You are now my darling

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So I've finished watching darling in the fraxx for some time now and I can't help but make a story about it Inugami_sama

The Franxx are giant robots made to fight the klaxosaur and defend their man made cities and young children are trained to pilot the franxx also called the parasites and are paired by a girl and a boy since piloting the franxx alone is dangerous and can cause massive damaged to a parasite more like a bird with only one wing trying to fly that's why they need a pair to pilot a bird cannot fly with only one wing it needs it's other half to do so.

Plantation 13

"Today's the day! We finally get to pilot a franxx!"Elizabeth cheered "Liz can you stop jumping around it's making me dizzy"Dante complained "Just let her be it's a pretty big day for us so you can't really blame her for getting excited I mean I'm a little nervous myself"clara said fidgeting her fingers "Pff!  Big deal we can handle it we've been training all our lives to defend papa and our home! Cant wait to kick some butt!"Felix barked Clara only glared at him "Can't you calm down your ego for a good second Felix seriously your getting annoying"Beatrice barked "Hey guy's guys let's not fight here were a team remember"nathan protest trying to calm down the situation "Just let them be Nathan everyones on edge today"yua patted his back "Alfonso how long?"yua ask turning her head to the leader of the group "Until Nana picks us up and let us know we're ready to go"Alfnos so looking outside the window "have you heard an elite parasite is coming here today!  In our plantation"Elizabeth whispered catching the groups attention "An elite parasite?"Beatrice tilted her head "yeah!  I also heard that their not human they have horns and also they said that all their partner die every three times they ride with them isn't that buzzar!"she smirk "Now what kind of rumor have you been hearing Lizzy?"Nathan asked looking at his partner "Hey I'm just saying so that you all would be informed besides I didn't say that it's true".

Everyone was inside the house but Audrey was outside walking around the forest aimlessly she had been in down spirits lately since her partner was terminated them being unable to pilot together properly which leaves Audrey partnerless she really wanted to pilot a franxx that's why she existed she wants to help her team defend their home but how she even help them when she cannot pilot a franxx all by herself she looks up the sky to see a ship "I wonder who's coming"she question still looking up the sky.


Abrax looked out the window to see the huge facility everything was constructed and metal but the very top was like a forest he glanced to his side to see his partner badly wounded he couldn't careless really they could just die why stay alive now when at the end everyone who rides with him end the same faith he thinks it's really pathetic "is their an ocean here?"he asked the ones onboard with him only sighed in annoyance "Why must be you be so high maintenance..."they grumbled Abrax scoffed at their rude response to him they were always so hostile and rude to him "Listen once we arrive to the plantation you must be at your best behavior this isn't a vacation"abrax just rolled his eyes and didn't bother to respon

It didn't look for them to land and unboared the ship he wore a hat to cover his horns and coated rested on his shoulders he just looked around and ignored the adults conversation "So this is plantation 13 huh"he thought to himself he snap out of his trance when one of the grown ups told him to follow he did but oh his so getting tired of these people always putting him on a leash like a dog they continue to speak he fled away from them

"This day had been very stressful doctor his been so hard"The doctor chuckled "I could see since his already on his own separate way"the others looked around e wasn't with them anymore "where did he go! Gaurds go find him immediately"his partner said they got a look at him in the forth floor going into a door waving at them with a mischievous grin "Dam child..."his partner grumbles annoyed.

The others must have already left getting suited up in their parasite suits and getting ready to pilot the franxx also real actual franxx while Audrey stay behind still walking around the forest "I feel so hopeless their all out there ready to pilot while I'm here doing nothing what good even am I if I can't help them"she mumbled to herself clenching her hand into a fist after a long while of walking she reach the lake it was a very big lake it had some fish in it to she looked around and on a low branch she saw clothes "Those doesn't belong to any of the boys"she said walking towards it their was a hat a coat white gloves shoes black slacks and a purple vest it has the same design as theirs but different color "Who could these belong to... "she questioned looking around the lake she squinted her eyes to see a figure in the lake she got closer to see someone was their she instantly panic when their head head down the water

"Oh no! Hold on wait! I'm coming"she shouted getting into the water worried that this person could be drowning and that she needs to get them out of their she then tripped over a slippery rock falling face first into the water and getting fully soaked bumping into someone during the progress some grab her arms pulling her up her hair all over her face moving her wet to see who this person was she was meet with purple eyes that shined like amethyst black hair pale skin he has horns purples knew matching his eyes and at the corners of his eyes theirs also a little bit of purple on the sides "It's rude to stair"He broke the silence letting her go slicking his black hair "O-oh I'm sorry I thought you were drawing"she answer "Are you some kind of pervert?"she soon notice that he was completely nude her whole face turning completely red and covered her eyes "AAHHH!! I didn't notice I'm so sorry!"the silver haired quickly turned around getting out of the waters Abrax followed behind "C-can you stop following me! And put some clothes on pls"abrax just rolled his eyes "Your so dramatic when you were the one who came running into the water"he said putting his clothes on "I was worried! I thought you were drowning I had to come and get you out"she barked back "And no I'm not a pervert"abrax snickers "yeah right"audrey slowly turned around he was abit older and taller than her the horns was what caught her attention the most "What is he?"she asked herself "what's your name?"she asked calming down ""she took a deep breath "My names-" she was cut off by a man's voice

