[001] the most beautiful girl in school

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[001] the most beautiful girl in school

                                                       The Astor family had blood as rich and pure as the other sacred twenty eight families. They descended from a French pureblood family, their grandparents coming to England when they had just given birth to their son who'd later be Camille and Victoire Astor's father, Jacques. They established their roots early on, making it clear that they were as wealthy and powerful as the Black's and the Malfoy's and the Lestrange's.

                                                      After that, they were initiated into the sacred twenty eight - becoming the sacred twenty nine.

                                                     Selene Malfoy is their mother, the two of them meeting at her family's winter ball. She was the most beautiful woman in the room and he was the most handsome in her eyes. They gravitated towards each other, unable to see anyone else. They danced and talked all night and by the following day, Jacques had asked for her hand in marriage. Selene agreed, becoming Selene Astor by the following year.

                                                    When Selene became pregnant, she thought that she was only having one baby. A boy. Selene knew the importance of having a male heir. But she'd be surprised to find that not only was she having one girl, she'd be having two. Camille and Victoire were born in November 1, 1926. Although they weren't the young male heirs Selene or Jacques wanted, they were determined to make sure they were still perfect nonetheless.

                                                  Although the sisters shared the same face, they were very different from each other and that showed from a young age.

                                                Camille was sensitive and delicate, caring about the opinions of others and wanting all eyes on her. She loved praise and attention, soaking it up. But she could never get enough. She had been a darling little girl from a young age, batting her eyes to get herself out of trouble or to get herself whatever she wanted. But despite using her charms whenever she pleased, Camille wasn't mean or cold. Not really. She was a sweetheart and at a young age, she idolized love. From the moment she heard about how her parents met, Camille wanted the same love story for herself. She wanted to fall in love and have someone love her back. An unconditional love was what she sought, something she had yet to find even after getting older.

                                              Victoire was more logical and a lot colder. She didn't believe in fairy tales, although she consumed novels faithfully at a shockingly quick pace. She was the smartest out of the two and definitely more ambitious and rebellious. She couldn't be charming like her twin and flirt her way out of trouble. No, Victoire hated boys and they hated her just as much. Victoire didn't desire love. She desired power and greatness, getting it at whatever cost. It was to the point where she was at the top of all her classes. She was prefect every year and she was now Head Girl of her year, all due to hard work and the occasional act of intimidating her classmates.

                                            Still, Camille and Victoire always maintained their closeness. They were sisters and blood always proved to be much thicker than water. Even though Camille could never understand Victoire's cold and sometimes cruel nature and Victoire didn't understand how Camille was incapable of growing up. But they protected each other and always looked out for each other. They could fight one minute and be close the next. No one could quite understand their relationship but then again, you wouldn't be able to unless you had a sibling of your own.

                                          Besides, Victoire being a tyrant around school did little to tarnish Camille's reputation in Hogwarts. She was rich and beautiful and beloved by all. She was the most beautiful girl in school, having boys fall to their knees for her and girls wanting to be just like her.

                                          Rumors swirled around that Camille and Victoire's grandmother was a Veela, passing it down to her granddaughters. It had to explain why the two girls were so beautiful. Camille really was the one to charm boys into doing whatever she wanted. They had the ability to drive men mad just to get their attention, and Camille was certainly capable of that.

                                         Camille hated to disappoint but her charm didn't come from magical means. Her grandmother was a beautiful woman but she was no Veela, and neither was Camille or Victoire. She was just naturally lovely and winsome. It truly was a gift and one Camille used well. It was to the point where Camille even gained the favor of teachers and the headmaster alike because she was just that sweet. Nobody knew quite how she managed to do it but she just did throughout her years at Hogwarts. And during her final year at Hogwarts, she expected for it to go the exact same way.

                                        Not a single golden strand of hair was out of place as Camille waltzed towards the Hogwarts Express. She wore a bright pink dress, coupled with expensive jewelry. She was an Astor and expected to look every bit the part. Heads turned to stare at the blonde beauty and everyone couldn't help but stare at Camille who shined like the sun. A small smile was on her lips, greeting those who looked. But Camille wondered where her sister was, knowing she should be right by her side. Camille looked outside and instantly saw Victoire who was a vision in green, deciding to honor her house's colors, while talking with her parents.

