Chatpter 21

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Today is another day of internships. 

Class 1-A are struggling but managing with their internships such as Ururaka trying to focus on learning new martial arts, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are cleaning up the community park which was a bit boring, Asui is just training and cleaning, Ichiro and Tokoyami are the ground trying to catch their breath after trying to keep up with Hawks for the 20th villain arrest of today, and for Bakugou, he's getting in better control of One For All with Gran Torino.

"Ok Hothead, I think it's time we do something different this time!" Gran Torino said as he stops jumping everywhere. Bakugou deactivated One For All and was in deep thought to see what they'll be doing now.

Gran Torino: Ok hothead, today, we will be going to Hosu!

'Hosu?' Bakugou thought as he catches his breath from the sparring session.  "Why are we going there, geezer?" Bakugou asked as the two exited the building.

"You're getting too used to my fighting style so were hunting villains!! After all, many villains have different fighting styles so you must get to know this wide variety of styles." Torino explained as they reached the light rail.

"Makes sense," Bakugou said as his face turned sinister, "So I can kill these villains? This is going to be fun!!!". Torino sweatdrops as they both sat in their seats.

'You truly picked a dangerous one, Toshinori...' Gran Torino thought.

*We have arrived at Hosu*

The passengers started to go up and exited the light rail. 

But before Bakugou and Gran Torino could get out of their seats, a mysterious creature smashed through the station causing a riot.

"What the?!?! Hothead get back!!!" Gran Torino yelled as he activates his quirk. Gran Torino jumped all over the place to pick up some momentum speed and dodge the attacks of the nomu. Gran Torino landed heavy kick attacks on the nomu's head which reacted by running away the others followed and they're now causing havoc to the district.

"Grrr. Hothead! You go check out the city if there's any more! If there's trouble, make sure they feel pain!" Gran Torino said as he grin at the last part. Bakugou gave a sinister smile to the old man and uses his explosions to maneuver through the air.

'What are these things doing here anyway?! Doesn't matter! I need to go find them!' Bakugou lands back down and uses OFA to run through the streets of the dark alleyways. 

Bakugou kept on running around the alleyway until he saw something that widen his eyes in shock.

The Hero Killer. Stain. More precisely, Stain holding a sword above Iida's head and was about to pierce through it.

Bakugou Immediately launches a huge explosion with OFA activated and dashes before Stain can kill Iida. 

Bakugou manages to reach there in time and delivered a solid explosion to Stain's face which he jump back from the recoil. Bakugou landed next to Iida after he launch the explosion.

"B-bakugou?!" Iida said while he was o there floor unable to get up.

"Dang it Four eyes! Why the heck would you go after the Hero Killer?!?!?" Bakuguo yells at the paralyzed human robot. " I guess your brain must've fired after hearing what happen to your brother," Bakugou says as he gets into a fighting position while glaring at the Hero Killer.

"Stay o-out of this, this fight.... is mine...." Iida said.

"MAKE ME!!!!" Bakugou yelled, "Besides, a hero doesn't aband to those in need, even when they are not asking for it! That's what All Might always says!"

Stain's eyes widen a bit to what Bakugou said. But little did he know that Bakugou secretly has his phone out while sending out his location. 

After he sent his location, he ran towards the Hero Killer. Stain grab out his sword and tried to slash Bakugou but  Bakugou dodges it by using his explosions to maneuver over him and delivered another explosion to Stain's back. 

After taking the blow, Stain immediately swings his sword behind only to hit nothing but air. 'He's a good one!' Stain thought as he looks up to see Bakugou in the air. Bakugou activated OFA and manages to land a punch and jumps back a few feet.

'I think I can do this!' Bakugou thought as he prepares to launch another barrage of attacks. Before he can go for another attack, he suddenly falls down to the ground unable to move his body.

"WHAT!?!?!? WHY CAN'T I MOVE!?!?!?!?!" Bakugou yells as he tries to stand back up but fails. Bakugou looks at Stain's blade only to see his blood, 'He cut me?! But when?! Whatever happened, It looks like his quirk activates when blood is involved.

