Chapter 12 ~ That Specail Moment You Won't Forget

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Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Narrator's POV.

Dinner could not have gone slower for both Maddy & Thomas. Sure the food was tasty, the meat was not too tough & the vegetables were just at the right crunch, but there was a reason that both of them were shifting around in their seats; Maddy because she was nervous about finally having a boyfriend, something that she had never had before & Thomas... Well Thomas had a little problem that needed seeing to urgently.

Maddy knew what was wrong with Thomas, he acted weird lately since they had their love making fest in the barn 2 days ago. Thomas would vanish into the basement & never come back up till bedtime, but he would go into his own room instead of Maddy's.

Maddy didn't know what she was meant to say, Hoyt was in one of his famous speeches & she knew better than to interrupt him. Her eyes did however move towards Thomas's waist that was just hidden thanks to the table cloth, (that was stained with red splotches that was not blood but red wine & not even a wonderful magical woman like Luda, could get that out.) she could just make out a bulge that was in Thomas's pants & had to bite lightly on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling, but her cheeks did turn a light pink knowing that she had done that to him, & it was out of love not because she was being forced down against her will.

Keeping an eye on Hoyt who was busy talking while Uncle Monty was reading the newspaper & Luda Mae was busy finishing her meal, she knew that no one would notice what she was doing. Moving herself in her seat to make it look like she was just getting comfortable, she slipped her underneath the table and moved it towards Thomas's hip, she felt him tense up & couldn't help but smile. She moved her hand from his hip & placed it against his bulge where she gave it a small squeeze, followed by a quick rub. Just those movements caused Thomas to moan rather loudly as he bit on his lower lip his eyes became rather wide.

Unfortunately for him everyone heard him. Hoyt had stopped talking & was looking at him, with a look of confusion and anger, Uncle Monty peered over the newspaper towards him with an arched brow, & Luda Mae showed concern. Maddy was just trying not to smile as she copied the look that Luda Mae was giving him.

"Thomas..? Is everything ok?"

Luda Mae asked the concern matching her facial expression, Thomas looked at Luda Mae as he nodded his head before he looked back towards Hoyt acting like he was waiting for his uncle to continue his story. Luda Mae frowned before she turned her head & went back to eating, Hoyt cleared his throat as he went back to his speech, & Uncle Monty...well Uncle Monty had already gone back to reading. When everyone had gone back to what they were doing before Thomas disturbed them, Thomas turned his head as he looked at Maddy with narrowed eyes, his expression clearly read "Stop. It. Now".

Maddy only looked at Thomas with a very innocent expression, before she carefully slipped her hand into his trousers & then into his boxers, where she was able to wrap her fingers around his hot throbbing member & rubbed it gently. Thomas tried to keep his glare, but at the feeling of her small hand around his groin, it caused him to grip onto the chair that was sat on as he tried to keep himself silent. He bit down hard on his lower lip as he turned his head looking at Maddy with a pleading look, hoping that she would stop. But instead Maddy only made her go very slow which made Thomas rise up his hips as he bucked, because even though he wanted her to stop he needed friction on his sensitive groin.

She would have giggled if they were alone, but being in front of the family, she had to be just as silent as Thomas. Slowly she pulled her hand out from the warmth of his boxers, & put her hands on her lap, which was perfect timing as Hoyt had just stopped talking. Uncle Monty folded his newspaper placed it on his lap & left the room, not bothering to hang around anymore, Luda Mae had stood herself up & was clearing the table when she looked at Maddy & Thomas & smiled.

"It's getting late. Why don't you two go up to bed?" Luda Mae said. Maddy nodded her head as she carefully stood up & tucked her chair underneath the table.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you clear the table?" Maddy spoke as Thomas stood up, a low growl passed his lips as he tried to angle his body so that his hard on was hidden away from everyone, Luda Mae pulled the bowls on top of one another as she shook her head.

"No sweetie it's ok. You go upstairs and get some rest Thomas will take you."

Nodding her head as she turned to face an angry Thomas, but she was not afraid she knew that Thomas would never harm her. Stretching her hand out she took ahold of Thomas's hand, & pulled him towards the stairs, Thomas did not need telling twice he soon followed Maddy knowing that he would need to get her back for what she did to him at the table. As they walked up the stairs the sound of Hoyt talking to Luda Mae about tomorrow's lunch was easily heard, it made Maddy's roll her eyes as it was clear that all the fake sheriff thought about was his stomach.

As they neared the door that lead to Maddy's room Thomas grabbed onto Maddy's shoulder he spun her around & smashed their mouths together, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he began to fight for dominance. Maddy was more than happy to allow Thomas to take the lead as she opened her mouth allowing, his warm slippery tongue to rub against her own causing a strong moan to pass her lips. With one arm around her waist Thomas stretched his other hand out, grabbed onto the door knob of Maddy's bedroom door & forced it open as he staggered inside, kicking the door shut with the back of his foot.

