Chapter 17 : Last Chat

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I woke up pretty early to get ready to see my father today I had walked into my bedroom to get some clothes but I forgot that Ryuko stayed the night last night. She looked like she was comfortable so I made as little noise as possible to get my clothes and I headed off to the bathroom to take a shower. I locked the door making sure a bad situation won't become of this. I finished my shower quickly drying off then I brushed my teeth as I put on my lower clothing. As I finished brushing my teeth I use my heat vision to shave my facial hair as it was growing back quickly. As I finished getting ready I heard a knock on the door well I was decent enough to open the door.

You: Good morning Matoi!

Ryuko: Yeah I guess it is a good morning... Why are you shirtless?

You: Had to shave my face I mean I don't want to have a beard now. I woke up with five o' clock shadow. Well, I'm done now so the bathroom is yours.

I put on my shirt and grabbed the dirty clothes. As I got the living room I put on some socks and shoes then I began to cook breakfast. Eggs, toast, pancakes a good old fashion breakfast. As I finished breakfast I noticed that she forgot to take Senketsu to the bathroom with her because I hear the shower.

You: Dammit, she forgot to take her Kamui in the bathroom with her! Well, I ain't no creep now I will just wait until she has a towel around her then hand her Senketsu. Yeah, I know what you are thinking that I am going go in there see her naked then get called an idiot, perv or whatever. I know of these situations I'm not slow.

I set the table with the food prepared then I went to the closet to grab my costume which I had my classic one and my new one. The classic one was a lighter blue and looked like I was wearing my underwear on the outside, the newer one was way cooler looking with the darker blue color, the symbol was more define. I decided to try on my classic one to get a feel of it.

You: Kind of dorky looking but actually I have soft spot for this one. I mean there were plenty of them in the Fortress of Solitude.

I heard footsteps as I turn around to see Ryuko covered with a towel as she was laughing at me.

You: I don't know why you are laughing exhibitionist.

Ryuko: Hey I don't like the fact that Senketsu changes to that sleazy outfit!

You: Heh, well Matoi breakfast is ready so get ready for school and I got to tell the school I will be gone today.

Ryuko: Why did you make breakfast?

You: Because it is the most important meal of the day. Well, I have to be off now Ryuko I'll be back before you leave.

Ryuko: Aren't you going to eat with me?

You: Well technically I am eating right now I'm like a flower absorbing the sun's rays.

I walked out of the house to fly to school when I got inside I saw Satsuki standing there like she was waiting for me.

Satsuki: Ahh (F/N) (L/N) so why are you here so early?

You: I'm not coming to school today I have a family emergency. I really need to leave, it is really important!

Satsuki: Hmm and if I allow that?

You: I will still fight your Elite Four... I just really need to go see my father!

Satsuki: Actually I had something else in the plan...

You:... Can I go already miss Kiryuin? I'll hear you out when I get back!

Satsuki: You may.

I quickly fly away in a rush back to the house and I saw that Ryuko finished her breakfast and I quickly take my costume off and in regular clothes so fast that she couldn't see my bare body. I hurried up to grab some stuff.

Ryuko: Why the rush? You said you are faster than the speed of light.

You: Well I want to talk with pa as much as I can! Anyways don't worry about dishes I will take care of them and you are welcome to stay the night anytime! But I got to go visiting hours start soon, listen Ryuko if you need me then you shout for me with the code word Big Blue okay.

Ryuko: T-thanks and I guess so dumbass! Well, go see your father!

You: Thank you for understanding and don't suck face with the teacher too hard now.

Ryuko: It's not like that between me and him!

You: If you like him that way I'll keep it a secret! Hehe well now see you and well don't get into too much trouble because I can't always be there to save your ass!

Ryuko: S-shut up dumbass!

You: Alright head to school Matoi!

Ryuko and I head out of the house, she made her way to Mako's house and I locked the door. I wore a brown leather jacket with a (favorite color) shirt underneath and some blue jeans. I carried the bag like it was a duffle bag and I flew off towards America. I got to the hospital pretty quickly as visiting hours just started and I walked up to the receptionist.

You: Hi I'm here to visit (FD/N)!

Receptionist: Name?

You: (F/N) (L/N).

Receptionist: Sign here.

I sign a form to clarify that I was visiting then I was handed a name tag with my name and visitor on it.

Receptionist: He is in room 145, down the hall take a left and you should arrive there.

You: Thanks!

I went over to room 145 and I saw my dad hooked up to an HRM and he was on oxygen.

