Chapter 2 ~ Dinner With The Hewitt's

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Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Thomas' POV.

With each step, I took my heart press hard against my ribs. What do I do? What do I say to her without frightening her? My brain flooded with unending voice chatting in my head. "She's not gonna like. You know why because you're a hideous person in the world. No one would want to be your friend." I snapped out of when I was standing in the doorway of her room, & on the bed the girl. Was she...asleep?

I quietly approached her without waking her up. Once I got closer I could see more of her appearance. Her hair was the color of chocolate that was tied up in a ponytail; her skin was a light tan, but also soft looking like a daisy. And her lips were the color of pink, a very light pink that made my knees go weak. My arm slowly reaches out to her shoulder as I lightly shook it.

Suddenly her eyes were beginning to open as I saw that they were a sky blue colored eyes. Oh...they were the most...beautiful thing I have ever seen. Once she fully opened them, she frowned, & quickly jumped back farther away from me. "I knew it..." I thought to myself as I hung my head to the floor & walked out of her room, but before I could leave something warm, & soft grabbed my hand. I slowly looked down to see another pair of hands grabbing a hold onto me.

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Maddy's POV.

Something touched my shoulder, lightly shaking me awake. I thought it was mama or dad that was waking me up. I must have dozed off. But as I fully got back my vision I noticed that it was neither of my parents, it was a boy, standing before me. What normal would do when they see a stranger is stumbled back, & so I did. Quickly stumbled back to the other end of the bed with my legs curled to my chest. I saw the sadness mixed anger on the boy's face as he turned to leave, but out of nowhere I just jumped out of my bed, ran up to him, & grabbed his hand. I felt his muscles tense up a bit, his hands shaky & sweaty. He turned his head, didn't fully turned his face towards, but I could see one side of his eyes that stared at me nervously; heck I was nervous myself for crying out loud!!!

"W-wait...don't go. Sorry that I scared or made you upset in some sort of way? You just...startled me, that's all." The boy's eyes widen, then darted nervously from me to the floor. "You must be Thomas, right?" The boy nodded his head; I frowned at him seeing that he didn't talk. "What's wrong? Can't you talk?" Thomas shook his head. I frowned sadly, but smiled, walked over to my bag, pulled out a piece of paper, a pencil, & handed it toward him. "Here, you can use this to talk...if you want," I said. Thomas gently took the paper & pencil, walk over to the desk, & scribbled something. After he was done he handed it back to me. The handwriting was neat but still childish.

"I'm Thomas. Thomas Brown Hewitt."I looked at Thomas with a smile on my face.

"It's nice to meet us, Thomas. I'm Maddy Louis Roacher." I said holding out my hand toward him. Thomas stared at me for a while, then slowly shook my hand when I noticed that I could see his entire face. He wore a leather mask around his face. He noticed that I was staring at his mask because he looked away, but I took his hand again & said. "You don't need to hide it from me. I don't mind. To be honest, here, I think your mask is pretty cool." Thomas's eyes widen again, saw a smile spread across his face.

"Thomas! Maddy! Come on down here you two, suppers ready!" Luda Mae & my mom said from downstairs. I turned over to Thomas who pointed downstairs, cupped his left hand, & the other scooping something, pretending like he was eating something. I giggled a bit.

"I'll race ya to the dining room?!" I said as we both bolted down the steps, ran into the dining room where my parents, Luda Mae, Uncle Monty, & Charlie were sitting at. Took my spot with my parents as Thomas sat next to me.

"Well...look who finally showed up?" Charlie said. The way he looked at me kinda frighten me, luckily Thomas noticed it, brushed his hand against my knowing that I was safe with him.

On the table was delicious food. Beef Stew, cornbread, salad, steam cooked carrots, etc. The smell made my stomach rumble & my mouth water. "Now let's all say, Grace," Charlie said. Luda Mae grabbed Charlie's hand while Uncle Monty grabbed my dad's holding my mom's, then me, & I gently grabbed Thomas' & we all bowed our heads & listened as Luda Mae said, Grace.

During the prayer, I had spaced out in my thought as I glanced at Thomas. He was 2 inches taller than me, strong I could tell from the grip he had on my hand. I knew that we were gonna be good friends. "Amen." Everyone said we went for the food.

I took the ladle & put a large serving of the stew on my plate with carrots, green beans, & 2 rolls. The food made my mouth water & as I took my first bite of the stew. Ahhhhh man...I felt like I had died & gone to heaven. It was the best food I had ever tasted & I wanted more of it, badly! So I practically stuffed my face.

"Nice to know you love the food you got, child." I stopped eating & looked at Luda Mae. Everyone was staring at me. I swallowed the food, used a napkin to wipe my face of any stray food.

"S-sorry ma'am..."