"Their you are!  We kept looking even for you!"Abrax just rolled his eyes "Whats going on?"Audrey asked confused "Don't worry we just came to retrieve him"his partner said "What are you doing here?"Abrax scoffs "I went and took a dip but unfortunately the water isn't salty..."His partner sighed and put the hat back on him "next time you better behave"she looked at Audrey before turning around and leaving with abrax.

"What was that about..."she wondered but sighed instead "This has been a weird experience I think I'll go and train a little bit"she then left and went to the training department

Meanwhile the others were already getting on their franxx Alfonso and Beatrice on Delphinium Felix and Clara on Argentea Nathan and Elizabeth on genista yua and Dante on chlorophytum

"Remember everyone team work and Felix pls try not to get to excited"Alfonso said through the comm link "Hey guy's I kind of feel bad that Audrey can't be with us she's been low spirits lately"lizzy said feeling upset she knows Audrey has been wanting to pilot a franxx for a very long time now they were both close friends "She'll be fine well it depends is she'll be getting a new partner their not terminating her which is good news"clara mention reassuring Elizabeth as they were getting ready to move the franxx the ground started to shake "What's going on?"Beatrice snap "An earthquake?!"Felix shouted through the comm link "We need to halt we can't continue and let's wait for further information from communications"

"Are you getting on or not?"His partner ask getting in the cockpit of strelizia Abrax just stared off the distance already changed into his parasite suit "Their coming"Was the only words he said before getting in it was soon announced that a klaxasour was heading their way quickly "We need to fall back"Alfonso said moving delphinium back "Wait!  Shouldn't we go fight that thing and defend our home?!"Dante said not moving standing his ground "yeah! And if we fall back who's gonna take care of that thing!"Felix chimed in "Agentea chlorophytum listen! Nana and others did not gave us direct orders on fighting a franxx today was just our run through not to fight a franxx yes we should defend our home but we're not given orders to do so and the other team will hold it back...probably strelizia..."Beatrice mumbled the last part they all just nodded and went back as strelizia went off and took care of the matter

Meanwhile Audrey was in the training bots still unaware of the situation "I know I can do better I just need to practice more and maybe just maybe I'll be able to pilot"After a while she decided to get off and get a break she needs to get rid of her frustration so she decided to go for a walk on the long hallways her eyes widen when seeing a massive klaxasour coming their way but also caught a glimpse of what looked like strelizia but in beast mode "...Who's piloting that thing alone?!....and how are they still standing and... Alive"Unable to move she kept her eyes locked at the fight only to see strelizia being thrown to her direction letting out a loud gasp she quickly ran out of the way to not get crushed on the ground she looked back to see strelizias cockpit open letting out a dead woman horrified she looked up to see him again bloodly and exhausted and at that moment something tells Audrey she should help "H-hey! Let me help you pls! You can't pilot this thing alone"she said running up to him Abrax only had a blank expression "This girl has a death wish or something"he thought to himself "Pls let me help!"Audrey begged "And what makes you think you can pilot with me look at what happened to her..."he was cold but Audrey was determined "I don't care I just want to pilot! I don't care if I die but at least if I do! I would at least die being of use to my team a purpose!"She said firmly hands clenched to her chess a small grin tugged on Abrax lips she was different alright very determined and strong willed he liked that "Alright"He smiled Audrey was caught off guard not expecting him saying yes

With a quick motion he grabbed her hand pulling her in everything seem to move slowly eyes widen looking at Abrax face

"From now on you will be my Darling!"

He held her face and pulled her in for a kiss letting out a small gasp everything seem to turn white

"What's happening?!"Alfonso demand looking at the scientist before they could respond strelizia threw the beast and transforming to its alt form "When negative and positive the male and female vectors combined their hearts become one thus going to its original alt mode"The scientist mentioned "If that's so why did it become that huge beast?"Nathan ask "That's what we call beast mode which only means only one person is pilot the franxx"the childrens eye widen one person piloting but isn't that impossible!? "But only one being can pilot that franxx alone but now they seem to find someone who can pilot with them"Alfonso looked at the on going fight strelizia has finally managed to break the klaxasours core thus killing it "Who is piloting that thing..."He mumbled

Everyone made their way to strelizia to make sure the pilots were alright strelizia has already gone off power mode the cockpit open once more Abrax stepping out with an unconscious girl in his arms "Audrey!?"Elizabeth cried worry started to rise with in her "Audrey piloted that thing"Beatrice mumbles in disbelief "And with him"

"I guess the rumors a true"

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