Pa: Who's there?

You: Me pa!

Pa: Hey there champ.

I sat down in the chair next to his bed as I began to hold his hand.

You: How you doing?

Pa: Fine... Just a little weak that's all.

You: Well I came here to visit you see how you are doing. Ma called me and said you were at the hospital so I wanted to see you as soon as possible.

Pa: Heh, you always looked out for me champ... But isn't school today?

You: I took the day off, I think Ma will be here soon.

Pa: Ma said I couldn't leave here and if I did leave I would never hear the end of it.

You: Yeah ma cared about our safety too much but that just shows she really cares.

Pa: Heh yeah she'd freak if anything happened to us. So how many friends did you make at school?

You: Still the same two Ryuko Matoi and Mako Mankanshoku, let me tell you they are a weird bunch but still cool people.

Pa: As long as you are being friends with the good crowd.

You: Well I'm the one keeping them out of trouble!

Pa: You were always the one to look out for others which is why I've always been proud of you.

You: Thanks pa...

Pa: So did you find the one?

You: Nope, but I have a feeling that one of my friends may have a crush on me... I don't know what to do if it is true.

Pa: You just let your heart decide, you do have a heart right?

You: Pa I told you I had a heart!

Pa: Only messing with you champ.

Suddenly my mother came into the room and she was happy to see me. She gave me a hug then kissed me on the forehead.

Ma: Hey honey missed you!

You: I missed you too ma!

Ma: How are you feeling today dear?

Pa: I'm doing fine just a little weak.

Ma: Well you get better so you can come back home. So (F/N) you got a girlfriend yet.

You: No ma, not really interested in anyone at the moment but I do think someone has their eyes out on me.

Ma: Who might that be?

You: My friend Ryuko Matoi, I don't know if I am right or not because she has been blushing a lot around me lately.

Ma: Well she may like you but if you feel like you should know then ask her.

Pa: Yeah you may not know maybe she does.

You: Huh I guess so...

Pa: I'm glad to be spending time with my family.

You: Yeah it's good to see you guys again.

Ma: Oh before I forget (F/N) I made this for you.

Ma handed me a strawberry pie which was another good pie she makes. The pie was in a container and I put it in my bag.

You: Thanks ma! I'm staying as long as I can for Pa.

Pa: Heh, I don't want to waste your time champ.

You: You've never wasted my time, without you I wouldn't know what to do.

Pa: I won't always be there to guide you now.

You: I know pa... I just don't think I am ready anytime soon to be without you.

Pa: Your a growing man son you soon will have to face responsibilities.

You: Yeah...

Suddenly pa began to groan in pain as his heart rate was increasing at a rapid rate. My eyes become a light blue as I scanned his heart, he was going into cardiac arrest. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room. Ma began to worry as me and her were escorted out by nurses, ma was crying while I had a sense of worry. I comfort my mother by giving her tissues.

You: Ma it's going to be fine the doctors will do everything they can to help.

Ma: I'm just really worried about him.

You: Me too, I just really hope he makes it through this.

A small tear went down my eye as I held in the urge to cry.

You: I don't want to lose my family again... Not again.

Ma: You're talking about your real parents. (FD/N) told me about them after I had gotten home.

You: Yeah, you two mean the world to me. If it wasn't for you and pa I wouldn't be the man I am today.

Ma: And we are so proud of the young man who stands before us today.

You: I love you guys so much! So very much...

I break down into tears as ma held me close as she calmed down and I began to calm down. I suddenly hear Ryuko and Mako with the man who tried to strip Ryuko yesterday. Ma let me go as she knew something was up as I hurried up out of the hospital to the alleyway.

You: Dammit they caught me at a bad time!

I ran through the alley changing into my costume as I took off into the sky at incredible speeds. I rushed all the way to Honnouji Academy in a matter of seconds when I got there a bomb exploded in the boy's restroom. I flew in there pretty quickly and I see no sign of Ryuko or that Mohawk guy anywhere. I scanned the area with my X-ray vision to only see one of the Nonon Jakuzure standing in the door with the marching band.

You: What the hell happened here?

Nonon: Dammit they got away! Well, I see the alien himself is here.

You: What the hell happened here?!

Nonon: Why should I answer you?!

You: Because I got ways of making people talk!

My eyes began to glow a bright red as they all started to gulp and sweat. I then tear the wall down by grabbing the tile.


You: I guess if I want answers then I have to get them from the source! And if my father dies without me saying good bye, I will tear this academy apart piece by piece!

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