⚠️Villian Mikey💠pt2

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A/N: don't mind me putting music (unless it doesn't pop up for you than ignore this message)

Part 2!

(1st Person PoV: Mikey's)

I fiddled around with my fingers, itching to finally get my plan started but there were too many eyes.

A slight slip up might cost me my whole plan.

That can't happen!

So...might as well wait until John gets his announcement. That'll cause a distraction.

Enough for me to slip away.

"So if anyone finds my gunpowder or knows the person who stole it, speak up or meet me at my base," Scarecrow said and left the podium.

"Ok now we have John who has something (or somethings) to say. So come on up, John," Jack said.

"Finally!" John groaned and went to the podium.

"Ok so this server is starting to have problems. Like a stealing problem apparently. We can't have this server gain any problems which is why we need to stomp those problems," John explained.

"Does this mean killing people?" Emi asked but John shook his head.

"That's overstepped it. We all have three lives so it's wouldn't do much if we were to kill somebody. They'll just respawn back," John explained.

"That's surprisingly mature of you John. I thought you would said something else like exiling me," Jack noted.

"Hold on, I haven't gotten there yet," John said.


"Wait so you're planning on exiling Jack?" Jan asked.

"I said hold on. Haven't gotten there yet," John sighed.

"Let's just assume that until John says whatever he needs to say," Couriway said.

All eyes were on John.

"Ok so problems. We need to stomp them out! And we start with exiling the so-called mayor," John explained.

"What do you mean exiling me? I didn't do anything exile worthy!" Jack snapped.

"Ahem!" John pulled out a list and began to read off of it, "first you destroyed the only healing machine when Mikey, you and I first arrived. Second, you declared yourself as mayor without anyone else knowing. When I declare myself king, at least one other person knew and they told people. You just said, 'yep I'm mayor today' and third of all, you don't even do much as mayor!"

"What the hell! That first one was an accident! I didn't know that you needed silk touch to mine the healing machine! Also no one else wanted to be mayor so I stepped up to the role!" Jack snapped.

"So for your crimes," John continued, ignoring Jack's protests, "you shall now be exiled from this place!"

"You got to be kidding me!" Jack shouted.

"I agree with Jack! He didn't do anything exile worthy!" Emi got up and began to shout.

"I dunno, he seems kind of convincing," Jan shrugged with Scarecrow nodding.

Couriway didn't say anything but he was staring intensely at the podium.

Now it's my chance!

I slipped away and went to the tunnels.

There they were.

The TNT's were laying there, undisturbed.

I grabbed the Flint and Steel and took a deep breath.

It was time.

It was finally time.

(Meanwhile, Jack's PoV)

This traitor!

I can't believe that he's exiling me!

"Ugh! Mikey, come talk some sense into him," I sighed.

No response.

"Umm Mikey?" I looked around for my blue capped friend.

He was not in the crowd. I was so sure that he was here before.

"Guys have you seen Mikey?" I asked.

"Don't you dare change the sub-wait Mikey? He's not here?" John asked.

"Maybe he's had enough of your stupidity and left the meeting," Emi snapped.

"But Mikey isn't the type of person to do that. He likes attention, he's usually in the center of it when we're all gathered together. Knowing him, he would put a stop to this fighting," Couriway explained.

"So where did Mikey go?" I asked.


"Was that an explosion?!" Scarecrow cried.


"It is!" Jan said.

"Hammerblocke is being blown up!!" I shouted.

"Everyone run to safety! We can't die!" John yelled.

"No I'm going in to investigate!" I ran off.

"Jack you stupid man!!" John ran after me.

Every house was on fire. Large parts of the ground were bared and scorched.

"This is the result of a big explosion. This was no accident, this was planned," John realized.

Planned? Who could plan such a thing?! I thought.

Then I heard someone singing.

"Hammerblocke is falling down! Falling down! Falling down! Hammerblocke is falling down! My fair lady!"

It was a parody of London Bridge.


That voice...it's familiar.

"Mikey?" John asked.

I wanted to slap him. He gave away our location.

"Oh hi guys!" Mikey appeared on top of a fallen building.

"Did...did you do this?" I asked.

"Yep!" Mikey replied, popping out the P.

"But why? What do you gain from this? I thought we were all friends?" John asked.

"Friends my a*s. You tried exiling me," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Shut up Jack!" John snapped.

"Tsk tsk. You see, my plan is more complicated than just blowing up Hammerblocke or breaking friendships. Surely you have heard the legend of Arkoos?" Mikey asked.

"Arceus?" I asked.

"Yes him. You know how he's praised for being the God of Pokémon? Well remember Lord Helix?" He asked.

"Wait him? I thought you were joking about the whole 'Lord' thing!" John cried.

"I was never joking. He reached out to me in a dream and told me a brilliant plan to bring Arkoos to his knees and have Lord Helix as the true god! And it all starts...with blowing up Hammerblocke!" Mikey explained.

"You're insane!!" I shouted.

"Maybe so but alas, a new world awaits! I'll do something that none of the evil teams can do! Not even Cyrus and he was the closest with this goal! None of them had a god who was truly by their side! Ta ta~," Mikey jumped off and ran.

Due to the smoke, we couldn't see where he was going.

"Damn it! What the hell was he talking about?" John asked as another explosion went off.

"I don't know but we have to stop him no matter what," I said.

We went to find the others.

We have to stop Mikey with whatever his plans were at all costs!

A/N: ngl I'm kind of invested in this Au.

If anyone wants to pick this up or you have been inspired, go ahead. Just give me credit.

Anyway, requests?

Cya in the next one -Flare

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