It didn't matter if Thomas and Maddy were loud, as Luda Mae & Hoyt were arguing again, & Uncle Monty had the television on very loud, in order to drown out the shouts that were coming from the kitchen.

Due to both of them focusing on the pleasure that was travelling through their bodies that were covered in sweat, they did not realise that the fight in the kitchen had ended & television had been turned down, which meant that Uncle Monty was able to enjoy his shows more peacefully. Luda Mae walked into the sitting area to join Uncle Monty & was followed closely by Hoyt, who wanted to rest his feet in his favourite chair. "Wonder what is on toni-" Hoyt was cut off by the sound of Maddy & Thomas crying out in sheer pleasure as Hoyt, Uncle Monty & Luda Mae both rose their heads up as they looked towards the ceiling.

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Maddy's POV.

Panting, the sheets sticking onto my sweaty skin, my heart pounding against my chest. I lay next to Thomas with my fingers intertwine with his. "Oh Thomas...I love being this close to you and I hope this could be like this forever." I looked up at him with a smile on my face as I scooted close to his face & kissed him on the lips. Suddenly Thomas sat up from the bed. "Thomas? This there something wrong? something wrong?" I frowned, confused as I laid my hand on his shoulders, but he quickly turned his head to me which made me flinch. Then he walks over to his shirt & picked up. My face expressed dropped to a sad look. "Did I not...p-pleasured you enough, Thomas..."

Thomas looked at me with a surprised look, he seemed...confused. He dug through his pocket, then walks over to me, & crashed his lips onto mine. Once we broke apart from air I was even more confused. "I-I...I don't understa-"

Suddenly Thomas held a diamond ring. I gasped as all emotions swirled inside of me; my mind went blank as I couldn't think if I was paralyzed. I looked into his eyes & saw as he was so desperate for me to say "yes".

After an awkward silent moment I opened my mouth & said one word. "Yes..." Thomas' eyes widen in disbelief. Tears started to pour down my cheeks as I couldn't contain my smile. "Yes. Yes. YES!!!" I cried out as I wrapped my around his neck, nearly fell off the bed as we both fell on the bed. I stared down at Thomas' face as I saw tears spilling down from his eyes which made me smile even more, then I lean in & kissed him softly. "Yes & a thousand times more."

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Thomas' POV.

It was around 7 in the morning as both Maddy & I were still in bed. I saw the ring on Maddy's little fingers, memories of the proposal last night & Maddy said "yes".

Her head was test against my chest as I combed my fingers through her long curly hair. Maddy's hair has gotten longer since she came back to me. Slowly I got up from the bed to use the bathroom, but I stopped dead in my tracks & saw myself in the mirror. "My hair has gotten longer too, when was the last time I've gotten it cut?" I questioned myself. "About a year or 2 ago?"

I opened one of the drawers to find the scissors. When I was about to cut my hair, I felt a pair of small arms wrapping around my waist. I turned to see Maddy behind me. She was still naked, but she didn't care. We were used to seeing each other in the nude.

"What are doing, Thomas. Or should I saw future husband." Maddy said as she kissed me on the lips, then she noticed the scissors in my hands. "What are doing with the scissors?" She asked, I pointed to the scissors, & used my fingers to pretend I'm cutting my hair. "Oh. You need a hair cut, well I'll give you a hair cut." I nodded my head, I sat on a chair, dipped my head back as Maddy began washing it. My eyes got heavy as her fingers ran through my wet hair, it felt so nice that I shut them closed.

"Thomas...Thomas. Wake-up honey." Maddy's sweet voice called out to me as I opened my eyes to see her sweet smile. I've noticed that she was already dressed in a flower sun dress with my hair branded to the left side. "Look in the mirror, honey. You look very handsome." I looked in the mirror & my eyes grew wider as I saw myself in the mirror. My hair is much shorter, a smile grew on my face as Maddy giggled. "Come on, Luda Mae is probably wondering where we are." After I got ready Maddy & I went downstairs for breakfast when suddenly we saw mama in the kitchen with Tex, Tinker, their mother Annie, Tea Lady, & little Henrietta. "Oh...I didn't know we were expecting company?"

"Sorry, it was unexpected plan." Tinker said.

"Well it's good to see you all again, but I got some big news." Everyone looked at each other confused. Maddy & I looked at each other, we both smiled as our hands intertwined. "Thomas & I are thinking of getting married." She said as she held out her hand with the ring. Mama, Annie, & everyone else screams, & cheered with excitement. Mama, Annie, Tea Lady, & Henrietta went over to Maddy, squeezing the life out her with their grizzly bear hugs. The men came over to me & patted me on the back, congratulating me.

"This will be the best wedding this family will ever had!!!" Annie said clapping her hands in excitement.

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