The pointless search

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"What happened? it was all to sudden my children? where are they have they flew back? how...what children?"

I jolted awake feeling cold sweat role down the sides of my temples as I sat up wiping them off strange everything is so strange trying to control my breath to calm my rapid heart as if I woke up from a nightmare.

I try to take in everything around me it was cloudy but not enough for a storm to come the wind was strong and cold harshly moving my hair in different directions I realized I was under an angel oak tree it was large it's branches twist and long it almost look alive the leafs swayed gracefully the ground underneath me is dirt with a few sprouting weeds here and there and fallen dead leafs.

Still doesn't make sense why I'm here and I could hardly remember anything but an uncomfortable feeling sets in it bubble and rose turning into a silent panic why was I panicking?...I rose up from the ground looking around I don't understand what am I looking for but it's so Worrisome.

Children...yes that's right that was my last thought where are they...they couldn't have strayed that far looking around letting my legs take me whereever this unfamiliar place is I must search for them even if there names are unknown to me all I know is I have to find them

I've been walking for hours searching night had already fallen but I didn't dare stop I need to find them didn't care when the cold night bite down on me my finger tips going numb or my polished shoes going muddy as I continued looking up the branches down the bushes into tiny burrows anywhere.

for once I stopped feeling the fatigue setting in sitting down on a log facing a calm river the reflection of the moonlight lit up the river as it glisten and shines that's when I realized I had not heard nor seen a single forest animal much less a mere mosquito strange indeed.

I should let myself think what happened why am I here why am I searching for my? children everything is a blur and it's bloody frustrating if I have children then does that mean I have a wife? then could they have been with there mother all this time.

"Wife" it smoothly is rolled down my tongue as if I've said it plenty of times never getting tired of it also noticing how soft I said the word I must have cherish this person so much that i fondly say there name- ....

Name what's there name?...I don't know there name or can't recall whatever happened to me I must have really hit my head then should I try and find home?

where even is home I can't just lay on the ground that's unsanitary as tired as I feel I'd walk a thousand steps just to find what I'm searching I'm not lost that's for sure

just very confused I started to rub a hand on my chest it hurts I let out a groan as the pain seem to grow biting down my teeth waiting for the burning pain to die down it took a whole 30 minutes for it to go away what is this hell? could this be hell? did I die? what crimes have I committed to be condemned here?

I refuse to believe that or at least a lie trying to convince myself that all is well when it's not I need to keep going.

"Hello" a voice called I looked ahead of the river further between the branches was a figure there voice breathy "I see you are confused" it spoke again taking up the courage to speak I stood up "I'm looking for my children" it tilted its head even though I cannot see its eyes I know it's staring down at me

"Your search is futile if you can't even remember there names or what they look like" there voice was laced with ice I stiffen there right I don't remember "You don't even remember your consort a shame" I balled my hand into a fist staring down at them even when I felt a sickening fear "If you know so much why not tell me? explain because I've been walking and searching for hours yet all in pointless" I'm desperate at this point

"I cannot tell you everything but your existence is important without you the world will forever be covered in sickness disrupting the balance for you are the embodiment of the plauge you have a responsibility you are needed you'll eventually find your way back"

"How can I find my way back?"

"Your a raven you must fly and see above the clouds walking will only get you more lost as the paths you take will only bring you more confusion"

"That does not make any sense!" i shouted but no voice replied back to me assuming that whatever that thing was it left with very slightly helpful information

I need to find my way back I'm already starting to feel sick just trying to look for them yet I cannot find them where are they...are they alright? are they safe? could they be looking for me to? I hope they aren't alone.

Inugami_sama I finally wrote something after for so long this is the best I got the doctor isn't fully dead he'll eventually find a way back

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