Chapter 18 : Findings

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Suddenly a door was blown off the hinges as red eyes peered through. I was floating through what seemed like a control room and I saw the other members of the Elite Four.

You: Talk now! Tell me what you know about Life Fibers, Satsuki Kiryuin!


You: Shut up.


You: Now miss Kiryuin, I want to know everything on Life Fibers.

Satsuki: So you want to know about the Life Fibers... Now, why would someone of your strength need to know about Life Fibers?

You: My strength is no concern to you, I don't ever use my true strength in a fight.

Satsuki: Hmm interesting (F/N). But unless you give me the information I desire I won't tell you a thing about the Life Fibers.

You: What about my powers, I don't know the capabilities my body can do at max because I've never fought anyone I could let loose on. I've always held back all my life, who knows I could be planetary level or galaxy buster level I don't know.

Satsuki: Well that is just intriguing (L/N), holding back your power but I can help you test your abilities if you join us now. What does Matoi offer you that I haven't?

You: She doesn't offer me anything I choose to help her because she is my friend. I would be a shitty friend if I didn't help her before you say it we are not a thing okay. I don't even have the slightest interest in her.

Satsuki just smirked as she sipped on some tea and I just felt uncomfortable. I had gotten the info I needed with the little banter I manage to hack their computers while they didn't see and stored the info I needed on my drive. I then float away from the room as I went home pretty quickly.

You: Now let's see what you are hiding miss Kiryuin. Wait I shouldn't use my computer but the computer at the Fortress of Solitude. I can pry info off of this drive while being undetected.

I left as soon as possible to get to the Fortress of Solitude when I got inside I saw my real father's hologram, I went up to the computer to extract the info off the drive.

You: Okay now let's see what these Life Fibers are... Wait for a second, student files... I shouldn't look at those well expect mine.

I opened my file to see a bunch of info on me and a lot of it was unknown.

You: (F/N) (L/N), age 17, gender male. Race extraterrestrial! Threat level extreme. Not much is known about the American transfer student (F/N), he shows great potential but he wastes it by helping others. He has defeated a three-star Goku Uniform wearer with ease which makes him extremely dangerous. His power probably exceeds that of a Kamui, he is invulnerable to physical attacks, shown great feats of strength he may have more power than what we know of. Real name is unknown. They even have videos of me.

I opened video files to see me in action, one of which was when I saved Ryuko from Satsuki. Another of me lifting the platform of students getting them to school.

You: So she has been keeping tabs on me huh. Well, I will find out what Life Fibers are...

I began to go through a bunch of the drives' data as I found the info I seek about Life Fibers.

You: Great Scott! Life Fibers are in the clothes we wear, they are sentient and extraterrestrial. Well, now this will give me the edge I need especially since now Music Meister is going to have to give me the serum for my father now!

???: Got what you needed my son?

You: Yes dad I did actually, did Kryptonians have access to Life Fibers?

(RD/N): No, we learned how to make our clothes from a very special plant on our planet that is long gone.

You: Huh...

I get off the drive's files I began to look at news reports and I found one that was years ago. My real father disappears as I look through the news reports.

You: Martha and Thomas Wayne murdered in crime alley, I remember hearing about this poor Bruce Wayne he had to watch his parents get killed right in front of him.

I opened to a news article about me when I stopped that bank robbery.

You: Godlike beings are around us, this Superman fellow has shown godlike abilities is he a hero or a menace we may never know. Okay...

I then opened the drive files back up and I clicked through them. I then saw a bunch of videos of the school making Goku Uniforms. I folded my hands together and leaned my chin on my hands as I watch the videos shocked of the testing fazes.

You: What the hell are they trying to make? What is your gain here, making five-star uniforms? These Life Fibers must come from a source everything does, maybe it has something to do with her family? Wait for a second when Dennis mention Metahumans when he thought I was one of them.

I searched the computer for supernatural or metahuman activity. I began to look at all the reports of someone claiming they met an Atlantean. Homicide of what witnesses claimed to have seen a demon. I saw kidnappings in Gotham City. I just sighed as nothing was popping up to help I put my head down as I began to think.

You: I need clues, answers! I can't just assume anything yet, I can't believe I am the only hero out there, there must be. Matoi's not ready yet and well Dennis is working for the... Kiryuin family that would explain how he got me the two-star Goku uniform without being attacked jackpot! There have to be others out there...

I picked my head up when I heard the computer beeping.

You: Hmm... I'd better go find more about the Kiryuin family maybe I will find the info I desire.

I take out the drive as I begin to fly back to Honno City. Back to my house to get ready for tomorrow, I had brought my clothes with me when I flew back to Honno City.

You: I need to find these Metahumans but for now, I need to stay here for it is night time. Well, can't do anything about it... Looks like I can't go to sleep yet I got a job to do!

I walked out of my house in my newer costume as I took off in the sky to the distress call for help. I saw an airplane out control as the engine had failed. People panicked as I zipped by the plane windows waving and people looked at me in awe as I had gone under the plane to make it more stable. I raised my arms to the bottom of the plane putting a lot of force on me but I could barely feel it due to my super strength. Slowly I make a descent to the ground as the plane was doing the same, I found a field where it was safe to put a out of control plane where they can get to civilization. As for I and the plane made it to the ground slowly, I put the plane down gently after doing so I walked back from the plane to see the people getting out on the emergency slide.

You: That's that!

I dusted my hands off as the people looked at me in awe like I was some sort of god or something. I just saluted to them when they all of sudden back to cheer for me. While cheering they crowd up on me taking photos they looked like they were all going on a business trip when I got a closer look at the people.

You: It was no problem. But I must get going!

My feet began to float as I took off to the sky flying back home because I felt weaker with it being night time so I flew slower than usual. When I got home I opened my door to see a note on my fridge. I walked up to read the note and I cringed a bit.

You: "If you want answers to meet at this location tomorrow night. I'm quite a fan Superman." I got a bad feeling about this, it may be a trap who knows who wants to meet me.

I put the note on the table and I walk over to the bed as I changed into nightly attire. I got in bed to doze off into slumber but I had a hard time sleeping. I finally fell asleep after an hour of trying.

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