Part 5

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"king wants swara back therefore sanskar will handover swara to him and demand to join his gang in return.after that you two will gather information of his all connections and all spots where he dlivers girls.i want everything.during all this procees,you have replace our team members with his men and when we will attack from outside then our men should attcak from inside..."

"and one more thing..i don't want anyone to open his mouth i clear?"shekhar said in strict tone.

"YES SIR!!..."all shouted in union.


swara gets up and leaves with everyone.


"where are you going,don't you know we have flight in three hours..."

swara removes her hand from gate, turned back and sighed seeing sanskar.

" can come if you want"swara said in her usual tone.sanskar nodded and both comes out from gate.they reached church without exchanging single word between them and some where swara was lost.

"hey!!..."sanskar holds swara's hand which was going to burn becuase of candles.swara looks at him and smils.

"thanks.."swara frees her hand,takes deep breath and again starts burning candles.

"what are you thinking? to stop the operation?"

"i have spent many years with king,this plan is not going to work therefore i am not thinking about it all"

"what!!!..."sanskar said in shocked tone.

"i am just jocking officer..why so serious always"swara chuckled at his face expressions.sanskar released a sigh.

"i don't trust you....i am farid you will join king after going there."sanskar said honestly.

"i can't help you officer."

"you can....this bluetooth is for you,so that i can listen everything what are saying and doing"sanskar said,giving her bluetooth.swara chuckled and takes it from him.

"what's so funny?.."sanskar said,annoyed with her laugh.

"you are impossible officer.."swara chuckled again after looking at bluetooth in her hand.



"king will be very pleased to meet you."sahil said and points her to go inside with gun.swara silenty went inside.sahil closes the door,locks it and goes.

"you have no idea what have you done...king will be very happy with you"sahil said and takes sanskar with you.sanskar looks back at door where swara was locked.


Sanskar was looking around carefully to examine security when kings comes there with a lot of security.all people in hall looked at him and claps.sanskar also looks at him with anger filled eyes.

"after spoiling so many lives...he is leading a ideal life.can't believe it"sanskar muttered to himself angrily.he pressed button of bluettoth.

"he is here..where are you?"sanskar said in serious tone.

"stairs.."swara said in whisper and sanskar looked there.for a minute he was not able to move a little,swara was wearing a red dress and was looking mesmerizing.she comes down and stands beside king.he moves his hand around her waist.sanskar clentched his fist tightly.

"good to see you back..'king said while looking at swara's face.she keeps silent.

"i want to meet the person who bring her hear..'king said,looking at sahil.sahil sign sanskar to come forward.

sanskar controls himself,walks forward and stands in front of king.

"you did a great favor by bringing my queen back...tell me what do you want"

"i am your big fan..just want to serve you"sanskar said in obedient voice.

"i hope you mean it as there are many who promise to serve but don't fulfil it."king said in meaninful tone and looked at sanskar.

"right?..."he said,digging his fingers in swara's flash.swara nodded without a single word.

"you are my special man from now..enjoy the party"

sanskar bends his head and steps down from stage.king looks at sahil.he noddes his head and gives him mike.

"as everyone knows my queen has returned and this party is in honour of her...please enjoy"king said on mike and all claps again.hall went in dark with light focused in center and music starts.king and swara dance together.

"i knew it she is not trust worthty...see how is she dancing,it clearly shows something is fishy between them"sanskar thought with boiled blood.sanskar turned his face away,not able to handle their closeness.

when music stops,king takes swara to atteached terrace.swara and an old man looked at each other until she went inside the terrace and king's guard closes the door.swara press button of bluetooth to turn it off.

king pulls swara close to him and buried his face in her neck.swara keeps hand on his shoulder and steps back a little.

"there was a deal between us..."swara said in calm tone.

"deal was you will serve me your whole life and not a single man will come near you but your is finished"king said and looked at her hand which was stopping him.

"pardon me..."swara said in obedient tone and removes her hand.

"why did you had all,didn't you,still you ran you will get punishment for it."king said,holding her in tight that time,king's phone starts ringing.king leaves her and attends call.

"i am coming.."king said and cancel call.

"be ready tonight.."king said to her and leaves.swara closes her eyes and takes deep breath.

"welcome back to hell..."swara said to herself,turns toward open air and holds railing.


swara was sitting on chair of her study table and writing on diary when their was a knock on door.swara gets straight,she closses her dairy,keeps it inside her bag and goes to open door.

"hi..."sahil said with smirk on face.

"what are you doing here?.."swara asked in serious but calm tone.

"king had an urgent work and he told me to take a good care of you in his absence as its your first day of punishment."sahil said walkig inside of her room.swara closes the door and turns toward him.

"finally you will be on your right place..."he said,signing at bed.

"you think you can force me to do anything."swara said crossing her arms over chest.

"i have no time to waste...i was waiting for it so long."sahil said,takes out gun from coat and keeps it on her forehead.

"wrong move.."swara said,holds his hand in quick move and bends his arm back and make him keep his gun on his neck.sahil hissed in pain as his ram was totally bend back.

"tell me when is next delivery of the girls.."

"why you want to know?.."sahil said angrily.swara bends his arm more.

"answer my question..."

"i will never..."

"fine..."swara said,takes gun from hand,frees his arm and shot at his both legs.sahil falls down on ground and stream of blood start coming out from his legs.

"you can kill me but i will not open my mouth..."

swara stares at him for a second then shot at his both shoulders.she takes out long bun rod(i don't know what is it called) sits down and pierce its sharp edge in his injury.sahil screamed in pain.

"tell me otherwise.."swara said in serious tone and pierce the rod more.

"north Goa port,tomorrow at 11:30"sahil said,hissing in extream pain.

"where is king now..."

"i don't know...AAA!"sahil shouted when she pierced the rod more.

"i really don't know..."

"i hope you get that for what you were waiting for so long..."swara said,takes out rod rom his body and pierced it in his neck.swara gets up and walks toward washroom to wash her hand.

after coming out she called sanskar to come in her room.she pocks up her bag and start putting differnt things in it,including revolvers and bullets.she opens door for sanskar and closes it quickly.

'why the hell you killed him.he was right hand of king.what if king comes to know about it"sanskar said while looking at sahil.

"top acting officer..i know you haveckept camera in my room."swara said while taking out two guns from a secret drawer.

"if you knew it then why didn't you remove them."sanskar said, sighing heavily.

"i came to know after seeing your bad acting.....calm nature doesn't suits you"swara said with smile and gives him guns.

"yeah right.."sanskar nodded,understanding her point.he should not behave calm after seeing dead body.

"ask your team to attack here..king is not here."

"that was not the plan..."sanskar said with narrowed eyes.

"they are smugling girls tomorrow...we have to start operation today"swara said after standing in front of him.

"i have to inform sir about it then he will send team..."sanskar said and quickly takes out mobile.swara keeps hand on his.

"don't inform shekhar about it,he is not trustworthy...just order your team to come here.'swara said in compaosed tone.

"i will not listen a word against my chief....mind it."sanskar said angrily.

"your choice...i am going Goa,reach there till tomorrow"swara said,removes her hand from his,picks up her bag.

"all the best..."swara said and walks out.sanskar thinks for a second then jerks his head and calls shekhar.


"she warned me about calling you..but i didn't listen"sanskar said angrily and tried to free his hand.shekhar comes in front of him and keeps gun on his chest.

"you are very talented but not good in understanding people....."shekhar said and pulls the trigger.sanskar falls down on ground as gurads leaves him.before fainting he saw shekhar and king shaking hand with each other.


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