Chapter 14 : Rush To The Academy!

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(F/N) was walking as everyone was running up the stairs, the stars had become a slide as a lot of students fell back to the bottom. (F/N) just smirks as he walked up the path with no issues and Ryuko stuck her blade into the slide holding Mako's hand. (F/N) grabbed Ryuko's blade and flung them up and they hit the checkpoint. (F/N) joined them up there as Gamagoori was laughing as he pointed to the tram.


(F/N): Childs play!

Mako: There are 999 of them to go! That's more than there usually are!

Ryuko: He is just screwing with us!

(F/N) began to smirk as this wasn't a problem for him. Even with him lowering his speed and not flying for this challenge he was still able to do it fast.

(F/N): I'll stick with you guys! I can't let both of you get expelled.

Ryuko: Heh, you're really confident.

(F/N): I guess you can say that.

Ryuko turned around to walk but she bumped into a girl which made the girl fall in such an odd matter. (F/N) got a little suspicious of her.

???: Ow, it hurts so much!

Mako: You're our classmate Maiko Ogure!


(F/N): Your arm is it okay?

Ryuko: You okay? Your arm looks hurt!

Maiko had a hard time getting up but (F/N) helped her up. This gave him time to examine her arm and it was not injured nor broken.

(F/N): Easy now...

Ryuko: Listen to him, don't overdo it.

Mako: Since Maiko is hurt she can come with us!

Maiko: I would only slow you guys down...

(F/N): Well you got to get to school somehow. Come on...

(F/N) gave Maiko a piggyback ride, Ryuko, Mako and (F/N) went through traps but while climbing on one trap. Maiko kept crying that sounded so fake and due to the fact that (F/N) was so cautious he didn't really believe it, she faked falling as she grabbed onto (F/N) Backpack but he didn't budge.

(F/N): Just hold onto my backpack

Maiko then swung over to Ryuko trying to grab on her pajama bottoms while (F/N) was distracted with observing the traps over the distance. Then (F/N) saw Mako's dad, brother, and a dog trying to deliver Senketsu to Ryuko in a car. But they got distracted from Maiko pulling down Ryuko's pajama bottoms exposing her panties. (F/N) looked over and had a shocked look on his face, this causes him to blush while Mako's father and brother began to nosebleed causing them to crash.

Ryuko: H-hey what the hell! Hold on to something else.

(F/N): What... The... Fuck...

(F/N) quickly got everyone over the trap so Ryuko could fix her pajama bottoms. They continued through the course but it's like Maiko was setting all the traps off on purpose as they made their way to the one-star houses. They saw a bus which makes them hijack it while (F/N) just has an uneasy feeling in his gut. Maiko drove the bus which she was able to do fine considering she was trying to fake an injury. As the bus took gunfire everyone ducked while Maiko still drove and (F/N) didn't duck as the bullets bounced off him.

(F/N): The perks of invulnerability...

Ryuko: Then use your heat vision to stop them!

(F/N): And risk killing someone! No just drive faster Maiko!

Maiko: Hell yeah! Let's show Satsuki Kiryuin who we No-Stars really are made of.

Ryuko: Well this dumbass is suppose to be a two-star!

(F/N): Well I declined so why does it bother you Matoi?!

Ryuko: Because you missed out an opportunity to live better but why did you decline?

(F/N): Because I care about you guys and I wouldn't abandon my friends for some better lifestyle. I've lived on a farm...

The bus eventually began to go through the air which made everyone scream except (F/N). They crash into what seems like the entrance of the school as Ryuko and Mako look up happy as ever.

Mako: Great we made it! But with 15 minutes to spare!

Ryuko: We couldn't have made it without you Maiko!

Maiko: You guys did all the hard work but that makes me happy to hear so.

(F/N): Hmmm...

Mako: Yay we are all friends now!

