Chapter 20

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Today is the day where all of students of 1-A go intern with the agency's. 

Toshiro told them to be on their best behavior while their in Interships. The class went along with their teacher but Mina was alittle too excited for it which lead her to being scolded for not showing proper manners. 

Everyone split up to their agencies.

Shoto and Izuku both go to Endeavor's Agency. Ururaka went to Gunhead's Agency. Kirishima went to Fourth Kind's Agency. Ichiro and Tokoyami went to Hawk's agency. And Bakugou went to visit Gran Torino.

With Bakugou

Bakugou looked back and forth at the address he was given and the building that he is in front of him.

'So this is the place? Eh, All Might did say that he's a retired Hero so I shouldn't be suprised that  this where he lives' Bakugou shrugs and opens the door only to find something horrifying.

There's an old man lying dead with blood leaking out.

Bakugou's eyes widen in shock as he stumbles back against the wall.

Bakugou: WHAT THE!?!?!? HE'S DEAD!!!!!!

"I'm Alive!" The thought to be dead elder said as he raises his head and slowly gets back off while wiping the dust off his costume.

This pissed Bakugou off since he felt like he was being poken fun at.

"WHAT?!?!?!? YOU WERE ALIVE THIS WHOLE TIME!!!?!?!?!?" He yelled, annoyed at the hero's prank.

Gran Torino chuckled in amusement. "Yes Sonny. You see, I was carrying some sausages and ketchup but then I trip and fell." He looked back at Bakugou with an innocent smile on his face.

"ggggrrrrr. You Little-"

Bakugou couldn't finished since he felt a blur of air pass by him. He quickly turn around only to be met with a kick in the face. He stumbled over the suprise attack and looked up to see Gran Torino smirking and hanging onto the wall.

"So you're  the new weilder of One For All huh? I must say, for someone who won the sports festival, your an amature. I saw the way you were using it. You look like an wild animal with no thought of controlling over it. Put on your suit. Were training right here, right now. So now, I'm gonna whip you up into shape ya newbie."

Bakugou gave a puzzled look but proceeded to change into his hero costume.

Once he's fully suited up, Gran Torino told how the training is going to work.

"For this week, You'll only be using One For All. No explosions. Now go out on me!!!"

Bakugou looked at him like if he lost his brain cells. "Are you sure geezer? With the force of One For All, I could easily kill you because your old." He asked.

Gran Torino just looked at him, smirking at the ash-blondes amusement. "I'm sure. If you can even hit that is!"

Gran Torino jumped everywhere around Bakugou. He constantly bounced off the walls while giving strikes to Bakugou who can barely follows his movements. 

'DANG!! He's moving too fast!!!! Need to find an opening!!!'

Gran Toriono began taunting Bakugou as he keeps jumping around at every corner. "HAHAHAHA!!! WHAT'S WRONG SPORT?!?!?!?!?! CAN'T KEEP UP WITH THIS GEEZER!?!?!?!?!?!"

Gran Torino delivered another kick in the back but Bakugou quickly turn around and was going to counter with One For All at full power. But Torino dodged it by going above him and slamming his head onto the ground.

"Trying to counter like that? You're  thinking too weakly! Anyway, were done training for the day." He letter go of his grip and walked away from the explosion user, leaving him speechless.

"What?! Thats it!?!?!" Bakugou says as he watches Torino go to the refrigerator.

"Yes! That will be it for today! Anyway, lets eat lunch" he said happily as he pulls our Taiyaki.

"But Geezer, all we have for lunch is dessert."

Gran Torino scoffed. Someonw like him doesnt understand the true taste in quality of these treats. "SO? As long as it tatse good then it should'nt matter!!!"

Bakugou spread out the plates and puts the Taiyaki in. He sits down, slowly eating it as he wonders how the others are doing.

'I'm not making mucth progress here. I need to get a handle of One For All Asap. I wonder how Izuku, Ichiro, and Ururaka are doing though...'

With Ururaka

Ururaka is going on patrol while Gunhead explains how they handle the crime when one appears.

"And that's the gist of it kiddo." Gunhead explained about how the heroes deal with crime, leaving the gravity user bewildered at him.

'I didn't expect him to be so friendly!'

With Ichiro

Ichiro and Tokoyami are both trying to catch up to Hawks who is far ahead of them dealing with the villains.

But when they finally arrive where the criminals are at, the fight was already over.

