The 17th century period (1603-1660)

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v  The 17th century period (1603-1660)

ü  Special features:

·         1603: Death of Elizabeth Tudor and the accession of James Stuart.

·         1625: Death of James I and the accession of Charles I.

- 1642: outbreak of English Civil War and the closing of all theatres

1649: Civil War ended with Charles I beheaded

·       1660:  The end of the Protectorate and the accession of Charles II.

·         Drama:

+        Public theatre flourished: in more sober and careful style than those of Elixabethan period.

+        The emergence of comedies.

+        The coming of tragicomedies.

·         Poetry:

+        Epic poetry: noble and beautiful, but also difficult.

+        The lyrical poetry: Metaphysical poetry and Neoclassical poetry or cavalier poetry.

·         Prose:

+        Became plainer, less elaborate than previous period.

+        Developments in realistic fiction.

+        Arrearances of essays.

ü  Major authors:

·         Ben Jonson

·         John Donne

·         Robert Herrick

·         John Milton

·         Richard lovelace

·         Francis Bacon

ü  Important works:

·         Everyman in his humour, Volpone, The Alchemist.

·         To the virgins, Paradise lost, Paradise Regained

·         Lucasta, going to the wars.

·         The advancement of Learning

·         A history of Henry VII

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