we were here. Everyone in the Capital rushed to attack us, and within seconds we were overwhelmed by scores of enemy players intent on ending our journey right here, right now.

One feisty warrior got me within hitting distance of his heavily enchanted netherite war hammer, and I was smashed upside the head with the mighty weapon. Put down to half health by one blow, I had no choice but to ender pearl away from the battle before this tank of a player could recharge his hammer. Without me covering her flank, Lone too soon had to disengage herself and regen. "We need to find a different route," She said to me once the horde had gone back inside the city. We'll never get into the vault this way!" 

"I think I have an idea." I told her, pulling a bottle out of my pocket. "Some of my scientists are quite interested in bio weapons. They created this–a poison gas that spreads out over a large area-and it's almost invisible to the naked eye."

"You want to fill the Capital with poison gas!? Then how will we get the eye without dying ourselves!?"

"With this." I replied, holding up a special mask. "I won't need one, I already have mine." I pointed to my signature blank white mask, featuring two shadowy eye holes with blood seeping out of one of them.

Lone looked surprised. "You mean that thing has a use? I thought it was just for show."

"No, it gives me everything from night vision to cool voice effects." I said, running toward the wall. Lone put on the mask I gave her and we got to the gates in a couple minutes. I strapped the bottle to an arrow and shot it into the city center. There was a faint smashing sound, and we rushed inside the town to see dozens of players convulsing on the ground, quickly going still and dying. After a couple of minutes, we reached the keep and walked inside without a fight. Accessing the vault with a key we took from a guard, we grabbed the wolf eye and got out.

The next nation we had to infiltrate would be a tricky one–the Balro Islands were ruled by a player named 4games3, an ultra-paranoid person who was hated throughout the server. He had a reputation for annihilating anyone who stepped foot in his kingdom for any reason at all, even if it were just for peaceful negotiations. The skies around his cities were patrolled by griffons, but this wouldn't be a problem–we had helped ourselves to all the loot in wolf valley, including a few invisibility potions, so 4game would have no idea we were there. The problem would be getting up to his main city in the first place. Yes, up. The Balro Islands weren't located out to sea–they were in the sky. 

We obviously couldn't tower up–I'm pretty sure someone would notice two stacks of blocks building themselves up to a floating sky town all on their own, there weren't any ladders or vines made by the citizens that reached the ground either, because the islands were big enough that they had everything they needed up there already. There was only one other plausible option: fly.

Lone had brought her stage three fire dragon in it's dragon horn, but she could only carry one person. That meant that I needed a dragon of my own. So, we went mining. I know what you're thinking–why are you mining when you should be finding and killing dragons to get an egg? Well, stage four and five dragons only spawn in massive underground lairs, and they are almost always in a deep slumber, so we couldn't find one on the surface. After many days and several hundred blocks, we found one. It was a stage five, so it wasn't going to be an easy fight. When we entered the lair, the dragon somehow heard us and woke. It's glowing purple eyes met mine, and I could see that it was a lighting dragon. Using my bow, I shot at it from a distance, but that was too easy–I wanted killing this beast to be a challenge. I rushed in, threw a grappling hook over its neck, pulled myself up, and started hacking at the dragon's throat with my sword.

It barely did a thing, though, and I was quickly thrown off its back. I got up to keep fighting but as I did, Lone was smashed against the wall by the dragon's tail. She didn't get back up. I ran over to her body, but before I could reach it, there was a shower of green sparks. When it cleared a couple of seconds later, she was standing up, quickly regenerating, and a small gold doll was crumbling to dust in her hand. "Phew! You had a totem! You had me worried there!" I gasped, coming to a stop a few feet away.

"Yep, I got it from a pyramid in my dessert." Lone replied, staggering away from the monster that just killed her. "I can't keep fighting. To low on health." She apologized.

"It's alright." I said, running back in battle as my companion blocked herself into a wall for protection. I slid under the dragon and stabbed it in the underbelly. In return, it jumped to the side and raked me with its talons. The power behind the strike was impressive. When I put up me shield to block, I still took a significant amount of damage. I knew that I needed to be more careful about being hit. I heard a crackling sound as the dragon charged up it's breath, then had to hit the floor as a searing bolt of lightning shot through the air. Shooting it with a bow, I backed up until my back was against the wall. Using my serrated gauntlets, I scaled the rock face right as the dragon rammed its horns into were I just was. Jumping down onto its back, I was able to strap down a few blocks of TNT before I was tossed off once again and almost stepped on. I sent a flaming arrow whistling into the explosives, lighting them up. A couple seconds later, they exploded, knocking the creature to the ground and stunning it. I walked over, took my sword, and drove the blade through its skull.

I was officially a dragon slayer.

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