Chapter 22 : King of the Hill

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Ryuko and Gamagoori glared at each other. I don't know why I have to fight like I am on the Elite Four but I guess for now I'll play their little game.

Jakuzure: What's this? You talk like you're going to be the first to fight.

You: Well I hope our training really helped you Ryuko. Even though we have to fight I still believe in you Matoi.

Ryuko: Fine by me! I'll take you all on!

Inumuta: You really are a fool.

Ryuko: Say what?!

Inumuta: We said one-on-one, didn't we? Each of us wants to defeat your Kamui with his own power well maybe not (F/N).

Satsuki: Who will fight when has already been decided. Haven't you noticed that the pillars you stand on are of different heights? The more students you have defeated, the higher your pillar. Gamagoori defeated the fewest, so he is first. Then Inimuta will fight, followed by Jakuzure, and then (F/N).

You: Well I guess I did go a little overboard with the defeats this past couple of days.

Inumuta: With the powers, you possess allowed you to get this far.

Jakuzure: Well, well. The one who suggested this is at the top of the lineup, huh? It's sweet that you're so considerate of your fellow students, Gama.

Gamagoori: All I did was defend myself when attacked. Still, I suppose this means that you three won't get a chance at her!

Ryuko was about to attack but Gamagoori just stood there not doing anything.

Ryuko: What's the holdup?! Get to it, already!

Gamagoori: What are you in such a hurry for? The battle begins at 1 pm!

Gamagoori points to a timer on below them and Ryuko looks down there. It says 8:55 which means we have to wait a while.

Ryuko: What difference does the time make? Let's get it over with!

Gamagoori: No, we will abide by the schedule. That is what discipline is about! That is what rules are about!

A loudspeaker begins to play music as an announcement was prepared.

Loudspeaker: The Honnouji Academy King of the Hill Final Battle will be held starting at 1 pm today! It will be a bloody clash between the three of the Honnouji Academy Student Council Elite Four, Superman, and Second Year Class K's Ryuko Matoi. Special live coverage will be brought to you on Honnouji Television! Grandmas, grandpas, fathers, mothers, and all good little children let's all watch it together!

The whole town began to cheer for this.

Barazo: What?! Ryuko's gonna fight them?! We can't just sit here! Mataro, go steal us a TV set from somewhere!

Mataro: No prob! I got us one a long time ago for just such an occasion!

Mataro brings out a TV as him and Barazo rush to turn it on.

Barazo: Attaboy, Mataro!

They sat in front of the TV as Matro tried turning it on but no luck as it was still off.

Sukuyo: It's not showing anything.

Mataro: Huh?

Barazo: You tried hitting it?

Mataro hits the TV but no luck as they all began to dig around inside but there was nothing inside. There were no parts inside the TV and Barazo tosses Mataro outside throwing the TV at him as well.

Barazo: There's no parts inside! No other choice, then! Let's go to the electronics store!

Everyone came running out of the house as Mataro follows after them. I sat outside eating an Ice cream cone because I didn't get to enjoy mine the last time. Ryuko and Mako began to eat lunch together but I didn't bother talking to them since I had to fight Ryuko.

Mako: Here, Ryuko! Have some tea!

Ryuko: Yeah!

She began drinking the tea she drank it pretty fast. I finished my ice cream as the creamy delicious flavor was enough to make my taste buds go crazy.

You: What's next the burger I got Jimmy's diner where I went to as a kid. They have the best burgers in my opinion.

I began to eat the burger with a smile as the flavor was just so good to me.

Mako: Eating Mom's boxed lunches gives you 1 million horsepower! You'll win for sure!

???: What a pickle this is, Matoi...

Mr. Mikisugi walks up to Ryuko and Mako while Ryuko glared at him while Mako was confused.

Mako: Mr. Mikisugi! Did you come here to cheer Ryuko on, too?

Aikuro: Yes, that's right. After all, I'm her homeroom teacher, more or less.

He stuck Mako with a needle which froze her in place which made Ryuko get up angry at him.

Ryuko: You bastard! What did you do to Mako?!

He ran his fingers through his hair putting it back where he only has a couple of bangs.

Aikuro: It's a freezing point. I've knocked her out for a bit, that's all, so don't worry.

Ryuko: So what the hell do you want?

Aikuro: Drop out of the fight against (F/N) and the three Elite Four members.

Ryuko: Say what?!

Aikuro: They're on an entirely different level from the club presidents you've faced. If you are crazy enough to face all of them in a row, I don't know what will happen to you and Senketsu.

Ryuko: If you don't know, keep your opinions to yourself.

Aikuro: Ryuko...

Ryuko: Or are you going to tell me everything? Stuff like why my father was killed.

Aikuro: I... can't do that.

Ryuko: Then shut your mouth and watch from the sidelines.

She got out her scissor blade that was in a small size like a knife and pointed it at Aikuro.

Ryuko: Me and Senketsu will beat Satsuki Kiryuin. And then I'll wring the truth out of her. With my two hands. Hurry up and snap Mako out of it. Talking to her makes me feel a whole lot better than talking to you.

He just grunts but he pulls the needle out of Mako's head as she unfroze.

Mako: I'll be cheering her all the way! Because she's my friend!

