Chapter 2

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Jacob's POV:

I woke up this morning and wanted to have a good day at school. I didn't want to go to school, but I wanted to see Bella. If I go to school online, than Bella would still be at the public school. Who am I kidding, she doesn't even know that I exist.

I got dressed and walked downstairs. I made a grilled cheese and walked to school. I hope that Cayden won't be there today. I walked into the school and hear a lot for whispers. I blocked it out and continued to my locker. I dialed the combination and opened it.

I grabbed my books and walked to first period. I walked in the eoom.and sat at my desk. There was ten more minutes until the first bell rang. Mr. O'Conner wasn't in the room, and I didn't really feel comfortable, so I put my head down on my desk then someone walked in.

"Hey," someone said in a innocent voice.

I didn't look up.

She asked me, "Umm excuse me, is someone sitting here?"

I looked up and saw Bella.

"No, if you want to sit there you're welcome to," I said shyly.

She sat down and Mr. O'Conner came in. Everyone came in a few minutes later. Bella's friends cam and sar by her. Bella started to talk to tell and they gave me a weird look. I knew that they were talking about me. The bell rang and Mr. O'Conner started his lesson.

"Okay class, today I have a group assignment. I have partnered you up with someone in the class. I will call your names and you will come up to my desk," he announced.

He started to call up names one by one.

"Jacob and Bella," Mr. O'Conner said.

We walked up to his desk.

"Yout two are doing a report on Montana," he said as he handed us the paper with what needed to be on it.

I was really excited to be her partner. This means if she didn't know I exist, she will soon. We walked back to our seats. Mr. O'Conner finished announcing who was going to be with who.

I asked her,"How are we going to do this?"

"Here," she said handing me a piece of paper.

"What is this," I asked her.

"Just open it," she said with a smile.

I opened it and inside was her number. I looked up from the paper and the bell rang. She gathered her paper and looked at me. She walked behind me and whispered in my ear.

"Call me when you want to finish."

She said and walked out with her friends.

*Skips to lunch*

I walked to the cafeteria by myself. I got my food and sat at a table, I usually sat by myself. Everything was good until I saw Cayden, and he was walking towards me. I was getting nervous so I got up and threw my food away. Without eating my lunch I started to walk to my next period. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice.

"Where you going," Cayden asked.

I started to walk once again until he said something else, but closer.

"Aww, is the baby upset," he questioned.

Next thing I new I had the mysterious food I eat for lunch on my head. It dripped down all the way to my shoes. I ran to the bathroom.

Bella's POV:

I looked over to see what everyone was looking at. I saw Jacob standing in shock at what happened. I ran from my spot (up on the ramp) and slapped Cayden.

I told him,"What did he ever do to you?"

"Nothing, he just is Jacob," he replied.

He tried to pull me to him.

"Eww no, don't you ever touch me again," I said annoyed.

I ran all through the hall trying to find Jacob. I was about to give up when I passed the bathroom and heard crying. I knocked on the door.

"Jacob please open the door and come out here," I said concerned.

"Just leave me alone," he yelled.

"Jacob if you don't open the door I will have to open it myself," I said.

Next thing I knew a messy red eyed Jacob came out.

"What do you want," he said

"I want to make sure you're okay," I replied.

He hugged me.

"Thank you, but I'm fine," he said

"I'm going to buy you another lunch and you're going to sit with me and my friends," I said.

He laughed thinking it was a joke.

"You don't have to do that," he said.

"Jacob I want to make sure this doesn't happen again, so from now on you're going to sit with me at my table," I said.

He nodded his head then walked into the bathroom. I leaned against the wall and waited for him to come out. He eventually came out of the bathroom and I took him back to the cafeteria. I bought hid food and we walked to my table. I sat down and he just gave me a confused look.

"Jacob sit down," I said sternly.

"Where," he questioned.

"Right next to me," I said while patting down the seat next to mine.

He sat down and ate his lunch

*Skips to end of the day*

I saw my mom's car and walked over to it. I hopped into the passenger seat and closed the door. We started to drive home until I saw Jacob.

I asked my mom,"Can you pick up Jacob, he is having a rough day and we need to do our project for Mr. O'Conner."

She pulled over and I rolled down my window.

"Hey Jacob get in," I said motioning to the car.

He ran to the car and opened the door. He got in his seat and we went to my house. We walked in and sat in the kitchen. We sat at the island and planned out what we were going to do for the project. When we got the plan done he decided to go home. He walked to the front door.

"Wait Jacob," I said running after him.

I gave him a hug.

"Thank you for today," he said.

"That's the least I could do," I said and kissed his cheek.

He opened the door and walked out. Before I closed the door I yelled, "Please be careful." He gave me a thumbs up and walked to his house. I walked up stairs to my room and took a shower. I put on my pajamas and fell asleep.

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