Chapter 20 : Fight Club

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I arrived at the Mankanshoku household/ back alley clinic with Ryuko as I was dropping her off. She was blushing the whole time after our little conversation but I just ignored it. I was not letting her walk because of the beating she just took.

You: Now then Matoi, you have to take it easy because you aren't invulnerable like me.

Ryuko: Idiot... You're such a show-off!

You: I'm not showing off because I care about my best friends. You and Mako are the only friends I got now.

Ryuko: B-Best friend! What happened to that Ricky guy?

You: He is not the person I used to know from Smallville. Plus the bastard has a formula to cure my pa's heart condition and he wants me to betray you guys. But I can't do that because that's not what friends do. I'll do an X-Ray on you see if you have any broken bones and hopefully, you don't need surgery because Mr. Mankanshoku doesn't look like he is a surgeon. If you need surgery I'll do it.

Opening the door was kind of difficult but I manage to do it as I walked into the house with Ryuko in my arms.

You: Now remember Mr. Mankanshoku none of that perverted stuff because I will be supervising the whole thing. You wouldn't want another deck in the schnoz. Yeah, he tried to fondle you while you were unconscious.

Ryuko: I don't doubt it at all!

Barazo gulped as I began to just laugh and Ryuko had her angry pouting look that she usually has but I noticed she had a slight pink blush on her face. Maybe me carrying her was embarrassing to her so I put her down where Barazo told me to and I began to do an X-Ray on her.


It was dinner time and the whole family was at the table ready to dig into their food. But I didn't want to intrude so I began to leave until I heard people yelling at me.

Mako: Don't go join us bestie!

You: But a hero's work is never done...

Sukuyo: Don't be a stranger it's the least we can do for you.

You: I don't really need to eat due to my physiology.

Mako: Nonsense! You saved my other bestie plus we know that you live alone!

You: If I stay will it make you feel any better?

Everyone: YES!

You: Fine! But living alone isn't too bad now if you know what you are doing.

I took a spot at the table and everyone folded their hands together and I did the same. I didn't know what was going on but I went with the flow.

Everyone except me: Itadakimasu!

You: Amen! I mean Itadakimasu! Sorry, I'm used to the way things are back in America.

Everyone except me and Ryuko quickly grabbed food and started to dig in. I was struggling to use chopsticks. The Mankanshoku family didn't notice because of they too busy stuffing themselves.

You: Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! D'oh! Fuck it!

I tipped the bowl as the food went in my mouth and I was eating like Shaggy and Scooby usually does. I have manners it's just I snapped the chopsticks in half when I tried the final time.

You: Great Scott this is delicious!

Barazo: Yeah! When it comes to deep frying mystery ingredients, you're the best in Japan, dear!

Sukuyo: The trick is to chop everything finely and mix them in with potatoes.

Ryuko: Your Croquettes really are great, ma'am!

Sukuyo: I'm glad you think so. Please, eat all you like.

Ryuko: Oh, I'm already full. Thanks for the meal.

Sukuyo: If you're done eating, Ryuko, the bath is drawn and ready.

Ryuko: Oh. Sure.

After hearing that Barazo and Mataro dropped their food and had a shocked look on their faces but I was too busy eating to even care. It's like I have a bottomless stomach. Ryuko walked out to go take a bath while everyone except Barazo and Mataro. I didn't eat like a pig I ate with manners.

You: I haven't eaten like this since ma and pa took me to that buffet! Thanks so much, Mrs. Mankanshoku!

Sukuyo: No problem, you are welcome to eat here anytime.

You: Thanks but I can't eat here too often. Well since people constantly need help.

Mako: So why the glasses if you can see perfectly fine?

You: Well I had these since I was in Elementary school, I had problems with my powers. These glasses were made to control my heat vision, see us Kryptonian out skin cells photosynthesize with Earth's yellow giving us more energy than our Red Sun. Which gives me the ability to fly, shoot lasers out of my eyes, lift objects that normal people couldn't lift and many more. When I was young I couldn't control my powers at all I kept hearing things, seeing through solid objects and I even broke some things in school.

Mako: Wow! So cool!

You: Not as cool about the fact that I'll never get to see my home planet, my real parents or experience the wonders of my destroyed world. People at school were afraid of me or they bullied me because I was different. I'm losing my foster dad due to heart troubles and well I don't know if ma can handle it. Once they are gone I will lose another family.