Aikuro: Yes, of course! Don't push yourself too hard, okay? I'd rather not get on the Student Council's has side because of you.

He walks away from them and I heard the whole conversation while I had finished my food. Ryuko just growls while eating her food then she glares at me.

Mako: Is something the matter?

She snaps out of her glare and smiles at Mako.

Ryuko: Nope! Your mom's lunches are delicious! Seriously they're great.

You: Well then... Time to get going.

I walk off to take my place on my pillar as the students were cheering for the battle to happen. Everyone was there ready to do battle I just folded my arms as the time was now 1:00. Satsuki taps her sword on the ground which made a sound that echoed causing everyone to get silent.

Satsuki: Begin!

A horn went off as stairs from Gamagoori and Ryuko's pillars unfolded. They both walk down the stairs to the arena.

Ryuko: His Goku uniform has a double transformation. He's a tough customer. You listening, Senketsu?

Senketsu: Oh. Yes.

Ryuko: What's wrong?

Senketsu: Nothing. I was just thinking.

Ryuko: You have an idea?

Senketsu: Possibly.

Ryuko: He's a formidable enemy. Keep your mind on the fight. Remember we trained with (F/N).

Senketsu: I know. I will.

Ryuko: Let's do it!

Ryuko pulled the pin allowing her to transform as usual while they finally got the arena.

Gamagoori: Consider that your final transformation, Matoi!

Gamagoori began to transform as well his Goku Unifrom look almost like a mummy but restrained.

Gamagoori: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Shackle Regalia!


Ryuko walked up to Gamagoori with an angry look on her face. They were just standing there for a moment.

Gamagoori: Hey.

Ryuko: What?

Gamagoori: Do you want to fight or not?!

Ryuko: Of course!

Gamagoori: Then why aren't you attacking me?!

Ryuko: I'll throw what your buddy said this morning back in your face. You really are a fool, aren't ya?

Gamagoori: What did you say?

Ryuko: I know your Goku Uniform absorbs the power of any attacks against you and turns it back on the attacker! You know I can't just attack you!

Gamagoori: I see. So you really are a fool.

Ryuko: Come again?

Gamagoori: Do you think that I hadn't anticipated something so obvious?

The bandages unraveled from him as they acted like whip?

Ryuko: What the...?

He then expanded to a blob size as the clothing still whipped around. He was bloating up more and more.

Gamagoori: Even if no one disciplines me, I discipline myself! I use my own techniques to punish myself! I punish and punish and punish myself, and bring myself to a climax! This is my Higi Jijo-Jibaku!


Ryuko: No way?!

You: So he's a masochist. This school is freaking weird!

Gamagoori: Now, let me show you!

All bandages unravel as he now was free to move his arms and legs and he definitely looked like a mummy now.

Gamagoori: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Scourge Regalia!


A bunch of the whips lashes out at Ryuko  and they spread all over the place. One hits me but it had no effect upon me, Ryuko was getting whipped by a bunch of the cloth. As she gets knocked down Gamagoori towered over her as the whips keep going on.

Gamagoori: What are you waiting for? If you fall out of the battle arena, you lose right then and there!

Ryuko: Nobody said that was a rule!

Gamagoori: That's why I saying so now! Are we clear, Matoi?

Ryuko: Crystal clear! Thank you ever so much!

Ryuko stood up but she began to get whipped again then the bandages wrap back around Gamagoori. Ryuko was knocked on the ground again.

Gamagoori: You acknowledge that a contest of endurance against me is futile? All right, what's your next move?

Ryuko: In that case... I'll just adopt standard tactics!

She got up and slashed at Gamagoori she was doing her signature move.

Ryuko: Finishing move: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

Gamagoori began to bloat up from that attack as Ryuko jumped back from him.

Senketsu: His uniform has no Life Fibers on it's surface. There is nothing for me to absorb!

Ryuko: No way!

Gamagoori: Surprised? My Shackle Regalia's surface is cloth armor, reinforced by means of special powers. To absorb its Life Fibers, you will have to pierce the cloth armor and thrust your blade into the uniform proper!

Ryuko: I'll just have to cut all the way to the inside, then!

Ryuko ran over to strike at Gamagoori but when she did her blade just bounced off. This causes Gamagoori to bloat up even bigger.

Gamagoori: Is that wise? If you attack me, I become that much stronger! Scourge Regalia!

The cloth unraveled again as they go all over the place hitting Ryuko.

Mako: Ryuko!

Ryuko was getting whipped around but she then manages to block the attacks. I was not worried because she could overcome these odds.

Gamagoori: Impressive. That Kamui is feeding me power greater than any other Goku Uniform! Blame your own power that I can keep fighting with my Scourge Regalia for so long.

Gamagoori released more whips hitting Ryuko a bunch of times.

Jakuzure: Oh, dear. What's the matter, transfer student? You're more of a push over than I was expecting.

Inumuta: The Disciplinary Committee Chair's forehead is more wrinkled than usual. Because to him, this is a fight in the presence of his Empress. No wonder he's giving it his all.

You: Come Matoi, use that head of yours. Think of a way to get past the cloth.

Satsuki: Matoi. The resolve of this man, Gamagoori, is nothing to sneeze at.

Ryuko finally got to blocking again but that still wasn't enough for her to win.

