Kai last swim

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( this is old but I still love it 🤭 )

"KAI!!!!!" Screaming as her friend hit the water. She came skidding to stop in the mud, panting slightly she stood still. Dirtying her new shoes, Mind rasing. The rain drops pounded around her. Hitting the ground with small little thumps.

With a splash she where gone. 

'she said she wouldn't go flying tonight'

The girl who could fly through the clouds, souring through the sky like she owned it. Wing span as big as herself, Had been brought down by rain. Simple rain.

With out a second thought she was sprinting forward. Quickly reaching up and grasping her glasses, she threw them to the side. Not caring where they landed. Panicing, taking no time to morph, she dove. Head first into the water. It stinging her eyes slightly as she crashed into the cloudy mess.

The moment she was in the water Zoey could see her. Swimming as fast as she could, she pushed her self.


The faster she swam, the faster Kai seemed to sink.

'please hold your breath'

Only, Kai didn't seem to be fighting it. They're wings dragging them down. They seemed to let them selves sink.

'please don't do this'

She pushed her self harder, kicking her little legs as hard, and as much as she could. Being half merrpholik, she didn't need to hold her breath. She could breathe just fine.

But Kai couldn't.

Kitting her brows in desperation, she tried to swim farther. The water rushing past her. She was a pretty good swimmer, only now it didn't seem to matter.

'please, just a bit longer'

Suddenly, the two locked eyes. Kai's once blue, bright, life filled eyes. Now dull, staring at her. And just as sudden as Kai had fallen into the water. She smiled, a sad, but yet happy smile. Flashing Zoey one last white toothy grin.

'not now!'

Filled with horror, Zoey nearly froze. She knew what this ment. Kai was giving up. And just as Zoey reached the rivers floor. She saw kai's eyes roll back, they're smile falling, the last few air bubbles flying from there mouth as they're eyes closed. The bubbles of air rushing to the surface of the water.


Grabbing her friends hand, griping it tightly  Zoey attempted to pull Kai upwords. She was on the verge of breaking down, this couldn't be happening.


For a moment she didn't know what to do, yet she kept trying, tugging and yanking on kai's hand. She wouldn't let her die like this. Even if after this she would have two more lives. Zoey wasn't having it.

Having no success she grew desperate, letting go of kai's hand she quickly kicked down further. Opening her arms Zoey locked them around kai's waste. Locking her fingers together to keep her self from letting go. And she started pulling again, kicking her feet as hard as she could.

Zoey never fully knew just how heavy the wings Kai had where. Not until now, she didn't understand just how Kai did it, walk around with these things all the time.

Zoey felt her heart leap when Kai suddenly dislodged from the mud underneath the two. And she swam slightly up wards. Being hit with more addrinlien Zoey was suddenly faster than she had ever been before. Pushing her self as much as she could. No matter what, Kai wasn't going to die in this murky river water. And so she pushed through the rapids. Seeing the shore near, Zoey smiled.

'we're going to make it'

Almost shooting from the water Zoey realized just how much colder it had gotten, the sun was going down. Pulling her self from the water she trudged though the mud and sand. Dragging Kai through the sand,just enough for the water to only reach kai's knees. The cold frosty murky water lapping at kai's legs at it flowed onward in it's journey, paying the two no mind.

The moment Kai was up far enough, Zoey dropped them to the ground, and imidietly went to work. Falling to her knees next to Kai she interlocked her thumbs, and began doing what Niki had tought her. Niki called them chest compressions.

"Kai please......"


"Don't leave me!"


"You can't!" Zoey pleaded as she stoped, rasing her right hand to kai's nose, she held it close. And with her left Zoey forced kai's mouth open, leaning down and placing her lips on kai's Zoey breathed out. Forcing air into kai's lungs.


Letting go of kai's face Zoey went back to doing what Niki had tought her back in the medical cabin. In rithum Zoey pressed down on kai's chest. The only reason that Zoey knew this, the only reason niki thought to teach her, was because the two had been locked in the cabin. Held captive, and Zoey was having a panic attack. Niki could only think of one thing to calm her, teach Zoey what she knew.

Minutes had gone by, and Zoey was still repeating the process over and over. With each pump of her hands, she slowed down. Each time she slowed the tears the pricked at the edge of her eyes grew more and more. She was loosing hope.

'i'm so sorry.......'

