Chapter 1

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Jacob's POV:

I woke up to my alarm, knowing what to expect when I walk into school. I get bullied everyday, I'm famous in social media, but they don't know that I get bullied. I want to speak happiness and positivity, not negitivity and I don't want them to feel bad for me. I get bullied for things little as my ears.

I got out of bed, put on some joggers, a white tee shirt and some vans. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen to grab something to eat. My parents are rarely home due to their jobs. They travel around the world helping people in financial issues.

I grabbed a gronola bar, I walked to the hallway and grabbed my backpack. I put one strap on, I grabbed my phone off the counter and looked at the time. I saw that it was ten minutes until the first bell rang. I ran out the door and to the school. I don't live that far from the school, but I don't want to be late.

I walked in the door and to my locker. I dialed my locker comonation, when I heard someone coming behind me. I turned around to see Cayden. He looked me in the eyes.

I looked around to see many students in the hall. I turned around to continue getting my things for first period. He pushed me into my locker and I dropped my paper, they scattered on the floor. I turned around to face him.

"What's wrong with you," I yelled.

"Nothing," he said.

He just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Just wondering what a loser like you is still doing in school," Cayden said.

I ran to the bathroom and locked a stall door. I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to be known as a baby. I decided to go talk to Mr. O'Conner. He was my favorite teacher, so that made it easy to tell him anything. I walked down the hall near his room. I saw Cayden trying to find me, so I hid behind a trashcan. Once I heard them leave the hall I ran to Mr. O'Conner's room. I walked in and locked the door.

"What now, Jacob," he said annoyed

I could see he was grading papers.

"Well, Cayden is bulling me and I don't know what to do," I said nervously.

"Tell you what if I take you to the nurse I'll tell her you threw up in the bathroom and you can go home. When you go home, I want you to think about changing to online school. I don't want to see you go, but it might be better if you leave," he said with concern.

I nodded and walked with him to the nurse. Surprisingly she thought I was really sick. So she told me to go home, I started to walk home. When I called my mom.

*Phone Call*

Jacob: Mom, I want to exchange schools

Jacob's mom: Honey this is your third school, the neared school is twenty minutes away.

Jacob: No not another public school, I want to find an online school

Jacob's mom: If you find one than I guess so

Jacob: Thanks mom

I hung up the phone and walked in to my house. I went on social media to let some time go by. I noticed that most of my online friends go to school online. I wanted to make friends at my school, but no one likes me. I mean I have a crush on Bella, but she is really popular and will never know I exist. I decided to call Hunter, he lives in Arizona so he should just be waking up because his time is three hours behind mine. He answered and I just told him and out what happened at school. He just listened he didn't talk to me so I decided to just hang up. I looked for schools online, but didn't find one I liked. I decided to give up and deal with the bullying. I walked downstairs to watch some movies.

Bella's POV:

I woke up late, so I was late for school. I walked in the doors and noticed that it was almost third period. I walked to my locker and dialed my combination.

I noticed that Jacob wasn't there, his locker is right next to mine, so I see him every period. I walked over to my group of friends wondering why Jaocb wasn't there. I've had a crush on him since first grade. We live in the same neighborhood, so I see him outside every now and then.

He is cute and has a great personality, from what I've heard. I don't really know him that well, because we don't talk. I wanted to talk to him today, but he wasn't there, I decided to wait until tomorrow. I finished my day at school and called my mom to pick me up.

She came and took me home, I walked up the stairs and into my room. I watched netflix until I needed to go to sleep. I watched netflix for what seemed like hours. I got up and grabbed my pajamas, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I finished my shower and changed into my pajamas. I wore a tank top and some spandex shorts. I threw my clothes that I wore to school in my hamper. I laid down in my bed and fell fast asleep.

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