Sukuyo: Oh dear! That's sad, well if you ever feel lonely you are always welcome here.

You: Thanks... That means a lot to me... What the hell?

I heard Barazo, Mataro, and Guts go flying into the air from what seems to be a punch.

You: Well thanks for the meal Mrs. Mankanshoku but I really must go.

Sukuyo: No problem, you take care now (F/N).

I flew out of the house and straight back to my house in a matter of seconds as I opened the door and walked in. I just sat in a chair and began to look at a picture of me and Pa fishing together when I was 6 years old.

You: Memories, I really should go fishing again when there is a nice day out again.

Ryuko's POV

Before (F/N) left

I was about to take a bath when I chuckled for some reason. My heart began beating fast for some reason but I felt happy at the same time.

Senketsu: What is it? What is so funny?

Ryuko: Lively dinners are a great thing. Mom died when I was young, and Dad sent me off to a boarding school. So I don't have any experience with family dinners. I always thought that was pretty ordinary. Now I think meals taste better when eating with the whole family. But something else is troubling me... However... I don't need the damn peeping toms!

I threw various objects at them which sent them flying into the sky as they apologized to me. I was upset as my eyebrow was twitching.

Senketsu: Let me guess it's (F/N) right? Your heart rate increased when he brought you back here and you started sweating. You like him, don't you?

Ryuko: What! Me like that idiot! As if I would like someone like that...

Senketsu: So far he's the only guy that hasn't tried to rip me off of you or spied on you while you were naked. Be honest you have feelings for him.

Ryuko: Fine I guess I do feel something about him. But if you tell him that I won't iron you anymore!

Senketsu: What no! It feels so good when I get ironed, I won't tell him I promise!

Ryuko: Good!

Your POV

Current time

You: If pa ever does get out of the hospital I am taking him fishing with me. I caught this catfish and it was 30lbs oh man was I happy that day! Well, the past is the past I just got to think about the future!

I turned off the light I went to sleep in pajama pants and a white T-Shirt. I felt really calm as I was knocked out as soon as my head hit the pillow. This was the best sleep I had gotten in a while.

Time skip to the school lunch period

I went out to the yard to go on my laptop as I didn't really need to eat food. I was typing up a paper about subatomic particles when I noticed Ryuko and Mako getting ready to eat lunch. I didn't go up to them because I felt like they could have that girl time. They opened their bento boxes and Ryuko looked delighted to see the lunch made for her. I finished my paper and I began to watch (Favorite Show) out of boredom.

Ryuko: That looks good!

Mako and Ryuko: Itadakimasu!

Mako began to dig into her food and eat like crazy but when Ryuko tried to take a bite. Her food was knocked away by a knife, she had a shocked look on her face as I looked up from my computer to see a club president was standing on top of the roof.

???: Ryuko Matoi! Jack Naito, president of Knife Throwing Club, will take you down!


Ryuko: You've got some nerve, ruining the lunch that Mako's mom made for me! You'll pay for that!

She was going to transform but I stopped her.

You: Matoi! Let me handle this, remember we are a team now.

Ryuko: B-But!

You: But nothing you go ahead and finish your lunch, I need to let some steam off! Hold on to these for me.

After handing her my glasses I cracked my knuckles which sent a soundwave throughout the school. Jack threw some knives at me but they just bounced of my chest. In an instant I tossed Jack up in the sky then when he fell down I caught him as he was shaking.

Jack: I-I-I-I-I want to g-go home now!

You: Now are you going to be good?

I put him down on the ground suddenly Ryuko sliced him with her scissor blade stripping him of his Goku Uniform and I didn't even know she transformed as the Life Fibers went into Senketsu. I did not like that blade stripping people of their clothes but I guess it is stopping them.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu!


You: Um... Okay!

A bunch of knives rained down and one almost hit Mako but she just kept on eating. Suddenly Ryuko dodged an attack that came from behind the giant chain.

???: Impressive! The one who will defeat you is me, Nanjing Lily Club President Kagesaburo Kagero!


He was face to face with Ryuko wasn't interested in the battle which made Kagero scared as Ryuko hit him with her scissor blade stipping of him Goku Uniform. She was spinning her blade in a circular motion.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu.

Another club president came out of nowhere on a tightrope in clown makeup and I just had the bruh expression on my face.


You: Really...

