Chapter 9

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Swampert and Machamp gasped and took a step back as Mr. Pepperridge yelled, "What in the world! What is going on!?"

I let my head drop as I balanced myself on my wrists and knees. I began to clench my fists as hard as I could. The pain was too much for me to bear. I started to have tears run down my face.

All the kids started panicking. Some of the girls let out blood-curdling screams as I heard other kids say things like 'what just heck just happened'.

"Thomas!!" I heard Tucker scream as he and the others rushed to my side.

"Thomas, are you okay!?" Jocinda covered her mouth, squealing.

"Dude," Tucker yelled, "You just took a direct hit!"

I couldn't reply; I just screamed, "AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!"

I heard Kaname say, "Jocinda, go get the school nurse and the principal now! Thomas is really hurt badly!"

She nodded as she started to get up.

"Oh, wow!" Tucker said, "His sweatshirt has a huge hole torn into it and his back's bleeding! He must've been hit hard!"

"He's going to need immediate first aid," Kaname stated, and then said to me, "Thomas, can you hear me?"

I couldn't talk, but I nodded and gargled, "GGGUUUUHHHH!"

"Okay," Kaname said, "Don't try to get up. Just stay in this position. We're gonna get you help. Hurry, Jocinda."

I saw Jocinda's feet run past my head and through the circle to the door as I noticed several drops of blood drip of my body and onto the grass. I kept my fists clenched as I struggled to glance at Buizel and Poochyena. Both of them were terrified, looking at me. They had their mouths open in shock, as their eyes were sparkling again. Tears slowly started to form in their eyes.

"Augh! Uhh, hey... it's all r-right, you two," I said, wiping the tears from my eyes and looking at them trying to smile in pain, "It's go-ahh! I-it's going to b-be okay!"

They kept shaking as they gritted their teeth. Poochyena started having tears coming down its face as it turned and buried its head into Buizel's chest. It began to whimper in a high tone uncontrollably. Buizel hugged Poochyena's head and started to have tears visible too.

"Hey," I smirked at them, "I'm going t-to be okay! I-I am just a little bit shaken up, th-that's all. Don't w-worry, it's over. I-I'll take you to-ahh! I'll take you to the woods soon..."

I reached my arms out painfully as I shook. They looked at me and first were afraid they'd hurt me. But as I smiled at them, they tried so hard not to cry, gritting their teeth visibly and partially closing their eyes. They finally broke down and started wailing as they collided with me. I smiled; I was in total agony and wanted to cry myself, but I didn't so they wouldn't feel worse. They just kept wailing and crying as they shut their eyes and grabbed my shirt, burying their faces as deep into my chest as they could go. I was grateful; it hurt, hearing them cry, but I was so happy they weren't hurt too badly.

However, I was starting to become worried; my plan had failed. Everybody in the schoolyard was staring at me. They just saw me protect Pokémon. No doubt, this story was going to spread around Kilyla City for a while. Don't get me wrong; I liked Buizel and Poochyena, but I was afraid that the city would start believing I was a Pokémon Trainer.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I heard Mr. Pepperridge scream as he began to march over to where we were, "I have a good mind to report you to the principal and expel you for this disruptive behavior!"

Disruptive behavior? Was that man serious!? I just took a Hyper Beam to the back thanks to him, and all he can think about is me being a student and expelling me for getting in his way of capturing two little Pokémon! Did he not care that he just critically injured me? Why that little...

He knelt down to see me with an angry face, but then stared dumbfounded as he recognized me.

"Wha? Thomas... Gungsten? Is that you?" he asked me.

Suddenly, I started to hear children all around us whisper and talk amongst themselves:

"Wait, that's Thomas Gungsten?"

"Isn't he the kid that doesn't want to come here?"

"Oh, it's that kid..."

"Looks like he's not so 'cool' for Pokémon anymore..."

"I'm surprised he's even here!"

"I thought he was scared of Pokémon..."

"Yeah, so why is he protecting them?"

"Geez, do you think he's okay with that injury?"

I simply closed my eyes when I heard Mr. Pepperridge say angrily, "What do you think you were doing, placing yourself into unpredictable danger while I was teaching a lesson in wild Pokémon?"

Buizel and Poochyena looked at the man in fear and slowly cuddled closer to me.

"A lesson, my butt!" Tucker yelled angrily, "You attacked those Pokémon! You should never have done that! Thomas is hurt because of you!"

Kaname said in a strict tone, "Both of you, calm down! Our priority should be on Thomas right now."

