Chapter 15 : Hunted

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Monitors showed all the students who were going to be expelled when they showed fewer students were going to be expelled. The Elite Four were confused on how so many made it to school when they saw on the monitors a platform moving fast to the school. Satsuki smirked as she sipped her tea.

Inumuta: Is this even possible!

Sanagayama: What do you mean?

Inumuta: Here we got the new student (F/N) (L/N) moving a whole platform of students with ease. He might be wearing a Kamui. But I got more news!

Inumuta showed everyone the data he has obtained as they look at his findings.

Inumuta: Well while keeping an eye on Ryuko Matoi, their friend (F/N) (L/N) blow them away to the cable cars. Well, Matoi and Mankanshoku used the cable cars to get to school while (F/N) (L/N) helped a bunch of students get to school.

Nonon: What do you mean four eyes?!

Inumuta: I'm that he could be more powerful than Ryuko Matoi.

Gamagoori: So you mean to tell me that he could be wearing a Kamui or he is stronger than them?

Inumuta: Precisely! He may be a threat to Lady Satsuki.

Gamagoori: Well then what should do about this?

Satsuki stopped drinking her tea as she looked at the Elite Four.

Satsuki: We keep an eye on him, he may be an asset to us. Inumuta keeps tabs on him when he is in action but I do know is what he told me, he is not wearing a Kamui!

The Elite Four were shocked to hear this news as a file of (F/N) (L/N) opens up.

Inumuta: Yes Lady Satsuki! But if he isn't wearing a Kamui why is he so strong?

Satsuki: Because he is not human. Which is why I want to get him to work for us!

Later in the day

I was walking out school after finishing all my work in class when I swear I was being followed. I heard footsteps behind me as I knew who it was.

You: Come on out Matoi and Mankanshoku!

Mako: How did you know?

You: Super hearing! Why are you guys following me?

Ryuko: Because I want to know why you can hear Senketsu?!

You: I don't know I just can okay!

Ryuko: Are you wearing a Kamui too?

You: No I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those things.

Ryuko: Don't lie to me!

You: I'm not I swear! I told you I am an alien!

Ryuko: Yeah but if you are alien what's your real name then?

You: Like I should tell you Matoi! All you've done is insult me!

Ryuko: If you don't tell me then I'll...

You: Shush!

Ryuko: Did you just shush me?

You: Shush!

Ryuko: Don't you dare shush...

You: Shush!

Mako: You two love annoying each other!

You: She constantly calls me a dumbass, do I look like Eric Forman?

Ryuko: Who the hell is Eric Forman?

You: You've never seen That 70's Show, well actually that I understand since you don't look like the kind of person who watches comedy shows. But I'm sure you know about the Simpsons, Family Guy or American Dad then.

Ryuko: What are those shows?

You: I can't believe you don't know about the Simpsons they've been around for a long time! What was your childhood like?

Ryuko: I'd wish to not speak of my childhood...

You: Oh that bad huh? Well if you wish to not speak of it I won't pounder you on it any longer. Well, I got to get going see ya later!

Mako: See ya tomorrow Bestie!

Ryuko: See ya I guess...

I began to walk back home as I noticed that Ryuko didn't call me a dumbass. What I said must have really gotten to her but I just kept walking home and I got home pretty quick as I got in to sit down going on my laptop typing up a paper that I have been working on in secret.

You: Liber Fibers a word I hear commonly in the school, I will find out the secret to the Kamui and the Goku Uniforms. Why can I hear Senketsu? Maybe it might be my physiology I show ask my father about this maybe he can tell me about this!

I turned off the lights, make sure the door was locked and got ready for bed as I fell asleep pretty quickly. The hours went by quickly as I woke up pretty early and did my morning routine as I got ready for school but this time I was bringing my laptop to study Ryuko's Kamui. I finished getting ready as I flew to school very quickly as I got to my homeroom in an instant.

Aikuro: Well (F/N)... I see you save a bunch of students from getting expelled.

You: How did you know I did that!

Aikuro: Well Ryuko did say you had super strength.

You: Okay yeah I helped those kids get to school.

Aikuro: I'm saying because now Lady Satsuki is going to have her eyes on you.