Gamagoori: I told you! I am Lady Satsuki's ultimate shield! I will crush you here and now!

Ryuko: Like hell you will l! I'm not about to lose to you!

Gamagoori: What are you even fighting for? Out of rage for your father's murder? You're petty! Petty! Petty! If you challenge her out of a personal vendetta, a great being like Satsuki Kiryuin won't be budged!

Ryuko: What?!

Gamagoori: And not just her! You'll never be able to defeat me, either!

One of the whips hit Ryuko in the face which sent her flying back almost out of the arena. But she saved herself with her blade and straps which the for some reason the camera was focusing on her cleavage. I just had a shocked face while some people were having nosebleeds.

Mako: Oh, gosh!

Senketsu: Are you all right, Ryuko?

Ryuko: Yeah, I'm in rough shape, though... But I can't drop out, not now.

She managed to get back up there with Gamagoori in his Shackle Regalia state standing there.

Gamagoori: So, not only are you a fool, you're a sore loser.

Ryuko: What's bad around here is your luck. The bad luck of getting stuck fighting me!

Ryuko began to slash viciously at Gamagoori but none of the hits did nothing to him. Gamagoori began to get bigger and bigger from the hits.

Aikuro: That's no good. Has she finally lost all capacity for rational thought?

Gamagoori: Struggle all you want, you don't have a chance of winning! Learn your place as a student and quietly accept my discipline! Scourge Regalia!

Gamagoori was now in his Scourge Regalia state again lashing out a bunch of whips. This time Ryuko twirls her blade like a helicopter slicing the whips.

Ryuko: As if! If I lose to the likes of you, I'll never learn who killed my dad no matter how long I try!

Mako: Go get him, Ryuko!

Gamagoori: It still hasn't sunk through that skull of yours? Disciplinary Committee Chair Ira Gamagoori! By shackling myself and whipping myself mercilessly, I tried to set an example for the students. "See my behavior and correct your own!" They would mend their ways of their own accord. To impose order on the independence of Honnouji Academy's students! The Shackle Regalia is the very embodiment of that desire! And to those who still refuse to learn, I held back my tears and gave them a taste of the cleansing whip! That is Scourge Regalia! If you refuse the whip of love, then you leave me no choice! Let me show you the true terror of the Shackle Regalia!

The ball gag in his mouth broke while he spawns three spiky rings in each hand.

Gamagoori: Ryuko Matoi, your independence is revoked! I'm going to mold you into a proper student!

Gamagoori throws the rings at Ryuko as she reflects them and the whips at the same time.

Gamagoori: Where do you get off, anyway, modifying your sailor uniform into that slutty outfit?! How utterly depraved! How utterly deviant!

Ryuko: What about your precious Lady Satsuki, then?!

Gamagoori: She is an exception! Her form is made up of her iron will and well-trained body.

Ryuko: Don't give me that self-serving garbage!

Ryuko's blade was whipped out of her hand the point of the blade stabbed into the ground. Then she was wrapped up by the rings as she couldn't move.

Ryuko: Crap! I'm wrapped up!

Gamagoori: Did I rattle you because I hit too close to home? All right, Ryuko Matoi, I'm going to mold you into shape now! This mold is of the ideal, proper female high school student.

His hands began to form a mold of a female student.

Gamagoori: "A proper spirit starts with a proper shape." Have a taste of this mold... And reflect in your wicked ways!

He slams his hands together trying to mold Ryuko into a proper student. The gap gets smaller and smaller as she has a hard time trying to get out of it.

Gamagoori: Struggle! Struggle!

Mako: She's like a human taiyaki!

You: Come one now are you just going to let him do that!

Gamagoori: I won't give up! I'll keep at it and relentlessly try to straighten you out! I will mold you! I will mold you into a proper student!

Senketsu: Do you want to win, Ryuko?

Ryuko: You're asking me an obvious question like that now?!

Senketsu: If you do, I have an idea.

Ryuko: That thing you were thinking about earlier?

Senketsu: Yes. Will you let me handle this?

Ryuko: Got it!

Ryuko began to sparkle as she breaks away from Gamagoori's mold and get out of the rings. She had reverted back to normal.

Aikuro: Ah, she used the power of her transformation disengaging to break free from the shackles.

Gamagoori: Oh, so my words finally got through to you? I see that you have returned to a more proper appearance!

Ryuko: Who would listen to you, you big pervert?

Gamagoori: In that case, taste the ultimate whip of love!

A big whip lashes out at Ryuko hitting her but Senketsu was biting into it. When he wrapped himself up Ryuko was wrapped up too.

Gamagoori: So, you're applying the idea that "Even the Hunter spares the bird that flies to his bosom"? But I must warn you, I'm not that sentimental! I'll strangle you right here!

The cloth began to tighten around Ryuko which probably made it hard for her to breathe.

Gamagoori: Having trouble breathing? But without your Scissor Blade, you have no way to fight back!

Jakuzure: Uh-oh. Is it all over?

Inumuta: A shame, I wanted to gather more Kamui data.

You: It's not over yet!

Satsuki: Gamagoori, that was foolish.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize...!

She bite the pin as she began to transform inside of the bandages ripping holes. Gamagoori began to jump around screaming as he began to sparkle spikes were ripping through the clothing. Ryuko broke free of Gamagoori. Ryuko had a more spiky appearance in her transformed state.

