Chapter 4 : New Day

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It was long day for the tired (F/N) as he began to yawn but since he wasn't home he fell asleep while leaning on the wall. Time had past as (F/N) woke up to see a large man above Ryuko but he knew he wasn't going to hurt her. Suddenly Ryuko began to wake up as she saw the man breathing heavily over her which freaked her out, she hit him with a fast uppercut which made hit the ceiling and then the floor pretty damn fast.

Ryuko: You perv! How dare you try to make a move on me! I am the crazy bitch from Kanto with the scisso.... Where is my scissor blade?!

Mako: Here you go!

Ryuko takes her scissor blade out from the case that Mako was holding for her and she drawn it out and pointed the blade at the strange man. (F/N) just shrugs as he began to get sleepy again but he just folds his arms together smirking.

Ryuko: Thanks Mako! Now stand back because he was trying to mess with me!

Mako: Jeez dad, what did you do?

Ryuko: Dad? Wait he is your dad! Oh shit I am so sorry!

This was amusing to (F/N) as Ryuko was bowing towards the man. Ryuko noticed (F/N) in the back as she looked at him like she seen him from somewhere.

Ryuko: Who is that?!

Mako: Oh him he wouldn't tell us his name but he was the one who brought you here when you were unconscious.

(F/N): Hi there!

Ryuko: Listen here you've better not of done anything with me or you're going to regret that!

(F/N): I didn't even do anything with you I just wrapped you up in my cape to cover your body and bring you here so this man can help! Jeez try to be a gentlemen and help you from being preyed on from pervs!

???: Wow you've got some punch there... I am seeing stars from it... Hi there my name I Barazo Mankanshoku!


Mako: She does, I mean she did save my life yesterday!

Mataro: Yes she was badass yesterday swinging that scissor blade around, and while looking like a hooker! You must of been crazy to fight with your boobs hanging out!


Ryuko punches Mataro and he fell to the floor and (F/N) just chuckled at that.

Ryuko: Shut it! I got a reason for that!

(F/N): Well then I see you're all better I must make haste! Take care miss, Barazo thanks for letting me sleep a while but I must get home!

Ryuko: So you are just gonna leave like that! Well thank you for helping me like that!

Ryuko had small blush upon her face after saying that. (F/N) began to salute everyone as he began to walk out of the room when a lady walked in.

???: If beating on my husband and Mataro is satisfying to you. Then you just go right ahead!

(F/N): Thanks for the meal Sukuyo but I must go now. Ciao!


Sukuyo: Anytime!

(F/N) walked out of the house as he began to walk home as he want to conserve his power. The walk home didn't take long as he opened the door, he locked it and made sure he got his pjs on as he plopped down on the bed and fell right to sleep.

(F/N): School is gonna be a weird one, I'd better head to sleep!

Morning arose as (F/N) began to wake up for school. He quickly took a shower then put on his glasses and a new uniform since one of them was destroyed. (F/N) brushed his teeth when he was finished getting ready he head out of the house with his stuff and locked the house. He made his way to school by flying at fast speeds as landed at the main gate. He arrived pretty early so he waited for the others to get the school especially his pal Ricky.

???: Hey (L/N)!

(F/N): Ricky!

(F/N) began to do their secret high five as a bunch of people past the two and looking at them in confusion. They noticed the girls giggling at them but (F/N) didn't bother to acknowledge it due to him being a little shy while Ricky winked at them.

Ricky: I see you are still wearing the glasses!

(F/N): Yeah I mean they kind of work for me!

Ricky: How you gonna score some chicks looking like a nerd?

(F/N): Rick you know I am trying to keep my abilities a secret... Now if people find out my secret because of you, you know that nickname you hate to be called.

???: Hey jackass!

(F/N): Shit! H-hi Ryuko and Mako!

Mako: (F/N)!

(F/N) just stepped out of the way while Mako lunged at him, trying to hug him. He saw the events happened in slow motion as he saw her tumble to the ground.

Ryuko: How did you escape yesterday dumbass?!

(F/N): W-well I studied escape artistry and well since you didn't help me I had to struggle out.

Ryuko: Tell me the truth farm boy!

(F/N): Well that was new, but I guess I got a new nickname for you. Hooker...

Suddenly Ryuko slammed the blunt end of the scissor blade on (F/N)'s head and he pretended to be hurt by it. Ryuko was staring down at a downed (F/N).

Ryuko: Hmph! Idiot!

(F/N): Bitch....

Ricky: You two fight like an old married couple. Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?

Ryuko/(F/N): We're not dating! Why would I date this dumbass!

Ryuko had a small blush on her face while (F/N) was confused on why his pal would say that. They both looked at each other and then back to Ricky.

Ryuko/(F/N): Idiot!

Mako: Oh I see why you say that!

Ricky: They're practically made for each other, match made in heaven!

(F/N): ....

Ryuko: ....

Ryuko's face turned red as (F/N) just looked blankly as he actually began to blush for the first time in years. He quickly shook it off and that made Ricky laugh. They all began to walk into the court yard as Mako and Ryuko began walking together while (F/N) and Ricky began to joke around when Mako was being pelted with tennis balls. A bunch of tennis players were pelting her with tennis balls.

(F/N): Hey what the hell are you guys doing?!

Ryuko: What the hell is this about?!

???: You must be the American transfer student, well you and the other transfer student stay out of this.

(F/N): Why should I listen to you whoever you are?

Omiko: I am the Girls Tennis Club Captain Omiko Hakodate!


(F/N) glares at the girl who is wearing a telescope on her eye, she was holding a red tennis racket as she gave them a grin with her teeth looking like a sharks. (F/N) tried so hard not to let his eyes become red but Ricky just holds him back. They began whispering to each other.

(F/N): Gosh the nerve of that woman! They want to play tennis then I'll show them..

Ricky: You can't because you have the advantage against them being a alien with almost god like powers. Let your friends deal with this because your friend Ryuko she obviously can do this herself. Plus they are a girls team and you're a guy so that would be awkward to watch.

(F/N): Fine... But the next time someone causes drama I am cutting in.

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