The seekers

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Seekers are four winged birds with extreme speeds and are rarely seen since they fly so high and fast I took the concept of these seekers from transformers (Starscream specially) hawks from my hero and the angels from the Bible

Seekers can shift into three forms full bird human or with wings but the third form is to tiring for them so they stick with the other two to save up energy

Their close off from the other realms from the spirit world but still remain contact no body can come inside their home only those they approved of can grant access to the realm and those are high ranking beings who they fully trust they work for those high ranks as spies or watchers all in return to keep their realm safe from any danger

Their wings are very precious to them and they do alot of self care to maintain a good wing having them taken away can cost alot but destroys a seekers spirits  and that's why they stay on high grounds

Do not speak this is a rule among the seekers when their out the realm they are not allowed to speak unless necessary very few can speak in bird form their silent birds almost like an owl who's a silent flier

Being grounded for to long makes them frustrated irritated and they get alot of pent up energy by and it greatly effects their mood and attitude

Tight spaces they hate it so much while some fears it their not use to being put in one tight room combining tight spaces and being grounded it drives them inside to the point they commit suicide or a killing spree

Their very loyal to their masters and would give gifts to people who help them as a sign of thanks

Mana yes seekers have mana inside them since their living their different from spirits and mortals their mana is a little complicated they can basically control their mana levels they can go from a 20% to way pass 100% and sometimes loosing control over their levels mana is what kills them it's like a water balloon exploding unlike humans they can balance out their mana if in case it goes wild on command

Not all seekers are good with magic since some don't need it because they are well protected but they do learn basic spells like telepathy telekinesis and healing small wounds

Seekers are far sighted when in human form but in bird form they can see perfectly fine both close and far

Their something seekers call hot water on eggshells it is when they loose control over their their mana levels and are unable to bring it down almost like a broken faucet where you can't turn the water off and it keeps over flowing seekers still has very little control over this but it's enough for their mana cells not to break or them dying it's basically them still trying to balance it out for as long as they could like holding a glass cup filled with hot water and walking across eggshells but they always end up dying since its to much for their bodies to handle it just shuts down completely

Being called a drone is a big insult to them it refers to them being mindless and just obeys orders and not being their own person

Seekers can be affectionate but it takes alot of time to gain their full trust they can tricky sometimes but all is to make sure the person their with is not dangerous

Having a seeker call you by name with no titles means you two are very close and when they call you by nickname means you are very dear and important to them

They can get very productive and possessive sometimes and when they make a promise they make sure to fill it or they'll be drowning in guilt if they didn't

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