Chapter 16 : Bad News

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Your POV

The luxury of my home was fairly decent since I did do a little renovating, I even got this new guitar with all the money I have saved up doing farm work. Sitting in my comfy chair was nice but I had to do some thinking about some things when I suddenly got a phone call. It was my ma calling and so I answered it pretty quick.

You: Hey ma!

I hear her crying which worried me a lot.

Ma: (F/N), it's about your father!

You: What happened to pa?

Ma: He is in the hospital!

You: No... Is he going to recover?

Ma: the doctor said that he doesn't know he might die or not.

You: Well how long is he going to be in there?

Ma: He is not leaving the hospital, I told him that was final until he is better.

You: I can get over there to visit you guys!

Ma: That would be wonderful but what about school?

You: I'll take the day off! I'm sure my teacher wouldn't mind I catch up pretty fast.

Ma: Okay honey well you better get some sleep tonight because visiting hour is over.

You: Alright ma, goodnight and love you guys.

Ma: Love you too honey good night.

The phone hung up as I begin to break down into tears. I couldn't help but cry because I might lose my father again.

You: Dammit! I got to get that damn formula from Music Meister! Dennis so help me God if you destroyed the cure I will put you through a FUCKIN' WALL!

I got a knock on my door, I opened it to see Ryuko in pajamas. I snicker seeing her in those pajamas again. She blushed and got a little agitated.

You: What are you doing here Matoi?

Ryuko: Well I heard you yelling and I quote. "I will put you through a fuckin' wall!" Who pissed you off?

You: Oh nothing it's nothing, well aren't you going to go home to get some sleep? You need your rest.

Ryuko: Uh... Well, I don't want to deal with those pervs tonight. So I was wondering if I can sleep here, I mean you are an idiot to me but you don't peep on me or try to rip my clothes off, that makes you cool in my book.

You: Uh sure. You can take my bed I'll sleep on the floor. If you need to hang Senketsu up on the wall. My house does look different since I am not used to the Japanese decor. I made it look more American. I even have actual chairs at the table instead of being on the floor. Sorry I am not used to Japanese culture like you guys are.

Ryuko: It's actually not bad alien. But you should sleep on your bed... Wait you got a bed?

You: I didn't like the futon so I built my own bed. If you need to use the bathroom it's the door to the left it right across from the bedroom. Other than that wake up at a good time and I'll make us some breakfast.

Ryuko: O-okay...

You: Well I am going to be up for a little while so you do whatever I am doing some research.

Ryuko walked into the house and she got her stuff ready for tomorrow as she hanged Senketsu up on a hanger. I got changed into my pjs and sat back down on my chair typing up a paper for a project he was working on. Ryuko was getting ready for bed but she couldn't sleep, I noticed Senketsu hanging on the hanger in the living room.

You: Hmm wonder why she didn't hang Senketsu in my room. Oh well... Pa, please don't die on me.

Senketsu: Something wrong (F/N)?

You: I forgot I could hear you, no just going through a lot right now. Promise me something Senketsu.

Senketsu: What is it?

You: Don't tell Ryuko about my family crisis, please. If you do that for me then I promise you that I will protect you and Ryuko both.

Senketsu: You have my word.

You: Thank you... It's just my father is in the hospital and I don't think he is going to leave the hospital alive. I am taking a day off from school tomorrow so that mohawk guy that tried to kill you and Ryuko, well you may have to deal with him without me. I am going to see my pa before he passes.

Senketsu: Oh I understand. Well, what should I tell Ryuko what if you are gone?

You: Tell I went to stop a meteor or something like that. But if you need any help from me just tell her to yell this code word, Big Blue.

What I didn't know is that Ryuko heard the whole conversation. I put on my favorite movie on the laptop and well I notice that Ryuko was standing over me angry.

You: Matoi! What are you doing up?

Ryuko: I couldn't sleep and I would've understood that it was a family situation that you have to take care of!

You: Oh you heard... Sorry bout that it's just I wanted to tell you and Mako when I got back.

Ryuko: Hmph! Why do you feel the need to keep stuff from us?!

You: Because I care dammit! I care about you and Mako, I care for every single person I fight for! I mean I don't ask about your life but you constantly question everything I do!

Ryuko:... Well, I just want to... Know more about you and your abilities.

You: Why though I am just a Kryptonian raised on an American farm. I still think as regular people do. Sure I don't really need to eat or drink, I choose to do those things. Do you want to know my real name still huh?

Ryuko: I-if it bothers you so much you don't have to...

You: My real name is (K/N) son of (RD/N) and (RM/N).

Ryuko: Uh... You didn't have to tell me your real name. I just wanted to know but...

You: Listen sorry I got a little angry there it's just you've been asking me questions constantly. Well, now it's my turn what happened to your father?!

Ryuko: I've never talked about my father around you!

You: You forget I can hear every conversation on the planet.

Ryuko: Hey! You need to butt out of my conversations dumbass!

You: Well you try to tune out all the noises it's harder than it looks! You try hearing moaning, screaming and random banter every day of your life!

Ryuko: You hear all that stuff every day! Well, I thought I had it worse than you but you take the cake!

Ryuko began to smile at me and it made me feel very uncomfortable.

You: Why are you smiling?

Ryuko: Because I can!

You: Oh... Okay.

I noticed she had a blush on her face and I began to get even more nervous.

You: You good?

Ryuko: O-oh y-yeah I'm f-fine!

You: You're blushing... You've been doing that a lot lately.

Senketsu: Plus her heartbeat increases when people say that you two are together.

Ryuko: Can it! Why do always got to say private things like that!

Senketsu: Because I am telling the truth and I can tell changes to your body and how you feel.

You: I'll let you two settle that argument I am going to watch another movie then it is bedtime for me.