Gamagoori: What?

Ryuko: Senketsu Senjin!


Gamagoori: She turned her Kamui into a blade?

Ryuko jumps back grabbing her blade then lunges at Gamagoori.

Ryuko: You don't have enough energy to transform into your Scourge Regalia! Too late! Your Life Fibers are totally exposed now!

Ryuko began to boost over to Gamagoori , when she got over to Gamagoori she slashed him which resulted in him being stripped of his Goku Uniform.

Ryuko: Finishing move: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

Gamagoori: I-Impossible!

Gamagoori Goku uniform's Life Fiber were absorbed by Senketsu. The two Elite Four members were shocked and I just grinned.

Satsuki: Become obsessed with resolve, and even that will turn to arrogance. A shame.


Everyone sitting in the seats were cheering for Ryuko and I even clapped myself. Ryuko reverted back to normal as now that leaves Inumuta, Jakuzure, and then me. I was kind of excited to test Ryuko's newfound abilities because I don't have to save her ass all the time.

Ryuko: Just like you planned, Senketsu!

Senketsu: If a Goku Uniform can transform, it is unthinkable that I cannot do the same.

Ryuko: That positive outlook of yours is what I love about you, Senketsu!

Aikuro: It's learned to alter its configuration based on battlefield conditions. I'm impressed, Ryuko. Still, I guess I can't simply be happy about it...

The whole arena was filled with smoke but when the smoke cleared Gamagoori was crying. He looked like he was ready to kill himself.

Gamagoori: Disgraceful! That was disgraceful, Ira Gamagoori!

He was unsheathing a sword when he did he tried to stab himself in the stomach but was stopped by Satsuki Kiryuin.

Gamagoori: Lady... Satsuki...

Satsuki: Wipe away your own years. It's too early to kneel in defeat.

Satsuki walked away and Gamagoori falls back.

Ryuko: That's one down, Kiryuin!

Inumuta: I suppose that means... That I will be your next opponent, Matoi.

Inumuta was walking down the stairs as he adjusted his glasses.

Satsuki: You are free to rest, Matoi!

Ryuko: Get Real! I gotta waste your chumps and then come after you! That even means I will have to defeat you, (F/N)!

You: We'll see.

Mako: Ryuko...

Inumuta finally got down to the arena as he was ready to challenge Ryuko.

Ryuko: Okay, let's get to it.

Inumuta: So impatient... Still, I hate to waste time, too.

You: After him, it's her then me. I feel like a final boss.

Ryuko and Inumuta stood on opposite  sides of the arena as the crowd cheered for them.

Aikuro: The second of the Elite Four...

Mako: Is Ryuko gonna be okay? If I was allowed to be her assistant, I'd be right there looking after her!

Gamagoori plopped in a spot next to Mako. He was half naked due to him not having a Goku Uniform anymore.

Mako: G-Gamagoori! And you're half-naked!

Gamagoori: Don't be afraid, Mankanshoku. I am now a No-Star, the same rank as you. To observe this battle, it is only fitting that I do so from these spectator seats where the No-Stars are gathered. Lady Satsuki, Ira Gamagoori will surely work his way back up from this shame! I won't allow your kindness towards me to be in vain!

Mako: Oh, I get it! You want to fight me right here and now, right? I'm cheering on Ryuko and (F/N) with all I've got, so I won't let anyone interfere, not even you! Even though Ryuko and (F/N) have to fight each other.

Gamagoori: How amusing! Even with you cheering her on, Lady Satsuki's stronghold won't budge one iota!

Mako: But it did budge! You lost, remember?

Gamagoori: Inumuta, win! Trounce her thoroughly and utterly!

Mako: Ryuko, take him out! You can do it!

Gamagoori: You can hear me, Inumuta?!

Inumuta: Time to hit the noise canceller... I'm not interested in hearing a beaten dog yap away.

You: Huh?

Inumuta: That Kamui transformation was most fascinating, but you overexerted yourself in your fight against Gamagoori, don't you think? You are breathing heavily and your heart rate is elevated.

Ryuko: Don't you worry about me. Let's get this started!

Satsuki: Round Two... Begin.

A horn goes off again signaling the second fight.

Inumuta: Understood.

Inumuta transformed into a techno-like outfit this makes the crowd cheer. He was typing on a bunch of holo keyboards that were on his uniform.

Inumuta: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Probe Regalia.


Ryuko: " Probe Regalia," huh? Seems more restrained than the others...

Inumuta was scanning Ryuko as they speak well it was obvious since he has been keeping tabs on me.

Senketsu: And yet, it makes me uneasy. As if I am being stripped naked.

Ryuko: Figures, he is their intel chief. We don't know what his deal is, so let's be careful. Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

Ryuko now transforms to be a match for Inumuta, well this is gonna be a long day. Inumuta was still typing on those digital keyboards all over his Goku Uniform.

Inumuta: So, she's starting off with Stage 1, her standard combat mode, eh?

Ryuko lunged at Inumuta but he was reading her every move right there. He dodged Ryuko's attack but was suddenly hit by an unexpected attack. This was only the beginning of the battle.

Inumuta: She's even faster than I predicted?

