⚠️Villian Mikey💠 pt1

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A/N: One shot inspired by 1M_S4D go check them out! They are really Pog!

(1st Person PoV: Mikey's)

"What are you doing?" John asked.

"Beating creepers up," I responded, flatly.


"Because they are annoying mobs!" I said.

"Umm...fair enough?" John said, confused.

He didn't know the real reason why I have to fight creepers.

He doesn't know the real reason why I'm doing this.

"So I have some plans on taking over the server. Since ya know, I'm supposed to be king of the server," John explained.

"Oh I would like to hear it," I said, pretending to be interested.

Would rather not.

John began to explain his plan but I wasn't really listening.

I counted the gunpowder that I collected from killing all of those creepers.

15. Will that be enough? Hmm, I wonder if Scarecrow has some stored away, I wondered.

"First, we exile Jack because of his crimes," John's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"One, he destroyed the only healing machine that we had at the time. Two, he keeps messing up my plans. Three, he declared himself the mayor of Hammerblocke. Four, doesn't do much as mayor," John listed off.

"That's more of a Jack problem if anything," I noted.

"Still! Who knows what might happen if we let him run loose? Besides, I am a king! And as king, I need to get rid of threats. But I don't want to kill Jack. That's overstepping it too much. So the best course of action is to exile him," John explained.

He's way over his head about this, I thought.

"Ok we need to declare Jack to be exiled. Maybe a formal meeting with everyone," John suggested.

"That's...actually a good idea. How about from a week's time from now?" I suggested.

"Genius," John said.

I pulled my hat down so he wouldn't see me smiling.

I had no intention of exiling Jack but a formal meeting with everyone on the server?

Now that's a good way on starting my own plan.

"Well I'm off. Goodbye Hail-Man," John said, teasing me with the name.

I rolled my eyes in disgust with the name.

"Sure sure. Goodbye Frog-Boy," I said, causing a "HEY" from John.

I ran over to Scarecrow's base to see if he has any gunpowder.

He does and I stole it all.

Now all I need is sand. Tons and tons of sand.

Thankfully, there is a beach nearby meaning that there is plenty of sand.

I'm sure nobody will notice a large hole on it.


Pfft, I'm not that careless!

I dug along the sides and collected as much as I could as to not cause any suspicion.

At long last, I had enough.

The formal meeting isn't until next week so I'll have plenty of time to plan and place the TNT.

I went to Hammerblocke and begin to dig down where already established tunnels were there.

I, with the help of a random Diggersby, made these tunnels in case they were ever useful.

Originally thought of ways for transportation, later switched for extra storage but later abandoned after I ran out of ideas on what to do with it.

Now I have an idea.

I began to make TNT block after TNT block and started to place them down.

I later went up and and secretly dug small holes to place the remaining TNT's down.

I covered the holes up with dirt and grass.

I snuck away back to my house.

Hammerblocke will be gone in a week's time.

They'll never see it coming!

(Time skip!)

"Ok so we're all here to discuss some problems within the server," Jack started.

"Yes. I have many complaints," John stood up.

"John, it's not your turn to complain yet. Scarecrow has something to say first," Jack said.

"But I'm more important!" John said.

"But he asked me first. So sit down!" Jack snapped.

I silently snickered as John sat down roughly and glared at Jack.

Scarecrow sat up and went to the speaking podium where Jack was at.

"Ok so someone decided it was a good idea to steal from me. All of my gunpowder is gone," he said.

"Your gunpowder? Why do you have gunpowder?" Couriway asked.

"I have gunpowder for reasons but I can't do those reasons because I don't have them anymore! I was saving them but then when I looked in my chests, they were all gone! I know that someone must have stolen them," Scarecrow explained.

"Do you have any clue on who could have stolen it?" Emi asked.

Scarecrow shook his head.

I grinned to myself.

They'll never see it coming.

[To Be Continued]

A/M: going to make this a two parter

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