Watari: I am president of the Tightrope Walking Club!

I used my super breath to blow her off balance then Ryuko stripped her Goku Uniform. At this point me and her were getting annoyed by this.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

Mako then tried to eat the piece that Ryuko tried to eat with the knife in it, me and her were done with these idiots. She sat back down with Mako and I got back on the computer.

Ryuko: A Knife Throwing Club, a Nanjing Lily Club, and a Tightrope Walking Club? What's the deal with all these ultra-specific clubs?

Mako: Oh, those guys used to be the Acrobatics Club. They split up because of you.

Ryuko: Because of me?

Mako: Yep. If someone beats you and (F/N), they'll jump up to Three-Star status. But since you can't get a Two-Star Goku Uniform unless you're a club president, they all founded new clubs and are gunning for you two.

Ryuko: Say what?

Mako: More stars means a better life. They're all desperate.

You: If you need to be a club president to be Two-Star then why did I get one?

Mako: I don't know about you, maybe Satsuki wanted you to be a club president.

Ryuko: Man, this academy's system is seriously messed up. Hey, hang on! If that's how it works, then...

Suddenly Ryuko put a sign in the ground then sat on a chair. It said Fight Club on there.


Gamagoori: What are you playing at, Matoi?

Ryuko: You have eyes, don't you? I'm starting a Fight Club.

Gamagoori: Quit trying to screw with us.

Ryuko: You're the ones who are screwing with me! You're forcing students to start stupid clubs to go after me. So I'm gonna do the same. Say hello to Fight Club President Ryuko Matoi!


Gamagoori: Do you seriously think that a club like that will be approved?

We all look up to see a blinding light and Satsuki is standing.

You: She really knows how to make an entrance.

Satsuki: I'll approve this Fight Club!

Ryuko: There she goes again, looking down at us peasants from on high...

Satsuki: Are you trying to integrate into my system, Matoi?

Ryuko: Moron! I'm gonna bring your precious system down around your ears!

Satsuki: How amusing. Try your best not to let it get the better of you.

Ryuko: Just you watch... I'm gonna make you spill the beans in no time!

Gamagoori: Very well, let's begin the paperwork!

Ryuko: You switch gears real fast, don'tcha?

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki has spoken. I must abide by her decision. Matoi! I assume you will be president of Fight Club, then?

Ryuko: Yeah. And I don't need no Goku Uniform. I already got my Kamui.

Gamagoori drops a stack of papers down at the table that was Documentation for starting a club.


Gamagoori: Understood. Club presidents are to submit a club activity log every Friday. At the end of each month, expenses are settled and expense applications for the next month are filed

More stacks of paper are plopped down at the table as they keep piling up.

Gamagoori: You must also file a club room use request form, club member organization chart, and family member lists. You are also required to attend Club President Council meetings, which are held every morning at 7 am! Tardiness will not be tolerated!

The piles of papers slip off as Ryuko had a shocked face and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

Ryuko: My friend (F/N) (L/N) would love to be the Fight Club's President!


You: Hey! I don't have time to be doing all of that! Mako Mankanshoku would love to do it! Plus I am not a great leader!

Mako had a shocked expression on her face. As I begin to sidestep out of there while they settled everything. Later we were walking the halls as Mako was kind of upset.

Mako: That was so, so mean! How could you make me president like that, (F/N)?

You: Sorry! But you know I can't be doing all that now.

Ryuko: Besides everything's set up. The focus of Fight Club is fighting. When we beat the other club presidents, the club's achievements will be recognized, and your reputation will skyrocket! It'll also improve our living situations, right?

Mako: But I can't! Can't! Can't! Can't! I can't be a club president!

You: Hey if it makes you feel any better I'll do the paperwork for you!

A little later

We saw a club outside and Ryuko went up to them as she put the Fight Club sign down which got their attention.

Ryuko: Prepare yourself! I'm Ryuko Matoi with the Fight Club! Folk Dance Club President Maimu Okurahama! I'm here to take your Goku Uniform!


Maimu: Suits me fine! Prepare to have the tables turned, sister!

I just sighed as I pinched my nose knowing that this is going to result in some weird stuff happening. She blew her whistle as a stereo began to play some folk music.

Maimu: High Speed Mayim Mayim!

All the club members held hands at they formed a circle around Ryuko. I wasn't going to fight since they were all women.