Ryuko stood there in a proud manner but Inumuta was still scanning her to find out a weakness.

Ryuko: I know your type. You guys are always spouting crap like, "I've analyzed all your capabilities" or "I can anticipate all your moves!" There's only one way to beat somebody like you: To be reckless!

You: Being arrogant like that is going to get her into trouble. What a dumbass, but still she stands a good chance.

Ryuko ran circles around Inumuta, she went faster and faster until it appeared she was in multiple places at once. I had no problem tracking her movements.

Inumuta: I see. That's why you exerted yourself right away and boosted your reaction speed higher than I predicted. Boosting your Life Fiber link through force of will, eh? The methodology is the same as that of the Goku Uniforms, but, given that yours is 100% Life Fibers, its effect is that much greater. But I wonder, how long can your body keep this up?

Ryuko: It ain't about if I can or not, I will make it last.

Ryuko rushes at Inumuta but something was off.

Inumuta: I expect nothing less from Ryuko Matoi! Why is it that the human body can move like that simply by putting on clothing made of Life Fibers? Show me the reason why with your actions!

He dodged her strike which confused Ryuko as her blade struck the ground. Inumuta was no where to be seen in Ryuko's eyes.

Ryuko: What the?! He vanish?!

Mako: He disappeared!

Gamagoori: When Houka Inumuta's Goku Uniform shines, white butterflies flutter to rest on a snowman. He did not vanish! This is optical camouflage!

Mako: Nuh-uh! There's no butterflies in winter! They die when it snows!

Gamagoori: I should have known, Mankanshoku. You totally missed the point.

I saw Inumuta clear as day due to my sight I can see the bioelectric aura emitting from him.

Inumuta: When it comes to haphazard attacks, the most effective thing to do is dodge them. What's more, if the target is counterattacked, the psychological damage is all the greater.

Ryuko was hit in the back but she couldn't see where he was. A flurry of hits were impacted on Ryuko which almost made her fall out of the arena.

Inumuta: There's nowhere to run! If I can only gather obvious data like this, I'll be very disappointed!

He hit Ryuko with a flurry of kicks but she blocked them.

Ryuko: Senketsu, time for Plan #2! Get Really Reckless!

Senketsu: Understood! Eat this!

Suddenly Senketsu's eye expanded at a grotesque rate which made me raise an eyebrow.

Inumuta: What? That eye is totally huge!

Ryuko: If I can't see where you are, I'll just have to attack everywhere at the same time!

Her outfit was tugging on her as it was used to increase Senketsu's size. Inumuta was a little worried about this as his systems said evasion is impossible.

Inumuta: E-Evasion... Impossible!

Ryuko slammed Senketsu to the ground which covered Inumuta. His head was in the ground like an ostrich.

Mako: I can see him!

Jakuzure: Oh, dear. It looks like the shock of that attack has wrecked that hide-and-seek ability of his.

You: Well this may give her the edge she needs then! She could win.

Jakuzure: You're only cheering her on cause she is your friend!

Inumuta plucked his head out of the ground but was meant to a blade pointing at him.

Ryuko: See that? Make a crazy attack even crazier, and it'll hit. Let's do it, Senketsu!

Senketsu: Your blood is boiling even hotter than usual.

Ryuko: Yeah, 'cause I can stop here!

Inumuta: I'm at at the limits of my processing capacity?

His outfit began to short out a bit as Ryuko was preparing for a final attack. But he just reverts back to normal like he was surrendering.

Inumuta: Houka Inumuta hereby forfeits this battle!


Everyone just gasps at this and I was even confused my own self as to why he would quit like that.

Ryuko: What are you up to?

Ryuko reverted back to normal as well and I don't have a good feeling about this.

Inumuta: If I continue fighting, the data I've gathered so far would be damaged.

Ryuko: Say what?

Inumuta: What I want is data. Not victory.

He walks away from Ryuko as this was a confusing turn of events.

Jakuzure: That data-lover is grandstanding again...

Satsuki: Jakuzure. Prepare for battle.

You: Aw is the little marching girl afraid to battle the big bad exhibitionist?

Jakuzure: Oh, shut up! Hey, I'm the one who's going to fight next!

You: Heh, well unlike Honnouji Academy I don't need Life Fibers to fight my battles. It will be cake when I get my turn next.

Jakuzure: What are you trying to say?! You're assuming that I'm gonna lose?! Nobody mocks me!

I just sit back as she got all mad about my little banter.

Aikuro: She's cleared the second one, too... That's way better than I expected, but still...

Inumuta sits next to a sleeping Mako pulling out a laptop. Mako woke up pretty fast from that.

Mako: You're here, too, Inumuta?!

Inumuta: I'm just like you. I'm going to observe the fight from here.

Gamagoori: I won't broach the topic of you forfeiting. The way each man fights is his own path to choose. But Inumuta, why are you wearing a tracksuit?! Have you no shame?!

Inumuta: The loser is stripped of his Goku Uniform. Still, I don't recall there being a rule about having to go naked. Surely it's more important to know the rules than it is to know shame, Mr. Disciplinary Committee Chair. Oh, my apologies! Former Disciplinary Chair!

Gamagoori: Thank you for your kind advice, Former Information and Strategy Committee Chair.

