Chapter 13 ~ The Wedding

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Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Maddy's POV.

July 28, 2015. 1:49 am.

I couldn't sleep that night because of the wedding jitter. Thomas & I slept in different rooms because it was bad luck for the bride & groom to see each other before the wedding, & I don't want that on my wedding day.

Although it felt weird not having Thomas in the same bed with me. I doubt Luda Mae & everyone else knew that Thomas & I already done it 3 times before we were engaged.

The moon spilled into the bedroom as I lifted the sheets off my body, quietly opened the door. I could hear the echoing of snoring as the whole family came for the wedding & preparing it. As I tip toes my way down the creaky stairs, I manage to slip past the living room where Tex was sleeping, & into the kitchen when I stumbled upon Tex sitting at the table with a glass of water & a cigarette in his mouth.

We stared at each other for about a minute or two, but the memories of Tex attacking me in the barn made my blood boil as I was about to walk out. "Wait! I want to apologize." My feet were stuck to the ground, turning my face toward Tex as I saw a guilty expression on his face. He knew what he did was wrong & I never forgave him for that since. "What I did to you in the barn, what I said about Thomas...was wrong. I was wrong. I should have known better."

Leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed. "Than why did you attack me?" Tex looked up at me as he was afraid of looking at me in the eyes. I've never seen this side of Tex, the scared & regret.

"I...I was...jealous. I was jealous on how luck Thomas is to have someone like you who doesn't fear him, scream at him, or throw rocks at him like most of the girls did here before the factory shut down. I care about Thomas, I care about his emotions, & I don't want him to be hurt, but just messed me up. It feels like a dream that I might wake-up to know it's too good to be true." My heart dropped at the bottom of my stomach, an aching feeling. "I was jealous because Thomas someone that I might never grasp know being a cannibal & all." He looked back at me, & sighed. "I hope that you can forgive me for my selfish action."

Hesitating for a moment, I looked back into Tex's sandy colored eyes, drew a small smile, & said. "I forgive, Tex." Tex looked back at me, a big smile that touched from ear to ear. I walked up to him, rubbed his shoulder. "I know you will find some for you someday. Look at Thomas & I. It took us 13 years to find each other, maybe it will happen the same way for you."

"Thank you, Maddy." Smiling at him again, I walked back up to my bed room, & drifted off to sleep.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Oh my gosh....I'm getting married. Today I'm gonna become Mrs. Hewitt; to be married my my long time best friend. All this excitement makes butterflies in my stomach flutter inside that it makes me wanna throw up. Actually I was crouched by the toilet, vomiting. Luda Mae & the rest of the women of the family came into the bathroom when they heard me. Sweat was dripping down my forehead as I pant heavily.

"Maddy, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Annie asked with her machine voice box. Shaking my head, wiping my mouth.

"I don't know. Maybe it's pre-wedding jitters or something." Luda Mae smiled, rubbing my back.

"There's nothing to be nervous about my dear. Just be yourself & everything will be okay."

"Okay." I said sighing, standing up. I stood at the sink & started brushing my teeth, rinsing my mouth out. "Are the boys up?" I asked.

"Not yet." Mama Sawyer said. "I'll go wake them."

"You come with us, Maddy." Henrietta said, tugging on my shirt, & pulled into one of the bedrooms. The rest of the women followed, closed the door so the men wouldn't see. They started doing my make-up, & hair before getting into my dress. The dress was a sleeveless dress, a ballgown wedding with pearls around the chest area. As I turned to face the mirror, my eyes widen as I tried not to cry.

"I'm getting married today." I said. "I'm really getting married." Whipping the tears away from the corner of my eyes.

"Maddy." Henrietta softly said. "We made this for you." I turned around to see all the women surrounding me. In Henrietta's hands was a wreath of flowers.

"That's for me?"

Luda Mae took the wreath & gently placed it on my head. Luda Mae wiped her tears away as she kissed my forehead. "Welcome to the family."