"Don't be sorry dearie." I looked up nervously as she continued. "Just look at my boy Thomas. You don't see me gettin' on his tail now do you. I was just mess' with ya." I looked over at Thomas & saw how he was stuffing his face worse than I was. The look of him made me giggle that started to turn into a full-blown laugh that I tried to conceal by covering my mouth with my hand but failed to do so. Thomas looked up from his plate; heard him gulped a big mouth full, & hung his over.

Again I giggled while rubbing my hand on his knee showing him that it was okay. He turned his masked face towards me, smiles, & we both went back to eating. "Well looks like my baby boy, & your daughter is gonna be good friends." Luda Mae said.

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After supper, mama & Luda Mae went to put the food away as Thomas & I were in charge cleaning the dishes while my dad, Uncle Monty, & Charlie were outside having a cigar, & beer.

Thomas & I were splashing water at each other, made soup bubble sculptures, made bubble beards on our faces. Luda Mae & mama came walking into the room. "Awww...Isn't that just adorable?! Let me go get my camera. I don't wanna forget this moment." Mama said as she ran up the stairs, Thomas & I both looked at each other confused, but then mama came back & out of the blue she took a snapshot of Thomas & I with bubble beards on our faces.

"Ahhh...mama! Do you REALLY have to do that?!" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Yes, love. To make new memories." She said flapping the photo to dry, handed to both of us. the both of us saw the picture, I laughed because it was so funny, Thomas giggled too seeing of ridicules we both looked. "Alright Maddy, it's time for bed."

"But mama?!" I whinnied.

"No whining. The sooner you go to bed, the sooner you'll get to wake-up. Go on." I obeyed mama; Thomas came along with me up the stairs. Once I was in my room, I turned around facing Thomas.

"Where's your room, Thomas?" I asked. Thomas pointed to a door at the other end of the hallway. On the door was a sign, written in childish handwriting, "Thomas' Room". I turned back to Thomas. He folded his hands together & rested his head on them. I was a bit confused, but I understood him. He met "sleep well". I chuckled a bit, & blushed at the same time. "You too, Thomas. See ya in the morning." Quietly I shut the door, resting my back against the door.

"Why am I acting so strange around him? I've never acted like the a...dumb blonde who's flirting with a guy?" (Author's Note: I'm not making fun of blondes or offending them in any way....just wanna let ya know ^_^") I thought to myself; my heart pounded hard against my rib cage, my cheeks were red, & burning, but I shook my head, jumped into my pj's & crawled into my bed.

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Thomas' POV.

The sound of thunder echoed through the house, bits of lightning flashed across the angry night sky. It didn't bother me, I wasn't like the other kids who were afraid of lightning. That's one thing I liked about myself; I wasn't a coward like most of the boys in the town were when it comes to slaughtering cows, pigs, goats, etc. Too scared to chase after coyotes in the middle of the long as you're with people like Uncle Monty & Charlie.

Thunderstorms kinda soothe me, like how mama would sing to me when I wake-up from a nightmare. So I laid my head back onto my pillow, slowly closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep when suddenly I heard my door opening, & then quietly shutting it. The wooden floor creaked along with the sound of the small pitter patter of feet coming toward my bed. Then I felt my sheets were removed from my body.

I turned around to see a small dark figure crawling into my bed; I felt smooth, soft, warm skin brushing against mine. I turned my head to see who the figure was, but then my eyes froze as well as my entire body. It was Maddy laying in my bed, next to me? I could see small tears in the corner of her eyes, her body was shaking a bit.

Just when I was about say something when another exposing of thunder & lighting came. Maddy buried her head into my chest, screamed a bit, & shook like crazy. "Is she afraid of the storm?" I thought to myself.

All of could do at the moment was to soothe her by humming mama's lullaby while wrapping my arms around her, bring her close to my body. "I wish this moment could last forever...No, not forever...eternity." I thought to myself quietly.

The world around me spun in circles. I could feel my cheeks turning warm, my heart pounding. I never felt this way before. I had one cousin who's a girl, but...this one's...different.

"Thank you, Thomas." I hear Maddy whispering to me. I turn my head to see Maddy's face so close to me that my entire body was paralyzed. Our noses were touching each other's, our lips were inches away from touching too. "Thank you, Thomas. You're the first friend I had ever had in my life. I hope our friendship will last a lifetime." She whispered again. Then out of nowhere she crawled closer to me, & placed her lips on my mask cheek.

My whole face was burning, like on FIRE!!! "OH, MY LORD!!!! Did she just...KISSED ME?! Well...on the cheek..." Maddy buried her face deeper into my chest, & fell fast asleep. I laid my head back onto my pillow, & fell asleep with a smile on my face as I cuddled closer to Maddy.

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