No one will ever believe you

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Just a quick sneak peek of the the second life and their will be a new mystery character added

After the whole car crash incident Xayrz is back to work and on her feet of course worrying a couple people in the process moon demanded she should go to the hospital to make her she wasn't walking around with a broken rib and take a few weeks of rest while her sister scolded her senseless for driving recklessly but it calmed down quickly when the thought of her husband came in and is already in the other room brewing a plan to ruin this man's whole life and bank account she hated the guy since the day Xayrz baugth him in to meet her she swore to primus she'll run this man over with her most expensive car but she'll save that for yasuhiro instead.

Of course with in the whole week xay got the divorce papers ready and her taking custody of the girls cause she's not leaving her daughters with a father who cares less about them though kotoba had been great with taking care and watching over the girls she already knows his interested in her but right now she's having major trust issues and not ready for a new relationship just yet for now their just friends but she's so grateful to have him.

Thought even Miles away moon still worried for her makes her wonder where Yuri's ass has been since elementary he did promise he'll come back but if he won't they'll track him down and bring him back they have a great bond together she misses him alot moon not so much since she always gets emails from him at least every twice a week.

Now she's just currently doing her work running a whole university full of students depending on their education for a bright and better future so she has to take this seriously even though their all probably in their early twenties these are still kids not robots she doesn't want to break their mentally asleep well

"You've been quite"She lift up her head to stare up at gold ones "And I wasn't expecting you to be here"She threw back "I just wanted to make sure your alright after the whole accident"he admitted pulling a chair and sat in front of her "so the girls? I hope they weren't much trouble"she puts down the pen so she could focus more their conversation "They were quite hyper yes they won't stop talking about you they were really worried"She nodded alot of things are happening and she doesn't want her daughter getting involved in the situation but the thought of the car accident haunted her she nearly put her kids life at risk because she overreacted and acted upon blind rage and sadness she should have calmed herself but she also found it...


Yes it was a storm the rain hitting the wind shield plus her teary eyes made it difficult to see straight especially since it was also night time which made it worse but it wasn't that her main curiosity and question was how did she lost control?

"I find it odd you know"She spoke kotoba raised an eyebrow eyeing at her as to what she was trying to say "The crash I find it odd on how I lost control over the car yes it was raining hard and the ground is slippery but that road I took didn't have slippery pavement I can drive perfectly fine even if it's winter that road never becomes slippery so how did I lose control the car was in perfect condition but now I can't check up on said car anymore since its probably at the dumb or getting it's part taken down and sold"She bit her nail out of frustration only for kotoba to pull it away "Don't do that your gonna ruin your nails but are you trying to say someone must have set it up? But who would ever hold so much ill will on you for them to do that?"Xayrz only let's out a sigh "My in laws for sure they hate me but they wouldn't do that with the girls on board they hate me but adore the girls but it still doesn't make any sense though probably one of raras crazy enemies trying to get back at her?"She shrugged "Could be but you shouldn't over think about it to much you've done enough work rest for a little bit"She gave a small smile and nodded "Sure I'm done with my work anyways so let's go pick up the girls from day care and bring them back home"kotoba smiled and guided her out the office as they went their mary way.

Meanwhile somewhere at the farthest side of the city was a simple ancestral Victorian home it was much more quiter and calming their not much neighbors but it was nice inside the house was a young woman news paper in hand sitting on a plush chair near the open window

"So it hit the first page of course it hit the first page having the president of Emperial university get into a car accident is something big her daughters included"She took a sip of her tea until someone walked in "I see you've read the news"A male voice spoke "Indeed I am I'm still reading it now to"Her eyes never leaving the paper "Yes well also her husband cheated on her 4 times they said I surprising stumbled across one of them"she snickered "What did you take them home to?"he only scowled at her answer he hasn't lose his dignity to bring a girl in his home well their home "Oh Zeke darling don't give me that look I was just joking around don't have to take it personal I know your better than that"she chuckled softly he sighed and sat down crossing his arms and legs "So was it successful at least?"he ask she lifted her head up revealing her soft baby blue eyes and yet they look cold and dull if you look closely enough "Of course it work it work to well really it was enough to distract them and get them off guard they didn't even notice"she place the news down "but what about their security?"Zeke asked "Well the first try was impossible getting into their computers was down right impossible their fire walls are way to difficult to get through dam those brats...but if I can't get in through screen then I'll have to get in personally"she grin Zeke looked at her for a couple of seconds before realizing "You went inside their facility!?"he yelled "Yes I only had to come in the front door show my I.D and license that I'm an actual scientist with a PDHD and pretend I have actually business their"She smiled Zeke clasp his hands together not taking his gaze off her "Did they figure you out?"She let's out a laugh "Ha! No I didn't no one will figure me out you already know that not even them no matter how good they are with their advanced tech besides I didn't even do anything bad just went through their files on a couple future projects they have and the since they had such good Wi-Fi and well satalighy connection I had a couple of digging and figure out a couple of stuff or two"

Still disbelief Zeke pitched the bridge of his nose "sometimes I don't even know you even though we've been sharing the same roof ever since the war ended"He huffed looking up the ceiling "So how's Vinny? I heard he was feeling better now and went off to attend school"She hummed "Yes it was just a fever he got better after a couple of days"she sighed softly getting up from her seat "Well then I should get the day started"she dusted off her red robe and opened the balcony door the cold morning air coming inside Zeke already up from his spot is now besides her "Try if you can figure out more about them having another potential business partner would be devine"She glanced at Zeke looking into his cherry red eyes "Seek"she finally command he jump off the balcony and took flight

She looked up as he flew higher and faster till he was out of view she looked down at her hands then closing them "Let's not think about it now"She shut the door and turning her heel walking back inside through the corridors.

