Chapter 5 : Let's Serve Some Justice!!!

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(Y/T): Why the hell did I get angry like that it's like I had no control over myself?! I didn't really care about their little problem.

(F/N): Rick... Why did I get so mad about that little problem?

Ricky: Maybe because you really care about those two, stop acting like a hard ass towards Ryuko, you two might actually become more than friends.

(F/N): Best Friends?

(F/N) smiled so innocently and Rick was faceplaming. He makes (F/N) look at Ryuko and (F/N) was confused. They were still whispering to where only they can hear each other.

Ricky: Dude you got face the facts some day you are going to have to settle down and she may be your future... (L/N) as a friend I am trying to help you stop being alone in this world, if you are the last survivor of your race then you have a chance to save them.

(F/N): Well I mean, Ryuko is mean to me so I don't know about her, sure we both say the same things and sure we call each other names but I don't feel that way about her. I'm sorry dude we just met, tell you what if I do end of liking her then I will pay for milkshakes and if I don't end up liking her then we will drop the whole me and Ryuko being together thing. Deal?

Ricky: Deal!

Ricky and (F/N) shook hands and they began to get back to the situation at hand.

Omiko: Tennis club member Mako Mankanshoku, she had failed her duties and for that she is being purged for this failure!

Ryuko: What did she do?

Omiko: She skipped yesterdays practice.

Ryuko: Yesterday? She and this jackass here were being held hostage!

(F/N): Bite me bitch!

Omiko: You and your boyfriend can say all you want but those are the rules!

(F/N)'s ears had steam come out as it sounded like a tea pot steaming, Ryuko began to blush at that remark and Ricky was wheezing from laughing.

(F/N): Me and Ryuko Matoi aren't dating! I just got here I've never seen this woman until my first day! Just because we insult it doesn't mean a damn thing! I insult friends for fun, she is just friend! Nothing more, so get that thought through that thick skull of yours! But I do care about her and Mako because I protect my friends!

Ryuko: You consider me a friend?

(F/N): Yes!

(F/N) just was finished with his little rant and Ryuko began to blush, Ricky was just shocked as this was the first time he heard his friend rant like that.


(F/N): What now.... I did nothing wrong! Can I just go through school, do my work and just call it a day?! What if I don't wanna go Ira Gamagoori?

Gamagoori: Then I will force you to!

(F/N): Fine i'll go...

(F/N) walks off with Gamagoori as Ryuko and Omiko were arguing, Ricky was worried about his friend. For the first time Ryuko actually was worried about him. (F/N) and Gamagoori finally got Satsuki's office and they walked in when she gave the word for them to come in. (F/N) was mumbling rubbish as he was pointed to a seat and well he just stayed standing.

Satsuki: (F/N) (L/N)! I summoned you today to talk about the stunt you pulled yesterday when you were tied up. Are you wearing a Goku uniform or a Kamui?

(F/N): No, I honestly prefer clothing that I usually wear on a daily basis! Like a t-shirt and some jeans that's my usual style. I don't know what the hell a Kamui is!

Satsuki: Interesting, well (L/N) I want to see what you can do for myself, you have great power!

(F/N): Huh?

Satsuki drawn a sword and she slashed at (F/N) and he just ducks really fast. (F/N) noticed that while concealing his speed his shirt was ripped and it was revealing a cape poking out. This gets Satsuki curious about that and (F/N)' s shirt fell off and he was in a blue and red costume. This causes (F/N) to get mad as he takes off his glasses and he looks at Satsuki.

(F/N): Fine! You want the truth! I am an alien!

As Satsuki was shocked for what she heard she striked at (F/N) again but only this time he stood still and the blade did nothing to him. He grabs the blade and she struggled to get it free from him but it was useless due to his superior strength.

Satsuki: Your strength is amazing! You surpass that of the Goku uniforms... Well now that I got my answer I want to join my Elite Four! With that power you can crush your enemies with ease. What do you say about my offer?

(F/N): No....

Satsuki: What do you mean no... I gave you an opportunity to live in higher standards and you decline my offer?

(F/N): I don't use my powers for myself never have and never will. You see all the people in the bad neighborhoods fighting just to survive, I only want to use my power to give them hope to show them that it is gonna be okay. You only want my power so you can use me as your puppet, well there are no strings on me I decline your offer because I don't care at how I live, I don't care for my well being I only care about the people who can't fight for themselves! And if are so blind to see that then you don't know about the human spirit, the will to carry on. strive for more until you accomplish your dreams. You had everything handed to you on a silver platter! The people who struggle to survive can't even afford what you have which is why I want to give them hope and you know what you can tell everyone that I am an alien I don't care! But what I see isn't a fair system what I see is a dictator! I fight for truth and justice in the American way! So Satsuki Kiryuin you can think of the words that have been said today but in the end I'll never be your guinea pig! Good day ma'am!


Gamagoori was interrupted by a swift punch to the face which sent him straight through the wall, knocking him unconscious. (F/N) walked out the office and Satsuki was left shocked after what she just witnessed. (F/N) walks back outside to see Ryuko and Omiko in a tennis match. He saw that she used her scissor blade as a racket and she used it to overpower Omiko and with one final serve it sent the captain flying naked and this causes (F/N) to have a WTF face.

(F/N): Hmm excellent job Ryuko... But I think it is time that I tell people the truth sure it is my third day here, but I think it is time for people to know the true me... This is what ma and pa was talking about where I can be myself.

(F/N) was about to go over there when a person that had doesn't recognize appeared, in front of Ryuko and this causes (F/N) to be even more confused.

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