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C.3: What is a Kiss?

"Cilan... Cilan wake up..."Ash was shaking my shoulder gently. I'm guessing he just woke up from his sleep too.

"It's just 7 in the morning... Wake me up after an hour again..."I groaned, covering my whole body with the blanket.

"But... Tell me what does a kiss mean first..."Ash kept shaking me. He really won't stop unless I tell him.

"I already told you..."I smiled.

"When? You told me i'll find it out at the right time!"After he said that, I can't feel his hands on my shoulder anymore.

"When you were asleep... I whispered it just right beside your ear.."I mumbled with my eyes still closed.

"What?!"Ash shouts.


"Oww!"I hear a soft banging sound just right beside me.

I guess Iris throw a pillow at Ash's face. Serves him right for waking up someone...

"Grrr.. You won't tell me huh..."Ash uttered. I can hear his footsteps moving farther away from me... Which is good because I can sleep more.

But I guess... I was wrong.

"Aghhh! Get off of me! You're... Heavy!"Ash jumped on my bed, I can feel his stomach pinning my body to the bed making me unable to move and breathe for a while."ASHHH!!"

"Tell me what a kiss means first!"Ash insisted, making himself heavier and heavier.


And with that, a burst of strong power that makes us fall on the other side of the bed. My good night sleep... Ruined.

Ash pulled the blanket from my face and pouts,"What does a kiss mean!"

"You really won't stop, would you?"I smirked, holding his cheeks."If you find out what would you do?"

"I don't know! Serena did that... Not me... And I don't know what to feel. I thought it's just a normal phenomenon."Ash pouts, looking away from me. He was right above me and all I feel was as if he was dominating me.

"It's not just a normal phenomenon Ash."I smiled, pulling his face gently, closer to mine."If I kissed you now what would you do."

"Nothing! I will feel no—"I seized the moment of his innocence. He will never care unless I told him that a kiss means that you love someone.

Our lips touched for a few seconds. His eyes widened, and all I can see was a pinch of innocence. He really doesn't know anything...

"Hmmph!"Ash pulls back, staring at me with confusion,"w...why did you do that!"

"I might as well have the same intention as Serena. And I will never tell you that intention."I smirked, pushing him to my side so I can stand.

"Now if you will excuse me..."I fixed my clothes, the crumpled part of my vest, as well as my weirdly done ribbon.

"I don't know what that intention was... But I feel like it was a good one!... So..."Ash uttered with his voice shaking.

He pulled my hands, making me face him and saw his sparkling and innocent eyes once again."If you won't tell me then i'll just do it to you again!"

"Ash you don't know what you're doing. In fact you can't just do that to anyone. You might do it to anyone because you thought it's norm—"His lips touched mine for a short second.

"I won't do it to anyone."He glared at me, his hands curled into a ball,"i'll just do that to you."


I don't know what to feel. Joy? Or... Conscience.

If I don't tell him that a kiss happens when you love someone.. He'll just keep kissing me every time he wants. And... That would... Feel great. For the meantime... But that Kiss doesn't mean anything to him... And that's the bad thing.

If I tell him now that a kiss means that you love someone, he might feel disgusted and avoid me... Sighs. What should I do. He might love Serena back.

"You're gonna tell me or not?!"Ash exclaimed, staring right at my eyes. He might be a lot smaller than I am, but he really is dominating me.

"...no!"I turned around and picked up my stuffs.

"Grr..."Ash groaned, stepping in front of me again.

He's about to kiss me so I turned to the other side,"Ash if I say that this isn't normal this really isn't! Especially in public! Now stop!"

"You're not telling me an information that is really important! Tell me what a kiss is all about!"Ash cried out.

"I CAN'T TELL YOU NOW! You're too young to know! You're too naive. Now please, don't do that to me if you still don't know the meaning! Find it out yourself."I walked away, heading outside the room and into the cafeteria to get us some food...

At least I'll take a break from him every once in a while so I can contain my feelings..