"How dare you!" Mr. Pepperridge snapped at Tucker, completely ignoring Kaname, "Just wait until I tell the principal about this! You will-"

"Everybody, be quiet and calm down!!" we heard someone yell.

There was a huge hush. Everyone turned as an opening from the circle formed. There came Jocinda, with Nurse Joy and Principal Vicar. Nurse Joy had her usually attire on. Principal Vicar wore a black suit-coat with a white dress shirt and pink tie. His black spiky hair and black shades resembled Kaname. I mean, well, they should. After all, he was Kaname's uncle. So, I hoped that he would hopefully listen to reason with Kaname, if not me.

"Principal Vicar! Thank goodness you are here!" Mr. Pepperridge said as he seemed to joyfully prance over to them, waiting to tattle on me.

"What is going on here?" Principal Vicar asked as Swampert and Machamp walked over to us.

"I will tell you," Mr. Pepperridge explained, "This children have such nerve, I tell you. I was just having a battle with those two wild Pokémon this young man has in his arms to teach the students about catching wild Pokémon. As I was about to win the battle and capture them, he steps in and stops the battle! On top of that, I am verbally abused by his friends because of it! Their behavior is intolerable! I demand they go to your office and think about what they've done, as I finish my battle with these two Pokémon!"

Insensitive freaking idiot. He didn't even mention that his Pokémon just injured me.

Buizel and Poochyena started to shake in fear of Mr. Pepperridge, who had ended his sentence by pointing to them. They snuggled closer, but became more confident as I quietly shushed them and patted their backs again.

Mr. Pepperridge smiled gleefully at me, awaiting his expected response. But, we all were surprised (my friends, Buizel, Poochyena, and I mostly relieved) to hear Principal Vicar say something different.

"Now, hold it, Mr. Pepperridge," he said apparently not to thrilled about his employee's demands, "I'm not going to send students to my office, just because I only heard one side of the story."

He looked at me and gasped, but didn't see my face.

He then said unbelieving, "But, more importantly, I heard during the battle, a teenager flew himself in the path of a Hyper Beam, and it looks like it's true!"

He and Nurse Joy walked behind me as Jocinda crouched with my friends next to me. They looked at me and mouthed 'It's going to be okay'.

"Oh, my word!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, "This is horrible! If this young man had been closer to the Hyper Beam when it launched, he may not have-"

She stopped when Principal Vicar shook his head with disgust and looked at Mr. Pepperridge.

"Your Pokémon attacked and almost FATALLY injured this young man," he looked with disappointment at him and said angrily, "and you didn't EVEN THINK of giving him first aid or checking to see if he was okay?"

Mr. Pepperridge became embarrassed and nervous.

"W-well, you see..." he stammered.

"Yeah, and on top of that," Tucker interrupted, "He threatens Thomas to send him to your office for 'inexcusable behavior' and to expel Kaname, Jocinda, and I when we tried to stand up for him! Mr. Pepperridge was such a jerk to us!"

"Tucker," Kaname said, grabbing his attention, "I understand you are angry too, but you've already gotten an in-school suspension today because of Craig. You'll get kicked out of school if you don't calm down."

"Wait a minute," Principal Vicar said shocked, "Did you say 'Thomas'? As in..."

He slowly bent down in front of me and looked at my face as I raised my head up at him.

"Thomas Gungsten?" he finished.

I was completely embarrassed as I said in pain, "Hello, sir..."

He looked at Buizel and Poochyena in my arms. He looked back at me. He smiled a tiny bit.

"Thomas Gungsten... in the presence of Pokémon... without getting frightened..." he said amazed.

He turned to Kaname and asked, "Kaname, what happened here?"

Kaname explained with a groan, "Thomas had brought Buizel and Poochyena into the yard for a couple minutes, so he could talk to us. He hid them in a bush near the table. Mr. Pepperridge found them and immediately brought his Pokémon out. He began attacking them, so he could catch them, when Thomas stepped in between one of the attacks. I quickly told Jocinda to go and get you and Nurse Joy. Then, what Tucker said is what happened while she found you."

"Thank you, Kaname," the principal replied, "I am proud of you; but, that does not explain why Buizel and Poochyena are in the schoolyard to begin with."

He looked back at me and asked, "Thomas, I know you are hurt, but I need to know what happened before we can help you."

I breathed heavily and uncontrollably. I looked up. Mr. Pepperridge was glaring at me with a cold shoulder, that look I hate so much. My friends were looking at me with concern. And, every kid in the circle was staring at me, probably waiting for the answer so they could tell their parents or other people as much as they could.

