Day 3

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Initial update: 11-07-2018
Final update: 25-10-2018


It was early morning.. both of them were sitting on the bench in the park of the church.

His head on her lap, she was caressing his hairs.. Avni was admiring him.. while he was looking to the sky.. actually not that.. he was lost in flashback of what happened this morning at his home....

Flashback today's morning

He was coming down the stairs to reach to Avni on time..

"Where are you going?" He heard Shweta's voice

"I don't want to argue with you again mom!" He said While decending towards the hall.

"Even I don't want to argue.. why don't you understand you are going to be soon engaged and married within 2 days of it!! Why are you going to her again??!!!" She said almost shouting.

"Listen.. I was never interested and will never be interested in this marriage.. it was the decision of all of you, so it's better you handle with it! I don't want to indulge in all this. I will do what my heart says as you all are doing! You can stop me from marrying her but can't stop me from loving her!" He lashes out.

"And what will you get by this?? At the end You can never marry her!" She says pointing her finger towards him.

"I will get relief! To atleast be with her till the time I can.. till the time I am myself.. before you all make me live a dead life!!" He Says before leaving from there.

Flashback ends

He holds her other hand and kissed it gently.. Avni repeats him and kissed his hand gently and then pecks his forehead.

"So again you fought today?" Avni asked.

"As per you.. yes, and according to me.. No" he replied

Avni chuckled at his cuteness pulling his cheeks.

"Don't do it again" She says smiling.

"I can't help it!" He replied.

"Leave it.. umm 1 second!" He said while sitting straight back to the bench and taking out the paper from his pocket in which avni wrote all her wishes yesterday.

"Okayyyyy!!! Let's go then.." He said after going through the paper and then dragged Avni with her towards the car in rush.

Avni was confused where they are going while he was driving.

"Neil.. could you please tell me where are we going??" She asked.

"Towards your next wish my love! And before you ask more questions.. I am telling you that I am not going to tell anything to you at the moment. You yourself will see when we will reach there!" He said and winked.

Avni glared at him as her confusion was still intact.

After a while of silent ride they reached their destination.. it was a building "Bakery Love" carved on the board on top of it!

She looked at the board and then towards Neil.

"Here???" She asked.

"Bake together!" He said while raising his eyebrows

She literally jumped onto him.. taking him into a tight hug!

"I love you I love you I loveeeee youuuu!!" She said and kissed his cheeks.

While he was holding her into a hug.

"I love you more" He said

"So your next wish is waiting for you to be completed!" He said while bowing and showing her direction to let her inside the bakery.

She chuckled at his antics.

They both entered inside.

"But how you got to this place?" She asked

"It's my friend Ali's place. He bakes the best cakes and cookies I have ever eaten!" Neil exclaimed.

Just then Ali arrived to them

"Hey buddy!" Ali said while giving Neil a bro hug.

"Hey.. all good?" Asked Neil

"Yup all good.. you tell?" Replied Ali

"All fine.. I have told you about my reason of arrival today in the morning!" Neil confirmed.

"I remember bro.. the kitchen is all yours! But atleast before that introduced me to her atleast!" Ali said before laughing

"Oh I totally forgot.." he circled his arms around her shoulder "so she is Avni.. my"

Before he could complete Avni cut him in midsentence

"His friend!" She said with a forced smile.
Neil looked towards her with a shock.

But he shrugged it off at the moment in front of Ali.

"And He is my school friend Ali!" Neil said.

Ali and Avni had a handshake.

"So you guys have 3 hours.. as specially for you bakery would be closed on this timmings.. so it is all yours!!! Have a great time.. till then I will leave!" Ali said with a smile.

"So my love.. shall we proceed?"said neil to avni.
She nodded and they both proceeded to the kitchen.

"What you would like to make??cake or cookies?" He asked excitedly.

"Cake!" She said excitedly.

"So start then!!!" He said with a wide smile.

She started collecting all the stuff on the counter.

The little window there was allowing the sun rays to make her bright face a little more bright! And that her sweetest smile.. Some of her hair strands which slipped from her bun and were tracing her face till her collarbone.. Giving Neil all the reasons to adore her!

"Neil.. give me that bowl!" She ordered him.

"I am busy." He replied.

She looked up to him.

