First Day Of School

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Mother: Everest, time to go.

Just a moment after the call, several footsteps are heard before a small of white and blue fell down the

Everest: *Gets up* All done!

She was wearing the school uniform. Though, instead of the natural, she wore a miniskirt version with black bike shorts underneath. The bow is replaced by a necktie which is meant for the boys. Her legs are covered by black socks that goes up to the knees.

Her mother sighed noting that Everest isn't a normal person. After they arrived, Everest ran out of the car saying goodbye to her mother.

She could see many boys and girls in the normal uniforms. Though, there are some who added tastes.

There are girls who also wear miniskirts and there are some with their shirts slightly unbuttoned showing their chests. Some did both.
She could tell those are seductive girls/sluts.

There are some people wearing leather jackets, rolled up sleeves and other badass stuff.

That explains that they are gagsters or preferred as the "cool kids".

But most of them has normal human hair color unlike Everest. There weren't even any albinos or people with dyed hair.

She sighed as she walked to the entrance. While on the way, she bumped into a similar face.

Everest: Sorry-Wait.

Jana: Everest? You're here too?

Everest: Jana :D

Sophie: Hi!

Everest: Sophie ^^

Jana seemed to wear the actual uniform. Instead of the normal white socks, she wears black.

As for Sophie, she wears black knee high socks. A lime green gem necklace around her neck, she still wore her gloves and she had an mp3 player with her.

Sophie: Alright! We're in the same school!

Everest: Hooray!

~Time skip cause why not~

It was recess and students were running outside. Everest eventually ran into Luna and Lilian.

Luna was wearing extremely long white socks while Lilian wore black knee long socks.

Everest: Hey guys, what's up?

Luna-chan: Hey Everest! Nothing much. Just natural school days.

Lilian: Yeah! What she said.

~Time skip again brought to you by my laziness~

School was over and Everest was walking home after school. She didn't have a chance to walk home with her friends since they were busy.

Everest: Mom! I'm home!

Mother: Ah, Everest. How was your first day?

Everest: It was great! I get to meet to my friends!

Mother: That's nice. Come on, I made lunch.

As soon as she left, Everest winked as the forth wall.

Everest: Just wait you guys, the real adventures are coming soon! *Thumb up*

Mother: Did you say something?

Everest: Nope ^^

Mother: Okay. *Leaves*

Everest: *winks at the readers*

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