Stoping altogether, Zoey sat there on her knees. Her new shoes where ruined, her dress as well. But she didn't care, she felt numb. This wasn't supposed to happen, she was supposed to save them. Like Kai had done so manny times for her. She was supposed to return the favor.

The rain no longer lightly fell around her. It pelted down, hitting her with each and every heavy hurtful drop, making her hair stick to her face even more then the river water did. What was she supposed to do now? Kai was all she had left, Kai was her every thing. Zoey felt suddenly empty, she wasn't angry. She wasn't sad, she wasn't desperate. She wasn't, anything. Not knowing what else to do, she just sat. In the mud, letting the rain fall around her and her now lost love.

".........." She suddenly felt something in her throat. At first she was quite. But then, she suddenly couldn't be anymore. The tears that had for a small time dried, started to flood. Her hands curled into fists as they layed on kai's no longer able to rais stomach. Zoey found her self shaking, she was suddenly over come with emotion.

She found her self laughing, her nails digging into her palm as she did so. Yet she didnt recognize her own laugh, with each crazed laugh and bounce, Zoey found her self shaking more. Holding in something that she had never felt before, or, maybe it was something she just couldn't seem to remember.

Zoey's brows furrowed, knitting together, inraged at the world. At her self, and the gods. Zoey let out a scream not even she knew she could muster. Screatching in such a high pitch, and in such pain she was sure the whole world could hear. Could hear, could feel her pain. Could hear her sorrow, how could the gods do this to her?

By the end of it Zoey's throat throbbed, and the scream fizzled out into loud hiccs and sobbs. Absoultely devestated, Zoey lent forward, laying her head on kai's bare stomach. Zoey's hands now laying in fists on kai's stomach as well.  Zoey found her self braking down, if she wasn't careful she was going to have a panic attack.

What was she going to tell the others? How was she going to live with her self. It would take days for Kai to respon. Zoey found her self just sitting there, for minutes on end as she sobbed. She didn't know what else to do.

There suddenly came a harsh cough.

Zoey sat straight up, looking to Kai Zoey found them coughing and spitting out the water they had inhaled, julting and shaking as they did so. And Zoey's face broke into a smile, the biggest it had ever been. And she sobbed more, more then she ever thought she could. The tears cascading down her face like water falls.

Giving Kai no warning, she leapt forward. "KAI!!!" Zoey cried as she wrapped her arms around kai's neck, burrying her face in the crook of they're neck.

Kai coughed some more before reaching they're arms up to hug the small girl that had tackled them. Wrapping they're arms around Zoey's waste.

"Kai I thought you left me!!! I- i-!!" Zoey tried to wail, only to be cut off by a rather harsh and pained sounding hic.

Kai merely laughed, "zo, I had two more lives-"

Zoey inturpted them, "i don't care!!!!! I can't loose you! It would take days for you to respon! I- I just couldn't handle not being able to save you! I love you Kai, please, please tell me your going to be okay." She sobbed, this was her best friend. A friend that ment everything to her, this was her world. And she held it in her arms.

Kai lightly smiled to them selves as they rubbed circles on the small girls back, attempting to calm her. They're lips curling into a small smile, "I'm going to be okay, your okay. Let's go home Zoey, "

Hearing this Zoey nodded against kai's neck, sniffling slightly. Zoey got out of kais grasp, up and off of them. Kai followed her, standing to they're feet. Not even bothering to try and brush them selves off. It just wasn't worth it at this point.

Sniffling once more, Zoey raised her arm, wiping her nose. She went to let it hang lazyly at her side again. Before Kai stopped her, clearing they're throat to get her attention. "Ahem!"

Looking to Kai, Zoey followed they're gaze, only to find an out stretched hand. Smiling even more, Zoey grabbed it. Placing her own small hand in kai's, they interlocked fingers. Holding hands,  Zoey looked up from they hands, and to Kai's face. Finding them to be returning her smile, "lets go home Zoey. It may be a long walk, or at least head to Winchester."

Zoey nearly jumped up and down, "yes! Let's go seen tubbo and rannyo! Michael to!!!"

The two began to trudge though the mud, heading for the mountains. Instinctively, Kai wrapped a wing around Zoey's small frame as they walked. This may have been tramatic for the two of them, but. They could get through anything. the two where the most unexpected pair to get along. A bird and a fish. Oh how uncommon it seemed, but, the two made it work. They loved each other, and that's all they needed. They where family, and they always stuck together.

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