The restoration and the 18th century period.

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v  The restoration and the 18th century period.

1660: Charles II came to the throne from exile

1707: Scotland joined England and the UK was formed

1751: The Enlightenment movement in France

1775: American Revolution

1789: French Revolution

ü  Special features:

·         Literature: A period of novelty, change and refoundation rather than of great writing.

·         Drama: tries to be purely comic or purely tragic 

                Tragic drama is made up mainly of heroic plays in which men are               splendidly brave and the women wonderful.

·         Poetry: the invention of heroic couplet: 2 rhymed pentameters becomes minor.

·         Prose: style built upon the principle of neoclassism: elaborately balanced use of parralels and antitheses.

                The development of satire in prose and novel of terror

                The beginning of newspaper.

ü  Major authors:

·         Dryden

·         Wycherley

·         Oliver Gold Smith

·         Alexander Pope

·         John Dryden

·         John Locke

·         Daniel Defoe

ü  Important works:

·         The conquest of Granada (1670)

·         The country's wife (1675)

·         She stops to conquer (1773)

·         The school of scadal (1777)

·         An essay of criticism.The Rape of the Lock, An essay of Man, The Dunciad.

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