Perfect reality...

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Ezekiel POV
The sun was sunny as ever the breeze made the trees sway with delight it was so calming the tall buildings touching the clouds seekers flying by it felt perfect but I couldn't help but feel off I've been living in vos for decades now yet I feel like I want to leave this place "You ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to catch the same pair of apple red eyes and blonde hair "Yeah I'm ok just I have this weird feeling titus like...I don't want to be here for some reason" I spoke my face cringing not being able to point it out "<Your probably just itching to fly remember you've been inside the house for a day dad's worried that you might go nuts>" He signed a concern look on his face

Dad oh yeah dad I tend to forget about him sometimes even though I've been with him since I was a kid and I feel uncomfortable around mom for some reason but yeah maybe I do just need some time in the hair "Sure let's go let me just go and-..." I stopped dead on my tracks wait who am I going to who am I looking for "Zeke lad hello you in there?" thats dad's voice "Dad?" I turned to him "Your worrying the living hell out of me you've been spacing out ever so often you sick?" teal eyes stared back at me

they look so alive "Yeh yeh I'm good just been feeling off lately" I reasoned rubbing the back of my neck "You seriously need to get out of the house mate I still don't know how you manage to stay cooped up inside the house for long periods of time do you need a therapist?" I soon shook it off "No need dad being SIC is a difficult job besides with me and titus running vos expect that I would be abit stressed? anyway we'll be going out for a fly now bye!" I pulled titus by the wrist and jumped off the window

strange everything so strange who was i looking for...

Michael POV
I flew back finish my patrol for anymore Rouge angels that flee during the war and so far I've seen nothing being the protector of heaven its my sole duty to keep everyone safe both heaven and humanity yet I can't help but feel like I'm supposed to protect something or someone it's always been at the back of my head yet I always pushed it away and focus on what I currently have

"Hey azzy! you finish with work I was thinking we could drop by hell and visit little Ambrose it's fun to see him all confused" I smiled and my sister Azriel the angel of death smiled and huffed "Your being mean mike leave little Ambrose alone he literally has a hard time trying to tell who's his dad and who's his uncle" I chuckled and went beside her "Come on its fun its fun teasing kids" I gave a little mischievous smile

"Uh huh didn't Raphael nearly snapped you in half when you went over bored and made seraphina cry but got lucky cuz the lord stepped in or that time you were goofing around Samuel to much Gabriel threw a thick dictionary at your face?" She smirked my mood was slightly ruining remembering the light ache I felt on my nose

I tense up when I started hearing static I quickly looked around to check where it was coming from but it died down very quickly "Michael? hey" Azriel snapped her fingers to get my attention "Yeah just I started hearing static for a moment weird" it must have been a faithless prayer "Huh I don't hear anything hey why don't you accompany me in the mortal realm Angel" Hold on what "What did you just call me..." I furrowed my brows in quizzical manner "Michael I said Michael you going deaf for something jezz"

That's was so weird...It was as if I've already heard it before...

Alice POV
The kids are out on a play date which means I can spend time with the girls its been a while since we last spent time together wanting to feel that highschool days spirits when they would go on sleepovers late night drives and just fun times "Alice you came!" a female voice called "Mille!" I hugged her small frame Camille was shortest in the group "How is everything?" I smiled letting her go her platinum blonde hair seem have grown "I've been great still didn't expect to be married to the greatest figure skater the world has ever seen but we are now furparents of one two cats and one dog still don't know how he convinced me to keep them"

I chuckled who knew her and uncle would be married "Alice! my bestie I miss you so much" it didn't take long for kitty to give me a tight hug "I'm so happy we're back together! me and mille have been planning on what to do were been separated for far to long!" I giggled it felt good to have the girls around again

but looking at them something seems out of place there's nothing wrong with our friendship nor do I hate them it's just...Has it always just been the three of us?

Gabriel POV
If could rip out of Michael's hair I would by now what was the idiot thinking! Samuel is in training and he's here offering him glasses of wine he needs to focus not get blacked out drunk I'm seriously having second feelings about that wine fountain

"Hey gabriel you look a little sour if it's about Michael its ok I didn't take any of his offers even though he was quite persuasive" Samuel said while walking besides me I swear I'd commit sin just for this kid "I don't want any bad influences around you and your an archangel in training for heavens sake" I pitched the bridge of the nose "but ive been doing good I have alot of improvements and the lord said I might get my ceremony early"

child was all in his mind his aware of Samuels great efforts and improvements but he can't help but still treat him like a little boy he rarely feels the strange feeling of something he can't put his finger on it but just something he always cast it aside yet it constantly linger like a stain that you can't remove "I've been trying to hear people's prayers these days and one of those was a girl name Aria" that name rang in my ears like broken church bells I didn't realize I was clenching my teeth so hard my jaw started to hurt

For some reason That name gives me a strange feeling...

Titus,Gabriel and Samuel 
all belong to my dearest Friend Inugami_sama

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