I looked down at Buizel and Poochyena. They had stopped crying and looked up at me. They nodded with smiles on their faces, giving me permission to let them know. I let out a tired exhale as I kept them close, just in case.

"Listen," I said quietly with difficulty, "I know that by law..., I was not supposed to interrupt... a Pokémon battle. But, there was a promise... I made to these guys."

Principal Vicar asked, "A promise?"

"You see," I said taking huge and painful breaths, "Yesterday at the alcove... on the beach..., Buizel and Poochyena... were trapped under a huge pile of rocks... and were in danger of drowning. After I saved them... and found them a place to sleep, I went back this morning... to check on them. After I left them, they followed me... out of the city... until I got to my friend's house... and realized it. I promised them that after lunch here, I would bring them... back to the alcove."

"I see," the principal said, as he looked at the two in my hands and then back at me.

"A likely story!" scoffed Mr. Pepperridge, "This friend is probably made up to get out of trouble! Where's his proof?"

The principal replied in a nicer way, "Mr. Pepperridge is right. Can your friend verify what your saying is true?"

"Yes," I said confidently, "the friend... is Old Man Fellows."

Principal Vicar smiled in relief as he said, "I know Fellows. He's a good man. So, he was the one who saw the two following you?"

"Yes, sir," I coughed, "and he's also the one... who told me to hide Buizel and Poochyena... in the schoolyard... during lunch... until it was time to go."

Principal Vicar looked at me, then at Buizel and Poochyena, then at his nephew, then back at me. He sighed, rubbed his neck like Kaname did (Cause they're related), and smiled.

"I understand, and I believe you, Thomas," he said to me.

My heart was overjoyed. Thank God on high he believed me. Buizel and Poochyena sighed a huge relief as they cuddled their heads again into my chest. My friends smiled at me.

"What!?" Mr. Pepperridge said surprised, "I object! Thomas was a total disruptive-"

"Mr. Pepperridge, you and I have known Fellows since we were infants," Principal Vicar interrupted, "This is something he'd do. But, that's not important. Right now, we need to focus on Thomas' injuries."

"Very well," Mr. Pepperridge said irritated, twirling his hair neatly, "We can shelf this for later."

My heart suddenly felt on fire. I was gritting my teeth in anger. I clenched my fists. I started to lightly growl.

"But, before we do that..." I said angrily, grabbing everybody's attention. Buizel and Poochyena looked at me, wondering what I was doing and what I meant. I set them down on the ground as I painfully attempted to get up. My rage was overloading. I was so mad.

"Bui Bui!" I hear Buizel say, trying to convince me to stay on the ground. Poochyena whined as it cuddled against it in fear.

"Hold on, you two," I winced, as I stared at Mr. Pepperridge angrily, "I want a word with Mr. Pepperridge."

He kept giving me that look; it made me so dang angry! All those adults who were upset at me for not being a Pokémon trainer looked at me like I was a disgrace, like vermin.


"What... is wrong with you...?" I growled. Suddenly, I stood up in front of him. The pain fueled my anger. I looked at him gritting my teeth. Suddenly, that anger rose up throughout my body.


Everybody in the schoolyard, including Principal Vicar, my friends, Buizel, and Poochyena, were startled. It was rare to see me angry. I'm very patient, but when I am pushed too far, there's no stopping me. Mr. Pepperridge gasped with a scared face as I stepped forward.

I screamed, "I get horribly injured by your Pokémon, to the point where I am bleeding on the ground, and all you can think about is EXPELLING ME!? Did you not even notice you hurt me? You could have at least asked me if I was okay, if not getting the nurse instead of my friends doing it! If you really wanted me to come here, you would've CARED about me!!"

I pointed my fingers to Buizel and Poochyena, who were shaking of me shouting, as I continued to yell, "But, that's not my major beef with you! HOW DARE YOU!! Taking advantage of two helpless wild Pokémon! You saw them, shaking in fear of you! They were frightened of the city and you were attacking them, knowing it!! I may not be a Pokémon trainer, but that's not what a Pokémon trainer is supposed to do! You DON'T DO THAT!! You fight them on equal terms, not take advantage of them! YOU ARE A HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR A POKÉMON TRAINER!!"

Mr. Pepperridge gasped as his face showed he was insulted and angry. I'm sure I would have kept screaming my head off, but just then, a surge of pain shot up my spine. I grunted as I dropped to my knees. I struggled to get back up, but something furry was pulling down from my right arm. I then felt something pull on my left sleeve. I looked at my sides.

