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C.9: Robust but Anesthetic

"Believe me. I know what you're thinking."Trip smirks, wiping his lips with his thumb before giving me a sharp smile."Since you don't want to look at me, I thought maybe... Doing that may caught your attention."

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"I shouted, staring at him with fear and anger. That kiss. It wasn't sincere. I can feel it. Then why did he do it? Cilan told me a person only kisses someone when he or she is special to that person!

"Nothing in Particular."Trip turns his back, walking away with a shrug.

Iris stared at me, then at Trip, then back at me. She shoot a glare at Trip,"That's... DISGUSTING! Worst thing I have ever seen since yesterday!"

"You have a problem? I could do that to you too but I have no business to cover up with you sister."Trip hissed, pulling out the futon that was tucked inside our bag."But I can have your futon instead Iris."

"Why you little..."Iris' face turned red in sheer anger. Clenching her fist to make a ball.

"A kiss isn't just for fun! You do that when that person is important to you. How could you that to me!"I cried out. Stupid.. Stupid!

"Eh? Is that so? I don't know. Heh. I don't feel anything when I do that. Mnngh."Trip finished up, laying the futon on the grass."You could have said thank you when we ran away... Or worry about you."

His first sentence was so familiar...

"I don't feel anything when Serena did that..."

I remember now... Maybe Trip really does feel something but he disregard it. But it's impossible for him to have feelings for me or Iris if he already stated that he can do that to anyone he have business with.

"Give me back my bed you little..."... And Iris let out some sharp and straight curses. "YOU'RE A..."And another,"PURRLOIN! YOU CAN.."And another..."SLEEP ON THE"... You know Another curse,"GRASS YOU"...

"Calm down sister. You don't have to curse at me. Maybe a kiss would be enough so I could give you back your futon."Then Trip holds her cheeks, letting out a sensual smile.

"T...tch! You can't just toy with the two of us! We saved your life and this is how you repay us?!"Iris pushed Trip away.

"I already repay what I should have payed before by saving your lives from my abductors. This is a different matter."Trip smiles slyly again. "If you don't want you can sleep at the cold grass."

"No thank you! I can sleep on top of this tree with my Axew comfortably. If it means not seeing your face you pervert!"Iris climbs the tree, Axew follows behind. There, she lie down and closed her eyes.

"Ehhh? You prefer sleeping on hard wood?"Trip started to laugh,"Fine..."

Trip then shifted his gaze at me. Why am I shivering?... Mnngh.. I knew that scream, A.K.A Trip won't do me good..."Would you rather sleep here on a nice comfy Futon with me or on an uncomfortable hard wood filled with jolticks?"

"What kind of question is that? First of all I wanna sleep in a comfy futon. But not with you. I have my own."I pulled out my usual camping bed I used since I came here in Unova.

"Nandesu ka..? Nobody wanna sleep with a huggable Purrloin like me?"Trip pouts, wrapping his blanket around him.

"Shut up Trip if you don't wanna be an offer to the Association."Iris muttered from out of the blue.

"Eh?! I don't wanna go back there!"His smug and arrogant self turned into a scared and anxious one."I'm gonna go to sleep and avoid saying things I shouldn't say and do things I shouldn't do."

I raised an eyebrow, lying down on my bed. The stars were sparkling by the night sky, the view was astounding and yet... All I think about was Cilan and... That weird thing Trip did to me a few minutes ago. Man..

"Trip."I mumbled, still staring at the sky.

"If you're gonna lecture me about me kissing you... Just don't. It's better if you go to sleep."Trip uttered in a sleepy tone."I'm gonna sleep too..."

"I wanna ask... Don't you really feel anything when you kiss someone?"I said with a rather coherent voice.

"No."Trip says immediately after I asked. "But to tell ya the truth your lips are rather soft. But I have no such tastes in men."

"Then why did you do it? You could have just forced me to look at you or something instead of doing that!"I turned to his direction. He was staring at something different from my perspective.

"I think it'll be fun to see your reaction..."Trip smirks,"I have a picture to blackmail you~"

He showed me a picture on his camera of him kissing me. When did he took a pic of that?!

"Hey! How did you... Delete that!"I shouted, standing up from where I am, then jumping at Trip to snatch the camera from his hands.

"No can do Satoshi~ my hands are faster than you are."He swiftly slid the camera from my hands and hid it behind his back."I'm gonna show this to Cilan~ i'm gonna show this to Cilan~"

Huh..? Of all the people he want to show the picture at, Why Cilan?

"Cilan? Why Cilan?"I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Ahaha..."Trip gave me a hiss,"Yooouuuuuu and... Dent-Kun.... Have someeeethiiiinggggg—"

I covered his mouth before he could even finish his sentence. If Iris finds out about Cilan and I, I don't know what will happen!

Trip pulled my hand away from his mouth,"Tch. I knew it. I have pictures of the two of you from last year. See? Look at how Cilan looks at you."Trip scrolls down from pictures he had taken when we were in Nimbasa City. "And that's what had caught my attention!"Trip continuously pointed at the picture while zooming it in.

"Where did you get that? Have you been stalking us the whole time?!"I groaned, running back to my futon.

"Well I wouldn't say stalking... Rather gathering weaknesses... Eh but I was so caught up thinking about those pictures that I lost to Cilan... Dent."Trip finishes up."Oh well, I'm gonna go to sleep. Thinking about that makes me shiver. Ja ne."

I can't bear it if Cilan saw that picture... How will I explain it to him then... Uh.. Trip just kissed me but... I didnt want it..

Err.. Oh no... WAAAA!!!

Cilannnn!!! Kidnap me already weird Association!!!! I DONT WANNA BE WITH TRIPPPP HE'S SUFFOCATING MEEEHHHHHHH.


I hid under my blanket, my mind was filled with numerous worst case scenarios that kept me from sleeping.

But still... If Trip wasn't around, We might have been hostages and the cuffs wont be removed... We still owe him though...

Ugh I don't know what to do anymore! Maybe sleep..?

Yeah sleep will help... For the meantime... I wish tomorrow, We'll find Cilan soon...

Tomorrow... Cilan... And probably find the Association's hideout... Save... Everyone...

From... Their... Plans..

And then, I dozed off.

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