Maimu: Let's dance!

They all began to dance in a circle and I just sighed even more. Ryuko wasn't intimidated at all by this.

Ryuko: It'll take more than this lame dance to defeat the mighty Ryuko.

They all came close to Ryuko as they kicked her in unison.

Folk Dance Club: Be-sasson! Be-sasson!

They did it, again and again, I began to chuckle at this. Suddenly the area begins to sparkle as Ryuko with her scissor blade stripped them all of their Goku Uniforms.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu! Oh yeah! Let's get down to business!

Mako: 'Kay...

You: Sure...

Ryuko had defeated the swim club president stripping her of her Goku Uniform. I was busy with paperwork as Mako had to attend a boring assembly. She was asleep but quickly woken up by Gamagoori's whip.

???: Pottery, Arts, and Crafts Club Presidents, the Three Touki Brothers!


Touki Brothers: Taste our clay psychokinesis!

Ryuko stripped them of their Goku Uniforms in a matter of seconds.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

Me and Mako were working on paperwork together as it was about a lot of stuff. Due to my super speed, we finished it pretty quickly as we high five each other.


You: Um... I guess it is a nice place, but I don't really need all this stuff to survive. I mean I'm not the club president and I have to move also wow that's just wow.

I sit down turning on the tv and they were showing American shows. I was amazed maybe this was Satsuki's doing. I began to drink some soda as it was kind of relaxing. I can hear the Mankanshoku enjoying their new house. I decided to go there to see how everyone is doing as I knocked on the door Mako opened it and let me in.

You: Hey guys what's up!

Mako: We were about to eat, come on join us!

I walk up to the table and pull up a chair to sit down. I notice Ryuko blushed at the sight of me I pretended not to notice. We all get ready to eat as we fold our hands together.

Everyone: Itadakimasu!

We all begin to eat the food as I was amazed by the taste. We all loved the taste of the food and everyone blushed out of the taste. Mataro and Mako was crying tears of joy. I love the taste of the food as this was delicious. I can't believe food made me blush as Barazo was happier than ever.

Barazo: To think that we'd be able to live like this...

He brought Ryuko and Mako close to him as he had his arms around their shoulders. He had tears of joy and everyone was feeling the same.

Barazo: Thank you, Mako, Ryuko, and (F/N)! We owe it all to you three!

Ryuko: Oh, you don't need to thank us! Just knowing that you guys are happy is thanks enough for me!

You: No problem! But heroes always help no matter what.

Mako: Yeah!

We all finished eating and I wasn't stuffed as I went to the door. I waved bye to everyone making Ryuko had a pink blush on her face. I walk back over to my place to get ready for bed when I get on my Pajama bottoms I decided to go not get a shirt. I fell asleep but it was weird being in a new bed I tossed and turned in bed.

Morning School Gym

We all stood there as Ryuko was challenged by the Ping Pong club and she was very disinterested in the fight. I just sighed at this due to the fact that there is gonna be more paperwork.

Ping Pong Club President: I'm so glad you have come, Ryuko Matoi! You face Ping Pong Club President Aizenbo Fuguhara! Let's see how you handle...


She began to drink something as she got ready to attack Ryuko. I just yawned as I sat down on the ground ready to watch the battle transpire.

Fuguhara: My Flaming Serve!

Fire was spewing out of her mouth but in a matter of moments, Ryuko quickly ended the battle stripping all of them of their Goku Uniforms.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

I was in my house taking care of the paperwork checking off the clubs that Ryuko has defeated.

You: Folk Dance Club OK, Swimming Club OK, Pottery, Arts, and Crafts OK, Ping Pong Club OK, Origami Club I leave that blank, Tightrope Walking Club OK, Knife Throwing Club OK and Nanjing Lily Club OK. I hope Mako is handling this stress okay with the meetings.

Ryuko was face to face with the Origami Club.

Origami Club President: Let's fight! You face the Origami Club President Tatamu Otte!


Ryuko defeats them fast stripping another club of their Goku Uniforms.

Ryuko: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

You: Woohoo... More paperwork.

