Chapter 3 ~ Friendship To Last

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Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it."
- Hubert H. Humphrey

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."
- Helen Keller

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
- C.S. Lewis

"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow."
- William Shakespeare

"The best mirror is an old friend."

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Maddy's POV.

My eyes fluttered opened as the sun peeked through the curtain. The warm summer breeze brushed against my bare skin, but something else brushed against my skin also. Felt like...human skin. I opened my eyes to meet face to face with Thomas.

I could have jumped out of the bed, but I was too tired, too comfortable to get up. And also for another reason I...kinda liked watching Thomas sleep. He looked to peaceful, & kinda...cute. I smiled to myself as I snuggled deeper into his chest. Suddenly I hear Thomas groaning, knowing that he was waking up. Thomas' eyes fluttered open as he meet mine, then his eyes bulged open, quickly sat up, leaning against the bed frame.

"Sorry Thomas. Did I scare you?" I asked, but he just shook his head. "That's good." I said, brushing his dark brown hair away from his chocolate brown eyes.

"Aww...Isn't that cute." A voice called out. Thomas & I both turned our heads toward the door to see Charlie standing there with his arms crossed. He looked over at Thomas, have him a wink with a thumbs up.

"Leave them be, Charlie." Luda Mae light smacked Charlie on his arm as he was shooed away, then went back to us. "Breakfast is on the table downstairs." Luda Mae said, disappearing from sight.

"Come on Thomas, lets go eat so we can play outside." I said. "I'll race ya." I giggled as we both dashed down the steps, & ran into the dining room. Dad, Charlie, & even Uncle Monty were reading the newspaper while mama & Luda Mae were sitting at the table, drink a cup of coffee.

Thomas & I both sat next to each other & stuffed our faces. What could I say? Luda Mae's cooking is to die for!!!

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After breakfast I stood outside on the porch waiting for Thomas. Today I put on one of my good shirts & shirts, brushed my tangled hair making it look even more tangled. I dont understand why I did all of this. I never once cared about looking nice for anyone, but...Thomas was different. He made me want to look nice. All of this was for him.

Suddenly I heard the screen door open & out came Thomas all ready to go.

"Thomas!" I said giving him a warm smile.

Thomas looked up & ran toward me. We both began to noticed each other looked different today. Thomas' hair didn't look as messy as it did the other day.

"I like your hair today." I said. "It looks a lot better than mine."

He gave me a confused & ran his fingers through my hair. I blushed & smiled from his touch.

"I know, it looks awful. That's just the way my hair is. I brush it, but it always looks like I just crawled out of bed."

Thomas shook his head & smiled. I saw it & smiled too. "Come on, let's do something. Where do you wanna go?" Thomas thought for a moment, then took my hand & we both began running down the grass field.

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Thomas' POV.

Maddy & I sat under a tree next to a small pound in the middle of the grassy field. She watched me sketch on my sketchpad. She was amazed by how good I was.

"Where did you learn to draw?"

I shrugged. As far as I knew, I was always able to draw. It was the only thing that took my mind off things.

"Can you teach me how to draw?" Maddy asked.

I nodded as I showed her one of my pictures. She looked & saw a drawing of an old woman.

"She's pretty." Maddy said. "Who is that?"

I put the sketchpad down & held my arms together pretending I was rocking a baby. She smiled as she understood.

"That's your mama?" I nodded. "You're REALLY good. No not good. AMAZING!!!" Maddy shouted, & giggled. A smile rose upon my face as a new warm fuzzy feeling filled up my heart. "Hey...that's the first time I've ever seen you smile." Maddy said.

I looked at her unsure if that was a good thing or not. She gently raised her hands to touch my face, but I pulled away afraid of what she was going to do. So Maddy pulled her hands away understandingly.

"It's alright." She said. "I won't touch you if you don't want me to. But Thomas..."

Maddy touched my hand & letting her fingers wrap around mine. I looked at our hands & up at her questionably.

"You have a nice smile. You should smile more often."

