[005] the fairest one of all

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[005] the fairest one of all

                    "Victoire, please be honest with me and tell me how I look."

                    Victoire turned around as she finished putting up her hair, although she didn't know why she bothered. Camille always looked beautiful, taking pride in her looks more than anything else. Why prioritize your intelligence when you can base your entire self-worth on your looks? But Victoire never said any of those things to Camille, not wanting to insult her sister right to her face.

                     But Victoire hoped that one day, Camille could see the light.

                    "You look beautiful," Victoire commented, meaning every word. "But then again, you always do."

                    "Thank you! I really want to look beautiful for Tom. I'm the first girl he's ever taken to one of Slughorn's parties. I hope to be the only one from this point on. I can't look anything less than perfect," Camille smiled, smoothing out the few wrinkles she had actually found in her dress.

                     "If Tom acts like anything less than a gentleman tonight -," Victoire began.

                     "Don't you dare to insinuate such a thing. Tom is nothing but a gentleman. You promised me that you'd drop whatever hatred you had towards Tom for tonight. You have to keep your promise," Camille frowned.

                     Victoire sighs. "You're right. You're absolutely right. I'll keep my mouth shut and let you have the best night of your life. I promise."

                      "Thank you," Camille replies with a smile, glancing at her reflection in the mirror to fix her hair. "You never did tell me if you were taking anyone to Slughorn's party or not."

                      "I already told you. I'm not going with any boy. None of them are tripping over their feet to ask me out," Victorie rolled her eyes.

                     "You'd be going with Lily then? You two go just about everywhere together," Camille suggested.

                     "Yes, I suppose," Victoire nodded.

                     "You really do like Lily a lot, don't you?" Camille asked. While her question sounded mostly innocent, there was a hint of accusation there that caused Victoire to immediately bristle in response.

                     "She's my best friend, Milly. I care for her just as much as I care about you," Victoire argued, her head canting to the side.

                      "Perhaps even more," Camille added.

                      Victoire's eyes widened. "What are you saying?"

                      Knocks on the door interrupted the sisters before a potential fight could break out between them. The two sisters share a look before Victoire rushed over to the door. She wanted to see who it was, assuming it was one of their dorm mates. The actual person behind the door, however, was someone Victoire had hoped to see much later into the night.

                      "Tom, you're here early," Victoire noted.

                      "Oh, Tom!" Camille exclaimed, running right past Victoire and into Tom's arms.

                     Tom chuckled as he hugged Camille closely, breathing in the scent of her rich perfume. He had no doubt that it cost more than anything he had ever possessed. "Someone's happy to see me."

                     "Of course I am," Camille smiled, pulling away from him shortly after. "What do you think? Is it alright or...?"

                     "Alright? It's absolutely wonderful. I'm... truly at a loss for words. That is how beautiful you are," Tom complimented.

                     Camille giggled, twirling around in her pretty pink dress. "I wanted it to remind you of the flowers you got me."

                     "That it does. I truly feel like the luckiest boy in all of Hogwarts tonight," Tom replied, grabbing Camille's hand and kissing her knuckles sweetly.

                     Camille's heart fluttered in her chest, and she felt her legs nearly turn to jelly. The smile on her face was bright as she continued holding onto Tom's hand. If anyone was lucky, it had to be Camille. She was finally able to go out with Tom Riddle, one of the most handsome and elusive boys in all of Hogwarts. After this, they'd be a couple. At least... Camille really hoped they'd be. She was truly convinced that the boy had to be the one for her.

                      They complimented each other so well and he made her feel so wonderful, like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Camille couldn't get enough of it.

                       "Is that all, you two? We need to get going if we want to make it to Slughorn's party on time," Victoire frowned, folding her arms across her chest.

                       "She is right," Tom says before Camille could make any objection, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "I am a favorite of Slughorn's and I've yet to show up late. I don't want tonight to be an exception."

                       Camille nods before smiling over at Tom again. "Lead the way, Tom."

                       The two smile at one another as they walk out of the room, leaving Victoire behind. Victoire scoffed before she reluctantly followed the two of them. 