Later at home, I was sprawled out on the bed of my new home. I was sick of moving again even if my living standards are better. I had enough of sitting around so I took off to the sky in my costume. I began to think about my ma and pa because I felt bad that I was living a good life and they were stuck on the farm. Suddenly a cry for help alerted me as I rushed to see a woman getting mugged. Quickly I rushed down there to apprehend the purse snatcher and when he saw me, he quickly fired a couple of rounds at my chest but the bullets ricochet off me. I used my heat vision to make the gun hot as he let go of the burning gun I then grab his wrist and tied him to a pillar. I grabbed the purse from him and gave it back to the woman that cleared my mind helping people who really needed it but I head home because it was a long day of school again. I notice that Mako's family changed ever since they moved into their new home well money changes people. I just sighed because I hated this new place, I was raised with the values to appreciate what you have.

You: This is not the life I wanted to live, I enjoy a simple setting not being pampered. Wait, I can buy my pa medicine to help him since I am now rich. I can get ma something nice but me, I don't deserve this! I don't deserve to be rich. I miss my old home the one I worked on with my bare hands heh.

Morning in the School Gym

Me, Mako and Ryuko walked into the gym seeing the room filled with club members. I sighed as this meant more paperwork for me. I was wearing a business suit and Mako was also wearing a business suit as well. I looked at the clothes and I thought I didn't look half bad in this suit.

Mako: All right, Ryuko! You're going to fight every single person in this gym!

Ryuko: What?

The gym was freaking madhouse as everyone was fighting each other and well this was going to be interesting to see Ryuko take on all these guys and gals.

Ryuko: Seriously?

Mako pulled out a megaphone from her shirt as then turned it on to speak to the people in the gym.

Mako: I am Fight Club President Mako Mankanshoku! Club member Ryuko Matoi hereby challenges all of you to a fight! Let's have a good, clean fight!

Ryuko took all of them on as she manages to defeat them all but she was worn out and I can tell. I and Mako walked up to her as Ryuko was trying to rest.

Mako: Good fight, Ryuko. Let's head out to the field for your next ones.

Mako walked out of the gym but Ryuko moved slowly due to exhaustion. I sighed looking at this my best friend has changed but I follow after them because it was weird standing in a gym full of unconscious naked students. I hated the attention I got from this as girls swoon over me and I just ignore it, I'm not gonna lie I miss not being noticed. Ryuko would get mad if they were to talk to me and I don't know but we moved on to the next battle. Ryuko took on the Football club as I worked on more paperwork for this then she took on the baseball club beating them. It meant more paperwork for me as I calculated the numbers in my head to take care of all the responsibilities I had. This was really bothering me as I went over to check on the Mankanshoku family but they were gone except Ryuko. I felt really bad for her so when I got in I pulled up a chair next to her as no one needs to eat alone.

You: I came by to check on you guys but all of them are gone, living this kind of life really gotten to them.

Ryuko: Yeah... I thought you had paperwork to take care of.

You: Finished early, listen Ryuko you are always welcome to dine with me. I'll even bring ma.

Ryuko: T-That would be nice...

You: Well I have to go, I have to submit all this paperwork or I'll never hear the end of it! Hehe take care Ryuko and you too Senketsu.

I walked out as I heard Ryuko sighing this made me feel really bad for her no one should ever feel this lonely. Like I did back in Elementary school.

Tomorrow School Courtyard

I stood silently as I didn't like that Ryuko had to take on the Elite Four by herself and well if she did I would jump in and help. Mako stood in the center of the courtyard and the stands are filled with students.

Mako: The day when we face off against the Elite Four is here at last! If we win this battle, the Fight Club will stand supreme on the Student Council! We'll have both honor and the luxury we can stand!

She began to laugh as I thought that she lost it. Ryuko suddenly walks up to Mako and Mako was displeased at this.

Mako: You're late, Ryuko! The final showdown is here at last!

Ryuko tossed a envelope at her face making Mako confused.

Mako: What's this?

Ryuko: My letter of resignation from the club.

Mako: Huh? What are you saying?!

Ryuko: I'm quitting Fight Club.

Mako: You can't! If you quit now, we'll be sent back to the slums!

Ryuko: I'm okay with that.

Mako: I'm not! I'm never going back there!

Suddenly a wardrobe closet fell from the sky behind Mako making her fall to the ground.

Ryuko: What the...?

Light shined down from the top of the tower as we knew who it was Satsuki Kiryuin up to no good again.

Satsuki: Fight Club President Mako Mankanshoku! Your Two-Star Goku Uniform is inside that wardrobe!

Mako: My uniform?

You: Do I really have to intervene?