Mako pulls them all into a hug but (F/N) was just too busy scanning the area when he realized it was a trap. Guts was running towards them as Maiko faked fall pulling down Ryuko's bottoms again but her pajama pants were completely pulled down, that makes Guts nosebleed and began to slide on the blood.

(F/N): What... In... The... Actual... Fuck... This school is fucking weird!

(F/N) had a look of shock on his face, he then began to blush again this gives Maiko a chance to kick Guts away taking Senketsu for herself. She had a menacing look on her face but (F/N) wasn't worried. (F/N) now had a calmed face but he was still in a daze, while Mako and Ryuko were confused on what was going down. (F/N) finally snapped out of it as he looked around frantically but he was in a place he didn't recognize.

(F/N): Who?! What?! Where?! Why?! How?!

???: So you are the son of (RD/N)!

(F/N): Who are you?

???: My name, well I will give you my name once you answer my questions. Why you were in a daze was my doing.

(F/N): I knew the sight of Ryuko's... Shutting up now, but why did you do this to me I have to hurry to school so I don't get expelled?

???: I don't care about the lust you felt when saw that human's undergarments! You still want to fit in with those weak humans, I can give you so much more (K/N). If you join me you will get the respect you so much deserve!

(F/N): I don't lust for that dumbass. What about my family and friends? How do you know my real name? I haven't told you that.

???: I know of your deceased homeworld Krypton and you. Since you care so much about them, they may live. But only if you serve me, to be the general of my army.

(F/N): General... But I love Earth, it's my home and sure some people aren't kind but that is what humans are.

???: Nonsense! Humans are greedy, selfish and easily corruptable! You still protect them even though they will cast you away like you are nothing! Very well I see your mind is not made up, I shall see you again (K/N) so get to your pathetic school. Until then Kryptonian!

(F/N): Wait who are you?!

???: Your lord and master, you may call me Darkseid. But soon you will bow to me as my knight.

Darkseid's eyes began to glow an orangish red as two beams shot out and hit (F/N) making him kneel to the ground. Darkseid kept it up as the beams were really hurting (F/N) and it causes him to snap out of his trance in the real world. He screamed out loud getting the attention of the three girls.

(F/N): Darkseid... Wait where am I?

Ryuko: Bout time you woke up dumbass! Now can you help get Senketsu back from Maiko!

Maiko: Hehehehehe... You guys let your guard down! You fell for the injured classmate trick. I faked my No-Star identity for I am Maiko Ogure of the Disciplinary Committee, Head of Trap Development!



(F/N): Actually, I saw through that bullshit so I played along...

Maiko: You what... How?!

(F/N): I know a broken arm when I see one, you should've not been able to drive like that, also I know you were doing the fake falling and activating the traps on purpose! I ain't slow like Matoi over there...

Ryuko: Fuck you!

(F/N): I already know what you are going to do with Senketsu, you're going to use it to take the role of student council president to be treated like a queen. You are an uncover mole who is sent to stop us because your boss told you so well I played along with your little act.

Maiko: Uh... How the hell did you know that! What are you a detective or something?

(F/N): No... I've seen so many movies and tv shows that anyone could've seen that coming. I'm talking about the people who are reading this right now. But my intelligence is actually pretty high due to the fact I once had to save my Pa from a farm accident when he had crushed his foot from the tractor malfunctioning by literally doing surgery on his foot.

Maiko: Wow... Your boyfriend just figured me out Matoi... I'm just impressed...

Ryuko/(F/N): For the last time we aren't dating!

Maiko: Whatever! Let's get this show started!

Maiko put on Senketsu and Ryuko was just smirking because she thought that Maiko didn't know how to use it. But Maiko proved her wrong when she instantly transforms and Ryuko was shocked.

Ryuko: What the hell! I had trouble putting it on! How is this possible Senketsu?

Senketsu: Forgive me Ryuko, but this girl has no shame!

(F/N): Figures she doesn't.

Ryuko was shocked and she looked (F/N) up and down wondering how the hell can he hear Senketsu.