"Thank you, mama." They all shared a group hug as the women welcomed me to the Hewitt family. "Thank you." I softly said. "Mama, if it's okay, I'd like a few minutes alone."

"Sure. Take all the time you need."

The women left the room giving me a moment to myself. Looking out the window to see everyone getting ready. I could see Thomas walking around outside. He was wearing a black suit with a neck tie. His hair still looked messy, but he still looked handsome. My face blushed as I thought of my wedding night.

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Narrator's POV.

Thomas was walking in circles messing with his tie. He kept thinking that this was all a dream. He was thinking Maddy might back out & decide not to marry him after all. Besides, who would want to marry someone like him? But he remembered the first time they kissed, & the first time they had made love. Maddy didn't reject the kiss, & she willingly offered her virginity to him.

Suddenly Thomas froze as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Thomas." Uncle about said. "It's time, son."

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Thomas' POV.

I saw Maddy looked out the door as she watched everyone stand, waiting for her. This was it. She was going to marry me. I was getting married. Maddy felt her stomach beginning to turn as she took a deep breath.

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Narrator's POV.

"Ready, honey?" Uncle Monty asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Maddy said. Maddy held her boquet as they began walking down the aisle toward the altar. Her eyes fell on Thomas as she came closer to him. She could see him fidgeting. "Is he scared as much as I am?" Maddy thought to herself.

Thomas stood looking nervous. This was a huge step in both his & Maddy's life. He remembered how he loved her when they were kids. He always told himself someday he was going to marry her. It was happening now. Thomas looked up as he heard Maddy's footsteps come closer.

All doubts they had seemed to disappear as they saw each other. Sparks flew inside them both, the same sparks they felt when they first met as kids. Maddy smiled as she tried not to cry. Her & Uncle Monty stopped when they reached the altar. Monty softly kissed her cheek before turning to take a seat with the rest of the family. Maddy took Thomas' hand as she stood next to him.

"Well." She whispered. "This is it."

They turned to face Uncle Hoyt who didn't look too happy about marrying her & Thomas, but he tried his best not to be so upset. After all, he never thought this day would come. He never thought someone would ever want to marry Thomas.

"Well, it's about time you two decided to tie the knot." Uncle joked, starting off the wedding. Maddy & Thomas frowned hoping he wasn't going to spoil the whole wedding. This was their special day, nothing to be joked about. Everyone grew quiet, waiting for Uncle Hoyt to properly start.

"We come together to join Thomas & Maddy in matrimony. Now, I know Thomas can't talk, so I'll let Maddy say her vows. If she has any." Maddy rolled her eyes at him as she turned to Thomas.

"I, Maddy Lousis Roacher." She started. "Take you, Thomas Hewitt to be my husband. To have & to hold from this day forward. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love & to cherish, til death us do part."

Everyone aww'd as she lowered her head unable to go on. Thomas gave a soft smile as he pressed his forehead against hers. They pulled away and turned back to face Uncle Hoyt. "Now Thomas Brown Hewitt, do ya take Maddy to be your wife?" He asked. Thomas nodded ferociously. Maddy smiled widely. "Maddy, do ya take Thomas to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Well then, Maddy has a ring already. So I pronounce you man & wife." Maddy & Thomas smiled as they looked at each other. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Uncle Hoyt asked. "Kiss her!" Maddy wrapped her arms around Thomas' neck & Thomas wrapped his arms around her as they kissed passionately.

Everyone cheered. Thomas & Maddy smiled madly as they made their way down the altar.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Later that late afternoon, Thomas & Maddy were getting for their honeymoon.

"Now you two take care on your honeymoon. It's only 7 miles down the road." Aunt Annie said.

"Thank you letting us use your vacation home, Aunt Annie." Maddy said.

"You are more welcome to use it anytime, deary. Besides, you are now a Hewitt, & a member of our family."

"Mrs. Hewitt..." Maddy liked that sound of it.

