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Y/n's POV
I was sitting on the coach and watching TV with my boyfriend-Thomas. We were watching Teen Wolf when his phone rang. He took it from the coffee table and answered it.

"Hey Ava."he said, while I stopped the show on pause to wait for him."Yeah, what's up?"Thomas asked."Yeah, I don't think it's a problem....Tomorrow? Yeah sure....yeah, bye, love you too, sis."Thomas said and ended the call, then put the phone down.

"What did you get me into?"I asked, looking at him.

"Ava asked me if we can babysit Gale-"her one year old son"-tomorrow in the afternoon."Thomas said.

"Yeah, sure,"I told him"But do you know anything about how to babysit?"

"It wouldn't be that hard, would it?"

The next day-in the afternoon
We were sitting in the living room again, waiting for Ava to come with baby Gale.

The doorbell rang and Thomas went to answer it. I heard him talking with Ava and decided to go and say hi.

"Hi Ava!"I said when I saw her with baby Gale.

"Y/n! Hey! Thank you so much that you will watch over Gale for a few hours!"Ava said cheerfully.

"It's not a problem at all, Ava!"I said.

"Thank you again anyways."she said and looked at Thomas, then handed him Gale."Here."she said.

Thomas took the baby and I fell like he tensed up a little, like he was gonna drop him. She then handed me a bag with baby stuff.

"I will be back in a few hours. See you later!"Ava said and left. I closed the door and put the bag in the living room. Thomas followed and put the sleeping Gale on the coach. The two of us started at him for a few seconds, then at each other.

"Now what?"I asked quietly so I won't wake him up.

"I don't know. Let's just let him sleep for a while, I guess."Thomas said and I nodded. We sat down next to him and put the tv on, but quiet so we won't wake Gale up.

After around an hour, Gale woke up and started crying. Both me and Thomas jumped from the coach, startled and looked at Gale.

"What do we do???"I asked, panicked.

"I don't know! You are the woman! You should know!"Thomas said.

"Me!? I am the youngest in the family! I've never had to dial with a baby!"I said. The two of us looked at the baby again with wide eyes."Okay, I have an idea!"I said and took the baby careful, then started rocking him.

He started calming down slowly and then stopped crying and giggled. Me and Thomas sighed in relief.

"Hungwy."Gale said suddenly. I looked at Thomas.

"Check the bag for food."I told him and he nodded, then took the bag and started searching. He took out a little jar with baby food and a colorful spoon. We brought him to the kitchen and I sat on a chair with Gale sitting on my hip, then Thomas started feeding him.

"The plane is coming!"Thomas said and started making plane sounds, while holding the spoon close to Gale's mouth. Gale ate the food and giggled.

I looked at Thomas. He will make a good dad.

After we fed him, we went back to the coach and sat, then put the TV on once again. When we turned it on there was a movie how someone kills some other guy and Gale started crying.

"Change the Chanel!"I told Thomas. He panicked and took the remote and fumbled with it, then finally took ahold of it and put on Dora. Gale started giggling and we sighed in relief.

Dora being Dora, she started asking questions.

"Where is the mountain?"she asked and started at us.

"I don't know which is more weird, having a staring contest with Dora, or answering her."Thomas said and I laughed. Thomas smiled and wrapped his arm around me. Gale stirred in my arms and I looked at him. He was trying to go out of my arms.

"You want to go down?"I asked and he nodded. I put him on the floor and he held on the coach, while walking. I smiled at him.

After a few hours, the doorbell rang and I went to open it, while Thomas was playing with Gale. I opened the door and Ava was there.

"Hey Y/n!"Ava said.

"Ava! Come in, Thomas and Gale are playing in the Living room."I told her and let her in. We walked to the living room to see Thomas playing cars with Gale. I smiled at the two once again.

"Awwww...Just Look at you two!"Ava said and went to Gale.

"Hey Baby, mommy's here!"she said and Gale giggled.

"Momma!"he said and stretched his arms out for her. Ava took him and stood up, Thomas with her.

"Thank you so, so much for watching after him."Ava said and looked at the two of us.

"It's not a problem at all sis."Thomas said and hugged her. Ava hugged him too, then hugged me.

"Call again if you need a babysitter Ava. We would be more than happy to watch over him."I told her and she nodded.

"Thanks Y/n. I've got to go now. See you later!"Ava said and left.

Me and Thomas collapsed on the bed that night. I was snuggled into his chest.

"It wasn't that hard to watch over him."Thomas said.

"Mhm. And it was a little practice."I said and felt Thomas pull from me a little. I looked up and into his confused eyes.

"What do you mean?"he asked.

"What do you think I mean?"I asked and his eyes lit up.

"Like, for real?"he asked and I nodded my head with a small smile.

"For real."I told him.

"OH MY GOD, I WILL BE A DAD!"he yelled and kissed me on the lips, rubbing my stomach a little.

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