I put on the Incredibles as Ryuko and Senketsu were arguing in the background. I noticed that Ryuko began to watch the movie with me and she was really into the movie. I sat down on a couch so that she may sit and watch with me. The movie ended and that's when I was going to stretch out but I noticed that Ryuko was asleep and her head was on my shoulder. Didn't know she was on my shoulder due to my invulnerability. Well being the gentlemen I am I picked her up and put her in my bed to sleep then I went back to the couch to fall asleep.

You: What the heffle was that about, how long was she using me as a pillow plus wouldn't it be uncomfortable since I am Invulnerable? Hmm well, I don't get time to think about that, my pa is dying. Please don't tell me she likes me like that? I mean I am an alien my DNA would never be compatible with a human would it? I don't want to even test that theory until marriage! She has been blushing around me a lot and I am really starting to think something is up, I honestly thought she and the teacher had a thing but if she likes me, why me?! Am I even comfy I mean my skin is like a tank hard to puncture! I hope nobody else ends up liking me because I didn't come here for relationships. Especially since back then...

3 years ago

Teacher: Alright students! Pass out your Valentine's to each other.

Everyone was passing out cards and some guys gave the girls chocolates. I hadn't gotten any valentines because of the fact I was an outcast to the other students. I had a card ready for Lana Lang my childhood friend when I was walking up to her a bunch of kids grabbed the card and laughed at me. The leader of the annoying bunch was Butch Hamilton.

Butch: Well well look at the little freak! Trying to give a card to my girl huh!

You: I know you and Lana are together I just wanted to give her a friendship card...

Butch: Yeah okay...

He snapped his fingers as a bunch of kids pushed me to a wall and Butch just walked up to me and ripped the card in my face. I wanted to punch him so badly but if I did I would give up my secret to the whole school.

You: Now why you have to do that for?!

Butch: Because no one will love you (L/N)! That's why you didn't get any valentines from any girl! Because you are a sad pathetic freak who doesn't belong anywhere! You're such a dumbass!

Bully: Yeah Butch is right you farm boy! Go home to mommy and daddy, you little fag!

You: How about all three of you kick rocks!

Butch: What is the little baby gonna cry! Your pal Ricky is gone so no one can protect you fag! You're such a panty waste (L/N)!

Lana: Leave him alone!

Butch: But baby!

Lana: Don't you baby me!

Lana slapped Butch in the face so hard the smack could be heard in the whole class. I saw Butch was pissed as he just signaled for his little crew to get off me and they walked away.

Lana: You okay (F/N)?

You: Yeah thanks, Lana.

Lana: No problem, I can't believe I am dating that asshole!

You: Well it's alright. It takes a lot to hurt me.

Lana helped me up to my feet as she then began to rearrange the pieces of the broken card. When she was able to read it she gave me a big hug.

Lana: That's so sweet (F/N)!

You: Well you are my friend and I care about you!

Lana: I'm so glad that we became friends you always had my back. I just wish I knew what Butch was doing to you sooner. I feel like a bad friend...

You: Lana it's okay anything that Butch does will never stop me from being your friend.

The teacher had sent Butch and his friends out of the class as he glared at me and Lana. When class was over I walked to my locker to get my mom's birthday present but Butch slammed the locker breaking it. This made me mad as my mom's birthday present was ruined and her birthday was in a few days.

You: Listen here, Butch Hamilton you limp dick son of a bitch! That was my mother's birthday present!

Butch: Well the little bastard is using big boy words now! Lana just broke up with me and it's your fault you fag!

You: Good you don't deserve her!

Butch: What do you think she is going to come running to you?

You: Uh... Well, I don't know.

Butch: She told me she didn't like you that way you freak!

You: You're lying! I always respected who Lana was with because I would be a bad person if I tore them apart.

Lana: Actually the jerk is telling the truth... I never saw you that way (F/N). You are like a brother to me.

You: Oh... I see I'm sorry I put you through this Lana.

Butch: Hehehe nobody loves (L/N)!

You: How about fuck off you discount Fonzie! This isn't the 70's or 80's!

Butch: Oh that's it you ass goblin! Get him!

Suddenly my arms were being restrained and I couldn't do anything about it as Butch began to punch me in the stomach a bunch of times then punched me in my face. I just sat there and took and well I couldn't use my invulnerability to break his hand. The mental block in my mind really helped conceal my powers. Then they dumped me in the dumpster outside of school and I just felt distraught and shame. I didn't blame Lana at all because I understand where she was coming from but Butch oh how I wanted to just beat that brown haired bastard. School ended as I got my stuff and hurried home in anger because at this point I wanted to rip Butch's arms off. Suddenly my pa saw me angry and he stopped.

Pa: What's the matter champ?


Pa: Those bullies again.

You: Yeah, Butch is just so annoying! I could turn him into a pretzel if I wanted to!

Pa: Yeah you could but what would be the point? Ask yourself this if you were to fight this Butch kid and win what does that make you?

You: No better than him...

Pa: Exactly, (F/N) you have amazing gifts and you are the smartest person at your school. You can't let people like Butch get you down like that champ, one day you will have to use your gifts but you got to decide if you are going to use them for yourself or to help other people.

You: But... The kids made fun of me for not having a Valentine dad!

Pa: You don't need a Valentine son to be special, someday you will find that person you want to spend the rest of your life with. But now you worry about you and graduating Middle School champ.

You: Yeah I guess you are right dad!

Pa: Come on champ smile for your dear old dad! Come on now Ma wouldn't like to see her little boy pouting now.

You: Yeah you're right dad!

Pa: Now come on champ, ma made your favorite pie!

He ruffled his hands in my hair and I just smiled as we walked into the house.


Tears were coming out of my eyes as I was sitting up on the couch.

You: Thanks dad for everything.

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