"Go on before it gets dark. Have fun you too." Uncle Hoyt said, giving them a wink. Both Thomas & Maddy blushed madly on what Uncle Hoyt meant. They walked over to Uncle Monty's truck, placed their luggage in the back, hopped in, & drove off. Maddy looked back & saw everyone waving goodbye.

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Finally they made it to the house. It was a rundown farm house, but them it was something to remember for the rest of their lives. Their honeymoon.

After Thomas got out, he ran over to Maddy's door, & opened it. "Well well. Being a gentleman are you." She opened her arms out & said. "Sweep me off my feet, my knight in shinning armor." Thomas grinned as he swiftly picked Maddy up into his big strong arms, & carried her in bridal style. Maddy couldn't stop giggling as he carried her up the stairs, & into the bedroom.

Their lips smashed into each other, their tongues danced across each other as they fell onto the bed. Then without breaking their kiss, they began to remove their clothes till they were completely naked. Although they were used to it by now, but it still made Maddy shiver to Thomas' touch.

His answering grin is scorching, completely in tune with the hunger in his eyes & his impatient erection. Again Maddy catches her breath, thrilled to her core when his low tone washes over her. "You're a rare beauty Maddy, I cannot wait to be inside you. I've clung to the memory of what you feel like around me." Thomas thought to himself . He runs the back of his hand down her cheek, then lovingly traces the line of her jaw with a knuckle.

Those fevered words ratchet Maddy's desire to unbearable levels & when he throws her onto the bed with a predatory glint in the steel of his stare, Maddy felt like it's Christmas - only she's overwhelmed by choice. Not sure what toy she wanted to play with first, greedy to get Maddy's hands on as much as possible of Thomas' flesh.

Thomas crawls up, between Maddy's legs where he stops to rid her of her sodden panties. He slings it away carelessly, his ogling eyes never leaving the naked place they covered. He continues to stare, licking his lips - obviously beyond aroused by the sight but there's nothing to hide Maddy's intimate folds & she felt exposed, squirming & certain that her blush reaches all the way down there.

He takes his sweet, torturous time - luxuriating in his private viewing activity. He makes no move to touch her, but the ravenous mould of Thomas' masked face is pushing Maddy to run up the steps of desire, taking them three at a time. She shift in needy response.

Thomas growls, low in his chest while he grips Maddy's inner thighs, pushing them apart. She gasp at his provocative threat & on pure instinct, & raw desire her hips tilt up by their own accord, crazy in its need for any contact. His hands slip around, cupping her backside as he pushes his nose into her core, inhaling deeply.

"Oh my fucking my!" Maddy stated deep into Thomas' brown eyes. "Thomas...p-please..." She moan, begging for more.

When he came away, Maddy caught his gaze. His eyes look unfocussed - cross-eyed with lust. "I've missed you, I've missed you so much." His expression a strange blend of pain & elation, whispered words born of desperate need. He swiftly stretches to cover her body with his, kissing her wildly. He raids her mouth mercilessly, their arms &legs tangling, & writhing, taking in the exquisite pleasure of intimate contact.

He rolls taking her with him & paused for air, their breaths mingling, & their faces flushed. With Maddy's body on top of Thomas, she stroke her hand over the sprinkling of stubble, reacquainting herself with every curve & dip of his leathery masked face. "You are so precious, thank you for taking me as your wife. I must be the luckiest girl alive to have a handsome man like you in my arms tonight." Maddy said. "But I want to do it...without your mask. I want this night to be extra special for both of us." Thomas hesitated for a moment, but did as he was told & began removing his mask.

This was it. This is the moment that Maddy would see Thomas' face...his real face hidden behind a mask made of leather. As he untied the last string his mask fell from his face onto the bed. His lower face was a grayish color skin; flakes of his skin hung loose from his face. Part of his nose was deformed, but not completely gone. Thomas stared at the sheets, waiting for her to scream or flee, never to return. But instead she gave him a gentle, loving smile, cradled his face with her soft tiny hands, rested her forehead against his, & said. "I don't care what people say about you being hideous. Some could think I'm crazy, but in my are the most beautiful man I have known, & grown to love. And each I see you face, the more I fall in love with you."

