Angel kiss

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Summer has finally roled in zeke and Vincent has already left for vos earlier this afternoon the boy was abit hesitant to leave but after some pep talk he finally agreed Michael went out to whatever activity he has on his schedule so it was only aria and gabriel left in the house.

"Bye girls I had fun thank you for driving me home!" Aria shut the door behind her took off her shoes and proceeded to walk into the living room it's so quiet no kids running around no zeke nagging or Michael teasing or Gabriel-

"Wait where's gabe?" she said out loud looking around the painfully quiet room she bit her the inside of her check and went to go check he's just around here somewhere she reassured herself as she walked towards the library the only place where she's certain his in.

Once she reached the library doors she gently knocked on the hard wood no answer. she tried again but this time lounder still no answer "Strange" she murmured her hand slowly reached for the handle and carefully turned the knob sticking her head in.

she quickly scanned the room her eyes landing on a sleeping figure laying down on one of the cabriole sofas "Oh sweet pea" she chuckled and quietly entered the room making sure to not make a sound as she approached him slowly.

She took in his sleeping figure she always adored his every feature. he had his left hand rest on his stomach while the other is on his chest an open book resting on top of his face "Guess you fell asleep in the middle of your reading" she said softly taking the book off his face and placing it down the coffee table.

She smiled and lightly caressed his cheek "Such a sleeping beauty" she hummed leaning down to place a kiss on his eyelids this cause him to slightly stir and slowly open his eyes "Hey. did you have a nice nap while I was gone?"

"I thought you were Michael" he said sitting up running a hand through his hair "Did you just arrive?" He ask turning to look at her direction "Just did the place was so quiet. then I went to look for you wasn't expecting to see sleeping beauty" she lightly giggled he only rolled his eyes at her comment.

"Grumpy are we?" she said while cupping his face he didn't notice she had already move so close to him "I'm not grumpy just groggy" he said still feeling drowsy he doesn't know how long his been out but for him to feel invisible weights on his shoulder he must have been out for a while "ok why don't you wake yourself up I'll just go and get dressed into something more comfortable" she took her hands away turning her heel going for the door.

For some reason he felt disappointed when she took her hands away he stared at her back before. "Stay" He spoke she stopped and turned to look at him "Something wrong angel?" a small tone of concern laced her voice "Nothings wrong I just...I want you to stay for abit" he sat up straight as he watched make her way back to him "If you missed me you could have just say so" standing between his legs tucking some loose hair behind his ear  "I love you" she chimed.

His hand snaked around her waist pulling her a little bit closer resting his head on her stomach she returned the favor by putting her hands around his shoulders patting his hair this made him sigh in relief.

"This feels nice"

An angel kiss is when someone gently kisses the other person's eyelid. It sounds uncommon, but it can be very comforting for the receiver.

Gabriel belongs to Inugami_sama

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