splat 3, we need each other

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"you don't understand," spoke the vampire.

Lowering they're ink gun, they had made this huge journey to get to the two girls.

No, they made this journey to get to HER, and only her. They're best friend, they're work partner, the girl Axel made cakes for, the girl that they would carry home in piggy backs when she passed out. This was axels FAMILY. And they wheren't leaving with out her.

"ZOEY!" Screamed the vampire squid, now throwing down they're gun, they needed to not be seen as a threat, they needed to be seen as family.

"Zoey please! Listen to me! I beg of you!" They pleaded, reaching out to the brainwashed inkling the best they could from across the way. The both standing on opposite sides of the open canyon.

"Alright, SPEAK, vampire." The brainwashed inkling spat with such venom that it made the vampire squid recoil, flinching inwards.

"Zoey, please. Come home, come home to me! To little buddy! To the memories we've made!" Begged the squid.


( Slight pov change )

As memoires began to flash in her brainwashed head it started to ache.

Who was this?

Dose she knows this person?

No, no she dosen't-

But, she had to. She had to know this person, other wise they wouldn't be here for her.


Moving around the sqweeky restaurant booth Zoey found her self giggling, phone camera panning twords her best friend. "Axel-" Zoey giggled, snort laughing at one point. "Axel smile! Smile I'm filming!"

Yet what she got in return was not a smile, only a buntch of funny faces as Axel twisted her face left and right to do so, leaning over the table. Axel sticking they're face right into the camera. The two erupting in laughter.


Sitting across the room the small inkling watched as axle and agent one spoke with one another. Deciding on the next course of action since agent 2 had gone missing along with the zapp fish.

So being bored Zoey pulled out her phone, turning the camera on and panning it towards the two.

Pointing a finger at Axel the inkling smiled, "look mah! It's my favorite person!" She spoke to the camera. Quickly zooming in on the two.

And the vampire took notice, turning to the smaller inkling, a slight glare. Staring straight into the camera. "Zoey, stop filling me."

She didn't listen, she zoomed in right on the vampires nose.

"Zoey stop filming me! Your making me look hella fucking weird."

Yet these memories did nothing to help, Zoey simply didn't care.

After pleading, begging they're friend to come home there was nothing Axel could do but watch. Watch and wait for Zoey to make her decision. hopefully it would be the right one.

For a painfully long, silent second Axel could practically HEAR the gears turning in they're best friends head.

Yet Axel felt they're heart sink the moment her inkling turned. "Zo- Zoey please!" They screamed, ink pricking at the edge of axels eyes. "Zoey PLEASE! Please don't do this! I'm begging you! DONT LEAVE ME!" Axel sobbed, they needed her to come home.

Who would sing Axel to sleep? Who would eat the cake Axel baked? Who would spoil little buddy endlessly with new clothes and cookies. They're sweet little axolotl would be devastated. AXEL, was devastated.

Yet. Axel got no answer, only a single look over the short inklings shoulder as she walked away.

Unbenoinst to Axel they found them selves screaming. Falling to the ground as they sobbed. They didn't care if anyone heard, not one bit. The pain they felt was over whelming. What was axle doing to do now?

( A month later )

( do do Doo dit do )

Humming a familiar toon the vampire squid did they're best not to let the tears win. Try as they might it was a hard fight, swallowing the painfully large lump in thier throat.

( Doodo dee )

Zoey taught them this song. It was the song Zoey would sing to them when Axel couldn't sleep. It would send them off to dream land instantly, it was almost a nightly routine.

Axel help her with her hair, and Zoey would sing Axel to sleep. And now that she was gone? Well, there was no sleep to be had for Axel, basically none at tall. With out the soothing melody of they're best friends sugarly smooth honey voice Axel couldn't even imagine fallig asleep.

( Look at the stars, )

Sniffling Axel sat down on the roofs edge, hugging themselves to even slightly simulate the warmth her presence brought. Yet it didn't work, they where cold. Cold as ice with out her, how Axel missed her so, the two where all each other had left. Axel couldn't loose another friend to this dumb war. Not again-

(In the Big black ink. Tell me what you feel, )

Suddenly they couldn't hold it in anymore and Axel found themselves sobbing, ink cascading like what the elders called water falls.

They had heard no word from agent one, the two girls where BOTH missing but Axel didn't care about the second squid sister. Only the inkling they missed.

( And Tell me what you think. )

( Is it cold out side? )

Why did Axel ever get this attached? They promised themselves this wouldn't happen again. They would never love some one with as much of they're heart as they did the first time. Only to fail themselves and start to care for this purple and pink inkling. And now, they where a blubbering mess over the girl who was originally supposed to be they're last mission.

( Is it cold out? )

[ After Axel has beaten the second game ]

( This, )

Hobbling into the squid sisters mansion Axel struggled to carry the second squid sister. An arm around the taller squids waist, one of the pink and black squids arm around axels neck.

Axel grunted. Quickly reugusting they're shaky hold on her. Turning Axel used they're hip to open the door of the squid sisters home. "Marie! Marie come quick!" Yelled the vampire squid as they struggled with an unconscious agent 2.

And hearing quick foot steps Axel sighed, they didn't know how much longer they could hold Callie up.

"Oh my ink! Bring her over to the couch!" Spoke a panicked Marie. And Axel listened, hobbling over to the den and doing they're best they tried to put agent 2 down as nicely as possible.

( Is what I live for. )

Following Marie out of the room Axel frowned with worry. This was all they're fault, if they hadn't pressured Callie to do something about the great zapfish being gone, and to do something her self. Axel would have all they're friends right now. But no, this was all axels doing.

"Marie, is she going to be okay?" Axel questioned. They're eye brows furrowing.

"Yes, but. Why are they're only two of you, where's Zoey?"

As a tear of ink pooled at the edge of they're eye, Axel watched as the gears turned in they're neon green squid friend. And the moment she got it marie gasped, frowning, "oh, oh dear....." reaching out she placed a hand on axels shoulder.

"Axel......axel this isn't your fault"
Yet Axel shook as they bawled they're fists, black and red nails piercing the skin of they're palm.

Closong they're eyes they tried to stop them but the tears still flowed.

( This, is a wonderus chill. )

Suddenly angry Axel threw the bowl of cake mix they where once wisking together. yet they started wide eyed as the bowl left they're hands.

They regretted it immediately, Only to flintch as it hit the open plan living room wall across the way. Shattering into pieces, glass and cake batter going every where.

Suddenly relizing what they had done Axel started to cry once more.

Why where they making a cake?

(Dee Dee ditee )
Because tomorrow was Tuesday, they always had missions on Tuesday. Zoey needed a cake to go on missions. But, why bake a cake when they'res no Zoey.

Leaning against the counter, falling to the ground in their pj's, knees to their chest Axel sobbed, hickuping now and then. Barely breathing. Little buddy at axels feet, doing her best to calm the vampire squid.

( And this, )

(It can be lonely. ). [ Two weeks later ]

Stepping into the news station Axel yawned. Dark circles under their eyes telling the world they had no sleep in the past two weeks since Zoey's final disappearance.

"Are-...good ink Axel. Have you slept at all-" Marie tried to ask, only to be cut off.

"Can't, don't have time." Spoke the stern vampire.

"Well, it's ready."

Nodding and stepping in front of the camera Axel started straight at the lense.

"If I may have your attention please." Spoke the vampire. "This inkling here," Axel spoke once more, holding up a flyer and picture of Zoey to the camera. "has gone missing, if you have any information, or happen to see her, please. Call this number."

Yet, Axel never got any calls. Not in the two years since the broadcast.
( But hey, do as you will. )

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