Mary's Daughter || Newt

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Newt's POV
We arrived in the Right Arm's Camp after Sonya and Harried almost shot us. We went out from the Jeep and I looked around. People were walking around, working. There weren't very much, though.

"I thought the Right Arm is an army."Minho, who was ständig next to me, said.

"We were."a deep male voice said. We looked to the direction of the voice. It was a man, with a beard."That's all that's left of us."he added and walked to Harriet and Sonya, who were standing in front of us.

"They are coming from WICKED."Sonya answered."Searching for us."

"Did you check them?"the guy asked, eyeing us suspiciously.

"I know this guy, Aris."Harriet said, pouting at Aris."I trust him."

"Well, I don't. Check them!"the guy ordered. I heard someone breathing heavily.

"Umm...boss?"some guy said and suddenly someone fell on the ground.

"BRENDA!"Jorge yelled and fell next to her, holding her.

"What's wrong with her?"Vince asked.

"I don't know!"Jorge said. Vince eyed her suspiciously.

"What's that?"he suddenly said and went to her leg, then pulled down something wrapped around it. He gasped and took out his gun.

"We've got a crank!"he yelled and pointed the pistol at Brenda.

"HEY HEY HEY! DONT!"Thomas said, going in front of Brenda."It just happened, she's not dangerous yet!"Thomas said."Can't you help her?"he asked.

"I can,"Vince said, nodding his head,"I can take her out of her misery!"


"What's going on here?"a female voice said. We turned our heads to behind Vince and saw a woman around her forties.

"She's infected, doc."Vince said."We can't help her."

"We can't."the woman, who's apparently a doctor, said, then looked at Thomas."But he can."she finished."Hello Thomas."

"Thomas?"a female voice said from behind the doctor. A young girl, around our age appeared next to the woman."Thomas."she breathed out and looked at every and each of us, like she knew us.

"How do you know me?"Thomas asked.

"They Put you in the Maze. I am not surprised, after what you did."the woman said."Follow me."she said and her, Jorge, Thomas and the girl went away, Thomas and Jorge taking Brenda with them.

The girl seems familiar, though. I wonder who's she.

Y/n's POV
Newt's here. I can't believe it. He made it. And now he's here.

I helped my mom to treat Brenda, and then she dismissed me, because she had to talk with Thomas.

I walked out of the tent and almost immediately someone approached me.

"Hi."They said. I turned around and saw Newt. He's so handsome now, with his blonde hair and brown eyes and sharp jaw and muscles and veins and oh my god I need help.

"Hello."I said."What do you need?"I asked. Yeah great. We haven't talked from years and the first thing I say is what does he needs. God dammit.

"I wanted to ask-how do you know Thomas?"he asked.

"Oh! Um, I don't want to sound creepy or anything, but I knew you all before you entered the Maze."I answered. His rose an eyebrow.

"How?"he asked.

"It's a long story."I answered.

"I have time."he said and saw down on a log. I sighed and sat down next to him.

"Okay, I was also a subject before."I started"My mom worked for WICKED and once she decided she's done with them, she snuck me out and the two of us ran away. Then we found Vince and the right arm and he took us in."I answered simply.

"Oh, that's-"

"LOOK OUT!"someone yelled and I looked up. Bergs were nearing us and trowing bombs.

"GET DOWN!"someone yelled and Newt pushed me on the ground, shielding me with his body.

Everything happened too fast after that. Me and Newt finding his friends and going to Vince and Harriet to shoot. Us getting electrocuted and then me feeling like I am being dragged. I was pushed on my knees next to Newt and Minho, WICKED soldiers scanning our necks, Thomas surrendering, being hit in the stomach and forced next to us. Ava appearing and trying to convince Thomas to give up the fight.

"...I just need more time."Ava said.

"More blood."my mother's voice said. Oh no, mom, don't do it.

"Hello Mary."Ava said."I hoped we'd see each other. I am sorry it has to be like that, though."Ava said.

"I am sorry for many things too, but not this!"my mom said."At least my consequence is clear."she added.

"So is mine."Ava said and a gun shot rang. My mom's eyes went wide and she started falling.

"MOM!"I yelled and tried to get up, but the guard held me."LET ME GO! LET ME GO!"I yelled and the guard let me. I ran to my mother and knelt next to her. I took her head and put it in my lap."Mom, please, no, don't go please. You can't leave me, please."I cried. She smiled at me.

"Be strong, Y/n. Remember I love you."she said and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"MOM!"I screamed and shook her, trying to wake her up. I looked up at Janson, who had shot her and now was putting his gun in his jacket.

"YOU!"I yelled and stood up, trying to run towards him, but guards held me. They pushed me back next to Newt.

After Thomas was ready blow us up, I stood up, ready to be blown with them. I climbed onto Newt and he held my hand.

We didn't die them, though. After Jorge and Brenda came back, we fought back. At the end, Minho was taken. Everything was ruined.

In the morning, I sat by my mother's corpse, crying. It smelled like dead already. Her eyes were still open, I didn't noticed. I closed them slowly and looked ahead from me.

Someone sat next to me. I whipped my head and saw Newt. He opened his arms and I fell into them, crying on his chest. She was whispering sweet things in my ear and stroking my back and hair a little, comforting me.

"What happens now Newt? I lost my mom, I don't have a dad or anyone for that matter. What's left for me to fight for?"I asked after I calmed down.

"We are still here Y/n. I am still here and I will never leave you, ever. I promise. If you just let me."Newt comforted me. I nodded.

"Thank you, Newt."I said.

"I love you."He said and kissed my head.

"I love you too."I said.

Okay, I don't know how that came out like that, but hope you enjoyed it, at least.

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