splat 2, wildcat

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Placing they're two finger sulte to the coms, "pretty pink momma. Come in please.........."

Sighing, Axel pitched the bridge off they're nose.

"Lord Zoey, you did not make up this stupid ass nickname, INSIST in me using it, and then not respond. Turn on your fuckin coms." Spoke the angry vampire squid. They loved this inkling, but lord did anger the squid.

The inkling had been giving them the silent treatment for the past 30 minutes, so they just assumed that she didn't want to talk.

Flinging they're ink gun over they're shoulder Axel huddled behind the wall they leaned against.

( Thirty minutes earlier )

Reaching up to inform her friend of the newly discovered enemy's.

"Hey wild cat, i-" only for her words to catch in her throat as she felt the cold feeling of metal against her neck.

"Yeah dude, what is it?" The vampire answered, waiting for they're friend to continue.

Looking over her shoulder, irises shaking in her sockets, she saw the octoling gesture with the front of his gun to continue talking. Mouthing the words, 'act natural'. And, not knowing what else to do, she complied.

"Hey, bro. I'm gonna go silent for a while. My throat-" only to panic as she hiccuped. She hiccuped when nervous. Looking behind her she gulped slightly.

"Pretty pink?" Asked the vampire, slightly confused.

"My throat hurts, i- I think I talked to much last night. Also thanks for the cake earlier. We should hurry on with the mission, i- i can feel myself crashing soon." Spoke the nervous inkling, chuckling to her self. Staring up at a smug octoling. Reading his lips as he mouthed more words down at her.

'thats it, enough talking. Get up.'

Shaking she complied. She knew what he was doing, if he didn't speak there was no chance of Zoeys coms picking up his voice. She has no chance of letting Axel know she was in trouble, no way of letting them know.

Quickly reaching up, Zoey didn't know if this was the last time Axel would ever hear her again. So she clicked on her coms. "Axel, thank you for being my friend-"; she hiccuped again.

"No problem dude, like ya. Gimme a second, I've got enemy's on me."

Zoey cried out in shock as she was struck with the barrel of an octoling styled, grade gun, sending the small inkling to the ground. Landing in her own purple ink with a harsh thud. That was going to leave a nasty bruise the next morning.

"Listen man, please. J-just leave me alone-" she tried to reason, the octoling stared her down. He didn't care, he pulled the trigger.

Enemy ink covering her face Zoey nearly screamed.

In burns, it burns so much.

The way it stuck to her skin made her cry in agony. Opening her mouth she intended to scream, only to feel a hand clamp over her mouth as some one sat on her stomach.

"Shhhhh~ we wouldn't want WiLdCaT to hear us now would we~? She'ed crash our party now wouldn't she?" The octoling speaking in a cocky tone, snidely smiling down at the inkling.

Only for the octoling to yowl with pain as he felt teeth sink into his skin, red ink spilling from his hand. In surprise he flung him self backwards. Now sitting on the small inklings hips.

"That's not wild cats pronouns! You nasty bitch!" She proclaimed, due to his surprise Zoey felt her attacker jump back. No longer sitting on her stomach.

With great strength Zoey flipped her self over. No longer laying on her back she squirmed, pulling herself forwards on her stomach. Ripping her shirt as it scraped across the concrete. 

Reaching out Zoey nearly broke down crying as her fingers just barely scraped the edge of the butt of her ink scope.

Only to sink into sarrow the moment she felt the barrel of a military grade gun on the back of her head. "p-please don't do this! I'll leave, I'll get wildcat and we'll leave and never come back!" Spoke the inkling, she had never been caught like this before. In the past 5 years of being a spy she had never been caught casing a level of the building. She was scared.

"Woah, for a highly sought after spy and or assion, you sure are weak willed." Spoke the gun holder.

"Dude I am so weak willed it's not fucking funny, I would feel so much better if you let me go-" only to flop to the ground as she felt the enemy ink hit the back of her head. Sending her into a coma like state.

Feeling her self be picked up Zoey internally cringed. Why bridle style. That was just fucking weird.

"Yeah, I got her. Want me to get the other one?"


Groaning Zoey tried to keep herself awake. Doing her best to squirm around enough for her attacker to drop her.

"Hey, stop moving. Stop it or I'll drop you and go after wildcat."

Hearing this she stopped, they could mess with her, but not wildcat.

"Good girl....." He paused for a minute, then continued. "Yeah boss, I'm on the way. Get ready, I'm bringing company."


Suddenly Axel got a feeling, they didn't know what. But it sure was a feeling.

"Pretty pink momma?......." Asked the vampire, only to get no response.

'oh lord'

( Two minutes later )

Rounding the corner to Zoey's hide out spot Axel nearly fell to they're knees. This was the hide out spot, but no Zoey.

Eyes wideing as axels eyes fell upon Zoey's ink scope, her pair of earrings, and Zoey's bright, hot pink coms peice.

"Oh fuck...." Axel blurted, leaning down and picking up the heart shaped earing, Axel nearly broke into histerical sobbs as they reached up, grabbing hold of they're matching ear ring on the opsite ear.

"Oh shit, what am I to do now?"

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