Tears came to my eyes. No one had ever said that to me before. Then again, no one ever treated me as good as Maddy. Well, maybe no one except Mama and Uncle Monty, but they were family. They were supposed to treat me good.


Maddy put her hand on my shoulder.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

I said nothing as I pulled her in for a hug. She really was my best only friend. Mindy wrapped her arms around mine as she felt my tears fall on her shoulder.

"Thomas, I'm sorry. Was it something I said?"

I shook my head, but three boys walked by & saw my tear-streaked face.

"Aww, did a little girl make the big dumb baby cry?" Jesse teased.

Maddy glared at them along with me.

"Leave him alone!" She yelled.

"And what are you? His little pet? You his dog? Dumb animal can't stand up for himself?"

A growl rose from my throat. My fingers curled into a fist, but Maddy step in front of me, glaring at Jesse & his boys. "Why not pick on someone your own sizes, jerk?!" She said, poking at Jesse's chest.

"SHUT UP!!! You bitch!!!" And without that I'll never forget was when Jesse slapped Maddy across the face. I saw her collapse on the dirt ground. I hurried down next to her, saw a red mark on the side of her face, & the tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Anger grew inside of me. Like an angry bull ready to charge as I got up, & turned my full attention to Jesse. Glared as she saw Jesse and his boys.

"Aww, I guess you're not so tough after all little girl?" Jesse said, but without him looking I meet my fist into his ugly, smudged face.

While Jesse & the others I helped Maddy. "G-Go...h-hide behind...t-the tree..." Maddy was a bit surprised, but started bolting for the tree.

"Get her!" Jesse yelled.

Maddy looked up to see Jesse & the other boys holding rocks in their hands. They pulled their arms back & threw the rocks at her. Maddy started crying as she screamed for them to stop.

"Stop! Leave me alone! Why are you doing this?"

"Freak!" They yelled. "Hewitt bitch!"

"Stop it!" She cried.

Jesse picked up another rock & threw it at Maddy.

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Maddy's POV.

I didn't see what bad happen, but the last thing I saw was Jesse & the others were throwing rocks at me. Then Jesse brought a huge rock, lifted high in the air, & tossed it as I closed my eyes. Once my eyes I saw a large figure standing before me. It was Thomas with his arms spread out wide, shielding me from the bolder that hit him in the back of the back. Thomas fell to the ground unconscious as blood trickled down his face. The group scattered across the field except for Jesse. He stood over towards Thomas & I, waiting for him to get up.

When he saw that he wouldn't, he kicked his body trying to get a reaction from his. He did nothing. "STOP IT!!!" I cried out. I tackled him to the dirt ground. Jesse struggled to free from his grip, but I pinned him down, screaming out him. "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!" Tears streamed down my dirt covered cheeks.

After a while of wrestling with him, Jesse kicked me off of him. I landed on the ground. Jesse looked around & saw a huge rock. He picked it up with both hands & held it over her head ready to drop it. Jesse froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder pull him away from Mindy. He heard a deep growl as he slowly turned around. He came face to face with a pair of angry brown eyes.

"Hewitt!" That saw the last thing Jesse said when Thomas punched him again, over & over till Jesse's face was all bloody.

"THOMAS!!! THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" I cried out, Thomas stared at me with the same angry brown eyes of his, saw the fear on my face as he lowered his fist, & rose up. The other boys grabbed Jesse, & ran away as far as they can away from Thomas & I. I saw the blood trickling down from his face; I stumbled toward Thomas, reached my shaky hands to his face.

Thomas rested his head against my hand. "A-Are you...okay?" I asked. He slowly nodded his head, then pointed at me. "I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about the most. You saved me, my...hero." With that word Thomas' eyes widen. I rested my face on his chest, embracing him. Even though I didn't see, I knew that Thomas was blushing. I felt his fingers lifted my chin. He smiled & shook his head. He didn't think he was brave. He always wanted to hide at home & never let anyone see him or hurt him.

