( wip ) do you not know what you've done?

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Slamming her open palm on the surface of the basement door, the bird forcefully flung it open. The birds 'uh oh, a fuckywucky is being done' senses tingling.

Yet, the moment she opened the basement door, the anger she had felt not mere seconds before. Now turned to a feeling she hated.


She knew not why, but for some reason something in the back of her mind was telling her. 'do NOT enter this basement '. Not to enter her own lair, this was HER domain. So, why did she feel so, so? So; SCARED. this was basically her heart and soul, all at the bottom of this old rickity wooden stairs. This was her everything.

Yet at the moment. Kai's everything, felt like it shouldn't be anying she should be involved with. She, she felt like she should just leave and never come back. Pick up, pack up, and LEAVE everything behind. Everything that she had worked hard for.

No, she knew this feeling. THIS, was the feeling of black magic. And she should know, she used to live with pillagers and evil witches. 


The bird didn't even realize that she had been standing at the top of the stairs, zoning out, hesitating more then she ever had in her life before.

What was she supposed to do? What SHOULD she do-

Suddenly the sound of an all to familar, yet some how wrong and strange at the same time. The guttral, pain fullied scream of her worst night mare sounded out. Bouncing off the old coble stone walls.

She knew that scream, she had only heard that scream once before. And she dreaded the sound. It made her skin ran ramped with goose flesh, breaking out in small bumps of fear.

In dreadful panic the bird found her self practically leaping down the rickity flight of stairs, taking the flight two at a time. She knew not what was going on. But her 'fuckywucky' senses where never wrong, NEVER.


She didn't even realize, she didn't know. She had no idea what she was doing. But even if she had, She was destined to fail. For the god of space and time had said it to be.

Witch out warning the room began to spin, things began to float and fly though out the air. Swirling around the small fish girl.

Papers, qwills, ink bottles, spell books and glass jars. All flying around the fish.

What had she done?

Suddenly the book in her small hands began to shake, glowing a soft gray.

What was that she heard?

"Conssumsion" whispered the magic she had summoned.

The glow from the book began to grow before her eyes. So fast that it invellepepd her hands. It burned her hands, so much she could hear the sizzle of her skin against the magic. in aquish and agony the girl screamed.

Throwing kai's book down in a panic. The small fish held her hands to her chest, cradling the burning flesh the way a mother would a baby.

It hurt. It hurt so much

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