                       The entire time they walked to the party, Camille and Tom were talking and giggling with each other. Camille found every single thing Tom said fascinating, from all the books he read to the types of tea he drank whenever he couldn't sleep. Camille listened to everything he said, absorbing every single detail to remember later. If she was going to be the special girl in Tom's life, she had to do everything possible to make him like her.

                     Even if it meant completely molding herself into someone new just for him to fall for her.

                     When they arrived at the party, everyone turned to look at them both. Victoire might as well have been invisible at that point. The entire party exploded in a fit of whispers, just like they had back at the cafeteria. Camille practically blossomed underneath the attention, something Tom immediately picked up on. 

                     "Miss Astor, Mister Riddle!" Professor Slughorn declared, walking towards the couple with open arms.

                    Camille looked around for her sister, only to find that she had wandered over to Lily instead. Although Camille was a little sad over the fact that her sister wasn't by her side, she figured it was for the best. If Victoire and Tom weren't around each other, they wouldn't be driving each other crazy.

                     "How lovely it is to see you both! Especially you, Miss Astor. I was so used to seeing your sister. Although... I think it's fair to say that the both of you share quite a similar face. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference," Professor Slughorn continued with a wide smile.

                    "Camille's more pleasant," Tom remarked.

                    "I suppose so. Victoire is definitely the more... bold and fierce one. Always one to speak her mind," Professor Slughorn nodded.

                    "I find that to be quite an admirable trait. I wish I were as bold as her," Camille replied, rushing to Victoire's defense once again.

                    Tom also noticed that Camille had a habit of defending her sister. Given that Tom had no siblings, he'd never be able to understand the sibling bond. But he knew that it'd be an obstacle sooner rather than later.

                    "Well, I'm glad that the both of you are here. I do hope you enjoy yourself," Professor Slughorn clapped his hands together, a warm smile on his lips. "Now, if you excuse me, I still have to make my rounds. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to your sister too."

                  "That sounds splendid," Camille nodded.

                  The professor left the two of them be alone, to which Tom led the blonde right over to the table topped with drinks and even little desserts. Tom let go of Camille so he could offer her a drink, one she happily accepted.

                   "Thank you very much, Tom," Camille smiled, taking a small sip after.

                   "No problem," Tom replied, grabbing a glass for himself. "Is this party to your liking so far? Or is it as boring as I told you it'd be?"

                   "Hm, it is kind of boring. I think the parties back at home are a little more exciting. Grander too," Camille shook her head.

                   "You'd think that all of those favors Slughorn asks all of the students' parents would mean he'd make things a little nicer around here," Tom remarked.

                   "So those aren't just rumors? He actually does that?" Camille chuckles.

                   "Yes, I can assure you that they aren't just rumors. Professor Slughorn is the very definition of a bottom feeder," Tom replied, saying the last sentence quietly enough so only he and Camille could hear that part.

                    "That isn't very nice," Camille lightly smacked his shoulder, even though she had thought the exact same thing.

                    "I know you thought it," Tom countered.

                    "How could you possibly know? Are you reading my thoughts?" she playfully challenged him.

                   Tom grinned. "Something like that."

                    Camille chuckles before she glances around the party. Druella and Cygnus were as close as ever, looking like a perfect little couple themselves. Violet was with Otto, although Arthur could be spotted a distance away - looking furious every time Violet and Otto embraced each other. Eleanor was talking with Olive Hornby, which surprised Camille the most. After Myrtle's terrible tragedy, Olive had been haunted (both literally and figuratively) by it. It was to the point where the former mean girl and bully turned into a hollow version of herself. But now she looked like she was back to normal again.

                  Abraxas was talking with another girl, one with dark skin and long red hair. They seemed to be quite engaged in conversation, and she's never seen him look so happy before. Camille was convinced that he liked the girl and who could blame him? She was very pretty. Camille had to talk to him about that later on and she certainly would.

                "It still feels like a dream that you're here with me," Tom replied, drawing Camille from her thoughts.

               "You and I both. I did pinch myself just to make sure that this was all real," Camille sheepishly admitted.

