Chapter 5

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Now that the dragon was dead, it was only a matter of picking apart its corpse to find the egg. To do this, we had to first skin the dragon, collecting tons of dragon scales to make armor that we could wear on top of our normal set, as well as dragon horns, teeth, and claws, all of which we could use to make weapons. Then we took the dragon's eyes, which could be used as a much more powerful form of glowstone dust in potions. After we did this, all the flesh and blood vessels would be exposed, and we could harvest the blood, meat, and muscles of the beast. We could use the blood to coat weapons and use in potions, the meat as a form of magical food that permanently gives you an extra half heart per piece as well as the effects granted by a golden apple, and the muscles could be used to create golems.

While I was chopping up the flesh, I saw a glint of black shell. Digging deeper into a pile of guts and intestine, I unearthed what we came here for: the egg.

It was beautiful, glossy black with a purple tint to it, and when I touched it it buzzed with electricity. The surface was so smooth it was almost frictionless. We took the last of the dragon innards, then the bones, and headed back up to the surface with our prize.

Lightning dragons could only hatch in a rainstorm, so we waited a couple of days for one to find us. Then, one morning, the sky darkened with clouds and fat droplets of water fell on my face. I set the egg down on the ground and we made camp. After a couple of hours and nothing happening, we lit a fire and cooked up a wild boar that Lone had killed and had lunch. I went out and killed some chickens, rabbits, and other small game to feed the baby dragon.

After I came back, it was another thirty minutes of anxious waiting before a sharp crack sounded and the egg split down the middle. Then a tiny dragon crawled out. With another mod, mobs that grow up in different areas have different traits, and they can pass those traits down to their young. I got incredibly lucky when I hatched this dragon. He was a mix of mountain, rainforest, and badlands lightning dragons, so he had the best traits from each breed. Mountain lighting dragons are quite smart and loyal, rainforest dragons are super agile and fast, and badlands ones foster immense strength, strong, fire-resistant scales, and powerful breath weapons. This particular specimen had sharp, sleek horns, a long tail that ended in a whip-thin end and had electrified barbs on it, the same glossy black coloring as his egg, electric blue eyes, and the webbing of his wings turned that same blue as it got closer to the edge. There were also very dark purple flame patterns in the black scales, almost indistinguishable. I offered him a chicken and he devoured it in a split second. Dragons were always this hungry when they came out of the egg, Lone told me. After the rest of the game I had gathered had been practically inhaled by the little beast, I started making dragon meal with bones and mutton to speed up the growth process. After crafting about thirty pieces, I went back over to my new friend and gave him some. He came forward, took a sniff, and ate it. Then something amazing happened. The scales along his back split, and new ones rose out of his tiny body to replace them. After that, he was about two inches bigger. I gave him a bit more and it happened again. Once the dragon had consumed all of it, he was as tall as a tree and much, much scarier than before. I was able to climb onto his back and equip him with a saddle, then Lone helped me put full dark steel plate armor on him. The metal contrasted with his scales incredibly well, and now that he was of stage three size, I could ride him. I decided to name him Cloudburst. After letting Wastrel, Lone's fire dragon, out of her dragon horn, we mounted and flew towards the Balro Isles' capital. The moment we came into render distance of the city, about twenty players on tamed griffons came to meet us.

They didn't ask why we were here. They just attacked. Like I said, 4games was super hostile to outsiders, and he must have ordered these people to attack absolutely anyone from beyond the isles on sight. But, of course, their mounts couldn't hold a candle to ours. I told Cloudburst to attack, and his neck started to glow. A moment later, he blasted a griffon out of the sky with a crackling bolt of blue lighting. A couple of seconds after that, a tiny spear of fire shot past my head and expanded into a giant fireball that incinerated five more. The smell of charred flesh and feathers filled the air. Choking on the horrible stench, I took out my very overpowered bow and shot an arrow through another beast's wing, sending it spiraling to earth, screaming. But our victory didn't last long, because moments after I did this, the air filled with more and more riders on griffons, hippogriffs, rocs, and even an ice dragon.

Something shot by. Too late, I ducked to avoid the weapon flying at my face. The blow from the lance knocked me from the saddle and I proceeded to slide down Cloudburst's tail until I was barely hanging onto the very end. Cloudburst suddenly dived to avoid a blast of ice that hurtled out of nowhere. This allowed me to let go, then slam back into his saddle when he came back out of the stoop. We rocketed back into the fray, and came face-to-face with the ice dragon. As this beast flew to meet us, I stood up, ran down Cloudburst's neck, and jumped off of his head right as the two dragons collided. The enemy rider stood as well, took out a broadsword, and ran at me head on. Throwing a knife into her foot, I leaped to the side, landing in a roll on the dragon's outstretched wing, and tore through it with a scimitar. The beast roared in pain and rage, now only able to concentrate on staying in the air. Cloud was able to easily overpower him, latching onto his neck and breathing lightning into him. I had got back onto the spine of the dragon and was now fighting his master. Suddenly, the dragon's body shuddered beneath us. A crackling sound could be heard inside its rib cage. Lightning clawed at the underside of the scales, and a couple of seconds later, bolts of it ripped through, electrocuting both of us. I had crafted a lighting scale chestplate, boots, and leggings, so it didn't do much to me, but the enemy rider was fried. As the now dead dragon started to plummet, I had to throw my grappling hook up to mine, locking it onto a plate on his head. I swung back into the saddle to keep fighting. I yelled to Lone, "We can't stay here! Every time we kill one person, two more mount up and fly in to attack!"

When she heard this, she dove Wastrel right into the ground, dismounting and using the dragon horn on her just before impact. The result was a dragon MLG. I simply watered, then called down Cloudburst, put him in his horn, and ran after her as tons of griffons discharged their riders almost on top of us, meaning we had to fight our way toward the main gates. After a couple of minutes running through the outlying villages, a large force rushed outside the walls of the capital and soon, we were encircled and forced to surrender. Stuffing the horn containing my dragon into a hidden pocket of my shirt, I let the enemy shove a sack over my head to lead me to the gallows, most likely.

But that was all part of the plan.

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