                                      Maybe talking was putting it to nicely. Really, it was a lot more like arguing - a common phenomena between Victoire and their parents lately.

                                     There was no doubt that their parents were giving Victoire a strict talk, asking her to be more like Camille. Camille was kinder, Camille was more charming, Camille was more likely to find herself a husband by the end of the year so she could further their pure bloodline. Victoire, on the other hand, was none of those things. She didn't represent anything of the things boys their ages would like. She was beautiful but she was intelligent and often liked to show it off. She also said exactly what was on her mind, mostly ideals that too many boys didn't care for either. She also didn't act very ladylike, much to their mother's chagrin. Camille knew it wouldn't be easy for Victoire to change at all this year - she was as stubborn as a man.

                                Camille often joked that Victoire acted a lot more like the brother she never had.

                                Just as she began making her way towards the train, she suddenly felt an arm pull her to the side. Tucked away to the side so no one could see her and whoever decided to pull her away, Camille looked up in a hurry, relazing a little more when she saw that it was one boy that she immediately recognized. "Theodore, you scared me!"

                                Theodore Boldheart was one of Camille's latest infatuations. Although he was a Hufflepuff, that didn't stop them from getting close. Camille wasn't one to necessarily believe in the rivalry between all four houses. If a boy was handsome, then a boy was handsome - regardless of where he came from. He was very handsome, his beauty reminiscent of the heroes Victoire talked about in her novels back when she used to read to Camille as kids. In her eyes, he was like Romeo Montague. And she, once upon a time, had been his Juliet Capulet.

                              Not only was he handsome but he was so romantic, often sending Camille love poems and getting her little gifts. He gave Camille everything she desired but... she wasn't in love with him.

                               She loved the attention and the gifts and that was primarily why she kept him around (as cruel as that sounded). But something was missing from their relationship. Something Camille couldn't quite place. She was infatuated with him but the spark of love Camille had been waiting for just hadn't been there. And then there was the fact that he wasn't anywhere on the list of boys she was supposed to marry only made their relationship doomed. So Camille had ended things with Theodore before their sixth year ended, something he hadn't taken too well. He had sent Camille a couple of letters through their summer break, letters Camille ignored and gave to Victoire to burn.

                                Camille hadn't wanted to break his heart. But she knew it'd be cruel to lead him on any longer than necessary.

                               "My apologies but... I'm so happy to see you again," Theodore greeted with that small charming smile of his. "You look absolutely radiant."

                              Camille lightly chuckled. "Oh, thank you. I really... appreciate that."

                             "I have something that I want to give you. Another poem. I couldn't stop thinking about you so I had to write this one down," Theodore smiled, holding out the small slip of paper for Camille to take.

                             "That - that is very sweet," Camille replied, only for Theodore to begin moving in closer to try and kiss her. She moves away from him, pushing him awway from her when he got too close. "What are you doing?"

                             "Kissing you. What does it look like?" Theodore chuckles, acting like everything was fine when it clearly wasn't.

                             "Theo... I already told you that we can't be together anymore. You have to understand that I cannot accept this," Camille shook her head.

                             "Is it because of...? I was hoping you changed your mind about that," Theodore faltered.

                            "I'm sorry, Theo. I do care for you a lot but I don't think it will work between us. You deserve a special girl who will appreciate you. But I'm afraid that isn't me," Camille explained.

                            "It is you. It has to be," Theodore reasoned as he took another step towards Camille. She backed away from him some more, feeling a flicker of fear in her chest.

                             A hand roughly grabbed Theodore's shoulder, shoving him back. Camille glanced up to find the source of the culprit. It was Abraxas Malfoy, her cousin on her mother's side. She smiled in relief before turning to look back at Theodore who didn't look pleased at the sudden interruption.

                              "If you won't stop bothering my dear cousin with your stupid love poems, you'll have me to deal with. Now run along," Abraxas warned, an intimidating frown on his lips. He didn't have to try hard to be intimidating, his last name scary enough. But with one look, he tended to make most scurry away.

                           Theodore looked over at Camille one final time before he took off in the opposite direction, crumpling the note in his hands which he had prepared to give to her. When he was gone, Abraxas's features were more relaxed as he turned to look at his cousin.