Satsuki: If you want to keep your current social standing and lifestyle, fight and defeat Ryuko Matoi!

Ryuko: Say what?

Satsuki: Defeat Matoi, and I will grant you a Three-Star Goku Uniform.

Mako: Lady Satsuki...

You: That is a low blow

Ryuko: That's playing dirty, Kiryuin!

Satsuki: The choice of whether to accept lies with Mankanshoku.

Ryuko: You bitch!

You: This looks like a job for...

Ryuko began to transform like she usually does as I just stop what I was doing.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

Satsuki: Don't be so hasty. I'm not the one you face today.

Suddenly the wardrobe exploded with Mako being a Two-Star Goku uniform that looked similar to Jataro's from JoJo's bizarre adventure. I gritted my teeth as this was the lowest thing she could do.

Mako: Fight Club-spec... Two-Star Goku Uniform! Fight Club President Mako Mankanshoku!

You: Grrgh... Making two friends fight that is a dirty move!

Ryuko and Mako began to stare each other down as they were ready to fight each other.

Aikuro: They're having a falling out?

Nonon: That's our Lady Satsuki. She plays dirty.

Inumuta: Does she, though?

Mako: Ryuko! Say your prayers!

Mako ran towards Ryuko then did a dropkick that Ryuko manages to block. But Mako jumps up in the air ready to attack again as she threw here brass knuckles at Ryuko and they get deflected. Then Ryuko got hit by some random objects causing her to fall down but she quickly gets back up to rush at Mako. Mako tried hitting Ryuko with a baseball bat but Ryuko blocked it which caused a shock of energy to make a cloud of dirt surrounding them.

Ryuko: Mako, cut it out!

Mako: I can't, not when we finally have a life of luxury! I can't go back to being poor!

Ryuko: Idiot, snap out of it! Mr. and Mrs. Mankanshoku!

Mako's family arrived in a fancy looking car. Using that little distraction Mako hits Ryuko away with a bat causing her to tumble but still recovering from that.

Ryuko: Damn it!

Barazo: Mako, what are you...

Ryuko: Stop! Mako's not in her right mind right now! If you try to stop her, you'll put yourselves in danger, too!

Her family went to the stands to watch the fight and I just sighed at this.

You: Bruh!

Barazo: What are you standing around for?! Hurry up and beat the tar out of Ryuko!

I pinched my nose out the spite of this redundant situation. Ryuko was confused by this.

Sukuyo: Yes, rush her!

Mataro: Send her straight to Hell!

You: I'm so going to have a talk with them after this.

Ryuko: You're not gonna try and stop her?!

A chain wrapped around Ryuko restraining her.

Barazo: Sorry, Ryuko m'dear. But we can't give up the lifestyle to which we've become accustomed.

Sukuyo: Don't worry! We'll make sure to enjoy the life for you, too!

I took off my glasses and I gave them a warning glare with my red eyes from a heat vision. I didn't fire it though it was just a warning. Ryuko gasped after hearing that but she was yanked away by Mako.

Satsuki: Observe, Matoi! This is human nature in its purest form! Prosperity will lead to greed, and greed will lead to their eventual downfall! Once they have a taste of worldly pleasures they're enslaved by it forever! They've become slaves to this academy I have created! Truly they are pigs in human clothing! Pigs which must be tamed by force!

Mako was whipping Ryuko back and forth with the chain then Mako tried throwing Ryuko but she broke out of the chains but she still crashed to the ground. Mako then jumps up aiming her baseball bat at Ryuko firing a rocket at her. When Ryuko hit the rocket it exploded on contact I knew she was still alive but Mako didn't. Ryuko was back to normal as the smoke cleared.

Senketsu: What's the matter, Ryuko?

Ryuko: I'll be fine like this...

You: I see what you are doing Matoi.

Mako walks over to Ryuko punching her then kicked her upward. That sends Ryuko tumbling backward, her family cheered for Mako to kill Ryuko which made me want to slap them. Mako was laying a flurry of punches on Ryuko each one connecting. Getting faster which each punch until she knocks Ryuko back I watch to see what happens. Mako kept beating on Ryuko all the way until the sun started setting.

Mako: It's all over!

Mako was running at Ryuko as her family chanted "Get her!" I was disappointed in them. She kept running at Ryuko but when she smiled this causes Mako to stop in her tracks.