"The baddies are done! Now you two tie em up and wait for the police to arrive! I'll go get us some Caramel Frappuccinos to kill time!" Hawks said nonchalantly as the two of them are panting for air. Hawks flew off as his sidekicks tie up the villains for the police to come and arrest them.

"Sorry about that! Were basically the clean up crew for Hawks!" One said sheepishly.

"But you'll get used to it!" The other one said as well.

"..Ok..." Ichiro said in between breaths.

Tokoyami stays quiet. Hawks came back just when the police showed up. The villains were taken away by the police and Hawks pass out the drinks he brought.

"AH! Nothing better than a nice Frappiccino in the morning!" He said before taking a sip.

With Izuku and Shoto

Izuku and Shoto are standing in the office Of Endeavor waiting to see what they'll be doing under the Number #2 Hero. 

"It's nice to have you two here." Endeavor said to the two, but he's mostly happy for his son being here.

"Yeah. Thanks for the offer." Izuku said, clearly wanting to get the day over with.

"Your Welcome. Now Shoto, I see you finally decided to walk down the path of the might." He turns to his son with a wide smile. Shoto averted his gaze.

"No, I just want to get stronger." He said bluntly

"hmph. Well, follow me to where you two will be sleeping for the night."

Endeavor gets up and leaves the office followed by Izuku and Shoto.

"Also, We'll be leaving to Hosu tommorow." He stated.

"Why?" The two asked in unison.

Endeavor smirked at the twos' cluelessness but he answered and it was not what they were expecting. "heh. Because we'll be going after the Hero Killer."

That caught Izuku's attention. He heard about the Hero killer and the incidents thvictims that fall to him. Including the latest victim, Ingenium.

'The hero Killer huh? Well, this internship just got more interesting.' Izuku smiled at the thought of fighting him.

The Next Day with Bakugou

Bakugou was panting and bruised all over while Gran Torino stares at him unimpressed.

Gran Torino: So far, the progress is nonexistent. True, Your reacting a bit faster but your too focus on one side.

Bakugou's Head: Focus on one side?

The door bell ring so Torino opened it to find his package.

Gran Torino: AH! The new microwave is here!

Bakugou: Microwave?

Gran Torino: You see, I always wanted a new one since mine is too old so naturally I got a new one! Anyway, It's time for breakfast! Now heat up those Taiyaki!

Bakugou's head: Of course you eat that for breakfast.

Bakugou open the Taiyaki packaged and placed them all in the plate and put inside the microwave. As the food finishes heating up, bakugou gave them to Gran Torino as he still wonders what he's doing wrong.

Gran Torino bites into the Taiyaki only to be suprised that it's cold.

Gran Torino: It's still frozen!!!

Bakugou: What?! But I'm sure that I put it in! 

Gran Torino: What are you stupid!?!? The plate you used is too big!! It doesn't make it turn so only one side of gets hot!!


Bakugou eyes widen in suprise and finally understood what he's been missing!

Bakugou: I got it!!! I've been focusing on using OFA at max output in one side!  So All I need to do is decrease the power input to a level in my whole body so it can handle it!

Gran Torino smiles and is glad that he finally figured it out.

Bakugou proceeds to channeling OFA all over his body and starts lowering it's power to a degree where it won't destroy it's body. Yellowish-orange lighting appeared around him.

Gran Torino: Nice Job Hothead! Now what power output you think your at right now.

Bakugou: I say about 15%.

Gran Torino: Not A Bad start! Now Lets brawl!!!

" Yeah!" Bakugou says with a smirk on his face as he gets in a fighting stance.

Gran Torino jumps all over the place followed and was about to deliver some attacks from behind but Bskugou reacted in time so he dodge and tried to counter. But Torino manage to dodge in time by going above him. 

Torino launches down to Bakugou's head landing a solid kick but Bakugou managed to dodge it in time so and punches Torino in the face but Torino barely dodges it and jumped back a few feet from him.

Gran Torino: You did good Hothead! But I think it's enough for the day. 

Bakugou: *pants* really? I can keep going!

"I know you can but It's enough for now," Gran Torino said as he turns around and wipes off the small bit of blood from the scratch he recieved. Torino looks back at Bakugou who is putiing the Taiyaki back in the microwave and making sure it's in a smaller plate, 'It's been a while since I had to seriously dodge an attack. You pick a Dangerous one All Might. Or should I say, Toshinori,'. 

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