be free baby bird

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"no!" Cried the bird, "don't take my wings! Don't take my flight!" She sobbed, scooting away from the evil man in front of her.

"Oh but I must," said the evil smiling man. "I must do, what must be done."

Sobbing, yelling incoherently as she strained against the shackles on her wrists. "no! It's the only part of me I love! Don't take it!!! There must be another way! There has to be SOME other way for me to pay you back!"

Pulling his smiley face mask down, this time. HE smiled, evil and twisted. " I'm sorry my little birdy, but we had a deal. It's time to pay up pigeon." Snickering at his own twisted joke, he bent down. Grabbing a hold of the birds shackles.

"No! Don't come any closer you vermen!!" The bird screamed in vain, "DON'T TOUCH ME-" yet her screams where halted the moment she fell, her face hitting the cobble stone, dirt covered floor. Her tears puddling between the stones. Mixing with the blood that was dipping from her mouth, along with the dried blood that had collected over the year she was held against her will.

"Awwwww, it's alright baby bird~" the evil demented man cooed. Placing his foot on the pigeon girls back, right between her mix of white, gray, and black wings. Laughing snydly to him self he leaned down, grabbing ahold at the base of the bone. "Are you ready, my little birdy? Are you ready to help your god, to MEET him?"

Sqwerming the bird fought. Cheek pressed to the cobble as she looked on in total horror, "no, please-"

"Oh shussh, it'll be okay my pet. It'll be okay,"

Yet she never answered. He was only met with inconsolable sobs. She knew what was to come. Yet, no matter how hard she tried. She could never stop it. "Please-"


Yet her pleas got no response, nor could she finish them. Screaching out in pain, the noise that left her throught felt like it was ripping her cords. Shredding it from the inside.  High pitched terror made it's self evedent though out the dungeon of the palace she was being held in.

Even threw her screams and cry's of pain she could hear the cries of the other dungeon occupants. They all knew this day would come as well. But, there was nothing they could do either.

Though they're gasps and cry's, she could hear the evil man's manic laughing. The moment she stopped screaming and crying she was left a sweaty panting mess.

Wheezing, barely breathing. She laided still on the floor. The familiar feeling of weight gone from her back her eyes widened. Reaching to her back with her hands she hoped she was wrong.

Only to start wailing once more as her hands where met with open skin, blood, muscles and sharp pointy bone.

With a twisted laugh the man held up his prize. "AHAH!!! My trophies, the gods promised goods at last!!"

Yet she barely heard anything he said. Eyes shaking in her sockets. Vison going in and out. She was barely there. Laying on the floor, she may as well have already been dead.  "W-why? Why have you done this to me?"

Hearing this, the laughing man fell silent. "well, why not? I was promised this long ago. And you know exactly by who. By, what did you call that god?" The man held a finger two his chin as to mock the no longer singing bird before him on the cobble floor. "Scotty? Was it? Hmmm, yes. That was it. He quite hated that. So now, he has asked me to kill you-"

"THEN DO IT ALREADY!!" The Birdy screamed. She was already suffering having lost her love. Why must she suffer more? All because she accidentally got her gods name wrong? Because she tried to be friend him?

"Alright then pigeon. I can do that!" The man happily replied. "Just let me remember the spell."


And just like that, her suffering was finally over. At least, so she thought.

"Where am I?" Spoke the bird, she looked around. Laying in a forest, in a feild of fairy flowers is not where she expected to end up.

"Be not afraid my child, you are in the home of Crows. My kingdom for wayward souls. Please, stand." Spoke a godly voice all around her.

"I-" confused, she stood. Her bare feet against the plush dewy grass. "hello?"

"It is I child, turn around."

Turning she gasped. Infront of her, on her knees sat the god of death and rebirth. From her back sprouted black crow wings. She adorned a black lacy dress with long sleeves that flowed past her hands just slightly. Her face was gorgeous, eyes a blaze with anger and sad ness. Her top lip quivered slightly as she looked down apon the bird.

"My child, I am so sorry- i-" letting out a small sob the god tried to keep her composure.

Nearly sobbing the both of them. The watched as the god reached up, taking the hat atop her head and placing it down beside her. The gods facel features now being showed in full. Raven black hair cascading over the gods shoulders like wonderful water falls.

Pointy ears stuck out of it on each side of her head. "please my child, come here." The god asked, reaching her hands down twords the bird.

And like a moth to a flame, the bird jumped up into her warm embrace. For some reason, her soul felt called, beconed to be closer to this movouls, giant godly woman.

"My child, you have met an awful fate. One that I will not stand for. For a god has intervened with the life of a mortal, MY mortal, my beautiful, sweet little pigeon. One of my own birdly family. You will be given a second chance. In the name of justice, MY justice."

"Your grace, lady of death-"

"Call me Kristen. My child, for we will meet again some day, and I want be greated like," paused for a moment the beautiful god of death slightly giggled. "Like one would an old friend."

"Lady Kristen, how could I ever repay you-"

"You simply won't my child. Now give me a hug, and go live the life you where ment to. Away from the troubles you have been delt in the last. And live happily. That is all I ask."

Leaning forward, the bird spread her arms. Hugging the goddesses cheek as the two of them smiled. "Thank you, lady death. Thank you."

"My child, you have nothing to thank. Now go, be free. KAI. Be free my baby bird."

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