That made Thomas wanna cry, no one has ever been bold enough or even said such words that took his breath away. He had fallen in love with Maddy all over again. Thomas leaned in close into her ear & whispered. "" His voice was raspy & unused, but it was the first time she had ever heard him speak. Maddy had fallen in love with him all over again too as they both kissed each other with more passion & heat.

Another low hum is his reply & he closes his eyes as her gratitude sluices over him - clearly striking a cord. "Come here." Thomas motioned her. It's a carnal command, but she don't understand, I raise an unsure brow. "Where does he want me to go, I'm already here?" She thought to herself.

He pats his sternum which meant. "Come sit on my chest."

Maddy scooted up, eager to find out what passionate delight he has in store for her. It only takes a second for her to grasp the nature of the deeply intimate act he has in mind, & she gnaw at her lip, her coyness getting the better of her.

Maddy's legs are bent with her knees resting on either side of his head. Her bottom sits on his chest, taking her weight which leaves her secret opening utterly gaping, & vulnerable, not to mention very close to his sinful mouth. Maddy can feel his breath on her, fluttering & making her heart stutter.

His affirmative nod is unhurried, but no less compelling, it says that Maddy wouldn't dare deny him this pleasure. With his eyes securely fastened to hers, his intent is unwavering & unaffected by her modesty. His sure hands move around & grip her backside firmly, holding her in place. Maddy got a sense of how easy it will be for him to control her pelvic movements from this position & it stirred her, being in his power like this.

With Maddy's head bowed forward, the loose tendrils of her hair spill over her shoulders, & covered her breasts; only the hard tips of her nipples are peeking from between the strands. His eyes linger on them for a moment before he presses her onto his mouth.

"Aahh." She moaned, falling forward from the exquisite relief of his touch. Maddy brace myself on rigid arms, her hands flat on the bed just above his head. He takes full advantage of her breasts so close to his face, clamping a hot mouth over the bud, & sucking hard.

Maddy shudder & mewl in ecstasy. When she try to right herself to sit up again; he bites down before letting her go. This delight sends her back arching & pelvis thrusting forward, playing straight into his waiting tongue's hand.

Avaricious velvet licks at her with long wet strokes, & Maddy lost all reason, focussing fiercely on that one tiny spot of overriding pleasure. His tongue slips inside her, her body tenses at the unexpected intrusion before avidly relaxing into it, slicking in response. Thomas usually likes to watch her react to his ministrations, but now his eyes are closed, & rapture is what Maddy read on his face. It's such a turn on, she can barely watch through her heavy lids for fear of spontaneous combustion.

The shallow penetration of his smooth tongue is doubly erotic because she can watch his face contorted with pleasure while he's devouring her. He breaks the contact, gently blows on her sensitive, heated flesh, cooling but not calming. Maddy whimper, violent desire slamming into her. Thomas growls as his hands grip harder on the soft muscle of her buttocks. Then he licks her over the length of her wet core, finding her swollen clitoris, & the spiralling begins, spinning like a top. Maddy's lids are almost drawn, but she kept her eyes trained on Thomas until she can't anymore as her back arcs & her head lash, screaming his name in release.

When Maddy opened her eyes she was flat on her back & Thomas is poised over her, lying between her legs as an urgent erection prods for attention at her entrance. She still breathing hard & very dazed, coming down from her explosive climax. He hooks one of her legs over his shoulder, rims her with an exploring finger to check for lubrication. He obviously likes what he found. "M-Maddy..." It's almost like a sob & she swallow his cry with her mouth as he plunges into her, right to the hilt.

They both moaned together, their union is complete. Immediately he starts to move, his strokes long & hard - unerring. His hands curl into Maddy's long brown curly hair, pinning her head in place. His zealous desire is driving him on, & Maddy revel in him getting lost in her. Thomas angles his hips, impatient to feel the length of his beloved new bride. They lock their gazes, twin expressions of reverential love & wonder on display for one another.

