your nothing but a mob

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This had never happened before, the fish and the bird had never fought. But there was a first time for everything.

Terrified the small fish jumped. Ears flicking up from the sudden noise. In sudden fear she dropped the book and cup in her hands, the cup falling to the ground and shattering into small little itty bitty pecies, bouncing around her bare feet.

"S-shoot!" Exclaimed the fish as she bent down. She wasn't supposed to be down here, and Kai would have definitely heard her shreik in surprise a moment earlier.


The sound of quick rushing foot steps alerted the small fish to the tall brids presents.


Her mind raced as she tried to pick up the glass around her, cutting her finger in the process.

Yet the moment the door opened Zoey nearly fainted from shock.

"Zoey, what are you doing down here?!" The bird spat. The fish had been told multiple times not to come down into kai's witchy basement. Yet she still did.

"I- uh, I was trying to surprise you-" the fish tried to speak, only to be interpreted.
"Trying to surprise me, or piss me off?" Asked the bird sarcastically, her statement snarcky as she bent down at her knees. Picking up her book of shadows. Yet kai's eyes went wide as she saw the page her small one had the book flipped to. It made her slightly gasp.

"Zoey, what the fuck is this?!" Kai asked angryly, rasing her voice at the small girl as she turned the book to face the small girl so that she could read the pages.

"Your book of shadows?-"

"no! It's a spell for necromancy!!! The fuck where you thinking?! You don't even know how to cast 'flurry of petals'!!! You can't pull off shit like this Zoey!" The bird hollered, scolding the mentally child like fish.

"I. I wanted to surprise you-"

"You could have gotten yourself killed!!" Kai's brows knitted as she gripped the book in her shaking hands. This was about the fact that Zoey had broken into her witchy lair. This was about Zoey's safety.

"It's okay kai-"

"It's NOT okay Zoey?!! Do you not feel anything?! Did you not feel scared?!" Kai suddenly screamed. Raising her voice past the point of going back. This line was crossed, and they where going to have this decision.

"No Kai! I'm not scared! What are you on about-" yet again, the fish was not allowed to finish.

"You don't feel a damn thing other then fake happyness, do you?!" The bird spoke, venom in her voice.

"The bloody hell is that supposed to mean?!" Asked the fish, yelling back with the same tone. Only a different pitch. Balling her fists slightly.

Yet, Kai suddenly snapped. This was the last time the fish and the bird where going to have this conversation, no more 'surprise Kai' talks. This was going to be over. "A MOB, that's what you are!" Screamed the inraged brid as she pointed a cruel finger down at her small one. "you're just a fucking MOB!"

Gasping, and inraged as well Zoey's brows twitched. Her right hand to her chest, and her left taking off her glasses. A little habit she had picked up from captain puffy. She may have been angry, but she suddenly spoke calmly. "Of course I'm a mob Kai," she coldly yet calmly spoke.

"What did you think I was?" The fish asked, this had been coming a long time now. "The person who saved you?"

Hearing this kai's eyes went wide. "i- I thought-" the bird tried to stutter. Yet she wasn't allowed.

"Well, I'm not. Not anymore."

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