Mako: What's with all this tension? The spectator seats have turned into a battleground, too! Fine, I'm not gonna lose, either! Go for it, Mako! Stand strong, Mako Mankanshoku! Hooray! Hooray!

Senketsu: Your friend has finally started cheering for herself.

Ryuko: It sure look that way. Still, that's classic Mako.

Senketsu: Your pulse and respiration have returned to normal. So, she's the key to getting you to relax?

A whisper is blown by Jakuzure.

Jakuzure: Entrance match! Under the Double Eagle!

Jakuzure began to march down the stairs with a marching band as they play Under the Double Eagle. I just sighed but I was also intrigued at the same time to see how this was going to go for Ryuko.

Senketsu: She knows how to make a cheery entrance.

Jakuzure: Sorry for the wait, transfer student. This won't be like the clumsy fights you've had with those boys so far. Prepared to be pummeled cheerfully jauntily, and utterly one-sidedly!

Jakuzure twirls her baton as she began to transform like the others. She forms a giant heart shape tank full of band instruments.

Jakuzure: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Symphony Regalia Grave!


The crowd cheered for her as this was going to be a battle that would be interesting to watch.

Ryuko: That's huge! On what planet is that a uniform?!

Jakuzure: I can get a better sound this way. Okay, for my first song, Light Cavalry Overtune!

The Goku Uniform begins to play music as I saw something was up with this.

Ryuko: She's gonna fight me while playing music?

Senketsu: It's so loud it's hard to do anything...

Ryuko: We can't have that, can we? Let's do it! Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

She transforms pretty quickly after doing so she lunges at Jakuzure but a sound wave from the music pushes Ryuko back.

Senketsu: Her attack packs a whallop...

Jakuzure: The bass really reverberates, doesn't it? Next up is a really sharp performance!

Jakuzure raises her baton as a bunch of music notes attack Ryuko she blocked some but she runs from the rest.

Jakuzure: Dance harder!

Ryuko continues to run from the notes which she runs towards Jakuzure. Jakuzure raised her baton again and another sound wave sent Ryuko flying. It was really loud for the crowd that they had to cover their ears. Ryuko was breathing hard from this but not out of the fight just yet.

Jakuzure: The music us lacking a certain something, you know? Oh I know! It's missing your screams transfer student! In they case, I'm gonna wring a better performance out of you!

Her Goku uniform was modifying itself a bit as more speaker began to show and it begins to take off into the sky.

Jakuzure: Symphony Regalia Presto!


Ryuko: That huge thing is flying?!

Jakuzure: Yes indeed, this big thing us flying! That's my power! The other Elite Four could never do this! I'm the one who can best use this Goku Uniform, this power you got your hands on! Isn't that right, Satsuki?!

Jakuzure's Goku Uniform flew all the way up to the point where Satsuki was standing.

You: Well then... This is something new indeed if she loses that means I'm next. But I only need to draw out Dennis not going overboard. That's if Ryuko wins this fight we'll just have to see.

Jakuzure: Now listen to this! The William Tell Overture finale!

Music played again as music notes were shot out at Ryuko was twirled her blade fast in a circle to deflect them.

Ryuko: Hey! I thought you were disqualified if you left the battle arena!

Jakuzure: Not if you leave it, only if you fall out of it. I'm flying, so no problem!

Ryuko: You weasels are always making up rules on the spot!

Jakuzure: Goodness, it seems like you have time to complain. Let's give you something a taste of something bigger. Let's see if you dodge jauntily! If you can, that is!

Jakuzure was waving her baton around as the airship launched a giant flute missile at Ryuko. Ryuko started running away from it.

Ryuko: Like I said, on what planet is that a uniform?!

The missile exploded behind her which made her fall a bit but she manages to get back up as the smoke cleared. Ryuko used a string to get her scissor blade and twirl it around then tossing it at the airship. The string and the blade wrap around the airship until the blade was stuck into it then spikes from Ryuko's skirt stuck to the ground.

Ryuko: In that case, I'll just have to bring you down to my level!

She pulled the airship out of the sky making it smash to the ground. It bounced a couple of times then Ryuko spins it around.

Jakuzure: I'll cut those... Flimsy ropes of yours!

Cymbal shot out trying to cut the string but it just bounces off.

Ryuko: Each part of Senketsu's body is a bundle of Life Fibers! You think you can cut him that easily?

Mako: Attagirl, Ryuko!

Inumuta: It's true, cutting Life Fibers is difficult. But what about the ground?

Jakuzure: Right! So let's see how you like this!

Staff lines shot out of Jakuzure's Goku Uniform which hit the ground surrounding Ryuko.

Senketsu: I can withstand an explosion like this!

An explosion happens as Ryuko's spikes were out from the ground as it began to crack.

Ryuko: It's no use, the ground ms giving out beneath us!

The ground completely breaks as she is now falling. I still had a little hope for her in this battle.

Jakuzure: Oh dear, she's fallen.

Ryuko now on a piece of the arena still  falling down.

Ryuko: Senketsu, can you do something that's really, really reckless?

Senketsu: I'll do my best!

Jakuzure: You're finished!

Jakuzure launches more flute missiles at Ryuko. They explode causing a bunch of students to fly up. I stood perfectly still in my place not even moving an inch. A light shines upon Ryuko as the area was covered with smoke. When the smoke clears a bit Ryuko is boosting up in the sky like a jet at Jakuzure.