              "How adorable," Tom remarked, reaching out to stroke her cheek which sent a floodgate of warmth throughout her body. How a single touch from him held so much power over her, Camille had yet to figure out. But what she did know was that she wasn't about to complain now. No, she couldn't get enough of him.

              The music began to play from the corner of the room due to enchanted violins, the melody pleasing to her ears. It pleased Tom as well because there was a faint smile on his lips.

              "Do you enjoy the music?" Camille asked with a small smile.

             "Very much. Growing up, there was always a little band playing by my home. I'd go out to see them sometime, just to listen to them play. I enjoyed it far more than anything else. Whenever I was upset or sad, hearing the music would calm me down most times," Tom recalled.

             "Ah, where did you grow up?" Camille questioned.

             There was a lot of mystery surrounding Tom's background. No one really knew where he was from or who his family was. It was all a shrouded mystery and Camille desperately wanted to learn for herself. Everyone assumed that his family was wealthy, or at the very least pureblood for him to be in Slytherin. Half-bloods were rare and muggle-borns were even rarer, given Salazar Slytherin's strict beliefs.

             Tom held out his hand for Camille to take, and she immediately did as she was told. She was so obedient which pleased Tom very much. "Would you like to dance with me?"

              "I'd love to," Camille nodded. She supposed the personal questions would just have to wait.

              They made their way over to where the violins were before getting into position. Tom held Camille closely, his hand on her waist enough to make the giant butterflies in her stomach go completely insane. But Camille did her best to keep her composure, holding on to Tom's broad shoulders with a smile. And then they began to dance.

               Camille felt like she was floating the entire time, holding onto Tom as they waltzed together. It was one of the most magical times of Camille's life and when she looked up into his dark eyes, seeing her reflection, she felt as though she was falling in love.

              But Camille didn't really know what love was.

              "Where did you learn to dance, Tom?" Camille asked over the music. "You can at least tell me that much."

               Tom grinned. "And spoil the mystery?"

               "Please?" Camille pouted.

               "Fine, only because it's impossible to say no to you," Tom sighed. "If you must know, I was taught from young by an old friend of mine. It was before Hogwarts, back when I was much younger. Some of those skills have managed to stick even now."

               "You're a very good dancer, Tom. Whoever taught you did a wonderful job. I didn't have anyone teach me or Victoire. We just learned from watching people at our family's dinner parties and we'd dance with each other. Victoire always pretended to be the boy," Camille recalled.

              Tom hummed. "That makes sense."

              "What?" Camille furrowed her brows in confusion.

              "Nothing. Do you get dizzy easily?" Tom inquired.

              "No, why?" Camille shook her head.

              Tom suddenly dipped her, making Camille shout and then giggle from surprise. He picked her up with ease, pulling her closer than before. They were merely inches apart and all Camille had to do was stand up on her tippy-toes so her lips could meet Tom's. He seemed to have the same idea because he briefly glanced down at her lips, making her heart skip a beat.

                "You two look quite comfortable."

               Camille and Tom pull away from each other, only to see Abraxas standing there. Camille smiles over at him before focusing that beautiful smile right on Tom.

                "Abraxas," Tom greeted, a little stiffer than before.

                "Hello, Brax," Camille greeted, much kinder than before.

                "Hello, Milly. Um, Tom, I was hoping we could talk for a moment. Please," Abraxas replied, his gaze flickering between him and Tom.

                Tom sighed, looking over at Camille. "I am very sorry, Camille. I'll be back in a moment."

                "Oh, take your time, Tom. I'll be right here and waiting for you, I promise," Camille assured him.

                 Tom smiled at her before he and Abraxas left to go and talk privately. Camille wondered what it was they were talking about, but it was probably none of her business. It would probably be boring too. Her place was here anyway, waiting for Tom to come back so they could continue with their date.

                  Camille was high and she wasn't willing to come down anytime soon.

( 👱‍♀️💘🍒 )

word count: 2457
notes: this is part one, by the way! the next chapter was part two of their date! as always, comment your thoughts and let me know what you thought!

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