Mako: W-Why? Why aren't you stopping me?! If you keep this up, Ryuko's gonna die! Dad, Mom, why aren't you trying to stop me?! And you call yourselves parents?!

Barazo: Y-You're mad at us?

You: Why wouldn't she be you're letting her fight her best friend to the death and you aren't even trying to stop her! That is not what parents do!

Barazo: W-Wow...

Mako had tears coming down from her eyes.

Mako: When I became club president and our lives improved, I thought we, we had a sparkle in our eyes. I thought our whole family was glowing. But we weren't? It was just a nasty glint? We were just being blinded by greed? It wasn't a twinkle, it was a dazzling glimmer of glint?!

Her tears made a puddle on the ground which made me feel bad for Mako.

Mako: We're the worst! Dad and all you guys, too! And so am I!

She punched the ground which had made the area combust sending a lot of people back except me. I didn't even felt the shockwave but I just stood where I originally was. Once the blinding light clears we see that she formed a crater in the ground which made Mako confused.

Ryuko: I guess this is the real power of your Goku Uniform, Mako. You never attacked me all-out.

Senketsu: You knew that, and that's why you stood there and took the beating?

Ryuko: Mako was fighting hard, too. Against her own desires.

Mako: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Ryuko!

Ryuko: Take that silly thing off.

Mako: Yeah!


Mako: As of today, Fight Club is disbanded! Mako Mankanshoku will go back to being a No-Star!

She snapped the Fight Club sign in half I was cheering because I wanted everything to go back to normal, well as normal as it usually gets.


Ryuko: Kiryuin! Humans aren't as weak as you say they are! People can suppress their desires through sheer willpower!

Mako: Ryuko, do it!

Mako took off her Goku Uniform throwing it towards Ryuko who transformed again.

Ryuko: With pleasure! Finishing move: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

She chopped the Goku Uniform to shreds which somehow turned into fireworks and I was confused on what the hell happened. I just ripped my business suit off revealing my White T-Shirt and boxers I didn't wear my costume underneath today. I walked over to Mako and Ryuko who were watching the fireworks. I was munching on popcorn as I shared some with them. Satsuki walks away disappointed by this.

You: Well this is embarrassing being in my boxers in public.

Ryuko blushed at me when she saw me in nightly attire. I just laughed it off though since I wasn't the only one in underwear.

Mankanshoku Family: We're sorry!

Mako's family rushed down to us taking off their fancy clothes being in underwear like me and Mako.

Barazo: I, Barazo Mankanshoku, will never live this down!

Sukuyo: I'll never act so disgracefully ever again!

Mataro: I'm so ashamed, letting my desires get the better of me!

They all rolled down and bowed right in front of us.

Mankanshoku Family: We're so very sorry!

Even Mako started bowing with them.

Mankanshoku Family: We're so sorry!

Ryuko: Pull a stunt like that again, and I won't be so nice next time, got it?

Mankanshoku Family: Yes, ma'am!

When this happened I rushed home and got on some jeans and packed my stuff. I dusted my hands off for a job well done in the house cleaning. I had all my stuff in a pile behind us and I noticed that Ryuko smiled. I wasn't really too happy about the situation I found out about.

You: Hehe turns out my original house was destroyed because they tore it down so I may need a place to stay a while. Hehe...

Later at the Mankanshoku house

As dinner was ready we at the table as we folded our hands ready to eat.

Everyone: Itadakimasu!

We all digged in as it was good to have everything back to normal well not as normal as it use to be since my house was destroyed. I kind of pouted about that since I put a lot of work on that house.

Mataro: Nothing beats your Mystery Crosquettes, Mom!

Barazo: You said it! They're best in Japan!

You: They are really good! Thanks for letting me stay here!

Sukuyo: No problem (F/N), you boys eat all you like!

Ryuko: Yeah, these are so good!

Senketsu: Your lively dinners have returned.

You: It's better when you eat with other people

Ryuko: Yeah, this is how this family should be!

We all kept eating the food until everyone except me got full. I typed my journal entry for today as we all began to go to sleep.

(Y/T): So this is my new life, huh maybe it won't be so bad. I hope ma and pa are doing okay without me there. The battle with the school will soon have it's end, but I still wonder about Darkseid. For now signing off.

I fell asleep like everyone else did and it was a bit uncomfortable but I soon fell asleep.

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