Satsuki: It evolved into a flying configuration in so short of a time?

Ryuko: That's my Senketsu! You can do anything if you try! Did you see that?! Senketsu Shippu!


You: Well now Matoi, you never cease to amaze me.

Jakuzure: The sky is my world... The kid gloves are off, you stinking bitch!

Ryuko and Jakuzure were racing in the sky as Jakuzure was trying to catch her.

Jakuzure: Listen close, Heaven and Hell! My performance can't be stopped just because she can fly now!

She fires hearts at Ryuko but none of them seem to hit.

Ryuko: "Performance," my ass! All you're doing is taking potshots with missiles!

Senketsu: Ryuko, our only option is to get close and attack. We have the edge in maneuverability.

Ryuko flew into the clouds as Jakuzure stopped firing the hearts at her. Jakuzure lost sight of her which was pretty entertaining to me.

Jakuzure: Where'd she go?

Behind Jakuzure was Ryuko jetting down the sky getting closer to Jakuzure.

Ryuko: Senketsu! We're going to cut that thing down!

Ryuko landed on the airship cutting it down in the middle with her scissor blade. Jakuzure looked on top to see what was wrong.

Jakuzure: Hey! What's the big idea?!

She blew a whistle as a speaker came from the ship and sound waves blasted at Ryuko knocking her back.

Ryuko: You little bitch!

You: Today has really been a long day. Well I hope that those Elite Four members are having fun not fighting anymore.

Mako: Oh, wow! You're flying, you're flying! Ryuko, that's so cool!

Gamagoori: Mankanshoku! Get off of me!

Mako gets off of Gamagoori sitting back down in her seat. Nobody wondered why Sanageyama wasn't there.

Mako: Whew, that was a close call... I almost made Gamagoori angry.

Inumuta: No, he's pretty angry already.

Gamagoori viciously stomped his foot on the ground scaring Mako.

Mako: What?!

Gamagoori: She stole superiority from you with ease! I'm disappointed, Nonon Jakuzure!

Mako: Oh, no! Oh, no! I've gone and made Gamagoori mad! Ryuko, (F/N), I'm in a pinch down here too!

Ryuko flew away from the airship while a lot of the projectiles wasn't aimed at her.

Senketsu: Where are you going, Ryuko?

Ryuko: We can fly. We have the option of going straight for our real target.

Senketsu: Ah, I follow you. Thinking outside the box is your signature move.

Ryuko: Here I come, Satsuki Kiryuin!

Ryuko was flying towards Satsuki Kiryuin ready to attack her but Jakuzure wasn't going to let her do that. Jakuzure's airship hits Ryuko making her hit the ground.

Jakuzure: How dare you try to get between me and Satsuki! Bitch! You're way out of your league!

Ryuko: To hell with your, opinion! I'll take my own path no matter what anyone else says!

Jakuzure: You're a sour note, all right! I'm going to erase you! Have a taste of this! Listen up! Symphony Regalia, Musical Barrage!


Jakuzure shot a bunch of projectiles at Ryuko who manages to dodge a couple of them but having a hard time with the missiles. Suddenly Ryuko throws a missile at Jakuzure as it hits her Goku Uniform exploding. It began to rain musical instruments one of the instruments hits me on the head but I felt nothing. Jakuzure was now without her Symphony Regalia.

Jakuzure: Ouch... I can't believe she did that. Ow!

She was hit in the back of the head as she looks up at Ryuko floating above her.

Ryuko: Hey, what's up with your performance? Can't you fly anymore? Cause if you can't... that's gonna be awfully inconvenient for you. Your butt is ours now! She's all yours, Senketsu!

Ryuko hit Jakuzure from all over the place as Jakuzure couldn't do anything about it.

Senketsu: Yes, leave her to me! Flying through the air is rather fun!

Jakuzure: Wait! If I can't fly anymore, isn't the cliche that you come down here to challenge me?

Ryuko: You gotta go all the way when you win or it'll come back to bite you! Finishing move: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

Jakuzure was appeared to be defeated but I felt something was off.

Ryuko: What's wrong, Senketsu?

Senketsu: I have not achieved Sen-i-Soshitsu yet. I was unable to absorb her Life Fibers.

Satsuki: Underestimate the Elite Four at your peril, Ryuko Matoi.

Students: Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!

Ryuko: What the hell?

Everyone kept screaming encore and I knew the fight wasn't over yet. A pink light appears as Jakuzure rose from the ground.


Jakuzure: Symphony Regalia Da Capo! For our encore, let's go with one of the standards!

Ryuko and Mako: There's more?

Gamagoori: What you are about to witness is the true power of a Three-Star Goku Uniform!

Inumuta: Jakuzure never knows when to end a performance. They drag out after the encore.

Jakuzure: For my finale, a tune known to children everywhere! Beethoven's Symphony No. 5: "Fate"!

Jakuzure hat began to play Beethoven shooting a giant projectile which Ryuko was barely able to dodge.

Ryuko: The sound on that thing!

Jakuzure: I'm just getting warmed up!

She makes the beam get bigger as Ryuko was on the ground due to the intensity of the sound she couldn't get up.