                            "He wasn't bothering me, Brax," Camille lied.

                             Abraxas rolled his eyes. "Liar. He's a lovesick, pathetic fool who can't take no for answer. I don't know what you ever saw in him."

                           "None of your business. Can't a girl have a little fun?" Camille sighed.

                            The whole interaction had deeply unsettled Camille but she was determined to try and act otherwise. Camille was determined to try and not think the worse. Victoire always did that and she was never any fun to be around. She figured Theodore would be upset for a little while over the break up but then he'd be able to get over it when someone new caught his fancy.

                           "You're more than entitled to it, Milly. I just wish your sister knew how to," Abraxas scoffed.

                            "Victoire cares for her studies. I actually admire how dedicated she is. I get so bored when having to do coursework - it's a shame," Camille shrugged. As always, she was quick to defend her sister.

                          "It's a miracle that you've even made it this far. You're lucky you're pretty enough to have your boyfriends do your work for you," Abraxas teased, twirling a strand of her hair around his ear.

                           Camille smacks his hand away, pretending to be annoyed. But the smile on her lips gave her away. "Are you going to keep bothering me or what?"

                             "No, I actually do have to get going. My friends are waiting for me but I'll see you later on tonight for dinner," Abraxas backed away, heading towards the compartment he shared with his friends.

                              "See you soon," Camille waved at him with a bright smile before she too turned away, deciding to disappear inside the train quickly. Just in case Theodore decided to come back around.

                                    From the moment Camille boarded the bus, she was immediately hit with boys handing her small presents, notes, and candies. All of them thought they had a chance with her, even though most of them didn't. With a flirty smile and soft giggle, Camille took all of the gifts and said her thanks before she finally managed to outrun them all.

                                    Camille walked a little further down the compartment, spotting the one her friends usually occupied. Although Camille was able to get along with just about anyone, she had three friends that she treasured far more than anyone else: Ophelia Avery, Eleanor Nott, Violet Greengrass. They had grown up together, going to the same parties and even being sorted into the same house of Slytherin. They all came from the sacred twenty nine families so it was natural that they'd get along as well as they did.

                                   Ophelia was like Camille, beautiful and popular. But while Camille was a firm believer in love, Ophelia was only interested in fun. She dated a lot of boys, tossing them to the side when she was bored with them. Eleanor had a younger brother, Elijah, who was in the year below them who was a troublemaker. Eleanor was the very opposite, being somewhat of a teacher's pet. She was intelligent and a stickler for the rules. She fully believed in everything her parents taught her but then again, they all did. Violet was vain and selfish, the meanest out of the group of four. There were times when she was cruel to Camille the most, but Camille always managed to forgive Violet when the girl would apologize afterwards.

                                     Eleanor was the only one to say the obvious truth, that Violet was jealous of Camille and often went out of her way to try and sabotage her. But Camille didn't want to believe that. Even if it was the truth, Camille was still determined to try and see the best in her. Just as she did in everyone. Besides, Violet had always apologized in the end so that had to mean she felt bad afterwards. Violet, in Camille's eyes, happened to be lonely and misunderstood.

                                    "Camille!" Ophelia exclaimed, pulling her best friend in for a hug the moment she walked inside. "You look gorgeous!"

                                     "So do you. It's so lovely to see you again," Camille responded, her smile bright even after she'd pull away and hug Violet next.

                                     "You literally saw us last month," Violet rolled her eyes while hugging Camille back.

                                      "But I missed you all anyways. Can you believe this is going to be our final year?" Camille asked as she hugged Eleanor next.

                                      "Thinking about it makes me sad all over again," Eleanor admitted with a frown.

                                     "I guess all we can do is try to make the most of it. I have a feeling that this will be a special year for all of us," Camille enthused.

                                     "You especially. More gifts from your admirers?" Ophelia teased, making the other girls giggle.

                                     Camille sighed. "I normally would've turned them down. But this is the last year they'll ever see me again. The least I could do was give them hope one last time. I'll have to throw away the candies though."

                                     The last boy to give her a candy had dipped it in a love potion befre giving it to her. One of his friends had warned Camille in time before she had time to eat it. And since then, Camille made sure not to eat anything another boy gave her. Camille may have been naive but she wasn't a fool. If she wasn't careful, some boy could try and take adventage of her.