"Tommy, you are brave. You were so brave if you protected me from Jesse." I took his hand in mine & squeezed it in encouragement.

"You're my hero, Tommy", she said. "You're my hero."

Thomas looked at our hands together & at me with wide eyes. He had never been anyone's hero before. I pulled his hand toward my face & let him touch my face. Thomas gently ran his hand across my face. Her skin felt so soft, much unlike his own.

"Thank you, Tommy. I owe you my life."

He looked at me confused. "What would I do now?" I thought to myself.

"Tommy, for what you did, you deserve a reward." I said. "Close your eyes."

A reward? Thomas killed a boy. He didn't deserve a reward of any kind. Obeying my order, he closed his eyes. He opened them again when he felt my soft cool lips pressed against his cheek.

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After we got home, mama, dad, Uncle Monty, Charlie, & of course Luda Mar freaked out when they saw both of us all beaten up & bloody. I explained the whole thing on what happen, but Luda Mae was not happy about Thomas fighting, & Charlie was fetching his shot gun to get Jesse & the others.

Later that night Thomas & I snuck outside, & laid on a grassy hill not too far from the house. We both gazed up at the stars, as bits of fireflies flew by us.

"Thomas?" I said. Thomas turned his attention to me. "Why do you wear that leather mask?" I asked. Thomas' body stiffen as he touched his mask. "Can I see your face?" But Thomas shook his head. "Okay." I said a little bit sad. "Then I'll wait when you're ready to show me. I won't force you to do it if you don't want to." I laid back down, snuggled into his chest. My ear rested against his chest, hearing the melody of his heart beat.

*Ba-bum* *Ba-bum*

Days had passed & Thomas & I had grown closer than ever, but those happy days were coming to an end.

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That night, I decided to sleep with Thomas for one last time. Tears were streaming down my face as I stated endlessly at the ceiling in silence. I turned my body to Thomas who was still awake too. "Thomas?" Thomas turned his head over to me. "You're the best friend I've ever had. I want our friendship to last forever." I snuggled into his chest. Thomas put his hands on my face & gently raised my head to look at him. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Thomas closed his eyes as he leaned in to kiss me. I blushed but closed my eyes as well as his lips came crashing down on me. That night was truly magical as my lips tingled, & exploded like fireworks.

The next morning I woke-up to find an empty spot on the bed. "Where's Thomas?" I thought to myself. Then the door opened & walked in Luda Mae.

"Morning flower."

"Morning Luda Mae." I said rubbing my eyes. "Do you know where Thomas is?" I asked.

"No sweetie. I haven't seen him, but your mama & dad are ready to leave."

"Oh." I said with a frown. I got up, packed my stuff, & made my way outside where everyone was at the truck. I saw Uncle Monty sitting on the bench of the porch. "Uncle Monty?" Uncle Monty looked at me. "Have you seen Thomas?" Uncle Monty shook his head, my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Come on, Maddy. We got a lot of ground to cover." My dad said. I said my goodbyes to the Hewitt, but before I could reach the truck I heard the screen door slam open. Thomas ran out the door, holding something behind his back.

"Thomas!!!" I cried out as we both ran into a hug. I buried my face into his chest. "I'm gonna miss you." I chocked up as I cried in his chest. I felt Thomas petted my hair. After we released each other, Thomas gave me something. It was a leather made bracelet. "Best Friends Forever" was engraved into the brown leather. Tears were brought into my eyes as I allowed them to fall graceful down my cheeks. "Thank you. I love it. I'll never take it off." Then I felt guilt to not have a goodbye gift for him,but I did as I dug through my pocket. "Here, Thomas. I want you to have this. So you can remember me." It was the a small box of photos of us during our time together. Thomas looked at me, & he began to cry too as we both gave one last hug.

The truck started & drove away from the Hewitt's. I poked my head out the window; I cupped my hands & held it to my mouth. "I WILL RETURN TO YOU, THOMAS!!! I PROMISE!!!" I shouted & waved at him. Thomas waved back as he disappeared behind the grassy hill.

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