"what the hell!? "

Moon cursed out looking at his computer screen filled with tabs and warning his computer had a virus and he can't get rid of it "Octive had anyone been in here!?"he ask the artificial intelligence "No sir I detected nobody to have been in your office and no one can come up this floor unless they have your permission"Octive said "Then how did I get this virus"moon thought he sighed and leaned back against his seat "Cut off this computers whole access I don't want the whole place getting the virus and remind to get a new one as well"Octive quickly took note "Your sister have ask if you could come home for lunch and your cousin had also ask for a request if you could invent something for him"He click his tongue knowing red is probably asking for an advanced sewing machine "Tell him I'll think about it"He bluntly said rubbing his temples "Octive any new's from xay?"He asked "She said she's doing fine no need to worry and sit you have a couple projects nearing it's deadline"Moon chuckled knowing what exactly Octive meant "Alright buddy let's go and work on your holoform and who knows you and gestalt might finally have some tea"Moon joked getting up from his seat and putting his lab coat on but it never left his mind as to how his computer got a virus the whole company had only been a year old and pretty sure he'll be facing competitors and copy cats

Back at the school Xayrz had already gotten both shaya and shiro and is now with kotoba while she discussed a thing or two with the teacher to make sure the girls were alright if they were lacking on anything the teacher said they should take a small break since they were still shaken up from the whole incident Xayrz understood and would be taking the girls off school for a whole week Xayrz left the teacher's office and was now walking down the halls filled with children they all of them seem older she's probably at the older grade levels children voices filled her atmosphere until a small boy bump into her

"Are you ok?"Xayrz ask holding the boy up so he could regain his balance "I'm fine thank you ma'am"he said politely Xayrz took a closer look at him he looked around 9 years old not to short not to tall his informed looked a little messy and his knees were scraped and had a patch on his cheek he just got out of a fight she thought he has light ash curly hair with many purple streaks his eyes were a hue of purple and yellow "I'm sorry to bump into you miss but I have to go my mom's waiting for me"He said shyly "Oh it's alright why don't I guide you outside you don't want getting into a fight do you?"He nodded knowing his bullies might come back at him and pick on him

"What's your name?"Xayrz ask looking at the boy walking beside her "I'm Vincent Fernandez but everyone just calls me Vinny"xayrz smiled "That's a very cute nickname who gave it to you?"Vinny calmed down "My mom gave it to me and I grew into it what about you what's your name?"he looked at her "I don't know if you'll instantly knew who I am but I'm Xayrz Salazar"Vinnys eyes went wide as he heard the last name "Your the president of a famous university I heard your daughters goes here as well"xayrz smiled as she was about to speak someone stepped in.

"Vincent their you are I've been waiting for so long I got worried"soft baby blue eyes "Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you I just got into a mess but miss Salazar help me and offered to walk me to the gate"he said going to his mother's side "I see well that's very kind of you miss I'm grateful"Xayrz smiled and nodded "It's no problem i"she was cut off when Vinny ran off "Sorry I left my English book I'll be back!"Xayrz looked back at the woman she was fairly young and pretty to her beauty shouted elegance and purity not a single scratch or bruis can be found on her arms she looked so fragile as well "So is he an only child?"Xayrz started a small conversation "Yes he is and I haven't had any plans to having another one just yet"she giggled her voice was also sweet and soothing she could listen to this woman talk for hours till she lulls her to sleep "I see I have two daughters myself"xayrz smiled she was starting to like her "Oh that's so nice I bet they have your beauty miss Salazar"a small blush crept up on her cheek flattered "Oh miss Fernandez your to much"they both giggled

"So how are you are you alright it was on the news and I was surprised to see you here"xayrz instantly knew what she was talking about "Yeah...things happen that day and I just don't want to get into details with it"he hugged her arm "hmm I know how you feel you really took a hit their~"Their was something off Xayrz instantly picked this up with how she said it she looked closely her eyes were dull from what she could tell "it's weird as well how you lost control the road their wasn't slippery even in winter or rainy days probably motor oil is what got you slipping"At this point Xayrz was becoming uncomfortable but she felt her ground "Why are you telling me this?"she ask the woman grin "Because I myself set it up but it wasn't my intention to kill you only to cause a diversion because"she pulled out her phone showing Xayrz her eyes went wide her mouth went dry and face turning pale she looked at the soft baby blue eyes now turned cold as the artic she just couldn't believe it she put her phone away and looked back at Xayrz shocked face "Why...why are you showing me this?"it came out almost like a whisper

"Because no one will ever believe you"

Was the words she spoke Xayrz just stood their her legs unable to move she felt her arms go limb "I'm back!"Vinny cheered The young woman then went back to her normal self and held the boys hand and said their goodbyes as they walked away Xayrz couldn't take her eyes off the young womans back burning her gazed intensely but she was just unbothered as if she really wanted Xayrz to look at her behind her head "no one will believe me"she muttered under her breath.

Kotoba yasuhiro and Yuri all belongs to Inugami_sama

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