You: I'm not scared of her.

Aikuro: I'm sure you aren't (F/N), I know you are mostly trying to make sure Ryuko and Mako don't get killed.

You: No one is getting killed with me around!

Aikuro: Heh, alright well sit down.

I sat down at my desk as the other students walked into the classroom, Mako happy as ever while Ryuko sleepy as hell while wearing Senketsu. They sat in their seats I then did work as the teacher taught the class. I finished everything as the lesson end as expected, I saw Ryuko struggling to stay awake and Mako asleep as usual. As class ended I walked off pretty quickly to the next period to avoid questionnaire time from Ryuko. I walked through the halls for a little bit expecting someone to jump me but nothing.

You: Well, no clubs have attacked us today maybe it might be a calm day. I hope so anyway...

Suddenly I saw a group of people carrying Mako off and I just facepalmed and sighed then clicked my tongue.

You: Me and my big mouth!

Ryuko, while transformed, chased them down and I just followed after them to make sure everything was gonna be fine. We arrived at their lab where they had Mako restrained probably to be dissected.

Ryuko: You guys think that taking hostages is cool! Well, it is pretty damn low!

You: Pretty lame lab set up as well!

Biology Club President: Hey our lab is not lame! And she is not a hostage, she is the Biology Club's precious guinea pig!

You: Whatever, just don't make any Tyrants.

Biology Club President: Was that a Resident Evil reference?

You: Yes it was.

Ryuko: Why don't both of you geeks shut up!

Ryuko's scissor blade began to extend to a large length as she mowed down all the club members, she then stripped the Goku uniform off the president and sent everyone flying out to the courtyard. Ryuko sat down on the rubble with Mako and I was just standing by a wall.

Ryuko: Well that takes care of that!

Mako: Thanks Ryuko!

Ryuko's blade became smaller and more convenient size.

Mako: You can change the size of your scissor! So cool.


Ryuko: Heh, it's no big deal though.

You: I'll be right back.

Ryuko: Wait where do you think you are going?

You: Uh why should I have to tell you everywhere I go? I'm not your boyfriend.

Ryuko: Hmph, idiot! Just go do whatever it is you have to do jackass.

You: Major tsundere! I'll be back!

Mako: I wonder where he is going?

I begin to walk off to a sound I heard that wasn't too far off as I reached the area I saw the same police box from before and I begin to knock on the door. The Doctor opens it up for me as he was expecting me.

The Doctor: Well fancy seeing you again Superman. Jelly baby?

You: No thanks, but what is it, Doctor?

The Doctor: Well I just wanted to tell you that you the enemies you make will try to crush your spirit, so be careful but don't worry you'll make new allies. But I can't be here too long since this isn't my story plus I am not a DC character. Plus your friends are a rowdy bunch.

You: You tell me! Ryuko is an exhibitionist and a tsundere! Mako, she is just unpredictable! I mean people call me weird, freak... Actually, I don't want to talk about growing up.

The Doctor: You feel like you don't fit in with the humans. Well, the question is do you want to fit in or be better than them? Only you have the answer to that.

You: I want to fit in... Nevermind I want to help so many people because they need the proper guidance to better themselves.

The Doctor: You just answered the question you ask yourself.

You: Yeah I see that! Heh, Ryuko is arguing with her Kamui!

The Doctor: Ah that is the reason why I came here. To talk about, the real reason why you can hear those Kamui!

You: Wait so you're telling me that the reason why I can hear the Kamui is dangerous?

The Doctor: No! Not at all, it's because of your people's physiology.

You: I knew it! Well, finally I can answer Matoi's questions so she can leave me alone.

The Doctor: Your friends must not know the secret I am going to tell you. But you know that Darkseid fellow you met, he is after you and well he will do anything to capture you. Your friends will try to get involved, especially since the fact that they grown an attachment to you!

You: Attachment... I understand Mako but Ryuko I don't really see it.

I heard some needles hit my back but bounced off me due to my invulnerability but I look back to see that Mako was knocked down and a guy with a mohawk pointing some gun at her. I then look back to see The Doctor is gone with his police box, the guy begins to shoot needles at Ryuko as she ran from them. She then gets stuck by one of them by her shoe which gave the man the chance to pin her.

