Chapter 1 ~ Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere

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Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Narrator's POV.

June 6, 2003.

The hot sun roasted the grassy plains of Texas. The grass danced across the field with the soft summer breeze blowing through the clear blue sky.

A red beaten up truck was rolling down the abandon dirt road, picking up the dirt along with it. 3 people were inside the red truck; sweat dripped down their salty, tan skin. The radio was playing "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns n' Roses. The two parents were up in the front while the mom was fanning herself with a magazine, the dad whipped his forehead sprinkling sweat toward the little girl in the back.

The girl was reading a book, "The Grim Brothers story collection". Her brown hair shined in the sunlight as it turned into a golden brown color as it was tied up in a ponytail. "How much further to the nearest town, mama?" The girl said peering over her book. The mom was turned her head, & said.

"Not that far love." She said, smiling back.

"Well lucky for us there's a gas station up ahead. Maybe someone can give us directions." The dad said as he pulled the red pick-up truck over at a small gas station with biker bikes lined up. Everyone got out of the truck, taking in the coolness mixed in with the heat of the sun beaming down on them. The dad lifted the hood of the truck as steam blew into his face. "Ahh...damn!" The mom quickly covered the young girl's ears.

"Honey? Language!" The girl giggled as her dad covered his mouth, pretending to zip his lips.

"Sorry loves." He said.

"Well, I'm gonna go inside to buy some sodas for the road, & other stuff we might need. Maddy, would you come along with me? You can pick a treat." Maddy nodded her head, caught up with her mom as they wandered inside the station. As they walked in a cowbell above them rang through the shop. They looked around only to find no one in charge, but a couple of bikers at a table, having a few beers. The mom kept Maddy close to her as they continued walking.

"Wha can I do fa ya' ma'am, and little ma'am?" She said, giving both Maddy & her mom a warm welcoming smile. She was a middle-aged woman with bits of hair sticking out of her bun & half-moon glasses. She was wearing an old-fashioned dress that was purple & went to her ankles. She was smoking a cigarette & she had a southern accent.

"Yes, ma'am. We're just here to grab some snacks, & our truck is not working...I guess?" The lady looked out the window, saw Maddy's dad messing around with the gears in the truck, trying to fix it. She looked at them surprised.

"Your truck ain't working?"

"No ma'am." She then began to think as if she was wondering if they were worth helping. "Is there a motel around here?"

"Not for miles dearie. It'll take you hours till you reach in that truck of your's condition." The mom sighed heavily, Maddy sighed too in disappointment. The lady lit up another cigarette & pointed in the distance.

"Ova there is ma home. My brother & my husband can help fix your truck with no charges. You can even stay with my family as long as ya need." She blew smoke out of her mouth & smiled at them. The smile made Maddy feel like she could trust this woman with her life, & she liked her too. She was nice enough to let them stay with & the smile she gave made Maddy's her thump harder in her chest. "I've never gotten such a motherly smile from s a stranger before? This is gonna be interesting!"Maddy thought to herself.

"Thank you, ma'am, you don't know how thankful we are!"

"No more of that "ma'am" business here. Call me Luda Mae."

"Nice to meet you, Luda Mae. I'm Tiffany, my husband Ron, & my daughter Maddy." Luda Mae knelt down to Maddy's height, & said.

"I've got a boy who's the same age as you back home. I think my baby might get along just perfectly." Luda Mae said. Maddy smiled back.

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Maddy's POV.

An hour went by as the sun began to settle behind the grassy hills. I was sitting on my dad's lap in the back of a towing truck that was dragging their pickup truck from behind. Mom was talking to Luda Mae about...women stuff as an old man around the age of 40 was driving the truck.

As we drove Luda Mae was talking about her family, her brother Monty who called "Uncle Monty", her husband Charlie, & her baby boy, Thomas. To be honest I was actually nervous to meet this Thomas boy. Would he like me? Or be like the other kids & ignore me, pretending like I don't exist. Lord Jesus, please help me!

"Alright, we're here." Uncle Monty said; I snapped out of my train of thought & looked up to see a run-down house. Not as run down as the shop, but in my mind, I thought it was beautiful. You see I like things that are old or run down; some say I'm crazy, but I pay no mind to them.

It was a light blue with a little white & on the porch of the house, I could see a little couch there next to a bench swing. But also there was a man who I was gonna guess was Charlie.

He was wearing old dirty farmers clothes with a dusty hat on top of his straw-like hair. Everyone got out of the truck, grabbed our bags as my dad went back in the truck & drove off with Uncle Monty to the old barn. "Well go on in the house. Don't be afraid of Charlie, he ain't gonna bite ya. Go on." Luda Mae tried to reassure me, but I was still felt scared that he was gonna jump out, & attack me. "Where's Thomas at, Charlie?"

"Down in the basement." He replied, then looked at me. "Who are you?" I was too nervous to speak because I don't talk to people that much instead of my parents.

"That's Maddy, & her parents are gonna stay with us until their truck is fixed." By the time mama was standing next to me on the porch in front of the screen door I opened the door up & walked in. The first thing that hit my nose was meat, smoke from cigarettes, & blood. As soon as I smelled it I felt the tension leaving my body, & I relaxed. "Your bedroom is the last one to the right, next to your parent's bedroom." I turned around in disbelief. I get to have my OWN room?!

I've always stayed in my parent's room since I was little, never have I ever had a room all to myself. I was so excited that I ran up the stairs, bolted down the hallway, opened the door, & gasped. The walls were a creamy white color, light blue lace curtains, a queen size bed with pink flowers on the sheets, a dresser, & a desk. I dropped my backpack, leap onto the bed, & spread my limbs to reach the edges of the bed. I inhaled the sweet scent of country wildflowers that was resting on the desk.

My mind swam with a different thought, that my eyes grew heavy, & shut closed as I drifted off to sleep.

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Thomas' POV.

I was down in my favorite part of the house, the basement. I love the darkness, & the coldness where I truly felt belonged. In a corner of a desk, I was sketching some pictures of animals I have butchered with Uncle Charlie once. During the middle of my drawing O heard Uncle Charlie calling me. I couldn't stand his yelling so I removed myself from the desk, & went up the stairs. Uncle Monty, Uncle Charlie, & mamma were standing in front of a couple. The lady was beautiful along with her husband who was good looking too.

They looked at me, arched an eyebrow at me probably staring at my mask. Mama came over, hugged me, kissed me on the forehead, & brought me over to the couple. "This is my baby boy, Thomas. Thomas this is Tiffany & Ron. They also have a daughter who's the same age as you; they'll be staying with us for awhile." A daughter who's the same age as I am?! The inside of my body shook like an earthquake, the palm of my hands began sweating. A girl?!

"Why does he wear that mask on his face?" Ron asked, his wife smacked him on the chest. I looked down nervously, darting my eyes back & forth.

"Oh, my son has this skin condition since he was born so he wears it for...medical reasons," Mama said, coming to my rescue. I sighed heavily in relieved. "In the meantime why not Ron, Monty, & Charlie go cook the meat for supper, while Tiffany & I go cut some vegetables. Thomas could you go upstairs & get Maddy for supper. Her room is the last one on the right."

Me? Go get the g-girl?! My mind swam crazy, my heart pounded hard against my chest, but I obey mama, & nervously walked up the stairs. With each step, I thought of how I should approach her carefully. Oh dear Lord?! Please let this girl like me, & not scream or be afraid of me?! PLEASE!!!!

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