Chapter 3 : Birth Of A Hero

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(K/N): Kryptonian Name
(RD/N): Real Dad Name

                              Your POV


The loudness of my yell caused the very buildings to shake and almost caused them to be destroyed. I began to breathe heavily as I had woken up from a terrible nightmare.

You: The nightmares keep returning to me! I can't keep this up with the constant yelling I almost took the whole city down with it, I really got to see a psychiatrist about the nightmares.

I look over at the clock and I see I have only been asleep for a 1 minute. I saw the crystal on my shelf begin to light up and I get up to grab the crystal.

You: Huh what is this crystal doing? Maybe I better hurry up and get out of here before the whole town come knocking on my door!

I began to fly out of the city and to North Pole in mere seconds. The crystal began to get brighter and brighter as it began to drop from my hands and into the ground below. It began to form a bunch of larger crystals as it was some odd shape and I land on the ground and see there was a entrance to the structure.

You: Is this the key to my presence on this planet, maybe I can find my home world if it is still around.

I walked into the weird structure as I looked around the area, it was a fortress of some kind. I reached a room where it looks like a information center as I look at the computers and some display cases. The display cases were all empty like they are waiting for something. This was all new to me as I began to touch the computer as I began to type on it and a hologram of some sort began to show a man.

You: Okay, is this a recorded message or something? This tech here is amazing I mean I could research so many things to help so many people, who is that man though I think I recognize him?

I turned around to look at the architecture and I was simply amazed by it.

???: Enjoy it my son...

You: Who said that?!

???: I did, don't be alarm I am only here to guide you (K/N)...

I turn around to see the holographic man walking around as he began to look real and I was shocked.

You: Did you call me your son? Who the hell is (K/N)? Who are you?

???: You are full of questions, well first off I am your father (RD/N). Your name is (K/N) and I see you made yourself home here on Earth.

You: You're my real father, well I got so much to ask where do I came from? Why did you send me...

(RD/N): Slow down with the questions (K/N). Our people are from a planet long destroyed, you are from the planet Krypton and I sent you here to protect you from the fate of the planet. Me and your mother had no choice to send you here as the planet was an ideal place for you as the atmosphere was suitable for you. The yellow sun here gives your body nutrients, it gives you abilities beyond that of any human which is why you've never felt fatigue or never sweat. I see you are nervous about this and about the new school you recently went to.

You: How did you know I had to go to a new school?

(RD/N): Well the crystal you held during your travels had my consciousness in it. I wished I could've been there while you were growing up, so does your mother but this was the only way. We sent you to Earth so you may give hope to the people, the symbol on the armor you have use it to inspire people. They may reject you at first but in time they will grow to accept you, stop acting like someone you aren't my son I know your true personality is not the one you self proclaim to have. Well I have made many variations of your armor for you the one in your pod was a test one.

I look over to see a bunch more of those outfits I had and they looked much better. I walked up to one that looked quite intriguing to me and I had began to try it on. It was nice fit to me as it adjusted to my size and I began to walk up to my hologram father.

You: You want me to be a beacon of hope to the people of this planet father, then I will but how do I do that?

(RD/N): Start off small and then grow to tougher challenges later on. For now my son I will leave the rest to you, come back for guidance when you need it.

He disappeared and I looked around and he was no where to be seen and well I had to get ready for school soon. I began to fly out of the fortress and back to Honno City almost the speed of light as I made it there pretty fast. I land on the rooftop of my house as I looked at the sunset smiling.

You: Well then Honno City time to start here and give the people hope. I will fight for truth and justice and well I am not in America but I still will fight for a better tomorrow.

I noticed a person stealing some fruit from a fruit stand. As the person was running I was in front of him in mere seconds and they didn't see me as they were looking back and he bumped right into me.

You: Hi there.

Thief: What the hell is this and what the hell are you wearing?!

You: Sir I think you need to put that fruit back.

Thief: Hell no!

As the man grabbed a knife and he tried to stab me with it, the blade snapped in half when it touch my skin and it didn't even rip my skin nor costume as I was unfazed by it.

You: Violence will solve nothing sir.

Thief: What the hell are you?!

You: I'm just a guy who is trying to do the right thing.

I grabbed him but barely used any strength as I take him back to the fruit stand and made him put the fruit back and I tied him to the stand with a metal pipe I found. I salute him after I wrote a note to the owner and flew off. I began to smile as I landed back on the ground and I heard a faint heartbeat as I walked over to see an unconscious Ryuko.

You: Ryuko! What the hell happened?

I took off my cape to cover her up because she still wearing that skimpy outfit and I  pick her up bridal style. A bunch of kids saw me carrying her and they ran over and I looked at them as they looked like they wanted to cause trouble.

You: Her heart beat is faint she lost a lot of blood, do any of you know where I can find a doctor?

???: Yeah why you asking?! Isn't it early to be wearing a costume!

My eyes began to glow red as the kids got nervous and it looked like some of them were going to piss themselves.

You: Just tell me where I can find a doctor?

???: M-my dad is a street doctor! P-please don't hurt us!

My eyes went back to normal as my face was still serious but I let them know I was a friend and not an enemy.

You: Who are you? Take me to him...

Mataro: I am Mataro Mankanshoku!


You: Those words are really annoying....

He took me to his house as I made sure Ryuko was secured in my arms making sure I didn't drop her. When we made it there Mataro opened the door and Mako came flying out tackling her little brother and I just had a look of confusion on my face.


You: Ahem...

Mako: Ryuko!!!

She ran over to me when she saw me holding the unconscious Ryuko. I think she looked at me like I did it or something.

You: I found her laying on the ground unconscious and I needed to get her to a doctor! Well your little brother told me your father was a doctor...

Mako: Come on in! Who are you? You look familiar...

I began to get nervous as she really didn't know who I was without my glasses on and I didn't know people would actually buy that disguise. We all walk in the house and I set Ryuko down and I began to walk back out of the house when I felt a hand on my back.

Mako: Where do you think you are going?! You helped my bestie and you must be hungry!

You: N-no thanks I just ate I got to get going... You're not gonna to let me go until I eat something right.

She nodded as I began to sit down on the floor against a wall and I sighed. I began to start thinking about what my father told me.

(Y/T): I am the last son of Krypton then, I am the sole survivor, I really need to call ma and pa to tell them about this but not while I am here with Mako and her family, and to top all off What the hell is that thing on Ryuko because that isn't normal clothing... Questions fill my mind and I can't understand why! I need some sleep I only been asleep for 1 minute which is weird.

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