You: Why do I always got save your ass Matoi?

I took off my glasses as I began to run down the pretty empty hallway. I ripped my dress shirt open to reveal my families' symbol.


Ryuko's POV

Ryuko: Who the hell is he calling a tsundere?!

Mako: You two really love going at it I mean you treat him like you like him.

I began to blush as Mako just smiled at the fact.

Ryuko: I don't like him okay! He is just so annoying!

Senketsu: Ryuko, your blood taste salty and your heartbeat is rising at a fast rate.

Ryuko: You can tell how my fast my heart beats and how my blood tastes?

Senketsu: I spot any changes to your physiology, from your weight, heartbeat, and BMI.

Ryuko: Hey why don't you butt out, that's private!

Senketsu: Well you've been eating too many of those croquettes.

Ryuko: I can eat whatever the hell I want, it's my body!

Senketsu: Calm down Ryuko, I'm just telling you that greasy is bad for you.

Ryuko: Grrgh just give it a break! Wipe that smug look off of your face!

Senketsu: I don't have a face.

Ryuko: Grrrgh.

Mako: That's amazing! You're doing a comedy duo act by yourself! Oh, wait for you're talking to Senketsu.

Ryuko: Hey whose the old man (F/N) talking to?

Mako: I never saw him before, but thank you for saving me. If they had cut open my stomach then all my lunch would've fallen out! Then I would have to eat it all up again!

Ryuko: Wow you're really worried about your lunch more than your life?

As Mako was about to eat her lunch I saw she got shot by a needle then a dozen more. Some went the way of (F/N) but they just bounced off of him.

Ryuko: Mako!!!

I saw a man with a red mohawk walking out of the shadows.

???: She is unharmed but will be out for a bit thanks to the effect of needles. When she wakes up any fatigue she had will be gone, any sickness cured and she will be full of energy when she wakes up.

Ryuko: Oh. Thanks for that.

???: But your uniform, however, will not get any such mercy!

Senketsu: Run!


No one's POV

The mysterious man had Ryuko pinned down.

Ryuko: You bastard! What club are you from?!

???: Take off your clothes!

Ryuko: Huh? You want me to take my clothes off?! You're from the pervert club and you're the captain is that what?!

???: Shut it! I'll tell you two things, one I'm not a pervert...

Ryuko: Yeah whatever pervert!

Ryuko tried to transform but he stopped her by pinning down her arm with some blade that split into two. He points the gun at her chest.

???: I am not going to let you transform! At this range, you'll die, take off your uniform!

Ryuko glares at him not saying a word angering the mysterious.

???: Fine then, you leave me no choice!

He was going to pull the trigger but then his hand was grabbed by (F/N) who was in his costume. He shot a blade out of his wrist cannon and it just bounced off of (F/N)'s face.

???: What the hell are you?!

(F/N): Well I'm superman and well I'm not going to let you strip her! Now I would advise letting her go, now mister!

???: Listen pal! Your girlfriend is wearing a Kamui and she is dangerous!

(F/N): She is not my girlfriend and if she is dangerous then I will be here to stop her now are you going to let her go, or am I going to have to make you do it by force!

(F/N)'s eyes began to glow red as this causes the man to gulp as he let go of Ryuko and he backs off. (F/N) frees Ryuko's hand and helps her to her feet. Ryuko blushed and (F/N) saw this but he decided not to talk about it.

???: I'll be back tomorrow to strip that Kamui off of you!

(F/N): Yeah well you are going to have to go through me!

The mysterious man walks off into the shadows disappearing. (F/N) just smirks at him leaving and he checks on Ryuko to see if she is okay.

Ryuko: T-thanks.

(F/N): No problem. I am going to train you Ryuko to better defend yourself!

Ryuko:... Okay (F/N)...

(F/N): You called me by my first name again are you sure you are okay?

Ryuko: Grggh you dumbass!

(F/N): Heh funny. Well, see ya later!

(F/N) took off in the sky as he broke the sound barrier and Ryuko brings Mako with her. (F/N) lands back at home with his ripped clothes and glasses and he just goes in the house to sit down in a chair as he thought about some things.

(F/N): Well this is going to be rough.

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