Chapter 8

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We all whirled our heads to see Mr. Pepperridge grinning gleefully as he held Buizel and Poochyena in his arms near the bush! My friends were speechless as I gritted my teeth seeing Buizel and Poochyena completely frightened and helpless, shaking in his hands.

"No!" I said, my voice trembling, "He found them!"

"Is that... a Buizel and a Poochyena?" Tucker asked dumbfounded, "How on earth did they get in the city here!?"

"Thomas, what's happening?" Kaname asked me.

I kept my attention on them, but answered quickly, "Okay, fine. Long story short: Yesterday evening, I found those two almost about to drown near the beach. I saved them and came to check on them this morning. They followed me out of the woods into the city. I was going to bring them back after I chatted with you guys!"

"But, of course, 'Mr. Butthead' has to ruin you plan and your day as always!" Tucker growled quietly.

"But how?" Jocinda asked worrying, "None of us told him about the bush!"

"It's not like we were loud enough for someone to eavesdrop on us, either!" Tucker added.

"I don't get it!" I said, shaking in fear, "My plan was fool-proof! Those two didn't move a muscle; they stayed right there! How did it go wrong?"

Kaname said, "Uh-oh," grabbing our attention.

We all looked as he turned to Tucker and asked, "Tucker, didn't you point at the bush while talking to Thomas just now?"

"Yeah," he said, "I was asking him about the-"

Suddenly, he looked dumbfounded straight up at the sky and his jaw dropped. He grunted as he hid his face in his hands.

"Oh, my, gosh, I'm so stupid!" he growled.

He turned to me and said with a depressed face, "Thomas, I am so, so sorry! I just gave away Buizel and Poochyena's hiding place!"

He banged his face into the table as I tried to comfort him, "Are you sure it was you? You only signaled for like 5 seconds there and continued talking to me!"

"I know you're trying to be optimistic here, Thomas," I heard Jocinda say as I turned to her, "but this is Mr. Pepperridge were talking about here. Make one slip-up near him and it becomes a fatal mistake!"

We all watched as Mr. Pepperridge said aloud, "Look at these glorious little wild Pokémon, everyone! I must have them! Students gather around, as I will show you how to catch wild Pokémon!"

My eyes widened with anger as Buizel and Poochyena started shaking violently. They both looked at me in desperation. I started to grit my teeth.

"He's... mocking me..." I growled as I clenched my fists tightly.

"Impossible," Kaname objected, "I saw him come out. He didn't arrive here until we were already sitting down. He couldn't have seen you with them."

The students started to make a circle to surround the Pokémon and Mr. Pepperridge.

"Come on!" Tucker said aloud, getting up, "We better get in that circle or they'll cut us off!"

We barely got in as the circle formed. I saw Buizel and Poochyena, shaking as the stood in front of Mr. Pepperridge. He grinned that twisted smile as he pulled out two Pokéballs from his belt.

"I will catch you and add you to my elegant team!" he shouted to Buizel and Poochyena as he flung the Pokéballs in the air.

Suddenly, two forms shot out of the balls as they returned to Mr. Pepperridge's hands. Then, I saw a huge four-armed muscular Pokémon with a blue and orange mudfish Pokémon appear in front of Buizel and Poochyena.

"Whoa, he really is going to battle those two..." Jocinda said nervously.

"What kind of Pokémon are those?" I asked fearfully and concerned.

"The muscular one is Machamp, a fighting-type," Kaname said, "and the mudfish is Swampert, a water and ground-type."

Before I could ask any questions, I heard Mr. Pepperridge yell, "Now, Machamp, use Low Kick!"

I gasped as Machamp started to take a running start, and then slid on the ground with its left leg forward. Buizel quickly shouted something to Poochyena, and it nodded in response. Both jumped above Machamp as it skidded behind them.

"Now, Swampert," he yelled, "Use water gun!" Swampert took a deep breath and then a huge burst of water shot out of its mouth. Both Buizel and Poochyena flipped, completely dodging the attack. They landed both together side-by-side. Just then, Poochyena slipped and hit the ground with a thud as it yelped in pain. Buizel gasped as it rushed over to get it up.

"Bui bu! Bui!" it yelled as Poochyena whimpered to get up.

Finally, it got up on all four feet. But just as they were about to ready themselves, Machamp skidded right behind them. They both turned to him in shock, caught off guard.

"Machamp, quickly, use Karate Chop!" Mr. Pepperridge ordered.

Machamp swung its arms at Buizel and Poochyena as they opened their eyes wide and braced for impact. It was a direct hit, sending both of them smack down into the dirt of the schoolyard. Both grunted as they skidded on the ground.

All the kids 'oohed' and 'aahed' as they battle continued on. I began to clench my fists as I became frustrated. I had to think of something, they needed me. I started shaking and gritting my teeth.

"We've got to stop him," I growled.

"Thomas, we want to help, but we can't!" Tucker yelled, "We're part of the school; we would get expelled if we stepped in and stopped this!"

"But, I'm not!" I said angrily.

"That doesn't matter!" Kaname said, "Buizel and Poochyena are in danger!"

"We've got to stop this somehow!" Jocinda said quickly.

I suddenly heard Mr. Pepperridge yell, "Now, Machamp, use Low Kick one more time!"

The fighting-type Pokémon then slid towards Buizel and Poochyena. The two were dizzy, still recovering from the last attack. They were sent back against the ground with a crash. I heard both of them scream in agony. I breathed heavily. I had to stop this.

"Quickly, Swampert, finish them off with Hyper Beam!" Mr. Pepperridge yelled.

"His Swampert knows Hyper Beam!?" Tucker said unbelieving.

"This is it! He's going to finish them off with this move!" Jocinda said, covering her eyes.

"He really is going to capture them!" Kaname said.

I gritted my teeth as a light started to form in front of Swampert's mouth. Mr. Pepperridge grinned with absolute glee in anticipation of his victory. Buizel and Poochyena were struggling to get up on their feet. They shook as they kept their eyes closed. I couldn't stand seeing them like this.


"Over my dead body!" I screamed as I bolted over to Buizel and Poochyena, scaring my friends and several students standing near us.

"Thomas! No!" Kaname screamed after me.

I rushed as fast as I could when I saw the Hyper Beam attack shot out of Swampert's mouth. Buizel and Poochyena opened their eyes as the attack came closer. They struggled in fear to get out of the way of the attack, but they couldn't react in time. Just as the attack came in front of them, I skidded to a stop as I slid between them and the attack, with my back towards the immediate incoming danger.

Suddenly, the most intense pain was felt throughout my body as the Hyper Beam hit my back. I felt my sweatshirt tear open, giving direct pain to every nerve and cell in my skin. My eyes opened wide as the unbelievable burning agony crept up my spine.

I just stared at the ground as Buizel and Poochyena's eyes were completely stunned and focused at me. They were shaking in fear about me getting hurt, but I didn't look at them. My mouth slowly opened as I uncontrollably gasped.

It was then I felt so much pain, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and let out the hugest scream I have ever heard in my life.


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