Ryuko: What's wrong, Senketsu? Your connection is weak!

Senketsu: I don't know. But your voice is faint.

Ryuko: My voice?

Senketsu: Yes. And that music sounds incredibly loud.

Ryuko: What?

Jakuzure: I see you are confused, transfer student. The rhythm blasted out by my Goku Uniform resonates with the targeted Life Fibers, manipulates them, and inflicts damage. That is the power of any Symphony Regalia Da Capo! You've been reduced to a wooden doll that can only sit there and bear the brun of my baton's attacks!

Jakuzure protectile was done firing as dust was all over the place I just look at the area kind of worried but not as much. I see Ryuko kneeling on the ground which wasn't nothing new.

Ryuko: Shut out all the extraneous noise, Senketsu.

Senketsu: As much as I'd love to, every last Life Fiber in my body is vibrating to that music.

Ryuko: All right, then...

Ryuko began doing some mediating posing.

Jakuzure: And now, it's time for the encore to come to an end!

Jakuzure began charging another attack to hit Ryuko with.

Jakuzure: Here's your finale! Your "fate" ends here!

Jakuzure fires at Ryuko it hits her making the area around her explode. But streams of purple light were beaming out as Ryuko was deflecting the beam spinning her Scissor Blade.

Jakuzure: My music isn't ringing out?

Inumuta: It's not that it isn't ringing out.

Mako: Whatwhatwhatwhat?

Gamagoori: What is it?

Inumuta: Mario is taking the rhythm emanated by Jakuzure and using that technique to make it resonate and turning it into a pure tone.

Mako: Pure tone?

Inumuta: She's altering the frequency of the waves Jakuzure is giving off to match her own. Although the sound is muddy on impact, it eventually matches her own natural frequency. Just like a turning fork.

Mako: So what you're saying is, Ryuko is really awesome!

Gamagoori: Mankanshoku has boiled down your complicated information to it's essence. This is what you mean by pure tone?

Inumuta: This is what I mean by pure stupidity.

Ryuko: Can you hear now, Senketsu?

Senketsu: Yes, loud and clear. This is your heartbeat, Ryuko?

Ryuko: That's right, ignore every other sound. Just focus on mine.

Senketsu: It is most pleasant. So this is your sound.

Jakuzure: Impossible! My attack isn't working?

Inumuta: No, it's much worse than that.

Ryuko: Time to... send it back! Senketsu Mubyoshi!


Ryuko begins sending the blast back to Jakuzure it seems as if Ryuko was winning.

Jakuzure: She's trying to drive me back? Over my dead body!

It was beam struggle between Ryuko and Jakuzure and well I was more intrigued by this.

Ryuko: What's that? I can't hear a single note you're playing!

Ryuko now had the advantage against Jakuzure.

Jakuzure: Y-You stinking, stinking, stinking bitch!

Ryuko: Give it a rest, already!

Ryuko won the beam struggle Jakuzure and I just smile at this.

Jakuzure: No way!

Inumuta: The frequencies emitted by the Kamui, which is made of 100% Life Fibers, are far more powerful than Jakuzure's Goku Uniform! Her sound is being negated!

Jakuzure: M-My Symphony Regalia!

Ryuko got her scissor blade as she was now ready to finish.

Ryuko: Let's do it! Scissor Blade: Decapitation Mode! It's curtains for you!

Ryuko finished the battle with a final slash and I just clapped at this but now I was next to fight Ryuko.

Ryuko: Finishing move: Sen-i-Soshitsu!

Jakuzure's Life Fibers were absorbed into Senketsu.


Mako: She did it! She did it, she did it, she did did did did it! You're here too, Jakuzure!

Inumuta: I manage to collect excellent data. Thank you.

Jakuzure: Bite me. The next time you butt in, I'm gonna witch out the lenses of your glasses with non-prescription ones.

Inumuta: Oh, how fascinating. I'll file away that bit of snide commentary.

Mako: Excuse me, aren't you going to chew out Jakuzure? Y'know, like, "Why are you wearing a tracksuit?"

Gamagoori: I'm not that sort of shameless wretch.

Mako: Oh, girls get a free pass!

You: Then it is my turn.

Ryuko: Now time for me to fight you, dumbass!

You: No holding back now! Just because we are friends you don't hold back.

I take off my glasses and instantly changed into my costume. I had my arms folded together while I was floating down to Ryuko. She smirked at me as she transformed while I didn't even bother budging from my spot.

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu!

You: Heh, well now you face me Ryuko Matoi! The Man of Steel! Superman!


Satsuki: Superman! I have a proposition for you. If you defeat Ryuko Matoi in battle, then I shall have your father in the best of hands here. He shall be fine afterwards.

You:... You mean? I can help pa after all...

Ryuko: You're dirty for using his father like that!

You: I-I'm sorry Ryuko... But I am doing this for my father.

Ryuko: (F/N)! Grrgh Senketsu we have to be careful with him!

Senketsu: Ryuko, I was mostly worried about you fighting him! He is on a completely different level.

Ryuko: I know that! I am worried about fighting him too... But we must not hold back!

Senketsu: Right!

I finally moved my arms as I cracked my knuckles and my neck ready for the fight to begin. Ryuko just smirks as I did the same this was finally the moment where I get to see how far Matoi has come.

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