That kiss almost makes me spit out everything I wanna tell him. My love for him... How I was jealous about Serena... Everything.

Sigh... Bless me Arceus.

"Hi... I'll order the breakfast menu..."I uttered with a bored tone in my voice.

"Okay! That'll be served in your room after 10 minutes. Thank you!"Nurse Joy says with a smile.

I turned around, leaving the cafeteria once again... And in front of me, was Ash. How surprising...

I guess he won't get tired of me. Well a day hasn't pass since he knew that a kiss isn't a normal phenomenon.

"You'll keep following me all around wouldn't you."I groaned.

"Yes, I will. Not unless you tell me what a kiss really means."Ash grips my collar, trying to kiss me again.

But I tried to avoid it by pushing him away."Ash enough is enough! You can't just do whatever you want out of curiosity!"

"You can't blame me. That thing had been bothering me since yesterday night! Or... By the time Serena did that to me or so..."Ash lets go of my collar and looked down."sigh... If you don't wanna tell me... It's fine. Just let me feel it little by little."

My face started to turn red, I covered my cheeks so he wouldn't notice...

Let him feel it little by little?...

"I'm heading back to our room. Are you gonna go back to our room too?"Ash says, without bothering to look at me.

"Y..yeah.."I walked behind him, staring at his feet and how we walk in unison.

We were both silent until we reached our room.

I wont say it was an awkward kind of silence... But I guess we are too shy to speak to each other after that consecutive kisses he did to me.

"We're heading to Castelia City after breakfast."I uttered plainly. Iris was up already and I could guess that she was in a bad mood after what happened earlier...

"Okay."Iris mumbled, fixing her stuffs and placing it in her bag.

"M'kay..."Ash does the same too. My things are fixed and I am ready to go so I have nothing to worry about.

Ash didn't even glance at me or make a single face expression to caught my attention. He just continue fixing his stuff.

Is he mad at me?...

I can't take him getting mad at me. It'll hurt me a lot... It's like a poison. It won't heal unless something... Or someone suck it out.

I could just drink a medicine if I could. But that kind of poison is scattering in my head. And only Ash can heal it... I guess...

It's my fault anyway. Why did I bother opening that topic! Now he has gone cuckoo over the 'what does a kiss mean' topic.

*Bzzzzzzz bzzzzz*

My phone was vibrating from my pocket. I don't really receive much calls from anyone so I have been asking myself why I bring smartphones...

Well... It was useful for one important thing. It's to contact Chili and Cress without the use of that video call feature that can be seen by public. We wanted to keep this kind of conversation private because it really is private and will always be.

"Hold on."I picked up my phone and headed outside the room.

"Cilan."Cress said from the other line. His voice was rather vague and coherent. It was as if a mask was covering his face.

"What is it?"I replied plainly. He would most probably call me because they messed up or there is something important they have to do.

"There's something wrong... We messed up..."Cress said with a groan. I knew it. They would mess up with this kind of thing.

If only they let me do it they wouldn't be in trouble."Now he's mad at us."

"You should've let me do it."I replied. If I did what was ask then I wouldn't get to enjoy the day with Ash... And feel his lips probably.

"Well you said you're gonna be busy. Besides, Chili was such a show off."Cress sighs,"Anyway i'll go back to cooking and stuff. When will you be back here in Striaton?"

"Most probably 4 weeks from now. We're still traveling to Castelia City. It's still a long way to go."

"I see... Well..."Cress stops. I wonder why?


"Well... Uh.. We'll get cooking. The customers are getting morbid in here. Since we messed up right..."his voice was shaking... What's bothering him?

"Yeah you guys did. Now fix what you guys did before he turns you into a pudding."I laughed sarcastically.

"Haha very funny. Whatever. I'll hung up bye."The other line was then cut off.

I tucked my phone back into my pocket. I really miss my brothers...

But I miss Ash more...

Sigh. I hope they'll do well in their plans...

"Hi here's the food you ordered!"Nurse Joy said with another sweet smile.

"Thank you."I picked up the tray and entered the room.

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