                                    "By the way, I saw Arthur earlier. He's been looking really good lately. Maybe we could reconnect," Violet remarked, a grin creeping onto her lips.

                                   Arthur Mongkhon and Violet were one of those on-again, off-again couples. It had started in fifth year and although they were terrible for each other, they couldn't get enough of each other either. They'd separate for a while but always find their way back to each other. From what Camille saw, she knew that wasn't love. She and the love of her life - whoever he may be - were going to be better than that.

                                 "Aren't you supposed to be with Otto?" Eleanor questioned.

                                "That's after we leave. Merlin forbid I decide to have a little fun before I marry that boring oaf," Violet huffed.

                                 "On the topic of boys, who are you going to be arranged with, Camille? I know there were a couple boys dying to have your hand," Eleanor remarked. "But remember, you have to stick to tradition and honor first, Millie. Remember that. What about Abraxas? He seems perfect."

                                 "He's my cousin! I grew up with him. For Merlin's sake, he used to pick his boogers and stuck them onto the wall for entertainment. He feels more like a brother to me. I know it's deemed normal to do things like that but I can't," Camille shook her head. She had been equally appalled when her parents had suggested it just a month before.

                                  "If you don't want him, I'll have him. He has been looking very handsome lately," Ophelia offered.

                                  "He's all yours, Ophelia," Camille assured her with a snort.

                                 "You need to find someone and quickly, before your parents decide for you," Eleanor warned.

                                 Camille pouted. "I know that. Don't you think I know that? It's not easy finding your true love in school. Most boys are so immature and they only seem to care about one thing only. I've been searching and I know I'm close."

                               She had to be.

                              "Anyways... since your sister is Head Girl now, do you think we can get away with throwing a party this weekend? It'd be the first party of the week and Arthur can help us get all of the necessary contraband," Violet offered.

                               "Definitely not! If she finds out, she'll murder us all," Camille shook her head, her eyes growing wide at the thought.

                                Victoire had taken her job as prefect seriously throughout the years. And she was expected to take her job as Head Girl even more seriously. She'd be even more stricter, not allowing anything against the rules to happen underneath her watch. They'd have to be incredibly careful if they were going to go through with this party of theirs.

                               "So I guess we just won't tell her. We need all the fun we can get. Between everything going on with Grindelwald and everything else, we can all use a little fun," Ophelia shrugged.

                                Camille frowned when she thought about it. Things in the Muggle world were already scary, war ravaging the world. It was going on all around her and there was no telling when it might end. Camille didn't like thinking about any of it. But with Grindelwald plaguing the Wizarding community as well, she couldn't ignore the madness outside of her window. Camille just wished it'd all be over with, but Camille wasn't so naive to think it could be that simple. She knew that the war would eventually end but destruction and loss would be left in its wake. 

                                No one would come out unscathed. Camille's privilege and money shielded her from it. But she wondered what would happen to her and her family if they weren't so lucky. She swallows hard at the thought.

                              "You're right. I think it'll be a great idea to throw a party. But how would we be able to spread the word without Victoire finding out?" Camille reluctantly agreed. She needed the distraction from everything going on, her latest incident with Theodore included.

                            "You leave that up to me," Violet smiled. "Just make sure your annoying sister doesn't get in the way of our plans."

                           Eleanor shook her head. "This is a terrible idea. I just know it."

                           "Oh, hush, Ellie! This is one of my best ideas yet!" Violet assured.

                           Camille softly chuckled as she glanced out of the window, hearing the familiar loud whistle of the Hogwarts Express. The train then began to move, signaling the beginning of the journey to Hogwarts. As her friends continued to talk without her, Camille thought about what Eleanor had told her. She had to find the love of her life and soon before her parents chose for her. Camille liked Abraxas but she didn't want to marry her own cousin. If she was to marry, it would be with the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

                          This year would be the one where she finally found love. Camille was determined to find him no matter what.

( 👱‍♀️💘🍒 )

word count: 3643
notes: here is the first chapter! no tom yet but he will be coming in the very next chapter! please comment your thoughts about the story and camille so far! i would love to hear them as well as any of your predictions!

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