Stain walks past Bakugou so he can deliver the fatal blow to Iida and Native. "You're pretty impressive. You used your explosions to maneuver the area swiftly and also took advantage of the smoke and use it as a smokescreen so you can use it as a sneak attack. There are countless fake heroes in this society but I think you're worthy of the title of Hero. But right now, I have a job to finish," Stain said as he steadies his sword at Iida's head.

"NOOOO!!!!" Bakugou yells as he desperately tries to get back up.


Stain launches his sword down but was stopped by a sudden wave of heat so he jumped back to avoid getting hit by the wave of fire. 

"Someone else to get in my way huh?" Stain said.

Bakugou's eyes widen when he saw who arrived.

Todoroki standing on the left with his fire activated, and Izuku on the right with a calm look.

With Izuku and Shoto

The Nomus were attacking the citizens and one was about to kill a citizen until a large fireball sent the nomu back a few feet.

"wha?! Why are You here!?" the residents yelled as they witness the flame hero fighting the nomu at Hosu.

"Why? Because I am a Hero." Endeavor said as he glares at the damaged nomu.

"I wasn't expecting weird-looking monsters at Hosu but I don't care!" Endeavor yelled as he launched another fireball at the Nomu. The Nomu can barely stand so Endeavor finished it of. 

Izuku and Todoroki felt a notification in their phones so they pulled it out only to find a message from Bakugou but he only sent his location and nothing else.

'What the?' Izuku wondered.

Todoroki ran to the Allyways followed by Izuku.

"Something came up! Meet us at this location!" Shoto said as he tosses his phone to Endeavor. Feeling a little hesitant, he decides to let them be and will start looking for them once he is done with the nomus.


"You know Kaachan. You should give more detail when sending a cryptic message. But I know that you're not the type of person who would do that," Izuku said as he teleports to Iida.

When Izuku was where Iida was, he lifted him up with his left arm and gave a huge slap to Iida's face. Everyone did not expect that.

"That's for going after the Hero Killer"


"That's for the Entrance Exams"


"That's for literally taking everything seriously"


"That's for being annoying"


" And that's because I feel like it"

Izuku lets go of Iida and turns back and looks at the Hero with a calm look. Stain, However, feels agitated.

'What the? Why do I feel Agitated all of a sudden?' Stain thought of. He blinks and Izuku is suddenly gone. 

He suddenly felt his body going in directions with a massive amount of pain that gets worse with each sudden impact.

Stain is confused to why he's feeling all of this pain and looks up only to see Izuku standing next to Todoroki. Not giving in, Stain launch two daggers at the two teens. Izuku simply tilt his head but Todoroki got cut. Seeing his blood oozing out, Stain leaped onto to him hoping to get ingest his blood but Todorki activated his fire which made Stain Jump back. 

The moment he landed though, Izuku teleported behind him and gave a solid roundhouse kick in Stain's back. The force was powerful enough to send him flying towards Todoroki and he send a wave of flames towards him, swallowing Stain in the fire.

Izuku teleported to where Stain is that and he's knocked out. 

"He's out cold. Todoroki, Can you go find some rope?" Izuku asks as he helps Bakugou up. The effects of Stain's quirk wear off so Native and Iida also got back up when Todoroki founded some rope. They tied the hero killer up and walked out of the alleyway and fortunately for them, the pros arrived along with Gran Torino.  

"Hey geez-" Bakugou was cut off when Gran Torino kicked him in the face.

"Idiot! You had me worried there!" Torino said. 

"meh" Bakugou replied as the pros call the ambulance and the police. 

The police arrived and took Stain in quickly before he could wake up. The ambulance arrived just when the police came and took Native and Iida to the hospital so they can receive treatment. Bakugou only has a small cut and the same can be said for Todoroki and Izuku doesn't have a single scratch on him. 

Today was an intense day for these heroes in training.

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