"Mister, you are just standing and leaning on the counter since we entered here.. so what are you busy in???" She narrowed her eyebrows.

"Sorry you missed my one activity.. I am staring you.. actually adoring you! Since we entered here.. which is a big deal indeed and you are not even paying any heed to me!" He said pouting.

She tilted her head and kissed his cheek.

"Aww.. and how could you even think I am not paying heed to you? I am all of yours at last!" She said curling her hands around his neck.

"Really??" He said encircling his hands around her waist with a naughty smirk on his face.

"Yes" she nodded.

Before he could proceed with what his heart wanted at the moment...

She said "but... I wished to bake together.. I wanted you to help me.. not that I'll bake alone and then you eat!" She said rolling her eyes.

"Ooohhhkkk... as you wish!" He turned her around still Avni in his embrace. He walked like that till the counter, and held her hand from behind and proceeds towards the bowl and started making batter. Her hands covered by his arms. His chin on her shoulder.

While her eyes and shivering hands tells the effect She has due to their close proximity.

He kissed her shoulder and nuzzed in her neck giving soft kisses.



"We have to bake"

"I know"he replied

"Why you said that?" He asked

"What?" She said looking towards him

"That you are my FRIEND!" He said looking into her eyes.

"Because we can't be more" She said looking the floor

"But we ARE more!" He said confidently

"Only we should know this.. not your friends Neil.. you are going to get married!"She said as her heart broke into many pieces again.

"But no one can take your place. And you know that right?" He asked cupping her face

"But even I can't take her place!" She said before turning away from him.

He just went and hugged her from behind.. no words can describe there condition.. the amount of pain their poor hearts can only know!

He was crying.. she could feel her shirt wet from behind due to his tears. But she didn't responded as her own eyes had tears and she knew at this moment nobody can console them.. they need to cry. Might then they will be a little stronger.

After a good 30 min of lightening their hearts, they both forced a little smile seeing each other and got back to the baking work!

"Neil now can you handover the cream bowl pleaseeeeee!!! We need to do the icing!" She said with her cutest pout.

He took the bowl which was kept near him and handed over to her..

As she was almost done with her icing, he proceeded towards her.

They had an intense eyelock. While she was lost in his orbs he silently took a slight cream on his finger and put it on her nose. That's when she realised what he did!

"Neilll!!!" She said and started chasing him as he runs around laughing.

At last he stopped and holds her by her waist as she comes running towards him.

"You know what?" He said

"What?" She asked him cutely

"You will always be my munchkin!" He softly kissing her both cheeks.

She chuckled.

"Cake is ready!" She said

"Show me!" He replied excitedly

As he saw it.. he was spellbounded not because of cake but because of what was written on it. "I will always love you!" It Says.

He pecked her forehead. She cuts a piece of cake and make him eat by herself.

She raised her eyebrows as if to ask how it is?

"As sweet as you.. as much flavoured as our love and choco chips just like the hurdles in between!" He replied with a smile.

"Wow Mr.IPS! I could have never imagined a cake like this!"she chuckled.

"Even I couldn't if I hadn't met you" He said.

They hugged each other and then ate the cake!

Till they completed all that Ali arrived.

"Hey.. all done?" Ali asked with a wide smile.

"Yes" She replied with a sweet smile.

"So can I taste some?" Asked Ali

Avni went quiet and looked towards Neil.

"I know.. I know.. he ate all the cake alone again.. right??" Ali asked

"Yes" she laughed

While Neil was standing there before with a pout on his face started laughing along with them.

"It was super tasty bro!" Neil exclaimed

"I think so!" Ali replied.

They chatted for a while.

"Let's go then?" Neil asked Avni

She nodded.

"Bye bro! See you soon then!" Said neil to Ali

"Bye! Hope to see you soon!" Says Ali

They both left to the car.



" 1 day.. 1 wish down and 1 memory up in our heart! 7 more to go!"

"Avniii.." He said slowly while looking outside the window.

As they reached the church and avni went out of the car,

"Avniii.." he shouted from behind coming out of the car.

She looked back towards him.

"I love you!" He said with unshed tears in his eyes.

She ran back towards him and hugs him.. he reciprocated and embraced her in his arms.

"I love you too!" She whispers.


Love love 💕

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