Chapter 2 : Things Keep Getting Weirder

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You: I wish had some of Ma (L/N) apple pie right now... I believe in you Ryuko even though you called me a dumbass!

Ryuko: Just shut it you idiot! Do you ever keep quiet?

You: Well excuse me for having a sense of humor. Carry on with your quarrel...

Ryuko: So you must be the person who has the other half of this blade then!

Ryuko began to charge at Satsuki but suddenly she was punched in the face by a boxing glove which made her fly back. This causes everyone to gasp again except for me, I saw the punch in slow motion.

(Y/T): That was a cheap shot, that punch had the PSI to knock someone out in one hit. I've clocked the speed to be about as fast as a bullet... Those Goku uniforms are no joke, but my question is what powers these uniforms? This is beyond any human engineering, this is like alien technology. If I could get a sample of it I can see what makes it tick, glad I studied all those science books back home since I remember every detail about them. She is outclassed here, this fight is gonna get her killed! I may have to intervene here, I'll just have to see how this goes.

Satsuki: Fukuroda, well then...

Fukuroda: That's right Lady Satsuki! Boxing Club Captain Takaharu Fukuroda. I ask your permission to finish off this wench who dare challenged your?

Satsuki: She is all yours...

I began to glare at Fukuroda as for some reason, I could see his muscle tissue and see the uniform enhancing his muscular and skeletal regions. I examined the fight as Ryuko stood no chance as she was getting pummeled by him and no could do anything but watch. I wanted to help her but that would risk exposing me. I began to cringe as she tried to attack Fukuroda but failed in doing so. I began to grind my teeth and clenching my fist, she was too injured as I saw her bones were almost to the point of breaking.

You: You owe me Ryuko Matoi for what I am about to do...

Satsuki began to walk as Fukuroda began to get ready to finish an injured Ryuko with a final attack. I acted like I tripped on something as I got in the way as the punch collided with me but I felt no pain and everyone was shocked to see me take on a whole punch from a Two Star Goku Uniform. I began to fly back acting like it sent me flying into a wall which caused a giant crater to be formed as I pretended to be knocked out.

Fukuroda: How the hell did he survive that punch?!

While my little stunt distracted everyone Ryuko used the time to escape from the school as I began get out of the crater. I faked my injury by limping when I didn't need to. I saw my uniform was ripped and well I was kind of embarrassed.

(Y/T): You definitely owe me for this Ryuko Matoi, now then I got some explaining to do!

You: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow damn rocks made me trip! Hey everyone! Hehehehehe...

Next Day

I was restrained upside down along side with Mako as I began to sigh. I noticed that Fukuroda had a boxing ring set up probably because he wanted to have a rematch with Ryuko. Plus the fact that there is boiling oil beneath us which made Mako scream but I didn't seem to mind since I've never had a broken bone in my entire life.

(Y/T): I know I could break out anytime but this is Ryuko's fight I just hope she has a plan to win against him. But I swear that this school is weird as hell.

Mako: Ahhhh! Now the whole school can see my underwear! I should've worn my sexy pair!

You: Really... You're worried about people seeing your underwear and not the batch of boiling oil. At least you have clothes my shirt was obliterated by that punch! Hey Bobo the Boxing Monkey why am I being punished?

Fukuroda: How dare you, you stupid American redneck! You are friends with the bitch who disrespected Lady Satsuki!

You: Wow okay Chuckles the Ass Clown but I just met Ryuko and Mako, I was dragged into this mess! I'm a farm boy not a redneck completely different!

While me and Fukuroda were in a full on roasting session, a hooded figure completely smashes the restaints on Mako. But she left me hanging up as if I didn't matter. I had a look of disappointment as the hooded figure revealed to be Ryuko.

You: Hey Ryuko you forgot me!

Ryuko: I think I like you that way idiot!

You: ....

I was even more angry right there as Ryuko began to go have her rematch with Fukuroda, I began to notice that she was different.

Ryuko: Using hostages like that is a dirty tactic! You are supposed to be a boxer but using Mako and dumbass like that!

You: You care about me that's sweet....

Fukuroda: Will you two shut up! I am here to kill her for disrespecting Lady Satsuki!

You: Kill is such a over used word how bout "pulverized"!

Fukuroda began to punch at Ryuko which began to tear away the cloak she was wearing to reveal a very skimpy outfit. Everyone and even I were just shocked as nobody expected this turn of events.

You: Ryuko, what the hell are you wearing? This is a school a place for learning and thinking about the future! This is not a strip club, HAVE YOU NO SHAME WOMAN!

Fukuroda: For once I actually agree with four eyes!

Ryuko: Quit staring at my outfit! I didn't want to wear this okay!

Fukuroda: Trying to distract me with your sexiness! That is a disgrace to boxing!

You: I agree with Bubbles the Chimpanzee!

Ryuko: You two shut the hell up!