Buizel was holding my right arm as Poochyena was biting my left sleeve. They were trying to get me to stay down on the ground, for my sake.

"Bu! Bui, bu bu bui!" Buizel said with a nervous face as it shook its head, telling me to stay down. Poochyena's rear legs kept skidding as it closed its eyes and tried to back up, forcing me to lie down.

I wasn't done yet. I tried to get up, but they wouldn't let me go; when I tried to get off my knees, they pulled me back down. The more I looked at them, the tighter the grip and stronger the pull they had was.

Finally, I grunted in anger and said gently, "Okay, you two, I'm done. I'll stay down."

I lay down as they let go and came close to my face. Poochyena smiled as it came inches from my nose. It licked me and began panting as its tail kept wagging and eyes sparkled in happiness, making me calm and happier. Buizel sat down and began rubbing the back of my neck.

It kept saying over and over, "Bui, bu bui... Bui bu bu... Bu bu bui bui bu..." as if it was telling me it was going to be okay, and for me to relax.

It was strange. I thought I was the one protecting them, not the other way around. It felt good, Poochyena licking my face, and Buizel telling me to relax and that is was okay. I was still nervous, but it felt good. It felt like... a bond. No, it wasn't like a bond, like you'd have with parents. And, it was too personal for a friend bond.

It was a... brother... bond...?

Yeah... it was, wasn't it? I felt so close, yet so far away. I wanted to be close, but I still was nervous around them. I mean, although they really trusted me, they must've not trusted me so much.

I mean they didn't do anything like hug me or say they loved me...

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder as Principal Vicar had gotten up from crouching and walked in front of Mr. Pepperridge.

"And, I have a problem with you too, Mr. Pepperridge," he said as he folded his arms and glared at him angrily.

"You cannot be serious!" Mr. Pepperridge protested, "You can't really feel for such intolerable behavior!"

"YOUR behavior is the only intolerable thing I am seeing right now!" Principal Vicar gently and firmly argued, "Mr. Pepperridge, you were having a Pokémon battle, with students circling around. Some of them are younger than Thomas, some of them even toddlers here for day-care. What if one of your attacks missed and hit a student? What if Thomas didn't interfere at the Hyper Beam attack, and Buizel and Poochyena dodged it, and it hit one or more students? And if this is the result of a teenager like Thomas getting hurt," as he pointed to my injury, "think of the disaster that would befall a younger person! Mr. Pepperridge, I don't think you understand that you could've not only killed Thomas, but a handful of students! Good Lord, what would've the parents done!?"

"I wasn't trying to hurt any of the students!" Mr. Pepperridge objected, "I was-"

"I know," the principal responded calmly and bringing his voice down, "I'm sorry for yelling, and I understand your motives. But, you went too far. Not only would the parents have filed lawsuits against us, there would have been students, if injured, who would be terrified of Pokémon and never want to learn the joys and pleasures of knowing and being with them. If you truly wanted to battle Buizel and Poochyena, you should have come to me first and asked my permission."

He turned briefly to Nurse Joy and said, "Nurse Joy, please get your Pokémon out and start helping Thomas."

Nurse joy nodded as she took a Pokéball out her medical bag and threw it in the air. It opened as a form of a green dinosaur-looking Pokémon with a flower on its neck appeared.

"Meganium," she said, "I need you to use Synthesis on Thomas' back."

It said, "Nium," as it slowly walked over to me and it began glowing. Suddenly, an enjoyable feeling spread all across my back.

"Alright," Tucker cheered, "His injuries are already healing!!"

Buizel and Poochyena sat down in front of me and smiled. Both of them looked relieved that I was okay.

We all turned our attention back to Principal Vicar as he said to Mr. Pepperridge, "I want you and your Swampert and Machamp to go and wait in my office for me to come back. When I do, we are all going to have a long chat about why our students and everybody else's safety is more important than our own personal interests. Do not worry; you are not going to be fired or disciplined."

Mr. Pepperridge took a deep breath and twirled his mustache as he closed his eyes and gave a proud look. He looked at his Pokémon and signaled them to follow him.

"Very well," he sounded insulted, trying to raise pity, "I shall look forward to our discussion about this matter."

He walked past us but glanced down and muttered, "Despicable deliquient."

I glared at him and growled, "Snobby low-life jerk."

"Enough, both of you," the principal warned as he then turned to Mr. Pepperridge and said, "Go."

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