Part 6

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Sanskar felt deep burning pain in his chest,hissed and tried to get up but swara keeps hand on his chest.

"don't move.."swara said in soft voice and makes him lay down back.sanskar opens his eyes and saw her sitting beside him through blurred vision.she was bending over side of his chest.

"what are you doing?.."sanskar said in weak voice after holding her hand.

"officer don't move please...i am trying to remove bullet."swara said,frees her hand and heats the knife on flame of candle.

"did you save the girls?.."sanskar asked and closed his eyes when she moves hot knife in his flash.

"NO..."swara said in simple tone,takes out bullet, drops it in plate and picks up cotton to wipe blood.

"i am sorry.i should have listen to you."sanskar said and tried to remain in his consciousness.

"trusting your chief is not wrong and somewhere shekhar is also not at fault."

"he joined hand with king and because of him,three hundred girls are going to stay in hell forever and you are saying he is not at course a criminal will take other criminal side."sanskar said again getting angry on her.swara just smiled,drops blood covered cotton on plate and picks up,cotton band.she helps him to sits and start tying cotton band around his chest.

"you know officer some poeple passes through four stages of first stage,small injustice happens to him but being a strong patriot,he serves his second stage he is subjected to bigger injustice after that he stops serving his country but don't even do any third stage when something bad happens to him he develops hatred in his heart and do everything to harm everyone but someone tries,his hatred can be removed when forth stage comes then that person lost all his faith on good things and at that stage he don't care about anything.your chief is on forth stage,so much bad happened to him therefore he don't care about those three hundred girls"swara said in her usual tone,makes knot of cotton band and tried to make him lay back on bed but sanskar holds her arm.

"on what stage you are?..."sanskar asked,staring at her flawless face.swara stares back at his face as they sitting very close to each other.

"swara!...."someone called her from back.both looked back at door.same old man(DP) was standing there with whom swara had eye contact in king's mention.

"take rest.."swara said to sanskar in soft tone,make him lay down,picks up plate and goes out.

"she knew it from start that chief is with kingthen why did she agree for the operation."sanskar thought confusingly.


"how is he?.."DP asked in serious tone.


"what the hell you thought before coming back here"dp said angrily.swara keeps silent.

"i didn't made you run away so that someday you return and spoil everything."

"i am sorry...'

"what do you mean by sorry...if king came to know i had made you run away then do you know what he will with us."DP said worriedly.

"he will never come to know about you."

"i didn't expect this immature act from were my best student but you disappointed me a lot"DP shakes his head and leaves.swara goes toward her room to take shower.


"how are you feeling?..."swara asked while keeping breakfast dish on side table.

"fine..."sanskar said and tried to get up,swara holds him from shoulder and corrects pillow behind him.

"thank you.."sanskar said when she put breakfast in front of him.

"finsih breakfast then we will go hospital..."

"why hospital?..."

"i just removed bullet...stritches are needed to heal the wound."swara explains him,goes and sit on chair.

"how did you brought me here? were gone to goa."sanskar said and takes spoon of soup and and puts its back next instant.

"i didn't brought you guru did.he savely brought you here"swara clears his confusion about her.

"its has no taste..i want salt"sanskar said while looking at her.

"you are injured,you should not eat spicy things,it will make your wound worse"swara said and chuckled when he muttered some curses before taking another spoon of soup.

"who is your teacher and why he saved me..."

"durga parsad,personal bodyguard of king and why he saved you,ask this question from him."

"and why are you doing all this,i mean i admit i was really rude to should be angry on you"sanskar said,he was feeling guilty and swara's caring behavior was making him more guilty.

"i am not angry because i see a five year old child in you whose family was killed in front of him and now that five year old child wants to kill every criminal in this world,so that he can sleep peacefully but that's not the solution can't wipe crime from world and even if you did that some how then also you will not get peace."

"how do you know this much about me.."sanskar said in shocked and anger filled tone.

"i have resources..."swara said with smile,picks up plate and leaves.


"i am removing stritches as your wound is completely healed but i want you to be carefully for few more days."doctor said with professional smile and start opening stritches of sanskar.after filling few formalties,he comes out from hospital and sits inside car where swara was sitting.

"what did doctor say?"swara asked while starting the car.

"he asked,with which weapon i got injured that wound took this much time to get heal..."

"and what did you say?..."

"i said one woman stabbed with hot knife,just because she didn't wanted police to get involved."sanskar said dryly.swara chuckled at that.

"where are we going?..."sanskar asked seeing the different rout.

"i need few things from market"


swara was looking at some dresses when she heard some breaking sound and looked at the direction.some people were gathered there.she keeps dress on rank and goes toward the crowd.her face expressions changed seeing sanskar beating the hell out of a boy.she quickly goes and holds his punch.

"what are you doing...we were not supposed to creat a scene."swara said in disbelief voice.she frees boy from grip and boy leaves from there hurriedly.

"he was trobubling girl...i can't just him go."sanskar said angrily and tried to go after him but swara holds his hand and takes him from there.

"do you know what are you doing?...we are in the city of king,what if his man saw us."

"then what? are trying to say.if a boy is taking a girl to rape and i shouldn't do anything,just because king's men will saw me."

"king smugles 300 girls after every 6 months.600 girls per year and just because of one girl you were going to ruin our plan to save 600 girls every year."swara said in calm preactical voice.

"just tell me one thing what if your sister would have been at that girl's place then also you would have said the same.THINK ABOUT OTHERS"sanskar asked,directly seeing in her eyes.

"yes! i would have said the same."

"i have never een a heartless girl like you in my whole life."sanskar said shaking his head a her reply.

"and i don't understand how a emotional person like you is doing in this field...."swara said in slow whisper,turns and leaves.



sanskar knocks at swara's room door but didn't get any answer.he opens the door and calls her name but she was not in the room.sanskar looks at washroom's door after hearing shower's sound.he goes and sits on bed and start waiting for her to come out.he just wanted to apology for his behavior.she was not wrong after all.

he looks around and saw her dairy on table.he thinks for a second then goes toward it,sits on chair and opens its first page.

12 DECEMBER, 2008


"Today i met a little girl,she was talking to her diary.when i asked from her what is she doing then she told me,ahe has no friend therefore she made diary her friend.i also have no friend therefore i brought you today.from now you are my frind and i will also talk with you every day."

Sanskar smiles and turns page.

25 DECEMBER,2008

"hello  friend,i am really sad today.papa scolded me a lot.i am afraid from him. mama also told me to stay in room when he is at home. he is always drunk.i never saw him in his consciousness.don't know why he drinks this much.mama fights with him a lot...don't know when everything will be fine."

30 DECEMBER 2008

"you know friend,i am really really sad today.i can't believe he did this to can he do this?i am really scared,don't know what will they do with me? God please help me."

10 JANUARY 2009

"i had no choice other than killing him.....i know i shouldn't have done that but he also shouldn't have done that with me...i am sorry......please God forgive me."

sanskar moves his hand on page.there were small patches where ink were dispersed as water was dropped on it by mistake or maybe tears.

"shit...'sanskar muttered after hearing lock's opening door.he closes the diary quickly and leaves from there.


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