In moments like these their connection is so strong, so deep Maddy realize why she sometimes think it must be fantasy. Even here, right now it's hard to believe that love can burn so bright, so hot but Maddy choose to trust her senses, showing her this beautiful man, unravelling in the pleasure of being with her.

Watching him Maddy climb again, emotional & physical stimulation colliding to bring her to the cliff again where she paused for a second. Thomas sensed her body start its telling tremble. Kissing her roughly before clenching around him, strengthening their lush friction, & clawing at his sweat broad back.

Thomas takes his cue, spits through a gritted jaw, emptying himself into Maddy's depths. Eyes closed he kisses her inner thigh, next to his ear, then gently unhooks her leg. Thomas wraps Maddy in his arms, but doesn't withdraw when he rolls them onto their sides.

With languid bodies & tangled limbs they lie facing each other & silently marvel at their dazzling reunion - sated for now. It's an age before Maddy dared to pierce the glow with speaking.

"Thomas..." Maddy said, but he interrupted her with his kisses. "I wan-" Again his lips ate her words, & made her giggle.

"I know what you want to say." He thought to himself, kissing her on the cheek, the corner of her mouth, & chin. The tip of her nose is next, followed by her eyebrow. Now he's kissing her temple, & trails back down to her mouth where he deepens the kiss. Maddy's belly flutters. His honeyed groans brings a stickiness to her thighs that she was only too happy to indulge.

Thomas pulls the cover off the bed, & turned to the summer night breeze blew against their skin. in his eyes to storm in an instant. A tantalising shiver urges Maddy to give herself willingly to his demand.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Maddy's naked body wakes up in a tangle of sheets & a sleepy giant next to her. Thomas looked so peaceful; even without his mask he was still handsome to her eyes.

Images of the previous night tease her mind, & she replay the sensual film in her head. "Wow, no wonder my body feels so well used." She thought. Maddy laid back in bed as she was far too lazy to get up, plus they were all alone, just her & Thomas, just the way she liked it. Maddy turned over to Thomas as he was still asleep, laying on his stomach. Maddy slid under his big buff arms, & snuggled close to him till there was no space between them.

As time passed it was late in the afternoon & they were still in bed. Thomas decided to take to freshen up a bit. Maddy watched him walk away, it's the first time she gets an opportunity to have a good look at him. He's in magnificent shape & at least ten pounds heavier, but it's all pure muscle - flexing & cording tantalizingly as he moves. "Those bodies that he carries sure did paid up. Yummee, I'm a lucky, lucky girl." Maddy thought.

Maddy pad across the room to the bathroom & join Thomas in the cascading water. She was grateful for the steam that hides her shy blush at being so naked in front of him. She didn't know if she will ever be as comfortable in her skin as he is. He doesn't turn immediately & she got a fantastic view of the perfect triangle of his back. Both hands are in his hair massaging shampoo into his scalp, making his biceps bulge & her satiety disappears along with her shyness.

She moved right up to his back & run her hands along his sculpted form, easily gliding around the slick curves. She couldn't resist grabbing his firm behind & he spins around, shocked by her brazenness, but smiling. He catches her wrist & steps forward while pulling her close. His eyes switch from glowing to stormy in a heartbeat, & nudges her private area with his leg that's wedged between them.

His growls were always inflammatory, but the tone is the things that liquefies Maddy's insides & her eyes flutter closed, so drawn to him, so needy. When she open them again she enjoy watching him get knocked askew by the profound need he sees in their depths.

Making a feral, guttural sound & in an instant he's on her, driving her back against the wall, kissing her with an urgency that leaves them both winded. His mouth is all over her face, kissing, sucking, licking, biting - he's ferocious in his attack. His hands mirror his lips, plundering every inch of her skin he can reach, rubbing, moulding, scorching. Maddy reciprocate as hard & as fast as she can, never more grateful that he tolerates her touch.

"I love you Thomas Hewitt - with everything I have." Maddy said as they had a hot steamy moment with each other.

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