Ryuko had a slight blush upon her face as she began to battle Fukuroda, but the fight didn't last long as people were watching I used this time to break out of my restraints and jump away at the speed of light. Nobody saw me escape, while I was watching from a higher place I saw Ryuko overpower Fukuroda and with her scissor blade she stripped him of his Goku uniform which made him naked.

Ryuko: Satsuki Kiryuin! Tell me who does this blade belong too?

You: Ryuko what the hell happened to you?

Ryuko and Mako looked where I was supposed to be restrained at but I wasn't there. They were shocked at my sudden Houdini Act.

Ryuko: How the hell did that dumbass eacape?!

Mako: Is (F/N) a wizard or something?!

You: That outfit is alive it's feeding off of her blood!

I flew back down at super sonic speed and no one saw due to the incredible speed when Ryuko and Mako looked at me and they were shocked to see I wasn't burned nor injured.

Senkestu: Ryuko you've strained yourself too much at this rate you lose consciousness! You have five minutes to get out of here!

Ryuko: You wanted blood! I need to finish this!

Senketsu: But you already have lost too much blood!

Ryuko: Dammit! I'll have to finish this talk another time! Satsuki Kiryuin! What the hell are you (F/N)?!

Ryuko jumped out of the arena to the front entrance as One Stars tried to stop them under the orders Sanagayama but Satsuki stopped them. I was just looking at Satsuki who was watching me as I just walked away from the arena and walked back home. Satsuki leaves as her Elite Four follows. She began to sip tea a she looked at my files.

Satsuki: Matoi will return I want you to prepare for that.

Elite Four: Yes Lady Satsuki!

Satsuki: Also tomorrow bring me (F/N) (L/N) the American transfer student, I wish to have a word with him.

I began to walk home as I saw Ryuko running through the streets as fast as possible but I just ignored it. When I arrived home I began to sit down on the bed and pulled out my phone and began calling ma and pa.

You: Pick up...

Ma (L/N): (F/N)! How was your day at school today? We haven't heard from you yesterday!

You: Yeah I am fine Ma but I think I just revealed my secret to the whole school... Plus this girl may know since she said what the hell am I. Ma I need advice, by the way how is pa doing with his heart?

Ma (L/N): (F/N) well you may have to adopt a new identity for your powers so that people won't know who you are. (FD/N) is doing fine. Did you wear the glasses?

You: Yeah I wore them both school days but this school is weird... I think I should use the crystal to find out the truth of who I am. Ma thanks for the idea but I'll talk to you tomorrow because it's been a long day.

Ma (L/N): Alright talk to you tomorrow honey! Love you.

You: Love you too ma, tell pa I said love you and I hope he is okay. Bye

Ma (L/N): I will, bye...

The phones hangs up as I sigh and look down at the crystal that I was holding and tears rolled down my eyes as I missed ma and pa. But I wiped the tears away when I got a knock on my door. I went to answer it and I couldn't believe my eyes.

???: (F/N) (L/N)! I knew I find you here!

You: Ricky Thomas!

You/Ricky: You son of bitch!

We clasp each other hands like we were arm wrestling and I didn't use any strength to not hurt him. We began to laugh as I invited him in the house.

You: What the hell are you doing in Honno City?!

Ricky: Well man when since we moved from Smallvile Kansas me and my folks got a house here. But I didn't know you were gonna be here until your ma gave us a call and said you were here.

You: I am so glad to see a familiar face! Someone who isn't weird like Ryuko calling a dumbass and wearing that slutty outfit and Mako she just a mental case.

Ricky: Well dude I don't know what to say about but I didn't you went to Honnouji Academy also because how come I haven't seen you.

You: Yeah well I was suppose to be punished but I got away! I mean you already know about my abilities!

Ricky: Yeah I know they can't hold you down like that!

You: I know why you didn't see me because you were eyeing all the hot girls you see!

Ricky: You know me too well dude I mean come you said you were hanging out with chicks. Why don't you bag one of them I mean since you aren't in Smallvile anymore. I mean back home Lana was in to you and you haven't made a move!

You: I mean Lana is my friend and just a friend. I haven't made a move on a girl because I don't like anyone like that plus I mean do you think girls would want to date an alien?!

Ricky: I thought you were a meta human but a alien! That is so cool!

You: Yeah plus why would I try to go out with Ryuko or Mako. Ryuko keeps calling me a dumbass or idiot and Mako she just weird!

Ricky: Also (L/N) lose the glasses man they make you look like a dork!

You: I know they do I feel like a nerd wearing these, I mean I am a straight A student but that's taking it too far!

Ricky: Yeah well anyways dude I got to go home see ya tomorrow and good luck you're gonna need it.

You: What does that mean? Well see ya dude I need to rest after what happened to me.

Ricky left the house as I locked the door and laid down in bed. I fell asleep pretty quick as I was not trying to think about tomorrow.

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