Senketsu: You can hear me?!

(F/N): Yeah the whole time. It might be the super hearing thing or it may be my physiology. I can hear you Senketsu.

Ryuko: Oh you have so many questions to answer farm boy!

Maiko: Shut up! You've wasted time now you only have 10 minutes to get to school.

Maiko tried to attack Mako but Ryuko jumped in the way but Maiko couldn't attack her as she was stuck.

Maiko: W-why can't I move?!

Ryuko: Senketsu, was that you?

Ryuko started cracking her knuckles as she glares down at Maiko, (F/N) and Mako just watched as Ryuko beat Senketsu off of Maiko and after Senketsu was free he vomits out Maiko's blood.

Senketsu: How dare she make me drink her grimy blood! Sorry, I am late Ryuko!

Ryuko: Well since you didn't cheat on me, you get a pass.

(F/N): Now that you two are back together let's get to school!

Mako: He's right, we only have 5 minutes left until the bell rings! We have to get going or we are going to be expelled!

Mako and Ryuko began to run but (F/N) didn't as they got closer, (F/N) shouted for them but they didn't stop until Mako faceplanted into a wall. (F/N) ran over to the two but he got there pretty quick.

(F/N): Next time when I shout for you two, listen to me! This isn't Honnouji Academy this is another trap for us!

Maiko: S-smart (F/N), yeah this is my ultimate weapon! So now!

Maiko pressed a button and the platform they were on began to move down the hill of Honno City. Maiko bailed when she could as (F/N) began to smirk as the two girls look at him confused. Ryuko put Senketsu on and (F/N) walks towards the edge of the platform.

(F/N): You girls got to get to school...

Mako: What are you doing?!

Ryuko: Wait don't do what I think you are going to do. Please don't be a hero dumbass we are going to make it, all of us!

(F/N): Well, Ryuko and Mako it was a weird hanging out with you two but now I must do what I must do.

(F/N) sucked in a lot of air then he blew at Mako and Ryuko sending them to a rope transport to school as (F/N) began to jump off the platform.

Ryuko: (F/N)!

Mako: No I lost a bestie!

He landed by the students who gave up and they look up at him as he was in his Superman attire.

(F/N): Hello, we got to get to school...

Male Student: But we can't make it! Its no use we can't make it which means we lose our homes!

Female Student: It's over for us we might as well quit!

(F/N): Not on my watch! Hang on!

Students: What do you...

Suddenly the platform they were on move as (F/N) was lifting it and they began moving at a fast enough rate. The students held on to the platform as tightly as they can. (F/N) was running up the obstacle course until they made it to the front gates of the school very quickly. The students had hope in them as they ran into the school just in time and (F/N) sped into the school in the clothes he was wearing before as he was in his homeroom. A cable car crashed into the classroom as Ryuko and Mako quickly sat in their desk and they were shocked to see (F/N) there just fine.

Ryuko: (F/N)! You made it! How?!

(F/N): Faster than the speed of light remember.

Mako: Yay! I don't lose my besties after all!

(F/N): Sorry but I had to help those other students get to school as you said no one gets left behind. I don't want innocent people to get evicted from their homes.

Suddenly a smack could be heard in the class as Ryuko had slapped (F/N), he almost saw her crying. But she was tough about it as (F/N) did not feel the smack but he made sure Ryuko didn't hurt herself.

Ryuko: That's for blowing us away dumbass!

(F/N): Um okay... Sorry, Ryuko and Mako but I wanted to help people out and plus I made sure you landed by the cable car.

Mako: I forgive you!

Ryuko: Hmph! I guess I forgive you, idiot!

(F/N): Then the three Musketeers are together again!

(F/N) saw Aikuro smiling at him as he knew that he was proud of him, Ryuko had a slight smile on her face and Mako she had her usual big smile on her face as she began to hug (F/N) then Ryuko.

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